Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, May 29, 1920, Image 1

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volume 21
Difference On League Merely
Question of Authorship
He Declares
American Government Greatst In
World Because Adapted to
Governed, States
Ex-President Taft manifested great
delight when the University quartette
sang the Yale Boola Song at the lun
cheon given in his honor yesterday
noon by the Eugene chamber of com
merce and the University faculty at
the chamber of commerce.
• Mr. Taft lectured at the Armory
last night on the combined topics,
“Americanism vs. Bolshevism” and
“The League of Nations.” He made
a short speech at the luncheon about
the attitude^of the political parties
toward the league.
He explained that the differences
which have been taking place in our
Senate today are merely a question of
authorship. He 'said that in effect
the changes which the Republicans
would haVe made, especially in rela
tion to the article concerning the
Monroe doctrine, are the same as
those the Democrats desire.
“I say to you, gentlemen,” said the
ex-president, “in all good faith, that
the differences propounded and pound
ed in the Senate over Article Ten in
ten years* will seem impossible be
cause they are so ridiculous.”
Hendri.cks Hall Girls Serve
By a special invitation of the cham
ber of commerce the following Hen
dricks hall girls served at the banquet
yesterday noon: Mona Logan, Frances
Moore, Frederika Schilke, Genevieve
Spriggs, Helen Brown, Helen Dustan,
Laura Duerner, Naomi Wilson, Ber
nice Alstock, Dorothy Chausse, Wil
lielmina Becksted, Bonita Kirk, Bertha
Case, Leona Gregory, Margaret Scott.
• Elizabeth Stephenson, Inez King and
Katheryn Ball.
Mr. Taft in his speech at the Ar
mory declared that there is a greater
distribution of wealth, and a greater
distribution of happiness in the Unit
ed States than there is in any other
country in the world, and the reason
is that the form of government is
adapted to the characteristics of the
governed. The right of the individual
to “life, liberty and the pursuit of hap
piness” is the one great principle of
our Constitution, he declared, and this
principle which is based on man’s de
sire for personal gain is the enly in
centive which is great enough to make
for consistent and continued ip’ogress.
No Danger in America
There is no real danger to the Unit
ed States because of the doctrines of
Bolshevism being preached, and the
(Continued on page 2.)
Popular Player On Shy’s Team Hits
.333 Second Season On Varsity;
Made Frosh In '17
William Reinhart, a'* junior from
Salem, has been elected captain of the
1921 varsity baseball team, "as the
successor to Herman Lind, captain of
this year’s nine. Reinhart is a veter
an of the diamond, having had con
siderable experience before coming to
college. He has T>een a member of the
varsity team for tfro years, and was
a player on the freshman team in the
spring of 1917.
“Billy” gained his first knowledge
of baseball in Salem, where he was the
whole show. He played on the Salem
high school aggregation for several
years, and also on the Salem team ip
the inter-city league. Reinhart, a
favorite of the Salem fans, is known
and liked all through the Willamette
On the varsity team “Billy” is
known to the fans as one of Oregon’s
premier sluggers, is batting average
for the season was .333. He is one of
those boys who gives the pitcher heart
failure after his first time up.
Reinhart’s regular position is left field
and he has handled his place in the
garden in big league style this year.
Last year Billy took care of shortstop
on Shy’s nine.
University of Oregon Listed First‘by
Simpson College Weekly
“What college are you going to at
tend?” runs an editorial in “The
Simpsonian”, the weekly newspaper
of Simpson College at Indianola, Iowa.
“Will it be the University of Oregon.
Yale, Harvard, Northwestern, or
Simpson?” Dean John Landsbury, of
the University school of music, is an
alumnus of Simpson College and is
the recipient of the May 17 issue of
“The Simpsonian”, in which the art
icle Appears,
It is significant to me, said Dean
i Landsbury, that the University-©f Ore
gon was mentioned first in the list.
