Oregon VOLUME 21 EUGENE, OREGON, SATURDAY, Emerald NUMBER 86 JUNE 5, 1920 mo NEW BUILDINGS TO BE COMPLETED BT FULL, IS FLAN Board of Regents Meets in June to Approve Officials’ Program $1,500,000 TOTAL BUDGET Recitation Hall Near Education Build ing and Women’s Dormitory in Scheme Two new* buildings will be ready for use upon the campus by the opening of the fall term if the June meeting of the bohrd of regents approves the present plans of the University offi cials for remedying overcrowded con ditions, according to Karl Onthank, secretary of President Campbell. These new buildings will include a recitation hall to be erected on the quadrangle of which the Education building is the first unit, and a wom en’s dormitory unit following out the building plans which call in time for four or five women’s dormitory build ings facing a common court with Hen dricks hall, and using the present din ing room. Specifications have not been drawn up as yet, but both buildings will nec essarily be comparatively small in order that they may be completed in time for the opening of the fall term. The recitation building will help re lieve the congestion in the present buildings and from all indication» will be greatly needed before another year, according to Mr. Onthank. work on the women’s building is also being pushed in hopes that it. too, may be available for use this fall, although it may not be entirely completed. It is probable that some of its rooms will temporarily be used for purposes oth er than originally intended until some other means of meeting congested conditions have ben provided. No definite plans for its utilization have been made so far, Mr. Onthank said. First Step in Program. The authorization of the two new buildings now being sought from the board of regents is the first step in a comprehensice building program which accordingto President Campbell will probably provide for the expenditure of nearly $1,500,000 in the next five years. The program is designed to provide the University with the build ings most needed first and, as rapidly as funds are available for this pur pose. Among other additions to Ore gon’s permanent halls a science build ing can be looked for in the near fu ture as well as some move to provide adequate room for the University li brary. Later in the program will come more recitation buildings, • a modern men’s gymnasium and the much need ed auditorium to release Villard for remodeling into recitation rooms. Thus, according to President Camp bell, does the University plan to meet the obligation placed upon it by the splendid vote of confidence of the people of Oregon in the recent elec tion A university extended along the present lines and guided by the ideals and traditions of Old Oregon, he feels, will give the people the best returns on the money they are investing in Tiigher education. The internal de velopment as regards standards of (Contineud on page four) LAST MUSIC FESTIVAL PRACTICE ON SUNDAY Day to Be Given Over to the Cantata, “The Rose Maiden” and Opera, “Cavalleria Rusticana” A complete rehearsal of the opera “Cavalleria Rusticana,” and the can tata “The. Rose Maiden,” to be given June 7, 8, 9, will take place next Sunday, when practically the whole day will be given to it, according to an announcement made by Mr. Albert Lukken, director, at the last practice of the "Cavalleria” Monday afternoon. The rehearsal Monday afternoon was one of action only, according to the participants present at the last drill, who said that the players are progressing very well. One of the most interesting features is, perhaps, the “Drinking Scene” where much stress is being placed upon the action at rehearsal. A great deal of ex citement was caused at the last re hearsal of “Cavalleria” when the par ticipants practiced the use of the dag gers and the correct position of the forceful thrust of death at the enemy. Madame Rose McGrew, sourano solo ist, who is to take an important place in the opera, was unable to he pres ent at the last rehearsal, but since has been practicing with the group. The outcome of the entire assem blage Sunday is going to be the last and best rehearsal of the year, ac cording to the players participating. UNIVERSITY HONORARY SOCIETY ELECTS 16 INSTALLATION TO BE HELD FOR NEW MEMBERS NEXT , WEEK Thirteen seniors and three juniors will be members of the University Honor Society, the new scholarship organization At a meeting of the fac ulty charter members of the society the following were invited to Join: Seniors—Kenneth Bartlett, Estaca da; Lucile Copenhaver, Springfield; Dorothy Duniway, Portland; Andrew Fish, Eugene; Grace Hammarstrom, Astoria; Grace Knopp, Eugene; Luceil Morrow, Portland; Marcus O’Day, Cen tralia, Washingfon; Roberta Scheubel, Oregon City; Evelyn Smith, Red