Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, June 01, 1920, Image 1

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volume 21
NO. 85
Dr. W. T. McElveen of Portland
Will Deliver Baccalaureate
Sermon In Villard
Dr. Ernest Hiram Lindley, President
of Idaho University Will Give
Monday Address
Elaborate^plans for the Commence- ■
ment program, to be held June 18,1
19, 20, and 21, were just completed
this morning at die president’s of-1
flee. During this week-end many
graduates are expected to return to
visit their alma mater and there
will be special reunions of the earlier
graduating classes, starting with the
class of ’80.
Important meetings of the Alumni
and the Alumni Council will be held
the morning of,Alumni Day, -•Satur
day, Jund519, while at noon there will
be a University luncheon for gradu
ates and invited guests. The presi
dent reception will be held in the
afternoon, at Hendricks hall, from
3 to 5 o’clock.
Dr. McElveen to Speak
Dr. W. T. McElveen of the First
Congregational church of Portland,
will deliver the baccalaureate ser
mon at Villard at 11 o’clock on Sun
day. A sacred concert under the
direction of the School of Music will
be held in the afternoon at 4:30.
“The University and Vocations of
Men,” is the topic chosen by Dr.
Ernest Hiram Lindley, president of
the University of Idaho, who will
give the Commencement address,
Monday morning at 10 o’clock. The,
degrees will be conferred on mem
bers of the graduating class at this
Custom to be Carried Out
The Flower and Fern procession,
tin old time custom, inaugurated by
Dr. Luella Clay Carson, who was once
professor of English in the Univer
sity, will be greatly appreciated by
members of the earlier classes. The
graduates, the incoming senior class
and the women of the student body
will gather east of Villard and march
around the quadrangle. Garlands of
flowers and ferns are carried and
Oregon songs will oe sung. Music
will be furnished by the Univer
sity orchestra.
Last year, the procession had to be
called off on account of heavy rain
storms, although everything had been
carefully planned for the ceremony.
This year, great enthusiasm is be
ing displayed and it is expected that
this will be one of the most inter
esting events of the week.
^3" complete progra mwill be:
Friday, June 18
7:30 Flower and Fern Procession,
East of Villard.
8:30 Failing-Beekman Oratorical Con
test, Villard hall.
Alumni Day, Saturday, June 19
9 a. m. Meeting of Alumni Council,
Johnson hall.
11 a. m. Meeting of Alumni Assn., in
Johnson hall
12 o’clock University dinner to alum-!
ni and invited guests, and special
reunion 'of classes of 1880,
1895. 1900, 1905, 1910, 1915 in
the Outdoor gymnasium
3* to 5 President’s reception Hend
ricks hall.
Sunday, June 20
11 a. m. Baccalaureate sermon, Vil
lard hall.
4:30 Sacred Concert, Villard hall.
Monday, June 21
10 a.. Commencement address and
conferring of degrees, Villard,
Committae Meetings Held
The committee on graduation de
ficiencies and the committee on mil-!
itary credits will meet Wednesday
afternoon, according to Mrs. George J
Fitch, chief clerk in the registrar’s
office, and seniors who have difficul
ties in either of ■ these should have
their petitions in to the office be
fore Wednesday afternoon. This will
probably be the last chance for sen
iors to fix up these things said Mrs.
Geology Trip Taken to Lava Beds
And Ice Caves In Mountains
of Southern Oregon
A trip arijpnd the Cascade moun
tains has been the experience of
Dr. Warren D. Smith, of ttie geol
ogical department of the University,
who has just returned after an ex-,
tended jaunt to the mountains and
lava beds of southern Oregon. Ac
companied by Don Belding, a grad
uate of the Universitf, and by Cap
tain Applegate, the sole survivor of
the Modoc Indian wars, Dr. Smith
visited the lava beds and ice caves*
which are just over ,the border in
California, near Klamath Falls.
There is a plan under considera
tion, said Dr. Smith, to ask the pres
ident of the United States to make
this lava and cave region a national
The route from Klamath Falls to
Bend, lay over great lava beds, he
continued, and this part of the trip
was made by stage. Every snow
capped peak in the Cascades was
visible at some time during, this trip,
he said, and the sight was a won
derful one.«
- i
Last Student Body Meeting of Year
is Thursday Morning
Installation of student body offic
ers for the coming school year will
be the drawing card to the studjttt
body meeting Thursday morning at
11 o’clock in Villard hall. Besides
the installation of officers there will
be the reports of the standing and
special committees, old and new bus
iness to come before the student as
sembly, and the report of the gradu
ate manager, according to Stan And
erson, president of the Associated
Students for this year.