The really big schools in the United
States, Yale, Harvard, and Northwest
ern, were included, and the classifica
j tion shows the sentiment for the Uni
| versify which is held in the east, and
I middle east.
Better come back to Simpson,
though, consluded the article, even if
you do hate the very ground it walks
Notice to Service Men
All ex-service men are invited and
urged to report at the armory Monday
morning at 10 4.M. to# take part in
the Memorial day observance. This
invitation is extended to all ex-service
men, regardless of whether they be
long to any service organization or
Notice to Seniors
All seniors desiring commencement
invitations may obtain them friom,
Harry Jamieson at the Phi Delta
house any time Monday morning.
Kissing; Other Women in Public
Justifies Jilting Decides Jury
Mike Harris Loses Financee,
Job, Health, And Gets
No Damages
When a girl catches her fiance kiss
ing another girl in such a public place
as the Oregana, while evidence that
they had been drinking out of the
same glass with tivo straws still lies
before them, she is justified in,break
ing her engagement with him. Such
was the opinion of the jury which
heard the case of Mike Harris vs. Lu
cille MeCorltle in moot court Thurs
day night.
In spite of the fact that Han is
cla; nod to have lost his health, his
jc !> as night watchman on Kincaid
field, all chances of ever getting mar
ried, and his future support, on ac
count of the sudden fracture of his
engagement to Miss lijcCorkle, the
jury thought it no reason why she
should have to pay him $10,000 dam
ages after he had acted in such a
manner with other women.
The* lily-like character of the plain
tiff, as it was painted by t)ie various
witnesses for the prosecution, was
(Continued on page 3)
First Dress Rehearsal of Music
Festival Set for Monday
Madam Rose McGrew, dramatic so
prano and opera singer, who will sing
the leading roles in the two produc
tions of the Music Festival, ’’Cavai
leria Rusticana” and “The Rose Maid-;
en,” on the week-end of the 9th, 10th
and lltli of June, will arrive on the!
campus Monday. Madam McGrew is
now in Portland and ^arrives in Eu
gene in time for a dress rehearsal of
the two productions at 1 o'clock Mon
Although she has nevgr been in Eu
gene, Madam McGrew has many
friends here arnopg those who have;
heard her sing and among those who
know her personally. She is plan
ning to remain in Eugene for some
time after the festival and while here
will be entertained at the home of
Mrs. H. O. Bowen, a former school
* Riccardo Clark, Spanish tenor, who
will sing the leading tenor roles op
posite Madam MoGrew, is expected
in Eugene on June 5th.
Husky Sigma Chis Slip Over
Army of Runs Qn
Sigma Nus and Weonas Also In Ring
fof Semi-Finals So Far;
Three Eliminated
The A.T.O., Beta, and Bachelordon
doughnut baseball teams have been
eliminated from the league. All of
the other teams remain, but up to this
noon only# the Sigma Chis, Sigma Nus
and Weonas had played their games
and won.
The biggest excitement of the week
was the Sigma Chi vs. Bachelordon
contest, in which the’ husky Sigma
Chis slipped over a whole army of
runs on the Bachelordons, and the
final score after careful counting was
15 to 7. Ifv Roscoe Gawcett had been
there he would have had a world of
fun writing an account of the cavort
ings of the fraternity nines. . Cres
Maddock was there, 190 lbs strong,
pastiming in right field. •
Ten Runs Made
Kennon and Bullock took turns
pitching for the Sigma Chis, and
Milznerdid the hashing for the Bach
elordons. The victors piled up ten
runs in the initial period, and they
slacked on thfeir efforts the rest of the
game. If they hadn’t the scorer would
have haB| writer’s cramp.
Sigma Chis Going* Good
The result of the game showed
that the Sigma Chis are going to be
strong bidders for the title, find they
are working hard to improve their
outfit. The lineup was:
Sigma Chi—Kennon c, Bullock p,
Bradeson 1st, Hazard 2nd, Moore ss,
Elwood 3rd, Hill, cf, Palmer If, Mad
dock rf.