mond; Paul Weidenheimer, Corvallis; Randall Scott, Springfield, and Mar jorie Kay, Salem. Juniors—Wilbur Hulin, Eugene; Dean Moore, Eugene, and Mary Tur ner, Eugene. The new members will be installed next Thursday evening at 6:15 at a dinner at the Anchorage. The new organization, designed to faster scholarship on the campus, will work for the installation of a charter of Pi Beta Kappa at Oregon at the next meeting of the governing board of the organization. This article is to serve as a notice to all the present members to attend the initiation dinner if the individual notice should fail to reach any of them. Student Back for Master’s Degree. Mrs. Annette Vaughan, a graduate of the University in ’18, and who did graduate work here the first two terms the past winter, came back to the campus Friday. Mrs. Vaughan expects to complete her thesis and take enough work in summer school to secure her master’s degree. She has been teach ing in Baker since last January and expects to return there this fall. I Term Examination Schedule The following examination schedule has been issued from the registrar’s office for the spring term: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 16 8:00—3, 4,' 5 hour 8 o’clock classes. 10:00—3, 4, 5 hour 3:15 o’clock classes. THURSDAY, JUNE 17 8:00—3, 4, 5 hour 10 o’clock classes. 10:00—3, 4, 5 hour 1:15 o’clock classes. 1:15—English eompositiorl, Freshmen. FRIDAY, JUNE 18 8:00—3, 4, 5 hour 9 o’clock classes. 10:00—3, 4, 5 hour 2:15 o’clock classes. Courses not scheduled here are to be arranged by instructors. STUDENT OFFH SWORN IN; REPORTS RECEIVED FOR YEAR Financial Report Indicates Profit of $2,000; Best * Year In History OREGON SPIRIT IS PRAISED Pasadena Football Man is Speaker; Emblems Awarded Varsity Men and Women Student body officers for the coming college year were sworn in at the last student body meeting of the year held last Thursday at the regular assembly hour in Villard hall, he following offi cers, which will make up the new regime for the coming year, took the oath of office, administered by the retiring president of the associated students, Stanford Anderson: Presi dent, Carlton Savage; vice-president, John Houston; secretary, Lyle Bry son; editor of the Emerald, Henry Smith; business manager of the Em erald, Raymond Vester; senior men on student council, Lyle Bartholomew, Don Davis and Leith Abbott; senior women on student council, Kate Chat burn, Wanda Brown; junior ihen on student council, Wayne Akers, Norton Winnard; junior women on student council, Ruth Felgal; sophomore man on student council, Tom Watters; ju nior man on executive council, Marc Latham; athletic council, Everett Brandenburg, Glenn Walkley and Si Starr; editor of Oregana, Wanna Mc Kinney; business manager of the Oregana, Warren Kays; and yell lead er, Claire Keeney. Oregon Spirit Praised. Chairman Cimons, of the football committee of the Pasadena Tourna ment of the Roses, spoke for a few moments on Oregon’s football fame. Mr. Simons is in the city visiting one of his old college chums. In speaking of the Oregon spirit he said, “It is a thing I will not be afcle to bottle and uncork when I get back to California, for I understand there is a law in Oregon which forbids the bottling of spirits.” Mr. Simons said that no matter where he heard of the University of Oregon, he heard of the Oregon spirit. Stanford Anderson spoke briefly on what the University had accomplished during the past year, both in athletics, debates and oratory. During the firift tri-mester we accomplished two big things, first, the wonderful football record of the Oregon squad, and Homecoming, which was by far the grandest thing the University had ever put over. The second tri-mester, he said, we beat O. A. C. two games of basketball, put into operation a new point system tor student activities, started work on the millage campaign, established a new cut system, and •won two debate championships. Dur ing the present term the University has annexed four Northwest titles, one each for baseball, track, oratory, and debate. Co-op Plans Explained. • Lyle McCroskey explained several plans for a students’ co-operative store next year. During the past school year a great deal of difficulty has been encountered in securing the necessary textbooks and stationery*- supplies. “Shy” Huntington spoke of the im portance of getting the nest students from the present graduating high school classes to come to Oregon next year. It should be an individual mat ter with each student, he said, to get the* best of the state to come to the University. Huntington did not make a plea for athletics alone, but for high school students who stood high schol astically as well as in athletics. Graduate Manager Marion McClain made a financial report for the year as