This will be the last meeting of
the student body for the present
school year.
Oregon Club Men to Gather at 5
P. M.f Thursday Instead of 7
The meeting hour of the Oregon
Club men to perfect a re-organiza
tion has been changed from Thurs
day at 7, to Thursday at 5, on ac
count of the Seabeck ride, which
begins at 7p. m. The meeting is
to be held in the Y hut, and plans
for next year are to be discussed.
All non-fraternity men are urged to
be present by those behind the re
organization movement
Business to come up before the
meeting includes election of officers
for next year, and the formafton of
a constitution and policy.
Scholarship Bryn Mawr Given Strong
Oregon Student
Luceil Morrow, of Portland, honor
student in the department of English
literature, has just received notjSe
that she has* been awarded a schol
arship in English at Bryn Mawr for
next year. The scholarship is for
$200. Miss Morrow will work for her
master’s degree at the eastern col
lege. She will leave Portland in Sep
Miss Morrow is one of the few stu
dents who will be graduated with
honors in general scholarship this
year. She is a member of Scroll and
Script, honorary society for senior
women, of The Dial and of Eutaxian.
Students 19-24 Eligible for Cadet
Training; Exams July 12
The Uuited States Coast Guard has
written to Karl Onthank, executive
secretary, announcing competitive
examinations beginning July 12 of
this year, for cadets and cadet en
gineers who desire to complete their
education and receive special training
by the government.
At the end of this training they
will be given commissions in the par
ticular branch entered Students be
tween the ages of 18-24 are eligible
for cadet training, and those between
the ages of 20-25 for cadet engineers.
The training will be done on a prac
tice ship.
Reholdirrg of Contest Gives
First Place to Oregon in
Tri-State League
Mixup Occurs in Awarding of Prize;
Oregon Representative First
Thought to be Loser
Fred Coley, of the University of
Oregon, is the final winner of the
Fri-state Oratorical Contest as a re
sult of the reholding of Frilay’s con
test last night. A summation ■ of
points gives Coley two first and a
second on composition .and a first
and two seconds on delivery while
Kenneth Cole, of the University of
Washington, secured two firsts and
a second on delivery and a first, sec
and and third on composition. This
puts the Oregon man one point in
the lead and gives him the prize.
Owing to a misunderstanding on
the part of the chairman, who figured
on a percentage basis instead of hy
straight points as is the custom, it
was given out last night that Cole
had won. When the points were
checked up, however, it was found
that Coley was the rightful victor
and as the Washington man has re
turned to Seattle, steps are being
taken to inform him of the final
result and keep him from collecting
the cash prize of $100.
First Meeting Friday
The contest was re-held last night
because Cole failed to appear last.
Friday night as a result of a mis
understanding of the date hy his
manager. He arrived Saturlay and
in order to give him a fair chance
arrangements we^p made to have the
deliveries judged again. R. R. Bres-,,
hears, of the University of Idaho,
was eliminated from the competition
by the decisions of the judges Fri
day so Coley and Cole were the only'
speakers last night.
The percentage basis is used only
in the event of a tie in points be
tween the contestants. A tie oc
curred last year and when the re
sults wer efigured from the percent
ages gives by the judges Joseph
Boyd, of the University of Oregon,
was found to be the winner. The
use of this basis to settle the tie
last year gave the chairman last
night to understand that it was used
all the time.
$100 Goes to Winner
A dispute will probably result as
to who is the winner of the prize
of $100, which is offered by the
Honorable E. F. Blaine, of Seattle,
but the summation of points gives
Coley a definite lead over his com
The address given by Coley was
entitled, "Call no Man Common,”
and that of Cole was, “Theodore
Roosevelt” Coley is a senior in the
University and is a major in the
sociology department.
Miss-Thomson Pleased With Early
Trials In Distance Shooting;
High Mark 423 Feet
The first records made at the Uni
versity for flight shooting, a new
phase in archery being worked up
in Miss Harriet Thomson’s classes
in which the archer shoots for dis
tance rather than for the target,
were made on May 27, when E.
Grace Young established the best
record, shooting a distance of 423
feet 8 inches. Frances Moore ,was
second with,401 feet 5 inches. Anna
Hill shot 392 feet six inches and
Mabel Smith 346 feet.
The greatest record in flight shoot
ing made by men is a distance of
900 feet, made with a 60 pound bow.