Bachelorrton—Wellington c, Miez
ner p, Kirk 1st, Benedict 2nd, Reese
ss, Woods 3rd, Mclntoch If, Guldager
cf, Patterson rf.
One Game Postponed
The Phi Delt vs. Friendly hall game
was postponed by the Phi Belts until
next Tuesday. The Belts and Kappa
Sigs will unite in a struggle Tuesday
also, which is the last game of the pre
liminary schedule. When these games
have been completed the teams win
ning their games will be matched
against each other for the semi-final
games. On Monday the Fijis will
battle the Oregon club. Johnny Hous
ton will work for the Fiji team.
The Oregon club was out practic
ing with the Friendly hall team this
morning, but they are not up to last
year’s form, and are not expected to
have championship success. The
Friendly hall team is no weak sister,
and they will be heard from next
Gossip has it that the Belt vs. Kap
pa Sig game will be one of the fastest
of the season. Tiny Shields will de
Continued on page 4.
Failure to Improve Scholarship or
Observe Rules After Posting
Chief Reasons
Three students wege dropped from
the University Wednesday by the
probation committee, and one was
dropped at their meeting last even
ing, according to Registrar Carlton E.
Spencer, chairman of the probation
committee. This maftes a total of 13
who have been dropped this year.
Students on probation who have
not complied with the rules governing
this, or w'ho have not improved their
scholarship ard the ones called before
the probation committee. Some of
them have failed to report to their
dean when posted, or have failed to
get in the requird reports when on
probation. These failures, along with
other delinquencies, said Mr. Spencer,
are grounds for dropping a student
permanently from the University.
In order to be readmitted to the
University the student must petition.
Only one such petition was sent in
this year, said the registrar, and this
one was denied.
Cup For Class Baseball Given
Freshman; Frances Moore
Wins Swimming Suit
Phlebe Gage and Dorothy Reed Come
Out Ahead in Canoe Races; Awards
Go to Chandler and Fields
The Hayward cup for baseball was
awarded to the Kappa Kappa Gamma
I baseball team at the annual Field
] Day Meet today on the Campus High
field The cup has been won by the
faculty team, the Triple B team, and
twice by the Oregon Club. Girls a
warded their letters on the baseball
trains were May Hedricks, Frances
Habersham, Emily Perry, Ruth Wolff,
Marian Bowen, Ruth Susman, Flor
ence Jagger, Alice Evans, Mary Irving,
Lois Barnett, Dorothy McKee, Ruth
Austin, Mauna Loa Fallis, Helen Nic
olai, Emma Garbade and Marian Weiss,
Margaret Lucus and Helen Dustin
were ineligible for winning their let
The Hayward Cup for class basket
! ball was awarded to the Freshman
basketball team after the class of ’21
had won the cup for two consecutive
years. ,
Letters given to the players on the
class teams were awarded to Char
lotte Howellsi, Rita Ridings, Emily
Perry, Leila Stone, Dorothy McKee,
Lucy Vandersterre, Grace Rugg, Thel
ma. Stanton, Maud Largent, Cecil
Barnes and Vivian Chandler.
The indoor track cup which has al
so been presented by Bill Hayward,
was won for the second time by the
class of 1922. Letters for the com
petitors in the meet were given to
Leila Stone, Caroline Cannon, Ruth
Susman, Frances Habersham, Doro
-thy McKee, Lucy Vandersterre, and
Helen Reed.
Frances Moore was the winner of
the swimming suit awarded to the
highest point getter in the varsity
swimming meet with O. A. C. The
giris receiving letters for the team
were Frances Moore, Vnlidre Coffey,
Helen Nicolai, Winona Dyer, Caroline
Cannon, Frances McGill, and Helen
l^elson. The freshman class was a
warded the Cummings Cup for swim
ming. The class of 1922 was the win
ner of the trophy last year.