near as he could glean the figures from the books of the secretary. The fiscal year does not end until Septem ber. The total income for the year reached $51,328.21, including about $9000, which was borrowed for the work on the new athletic field. Total expenditures for the college year reached $50,370. When outstanding bills had been met, Mr. McClain thought the student body would come (Continued on page 4) MUSIC FESTIVAL STAR HAD TWELVE YEARS IN GERMAN GRAND OPERA Madame Rose McGrew Has No Desire To Go Back Now But Liked Work There STUDENTS GO ELSEWHERE Milan and Paris Attract Many Who Formerly Would Have Gone to Kaiser’s Land “Oh, no, I wouldn’t care to go back to Germany now. I’m too American.” As Madam Rose McGrew, who will sing the leading soprano role in the music festival next week, said it she smiled engagingly, but in an after thought added quickly, “However, I’m glad that I went there for I know that what I have will stand the test of time. Germany is the hardest coun try in the world to make good in be cause the people are so imbued with their own superiority, and one must work. “Would I advise young American music students to go to Germany to study now? No; for there is too much of a hurt feeling there now, and for his own sake I would suggest that any student wait for two or three years before going to Germany. Very many people, some of my own friends, are going to Milan and to Paris, both of which furnish wonderful opportunities. “You know,” she continued, “it was very strange the way I happened to go there to study. We were living in Denver, where I was in high school. A German lady^ who sang in the choir in our church was going back to Ger many and she offered to take me with her.” Schwerin First Engagement The first six months in Germany were spent in learning the language, but after that Rose McGrew traveled about studying and perfecting her art. Her first operatic engagement was at Schwerin, the capital of the grand duchy of Mecklenburg, where Madame went after studying at Dresden. At Schwerin she sany coloratura parts in an old court theatre for three years, at the end of that time going to the Royal Theatre at Hanover, one of the theatres owned by the emperor. It was here that she commenced to sing lyric parts such as Marguerite' in Faust, Elza in Lohengrin, and Undine. Dramatic roles took the place of lyric parts when she had taken an engagement at Breslau, in northeast ern Prussia. During the last three of the six years spent there she creat ed many new roles which had not been sung before, among them being Strauss’ “Rose Cavalliera.” Her 12 years of grand opera in Germany com pleted Madame McGrew started tra velling as soloist with Frederick Neil Innes, world famous bandmaster. (Continued on page 5) EMERALD “O” AWARDS Earle Richardson Charles Gratke Jacob Jacobson Ariel Dunn Dorris Sikes Mary Lou Burton Frances Quisenberry Floyd Maxwell Bab Leavitt Stanley Eisman Pauline Coad Annamay Bronaugh Johnny Dierdorff Harry Ellis Mildred Weeks Raymond Vester Webster Ruble * Numerals awarded to those who previously earned their “O’s” are: Leith Abbott Dorothy Duniway Lyle Bryson Harry Smith Nell Warwick Helen Manning Adelaide Lake Louise Davis Raymond Lawrence Eleanor Spall Wanna McKinney Warren Kays Elston Ireland 1 CONDON CLUB HOLDS ANNUAL ELECTION Installation Dinner for Members to Be Given At Anchorage Next Wednesday Evening Members of the Condon Club, branch of the Geological and Mining Society, of American Universities, held their annual spring election of officers last night. The officers elected were: President, Claire P. Holdredge of Trent, Oregon, reliev ing Hubert Schenk, Vice president, Merril D. Ely, of Portland, relieving Claire Holdredge, and Rachael Hus band of Eugene, re-elected secretary treasurer. An installation dinner for the members, active, honorary and asso ciate, with their friends, will be given Wednesday evening, evening at the Anchorage, at six o’clock. The program will consist of speeches I and feature songs by the club quar tet composed of Victor Husband. Leo Hartloin, Delmar Powers, and Paul Cook. TEXON IS NAME OF NEW HONORARY FRATERNITY * - UPPERCLASS STUDENTS IN ART AND ARCHITECTURE ELIGIBLE Texon (pronounced Teck-na) is the name of a new local honorary frater ternity formed on the campus for art and architecture students. Member ship in the fraternity Is limited to upper classmen whose general schol arship averages M plus or better, but it is not limited to those who are majoring in architecture. The constitution and by-laws of the fraternity have been adopted and offi cers elected as follows: Elizabeth Hadley, president; Beatrice Weather bee, vice-president; Germany Klemm. secretary; Sam Lehman, treasurer; Lyle Bartholomew, manager, and Mrs. Alfred Schroff, advisor. Charter