The bows used by Miss Thomson's
classes average about 28 pounds and
the distances made are almost half
as great as those made by men with
stronger bows and much longer prac
Davidson Bids Well to Become
“Babe Ruth” of Doughnut •
Jimmy Ross Startles Natives at
Short; Liebe Leads Losers at
Bat and in Field
• . Won Lost Per
• Sigma Chi .1 0
• Sigma Nu .1 0
• Weona . 1 0
• Owl Club .1 0
• Delts (No game.)
• Kappa Sigs (No game.)
• Phi Delts (No game.)
• Friendly hall (No game.)
• Fiji (No game)
• Oregon Club (No game.)
This afternoon the Delt and Kap
pa Sig doughnut baseball teams willl
play, also the Phi DeltS and Friend
ly hall. Then with the playing of
the Fiji vs. Oregon club game on
Wednesday afternoon at 4o’ftlock, the
first round of doughnut baseball will
be completed, and the schedule for
the semi-finals will be arranged.
No fooling the Owl club vs. S.
A. E. game was a pippin, and the
wise boys carried off the big end of
the score, 8 to 4. Jimmy Ross, who
covered short stop on the Owl club
team, performed with suclt ability
that much comment has been .caus
ed thereof. Ross covers the field
like an army blanket on a cold
night, and knows how to segregate
the balls from strikes. Roy David
son did considerable work with the
club in whanging out a two and a
three bagger.
The S. A. E.’s were short on
hashers, and they used two; but with
out avail for the Owl clubbers merci
lessly knocked them wherever the
old coach told them to. Both Liebe
and Greer toiled for the Sig Alphs
in an attempt to stem the onrushing
defeat, but the newer club was Im
Owl Club May Surprise
The Owl club team is one of ,the
unaccounted for prospects for the
championship. They look like a
mighty good outfit, and may pull
the old Jo surprise on some of the
"sure” champions.
The lineup was:
Owl club: Fuller, c; Greer, Liebe,
p; Ford, 1st; Beck, 2nd; Liebe, ss;
Harper, 3rd; Tuve, rf; Rouslow, cf;
Littlefield, If.
S. A. E.: Say, c; Taylor, Evans, p;
Meador, 1st; Campbell, 2nd; Sum
merville, 3rd; Ross, ss; Walker, Bell,
rf; McArthur, If; Davidson, cf.
Where i8 Cup?
It is about as hard to get any
dope on who will win the doughnut
championship as it is to find out
who the president of Mexico is. The
Delt-Kappa Sig game will be the best
contest of the preliminary round, as
both houses has fast, snappy teams
that will make a big yell for the
Cup? Yes, where is it? The
teams winning for the last two years
Phi Delts, and Oregon club, have
not received the cup to which they
are entitled; because of winning the
championship, and because each or
ganization pays two dollars to the
inter-fraternity council to buy the
cup. The mystery is: where does
the money go, and if there is a cup
where is it?
Dean Fox is Speaker
Dean Elizabeth Fox is attending a
convention of the state Federation
of Women’s Clubs at Enterprise this
week, and will address the assembly
there. The convention will last un
til the last of this week.
President Campbell in Portland
Pr3sident P. L. Campbell is speak-'
ing this evening at the annual Medi
cal School Alumni banquet in Port
land. He will return to the JJni
versity tomorrow.
Trucks Will Carry Students to Co
burg Bridge Where Big Bon
fires Await
The ticket sale for the big Seabeck j
ride on Thursday evening at 7 o’clock;
will begin tonight at the various
houses of the campus. The arrange
ments are completed which will make
this the big event of the season.;
Trucks, and other means of trans-;
portation will take the students to
Coburg bridge where several ini-1
mense bonfires will he ready for tin'
marshmallows which will be toasted.:
Splendid music has been secured for
the occasion and there promises to
be several quartets to keep things
livened up.
Every student the university is
expected to go and absolutely no
dates will bo allowed. The men will
meet at the hut and the girls at
the bungalow to insure this. Of
cours it is quite likely that the
crowd will be so large that they will
overflow and mingle on Thirteenth
street, but-.
Elsie Marsh Will Show Pictures
Taken While There
A talk on India by Elsie Marsh,
who with her parents spent several
■years there, will be the principle
feature of the regular meeting of the
Y. W C. A. at the Bungalow on
Thursday at 4:45. The talk will be
illustrated with stereopticon pictures
which were taken while Miss Marsh
was in India.
There will be special music, and
p#nch and wafers will be served.