The winners ,of the canoe races
this morning were Phebe Gage and
Dorothy Reed, representing the Soph
omore class, owing to the fact that
they had received their paddles in
the races hist, year these prizes were
J awarded to the jupior class girls rep
resented by Vivian Chandler and Nan
cy Fields.
Baseball letters for the girls play
ing in the varsity baseball game last
j Saturday were awarded to Dorothy
McKee, Emily Perry, Florence Jag
(Continued on page four)
Vivian Chandler Made Sergeant-At
Arms; Lyle Bryson Barber
, After Rair-Raising Race
George Hopkins was chosen presi
dent of next year’s senior class at
elections' held Friday in Johnson hall.
Iiis vote was 51 as compared with 48
received by Eddie Durno, who was run
ning against him. This is almost the
only office in which much interest was
shown, since there was no opposition
for the positions of vice-president, sec
retary and treasurer, which went to
Mergaret Hamblin, Helen Loughary
and Bob Cosgriff, respectively.
Fyr the office of sergeant-at-arms,
Vivian Chandler led with 40 votes a
gainst the opposition composed of
Jack Benefiel, Nish Chapman, Barney
Garrett, Jake Jacohberger, Bobby
Lees and Everett Pixley.
Much campaignir^? and pulling of
hair was caused by the keen competi
tion for1 the office of barber which
went to Lyle Bryson, who led with
33 votes. The count was Rex Yam
isbitas, 1C; Leith Abbott, 16; Harry
1 Smith, 9, and Maud Barnes, 13. o
• No new plans have been
• made by the University for the
• observance of Memorial day,
• Monday, May 31, which has
• been set aside as a holiday
• since Memorial day falls on
• Sunday this year. No classes
• will be held and the students
• are invited to attend the serv
,• ices arranged for by the towns
• people.
• Everyone is asked to meet at
• the armory at 10 A. M. and
• march to the I.O.O.P. cemetery
• on University street where Rev.
• \V. A. Elkins, a foriper chap
• lain in the army and now an
• instructor in the Eugene Bible
• University, will deliver an ad
• dress.
• The order in which the or
• gnnizations will march to the
• cemetery will be in the follow
• ing order:
• Mayor and city council, coun
• ty officials, Elk’s band, militia
%• company, G.A.R., Ladies of the
• G.A.R., Women’s Relief Corps,'
• United Spanish War Veterans,
• American Legion, veterans of
• foreign wars and their auxil
• iaries, lodges, patriotic organ
• izations, school children and
• general jiublic.
• The annua,l memorial address
• will he given by Rev. C. E.
• Dunham, pastor of the First
• Baptist church of this city, in
• the Baptist church, corner of
• Eighth and Pearl, immediately
• following the exercised in the
• cemetery.
Retiring Officers Pass Words of Wis
dom to Successors
“Every dog has his day,” and Thurs
day night was the big time of the year
for the old and new members of the
student council who gathered at the
Delta Gamma house for their annual
informal banquet at G o’clock.
Stanford Anderson, retiring presi
dent of the student body, acted as
toast master for the evening and after
welcoming the newly elected presi
dent and members of the council and
giving them a few words of advice,
he gave a brief summary of the work
done during the year by the outgoing
student governing body.
Student officers and others who res
ponded to toasts were Carlton Savage,
Lindsay McArthur, Johnny Houston,
Era Godfrey, Lyle I fry son, Louise
Davis, Vivian Chandler and Mrs. Ma
rion McClain.
Fred Coley’s Addrejs, “Call No
Man Common,” Awarded
$100 Prize
Failure of Kenneth Cole to Appear
May Necessitate Repititlon;
Idaho Eliminated
Prod Coley, representing the Uni
versity of regon, won the annual tri
state oratorical contest for the cash
prize of $100 which was held in Guild
hall last night. Coley received two
firsts ton composition and two on de
livery. The subject of his address
was “Call No Man Common,” and was
a justification of trade unionism.
