Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, March 06, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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(By Esther Fell.)
Socvial life has been at a stand
still during the past week due to the
influenza ban, although numerous
picnics were the order of the time.
The paper chase last Saturday morn
ing relieved the spell of a lack of
dances for many, and formed the
chief event of the week-end. Now
that the ban has been lifted, there
is a promise of many dances, formal
and informal, given by the different
organizations on the campus.
The sophomore class dance is the
largest this week, the others con
sisting of informal evening and mat
inee dances.
The men’s gymnasium is the scene
of the hilarious hard time lottery
dance given by the sophomore class
tonight. Informality is the keynote
of the evening, even programs being
taboo. The hard-up guests of the
evening are being refreshed with
baked beans, sausage and pink le
monade. Dean Fox, Miss Perkins,
Dr. Cole, Mrs. Beck, and Dean and
Mrs. Morton have been asked to
oversee the pranksters whose enter
tainment was organized by a general
committee consisting of Elston Ire
land, Phoebe Gage, Clara Calkins,
Clifford Manerud and Roy Veatch.
* • •
The Delta Gamma house is the
scene of a very pretty informal dance
this evening, the house being decor
ated with white lattice work covered
with purple and yellow blossoms,
with a myriad of butterflies of the
same colors floating over the dancers.
Patronesses for the evening are Mrs.
C. C. Page, and Mrs. A. Chatfield.
The guests include Edward Ward,
Floyd Maxwell, Elmo Madden, Floyd
Bowles, Ray Mooers, Chandler Har
per, Jack Benefiel, Stanley Allen,
Adrian Rouslow, Wilbur Carl, Borden
Wood, Jack Young of Portland, Sam
Lehman, Cleo Kirk, William Har
graves, Harris Ellsworth, Ross Mc
Kenna, Joe Ingram, Harry Smith, Wil
liam Collins, Frank Carter, George
Royer, Crecene Fariss, Henry Foster,
Reed McKinney, Roy Stickels, Rich
arl Lyans, Lyle Bartholomew, George
Black, Walter Banks, George McFaul,
Berrian Dunn, Harry Jamieson, Fred
erick Howard, John Elder, Harry
Meyers and Robert Cosgriff.
m * *
Guests of Phi Delta Theta last
Thursday for dinner were Mrs. John
D. Gavin and Mrs. E. B. Lewis of The
Dalles, Allyn Johnson, Margaret Ham
blin, Dorothy Dixon, Era Godfrey,
Inex Lacey, Jeannette Moss, .Mildred
Weeks and Reba Macklin.
* * *
The initiates of Sigma Alpha Ep
silon were hosts for a very enjoy
able matinee dance at the Anchorage
this afternoon. Dean and Mrs. Wal
ter D. Morton chaperoned the affair.
The guests and hosts included Mil
dred Mumby, Ina McCoy, Ellen Gan
tenbein, Dymon Povey, Mauno Loa
Fallis,, Helene Kuykendall, Elizabeth
Geiser, Genevieve Spriggs, Helen
Hooper, Josephine Osterhout, Beth
Shell, Laura Gates, Joe Meagher, Al
bert Woertendyke, Ray Mooers, Er
vin Ludeman, Frederick Howard, War
ren Kays, Newton Bader, Lynn Ful
ler, William Purdy, Donald McDaniel
and Fenton Ford.
• • «
Of interest to University folk will
be the news that Mrs. Paul Hamilton
arrived on Monday to visit her mo
ther, Mrs. C. C. Page, from her home
at Prosser, Washington. Mrs. Hamil
ton, who before her marriage was
Miss Miriam Page, has a host of
friends among both University and
town people, who will be glad to
know that her stay will be of suffi
ciently long duration to permit of in
formal entertaining which will un
doubtedly be done for her.
* * *
R. S. Pratt, a graduate of the Uni
versity of Washington, 1914, who is
in Eugene on business, was a guest
of the S-Maralda club, Monday even
ing. Mr. Pratt is a member of Delta
Kappa Epsilon fraternity and man
aged the campaign that financed the
building of a new chapter house on
the Washingon campus.
* * *
Dr. and Mrs. John Bovard and Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Lomax were guests
of S-Maralda Thursday evening.
• • •
An exchange dinner was featured
by Kappa Sigma and Delta Tan Pelta I
Thursday evening when the upper-!
classmen of the former were guests
at the Delta Tau Delta house, while
guests of Kappa Sigma were the un
derclassmen of the Delta Tau Delta.
* * *
Word has just reached Eugene of
the marriage of Elaine &rown, ex-’19,
to Lloyd Raw, which was an event'
of the last of January in Lewistown,
Montana. Mrs. Raw has a large cir-1
cle of friends and acquaintances in
Eugene and on the campus, as she :
attended the University for a year, ’
when she was a member of Chi ■
Omega fraternity. Mr. Raw is a
prominent young newspaper man of
Lewistown, where they will make
their home.
* * *
Isabel Nelson of Heppner, Oregon, j
was a dinner guest Thursday evening
at the Alpha Phi house.
