Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, March 04, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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Official student paper of the Univer
sity of Oregon, published every Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday to the
college year by the Associated Stu
Entered lnHThe postoffice at Eugene,
Oregon, as second class matter.
Subscription rates $1.50 per year.
By term, $ .60. Advertising rates upon
DOROTHY DUNIWAY, Acting Editor j
Lyle Bryson.. News Editor
Nell Warwick.Asst. News Editor
Harry A. Smith.Managing Editor
Helen Manning.Dramatic Editor
Esther Fell .Society Editor
Editorial Writers
Earle Richardson Adelaide Lake
Stanley Eisman
Maybelle Leavitt .Proof Reader
Special Writers
Adelaide V. Lake Louise Davis
Victoria Case
Earle Richardson, Ariel Dunn, Ja
cob Jacobson, Charles Gratke, Mary
Lou Burton, Eleanor Spall, Stanley
Eisman, Annamay Bronaugh, Eunice
Zimmerman, Frances Quisenberry,
Wanna McKinney, Mauno Loa Fallis,
Floyd Maxwell and Mildred Weeks.
Business Manager
Elston Ireland - Circulation
Floyd Bowles ..Assistant
Albert H. Woertendyke.Adv- Mgr.
Raymond Vester, Betty Epping, Web
ster Ruble, Ruth Nash, Lee Culbert
The Emerald desires that all sub
scribers get their paper regularly and
on time. All circulation complaints
should be made to the circulation man
kier._His house phone Is 188._
Editor .
Business Manager . 434-L
Campus Office . 056
City Office .1310 or 1 OH
This week bids fair to prove a red
letter one on Oregon’s debating cal
endar. Victory over British Columbia
on Monday, following the defeat of
the University of Idaho last Friday,
gave us the championship of the
Internaional Debuting league, while
this week-end our teams meet the
University of Washington here and
Standford university at Palo Alto.
In doughnut dobate Hendricks hall
has won the championship of the
women’s section after a tournament
full of Interest, and will meet the
Phi Delta team early In April to de
cide the title on the campus.
Varsity debating Is also in prospect
for the women, and arrangements are
being made for Oregon’s women de
baters to meet those of the Univer
sity of Washington and O. A. C.*
A great many students have receiv
ed valuable training since the debat
ing Beason began, and their work,
both in the local contests and in those
with other schools, Is deserving of
much praise. It is to be regretted
that better support was not forth
coming from the students themselves.
Wo would think it very poor sports
manship to rally to the suppor of
our athletic teams only after the
contests were won, but that has been
our attitude toward debate. We can
increase our chances against Wash
ington on Friday night if we turn
out to support our men. And why
not send a telegram voicing the con
fidence of the student body to the
team at Palo Alto the same evening?
The State Taxpayers’ league of
Oregon has endorsed the millage tax
for the three higher educational in
stiutions of the state. This- is a
valuable help toward tho success of
the bill, for hero the measure has the
approval of an association of Oregon
citizens banded together to keep taxes
down. This group of Oregon citizens
show in their resolutions passed at
their meeting in Portland Saturday
that they consider the educational
institutions of the state the place
where fuure leaders of the state are
being developed
The resolution reads. “Resolved,
that our educational institutions bo
encouraged in every way possible by
the (outrlbution of good and suffi
cient funds for their proper mainte
nance to better enable them to teach
pure und unadulterated Americanism.”
It would seem -hat the league has
the best interess of the state at heart,
realizing that the future of Oregon
depends largely upon the efficiency
of its equipment for higher educa
tion. in cutting taxes, the league is
wise in using discrimination, and
those interested in the success of
the bill appreciate the endorsement
the league lias given.
Some students seem to have an
Immortal tear of cuts. Many faculty
members find It a common experience
to ask a student u question, address
him by his name and get “Hera" as
an answer.
1 Communications j
1 i
To the Students of the University:
Because of the great number of
students who worked so efficiently
in the holiday campaign for funds for
the Woman’s building, and because
of a bad case of writer’s cramp in the
right hand of the writer, induced by
many written appeals for help to
our cause, it is impossible to thank
you individually for the great ser
vice you rendered. So may I now
make public acknowledgment of the
deep appreciation felt for all tne
loyal, devoted efforts put forth in
your campaign? The several thous
and dollars brought by you from
every section of the state made it
possible to make the third payment of
$25,000 to the state when it was
most needed.
Aside from that very immediate
gain were the good effects which your
efforts made upon the members-of
the legislature and the far-reaching
good effect upon the May election on
the millage bill for all three state
institutions of higher learning.
Thanks to your efforts and to the
generosity of many friends, anly $15,
000 of the necessary $100,000 in gift
money yet remains to be pledged.
In order to secure the last $25,000
from the state we must pay over to
the state treasurer before January 1,
1921, our final payment of $25,000.
Because there is this short time limit
upon our campaign now, and because
we must complete the building for
next year’s use, we are making a final
appeal to every student of the Uni
versity to put forth one more effort
in the cause.
Some ways in which you may do
this are as follows:
Enlisting the interest of the senior
class in giving their memorial to
this fund.
Employing the same methods used
so successfully during the holidays
to bring back money from the April
Urging your parents to get their
clubs and organizations to make gifts.
Giving personal gifts and getting
your families and friends to do so
where possible.
If any or all of these suggestions
are acted upon by our big, capable
student body, the full sum will be
realized long before Commencement.
Will you not individually and col
lectively make this responsibility
yours? For without help, failure may
very easily be ours.
iSincerely yours.
(Mrs. G. T.) Irene H. Gerlinger.
To the Editor:
George Bertz, sporting editor ot the
Oregon Journal, Portland, suggests
that University of Oregon athletic
teams be called "Bull Dogs." With
the exception of our teams, practi
cally every other team on the coast
now has a distinctive cognomen.
University of Washington students
recently adopted the sobriquet “Sun
Dodgers.” W. S. C. teams fight un
d?r the appellation fo “Cougars,” Cal
ifornia, “Bears”; Stanford, “Cardin
als”; O. A. C„ “Beavers”; Southern
California, “Trojans.”
Bertz suggests that “Bull Dogs”
would be appropriate because of the
tenacity of Oregon athletic teams
which has been displayed by them
so many times and which has been
responsible for many of our victories
against great odds.
Among the objections which might
be ‘brought up aginst “Bull Dogs” as
a name for our teams is the fact that
it is the recognized sobriquet of
Yale. Great disaster could also be
wreaked upon the world by leaving
out the word “dog” in the appella
Miss Elizabeth Carson Has Been Mrs.
Walter 8. Nicol Since Feb. 6.
News of the wedding of Miss Eliza
beth Carson, a graduate of the Uni
versity of Oregon with the class of
1918, has just been made public.
Miss Carson, who is now Mrs. Walter
S. Nicol, was married on Feb. 6 by
Dr. Waldo of the White Temple in
Portland, and kept the news of her
marriage secret until a few days ago,
when she told a fellow high school
Mrs. Nicol, who has been an in
structor in the Hood River high
school, is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. K. Carson of that place. She Is a
member of Alpha Phi sorority. Mr.
Nicol is attending the University of
Oregon medical school in Portland.
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Phone 48.
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First class Work and Prompt Service
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Whoever you are, wherever you are, the realization of your
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No matter how small the extent of your dreams, or how
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Our way of throwing our doors wide open for you—giving
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All this week you will be particularly interested in our
special exhibition of living-room, dining-room and bed
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