Owing to the failure of Kenneth
Cole, the University of Washington
representative, to show up for the
contest, the only other speaker last
night was R. R. Breshears, of the
University of Idaho. His topic was
“The American Plan.” No explana
tion had been received late last night
for the failure of the Washington man
to put in an appearance but if he ar
rives with a valid excuse for being
late the contest will be held over again
tonight between him and Coley, ac
cording to Professor R. W. Prescott,
of the public speaking department.
Last night's results eliminate Bresh
ears from participation in this, if it
is held. Cole was to have talked on
the subject of "Theodore Roosevelt.”
This is the third year in succession
that an Oregon man has won the con
test. Last,year the prize was taken
by Joseph Boyd and the year before
by Abe Rosenberg. The prize is of
fered by ex-Senator Blaine, of Seattle.
This year the contest was held- on
(ho campus for the first time since
it was started.
Judges of delivery last night were
.1. B. V. Butler of Oregon state normal
school, Professor P. O. Franklin of
Willamette university, and Professor
W. II. Lee of Albany colleget The
judges of composition were the heads
of the English departments of Reed
college, Whitman college, and Wash
ington* State college.
In addition to his last nights event,
Coley was winner of the state ora
torical contest which was held at
Forest Grove earlier in the spring.
Ancient Charles, Full of Ginger,
Pulls Farm Wagon to Annual Bust
Ruth Nash, Lois Hall, and Mrs. Paget
Here for Week-End
Ruth Nash, Lois Hull and Beatrice
, Thurston Paget, all former students
of the University, are in Eugene this
week-end, brought here by the Chau
tauqua circuit. Ruth Nash was a sen
ior, but left at the llrst of the spring
term to work !?s a Chautauqua direc
tor. Her work brought her through
Eugene ,and sli^ stopped over night,
leaving Friday morning.
Miss Hall arrived from Drain late
Friday night, for a stay until Sunday,
at the home of her parents. She is
junior supervisor, taking charge of the
children for a morning play and story
hour in the various Chautauqua camps.
Her next stop is Sheridan.
Mrs. Paget accompanies her hus
band, who is a Chautauqua worker.
She is visiting her home for two or
three days, as her circuit brought her
near Eugene.
Elizabeth Aumiller, ’19, is also vis
iting the Delta Gamma house for the
week-end. She comes for a holiday
from her work, which is in Yakima,
Elizabeth Aumiller Visits
Miss Elizabeth Aumiller, 19, is on
the .campus for the week-end from
her home in Yakima, Wash. While
here she is the guest of her sister
Mildred Aumiller at the Delta Gamma
house. Miss Aumiller was associate
editor of the Emerald last year. She
is considering going east to do ad
vanced university work next year.
Seniors Get nth Degree of Jazz
At Sigma Nu House
There are vehicles of many sorts,
and many kinds, but no one ever
guessed that there were as many
means of transportation as were
brought forth to carry the ladies to
the senior party at the Sigma Nu
house last night. Wheelbarrows, bi
cycles, youngster's wagons, one horse
shays, and a farm wagon featured.
The farm wagon was drawn by
Charjes, who is an ancient white
horse, but who has not yet forgotten
his childish tricks, for streetcars and
automobiles still spell terror to him,
and his one steps and shimmies to
the left and right of the street were
a marvel to all those who witnessed
it. Some of the dancing later in the
evening was said to have been copied
from Charles.
The party was decidedly jazzy, and
it is whispered that there were few,
if any, chaperons, and that the party
lasted until—well, we hate to expose
the seniors.
Cres Maddock as the parson made
a decided hit, hut his actions were
deeidodly disapproved of, for most of
his attentions were centered upon the
vamp of the evening, “Red” Sutton.
The Emerald sleuth would like to
expose many more of the class dig
nitaries, hut feels that he cannot do
justice to either their actions nor
their costumes, so will call it square
by voting it an honest-to-goadness|
party and keeping the rest of the
“dopb” out of print.