* * *
Philip L. Hammond, ’14, of Oregon;
City, was a midweek guest at Phi ■
Delta Theta, of which he is a mem-|
» * * *
Helen Curry of La Grande, accom-;
panied by her mother, was a week-i
end visitor at the Gamma Phi Beta
house. Miss Currey will be remem
bered a a graduate of the class of
* * *
Mrs. Homer Price of Dayton, Wash
ington, sister of Ruth Nash, is visit
ing the Dela Gamma house this week.
• • •
Dr. and Mrs. O. R. Gullion and
Edith Judkins were guests of Alpha1
Delta Thursday evening.
» • *
Miss Alice Brown, the sectional
secretary of the Y. W. C. A., was a
luncheon guest Tuesday at the Gam
ma Phi Beta house.
# * *
Eleanor Spall and Mildred Apper
son were dinner guests of Sigma
Delta Phi Wednesday evening.
* * *
Professor and Mrs. A. H. Schroff
of the art department have been
spending a week at Nimrod on the
McKenzie river, and returned Friday
to Eugene. Professor Schroff has
been taking a rest from his many
duties as art instructor.
Election to Be Held March 17;
Delegate Will Attend All
Nominations for Y. W. C. A. of
ficers who will be elected March 17
are announced by the nominating
committee of the association consist
ing of Jeannette Moss, Mary Moore
and Austrid Mork.
For president of the association
Leta Kiddle and Marjorie Holiday are
nominees. Miss Kiddle has been sec
retary of the association since April
of last year, while Miss Holiday has
been a member of the cabinet as
chairman of the Bungalow committee.
Vivian Chandler and Alice Thurs
ton have been nominated for the of
fice of vice-president. Both girls
have been very active in the • Y. W.
C. A. work on the campus. Miss
Chandler acted as chairman of the
social committee and Miss Thurston
had charge of the discussion groups.
Three Run for Secretary
There are three nominations for
the office of secretary. Frances Hab
ersham, Margaret Smith and Ila
Nichols are na\ned as candidates.
Frances Habersham has acted as a
member of the publicity committee,
Margaret Smith was a member of the
finance committee and Ila Nichols as
sisted on the social committee.
Ruth Flegal, who has been a mem
ber of the cabinet since April as
chairman of the conference commit
tee, and Madge Calkins, a member of
the World Fellowship committee, are
nominated for the office of treasurer.
Anyone who desires to make other
nominations for these offices is asked
by the committee to drop the names
of the nominees into the box pro
vided for the purpose at the Bun
Send Delegate to Conferences
This year the members of the Y. W.
C. A. will have the opportunity of
electing a member who will be the
official delegate to all conferences
during the year and take charge of
sending the news of the association
to national headquarters. For this
office Eleanor ^Spall and Jennie Mc
Guire have been nominated. Miss
Spall has acted as a member of the
publicity committee, while Miss Mc
Guire has been a member of the
World Fellowship committee.
Where Are the Reporters?
The editorial staff of the Silver and
Sold, of the University of Colorado,
aas been putting out a paper in spite
of classes not being in session. The
:limax came last week when only
one reporter appeared for duty. A
'ront page story said: “God only
mows where the reporters are. The
iditor seldom does."
Buy a Building Site for your
future Chapter House in an ad
dition that is restricted to use
for residential purposes only.
Kincaid Addition immediately
adjoins the University of Ore
gon campus and will be sold to
student organizations on very
liberal terms.
Write Wester L. Kincaid
526 Henry Bldg., Portland, Ore.
j For
SUNDAY, MARCH 7, 10:30
Dr. H. H. Bell
Who is to be
on the campus with the Interchurch World Movement
team, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, will speak. Dr.
Bell is a big man and this will give Oregon Students an
opportunity to judge the quality of the meetings that are
to follow.
Sincerely yours,
Progressive Shoe Shop
73 East Ninth St. Eugene, Ore.
Where Shall We Go?
where we get the BEST Chocolate
and Toast in Town.
The Oregana Confectionery
llth near Alder
: .a
Any kind Any time
Any place
I he Success or
Comes from a full realiza
tion of what a right lens
is, what it is for, how
'oody’s Toric Lenses
an best
ii/ oaumu wc mouc o u it win uo xur your eyes
what it should do. Making lenses for 27 years has
given us this appreciation of what you need in glasses.
Thousands have been gratified with those we have made
for them.
Bring your
881 Willamette St.
Factory on
“Nifty” is my name.
I have hired myself to the niftiest clothing store in
this town.
You will SEE me and my pet lamb in this paper every
week. We will remind you where to buy the clothes you
REMEMBER, when you see us (and see us you MUST)
that we mean good, “nifty” clothes for a low price.
I’m going to work for
713 Willamette Street
Reserve Your Table
Osburn Hotel
Osburn Hotel Orchestra
Garden Tools of all kinds
Drills and Wheel Hoes
You Know
He Runs
All Kinds of Good Things to Eat.