As there will be only two more meet
ings of the association this term it
is especially asked that all girls at
tend both. It will be necessary for
the local association to vote on the
new membership basis if it is to
go into effect this coming year, and
all girls interested in being able to
vote next year will profit by voting
at the next two meetings on the
Francb-Amerlcan Exchange Offers
Places In French Schools
The Franco-American Exchange of
Fellowships and Scholarships an
nounces the offering of 21 scholar
ships and fellowships to American
born women, for next year, accord
ing to information received by Karl
Onthank, executive secretary. Of
this 21, 19 are in French I^ycees, and
three in an Ecole Normale. The
schools offering the honors are sit
uated at Paris, Tours and at Caen
The scholarships and fellowships
carry with them a 30 per cent re
bate on the passage over and back,
and includes all board, lodging and
tuition fees. The students have only
incidental expenses to meet them
selves. A fair knowledge of French
is required.
Hayward’s Men Nose Out O.A.C.
By Three Point Margin; Last
Events Decide Day
Varsity Loses Big Men by Gradua
tion; Trainer Counts on Fresh
men to Bolster ’21 Prospects
The Northwest Conference Meet at
Pullman on Saturday marked a thrill
ing close to* the Varsity track sea
son when Bill Hayward’s men pulled
ahead of O, A. C. in the last events
of the day and won the meet by a
three point margin. Hank Foster
again shono for the Oregon team.
The Varsity captain annexed three
firsts and was a member of the vic
torious relay team which won the
deciding event of the day. Abbott,
Bartlett, Walkley • and Knudsen each
added his quota to the total which
lead the field at the finish.
Of the team which has upheld
the lemon-yellow for the 1920 sea
son, Captain Hank Foster has been
the outstanding star. In the two
dual and two conference meets
which made up the University of
Oregon’s track season Foster piled
up a total of 52j<J points. He was
high point man in three out of the
four meets which he entered. Cap
tain Foster finished his third sea
son on the Oregon varsity and is in
eligible for further service.
Ken .Bartlett finished this season
with a total of 20 points. He was
the only Oregon man to place first
in the Palo Alto meet, and he set
a new coast conference record In
the discus. Bartlett is another pop
ular athlete who wore the Oregon
colors for the last time Saturday.
“Skinny” Hargrave is the third of
Bill’s regulars to be lost by gradua
tion He totaled 12 points for the
season and held his place by con-*
scientlous and dependable work.
Abbott Pile* up 17J4 Points
Leith Abbott, captain-elect, main
tained his last year’s record as a
brilliant half miler. He was also a
member of the Oregon relay team.
His contribution for the season was
a total of 1714 points. Walkley held
his own against Btrong competition
as a distance runner and finished the
season with 20 points to his credit.
Carl Knudsen gave great promise as
a hurdler In the short time he work
ed with the Varsity. He made 9
points in the last two meets Port
wood also added nine points to the
soason total of the Oregon team.
Other point winners were: Case, 6;
Sunderleaf, 4 1-4; Hunt, 3 1-2; Coss
man, 3; Straehan, 3; Hayslip, 1 1-4;
Akers,, 1; and Kennon, 1.
Bill Hayward, veteran track coach,
whose field generalship has been a
strong factor in every meet the Var
(Contineud on page four)
Lyle McCroskey Sues Wife For
Divorce After Oregana Affair
Stanford Representative to Athletic
Conference to Stop On Campus
Miss Helen Bunting, who is an in
structor in physical education for
women at Leland Stanford Univer
sity, is attending the conference of
college women’s athletic associations
at Seattle, this week end. On her re
turn, she will visit the department
here, and will be the personal guest
of Miss Mabel Cummings, director of
physical education.
Miss Bunting is especially interest
ed in the professional course for teach
ers of physical education and wants
to study the methods used at the Uni
versity, in order to obtain ideas for
a similar course which is to be start
ed at Stanford.
Miss Cummings will entertain for
Miss Bunting while she is here, as
will the majors in the department.
Alyg Sutton McCroskey Leaves
Washing and Goes Out With
Harold Wells
“1 suppose that is who you were
out with last night! I thought I left
you home washing clothes!" Lyle
MeCroskey’s harsh voice was aimed
at his wife, Mrs. Alys Sutton Mc
Croskey, whom he found, seated in
the Oregana Monday afternoon en
joying a strawberry special with
Harold Wells.
Taking her strenuously by the
arm, McCroskey shook her, while
Wells, came to her aid and grasped
McCroskey’s coat. “Get out of the
room! Get out x’ll break your
glasses!” said,' McCroskey.' Mrs.
McCroskey, heart broken, and shak
ing with sobs, was led by her es
cort, Wells, while, her husband fol
lowed close behind them.
Due to this particular incident,
(Continued on page 3)