Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, March 20, 1920, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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The Supreme Test
The University of Oregon—OUR Un
iversity—has reached the supreme crisis of its
existence. The Millage Bill means life or
death to the U. of O. If the bill passes (and
it MUST pass!) it means growth, expansion,
progress, vitality, LIFE. If it fails, it means—
not death, but what is worse—stagnation,
poverty, retrenchment, paralysis, students
turned away, everyone discouraged and hope
less. (And nothing left for Oregon Spirit but
slow music and a yard of crepe.)
This is our job. The campaign man
agers say that if every student at the three
institutions to be benefitted make certain of
ten votes, the bill is practically assured. (No
one, of course, will stop with ten or twenty,
because there are many who can get no votes
at all.) We know what to do. We have
our Instruction Sheets, our Report Blanks,
our Folders and Pamphlets. All that remains
is to put 100 per cent of pep into the job.
-Which Is It Going To Be?
Are We Going to Put it Over?