members are: Elizabeth Hadley, Lyle Bartholomew, Irving Smith, Cleo Jenkins, Germany Klemm, Marion Ady, Lorna Meisner, Sam Lehman, Eyler Brown, Myrtle Joyner, Mildred Oliver, Wanda Keyt, and Beatrice Weatherbee. Ye Tabard Inn of Sigma Upsilon elects Earle Richardson. EDDIE DURNO APPOINTS MEMBERS OF GREATER OREGON COMMITTEE Organization of Campaign for Millage Bill to Be Followed LIST CONTAINS 27 NAMES Each Student to be Held Responsible for Definite Accomplishments, Says Chairman Greater Oregon committee members were appointed today by Eddie Durno, chairman for 1920-21. The list is not as long as the one for last year, as it is Durno’s policy to concentrate the re sponsibility and hold each member ac countable for definite accomplish ments. The organisation used during the millage campaign will be followed this summer by the Greater Oregon committee. Will Announce Meeting. “Plans for the summer work,” said Durno, “ will be outlined at a meeting next week.” The time for the meet ing will be announced later.” Although the committee members are held di rectly responsible for the work,” add ed Durno, “every student is expected to do his best in co-operating with them.” Committee Is Named. The committee members follow: Eddie Durno, chairman; Dorothy Wootton, Cecil Ross, James Say, Earl Conrad. Lyle Bartholomew, Mae Bal lack, Ken Lancefleld, B. Weatherbee, Silas Starr. Wilbur Carl, Wes Prater, Kate Chatburn, Gladys Lane, Jobn Houston, Jack Beneflel, Wayne Hunt, Wayne Akers, Helen Nelson, Leta Kiddle, Wanda Brown, Annette Leon ard, Wm. Blackaby. Arthur Hicks, Harold Lindley, Carl Newbury, Wm. Reinhart, Johns Alexander, Visits on Campu|. “Sandy” Leonard, a student in the University Medical School in Port land, and a former student on this campus, came from Portland Sat urday to visit his sister, Annette Leonard, of Hendricks hall. He was entertained at the Sigma Chi house. Fund For Women’s Building May Be Filled This Month SENIOR AUTHOR OF NOVEL Paul F. i Weidenheimer of Corvallis Turns In Work for Term Thesis “The Gray Boulder,” a novel of 175,0000 words was turned In as a term thesis In the department of rhetoric by Paul P. Weidenheimer, a major in th department. Mr. Wei denheimer, will graduate this June, having finished the course in three years taking two years of short story writing. He applied for hon ors this year. Next year he expects to teach, and the following year hopes to enter the profession of authorship, according to Professor W. F. G. Thaeher of the rhetoric department. The story is entirely original and although it has a plot the chief in terest is centered about the develop ment and revelation of a young boy in a small community of Oregon. Mr. Thaeher said the work is well composed fictional material and worthy of much credit and praise. An enormous amount of effort has been spent upon the production of the book, he said which is only an example of his year’s work which has been consistently excellent. The book will be submitted soon to the publishers, lie said. • p ••••••••• • • • • There will be a student body • • diyice Tuesday afternoon from • • 2 to 4 in the men’s gymnasium, • • according to an announcement • • made this afternoon. • Catholics to Meet. There will be a meeting of all Catholic students Sunday morning at 9 o’clock in the parish hall to meet Father O’Hara and talk over plans for next year. Only $10,000 Yet To Be Raised; Structure To Be Ready For Fall Term Only $10,000 more remains to be raised to complete the fund for the erection of the Women’s Building. This announcement was made by Mrs. Irene H. Gerlinger, who is in charge of the fund. It is hoped, she said, that the announcement can he made on commencement day that the total amount has been subscribed. The University has already turned over three $25,000 payments on the $100,000 fund to the state, according to L. H. Johnson, comptroller. There is at present $10,000 in the hands of the University and an additional $5, 000 outstanding In pledges which have not yet fallen due. It is expected that the building will be completed by the beginning of the fall term. Work on the struc ture was delayed somewhat during the past few months, owing to the shortage of brick. Sufficient material is now on hand to allow the work to proceed uninterrupted. The completion of the Women’s Building this year will mark the close of a campaign for funds ex tending over five years. The first subscriptions to the fund were made in 1915. Through an agreement with the state, the University was to match, through voluntary subscrip tions, $100,000 voted for the building by the state, making $200,000 in all. Actual work on the building was started last year. An appropriation of $50,000 for furnishings was made by the special session of the legisla ture last winter.