Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, March 02, 1920, Image 1

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    VOLUME 21
More Cases In Infirmary, But
Regulations Not Needed
Says Authority
Plans Under Way for Student Body
Meeting Thursday and O. A. C.
Basketball Game
Although the. health committee at
the University has not yet had a
meeting since town authorities de
cided to call off the ban, it will meet
as soon as possible, and in all prob
ability will remove the ban on cam
pus activities, said Dr. Sawyer, this
morning. If it is decided to co-oper
ate with the town the ban will be off
at least by Thursday.
Although there have been more
fever cases since Saturday, the sit
uation does not seem to warrant
continuation of the strict health regu
lations now in effect, he stated. The
committee will meet Wednesday to
decide upon the possibility of re
moving all health regulations, but in
all probability things will not open
up at the University until Thursday
in spite of the fact that Eugene auth
orities have opened up the town for
Plans are under way for a general
student body meeting at the regular
assembly hours Thursday morning,
which will be held unless the flu ban
is left on by decision of the Univer-I
sity committee. Other activities,
such as dances and the O. A. C.
Oregon basketball game, will be on
schedule in case the action is favor
Youngsters Lose to Salem High Fri
day, Score 30-22—Andre and
Latham Star
Although losing their first game of
the two played in Salem Friday and
Saturday nights, the frosh quintet
came back strong and defeated the
Willamette freshman quintet by the
decisive score of 50 to 10 on Saturday
evening. The Salem high school five
took the frosh into camp on Friday
evening, however, by a score of 30
to 22 in a fast game. The score was
reported here as 30 to 12, but this
was a mistake.
Andre and Latham proved the big
point-getters in the game with the
Missionary “babes”, Andre scoring
24 of the points while Latham chalked
up 16 for the frosh quintet. Coach
Billy Reinhart is working the frosh
squad overtime this week in an effort
to get them into shape for the two
games with the Aggie “rooks” which
will be played here Friday and Sat
urday evenings as preliminaries to
the Varsity games with O A .0.
• Vivian Hobson and Paul Hendricks
Make Home in Salem
Miss ViviaA Hobson, a freshman at
the University last year, and Paul
Hendricks, son of R. J. Hendricks,
editor of the Salem Statesman, were
married last Saturday in Salem, ac
cording to word received on the cam
Miss Hobson is a member of Gam
ma Phi Beta and a member of Kwa
ma. She has been living at her home
in Salem since leaving school last
Mr. Hendricks also attended the
University, and was overseas during
the war, returning a few months ago.
He is a senior in the Willamette law
, They -will make their home in
Salem. j
Final Moot Court Thursday
The last moot court of the college
year will be held in the law school
Thursday evening at 7:30. There;
will be no more courts this term
and none at all during the spring
term, according to Dean E. W. Hopej
of the law school.
Washington and O. A. C. Will Oppose
Representatives From Here—
Credit Given for Work
All girls in the University who'are
in any way interested in debate are
urged to attend the Forensic council
meeting next Wednesday afternoon
at 4:15 in Professor Prescott’s room
in Johnson-hall. Wednesday will be
last day for volunteers to enter try
outs. Any girl in the University who
wants to try out for a place on the
varsity debating team is eligible.
This is the first year the University
women have gone out for debating on
a large scale, and the co-operation of
all the girls interested in debate is
wanted, said Ethel Wakefield, who
has charge of th organizing of the
Credit will be given for work done.
The University of Washington and
the Oregon Agricultural college have
agreed to meet the University of
Oregon. The varsit’s negative team
Oregon. The varsity negative team
and the affirmative team will go to
Corvallis. These debates are sche
duled for the second week in May.
Former Student Starts Multigraphing
Company in Eugene
The Ellsworth Multigraphing Com
pany was established the first of this
week in Eugene by Harris Ellsworth,
who has been employed for the last
six weeks in the business department
of the Oregon City Enterprise. Ells
worth was a junior in the University
last fall term and was at that time
business manager for the 1920 Ore
gana. He is a member of Kappa
Sigma and Sigma Delta Cfii frater
nities, a member of the men’s glee
club and business manager of the
Emerald last year; left school short
ly before the Christmas holidays to
enter the newspaper profession.
In the new establishment, which is
located over the Hauser Bros, sport
ing goods store on Willamette street,
Ellsworth expects to make contracts
for printing, multigraphing, advertis
ing, and mailing jobs and circular
letter work will be his specialty, he
Demand for Workers Increasing Says
Mr. Spangler, Y Secrtary
The demand for student labor has
begun to pick up once more, accord
ing to Rev. A. M. Spangler, in charge
of the work at the “Y” hut. Work
for students has been on the decrease
during the winter months, but has
begun to incrase during the last few
weeks. “There are calls for men to
work in the sorority houses now,”
said Mr. Spangler. “One man has re
cenly been placed in the mailing de
partment of he Register at $100 per
month, and another in Springfield,
partment of the Register at $100 per
All men desiring employment are
urged o call upon Rev. Mr. Spangler
at the “Y” hut.
Former University Librarian, Now in
Philippines, Does Big Work
Miss Margaret Upleger, former li
brarian of the University, is doing
excellent work in the Philippines, ac
cording to Miss Cornelia Marvin, state
librarian at Salem.
In a letter to M. H. Douglas, Uni
versity librarian, Miss Marvin told of
Miss Upleger’s work in the Islands,
stating that it has been very cred
itable. She has just started a men’s
business library. In addition, the
letter stated, she is engaged in the
bureau of science and other schools.
J. C. Almack to Speak at Dedication
of Boardman School Building
J. C. Almack, acting director of the |
extension division, expects to speak
at the dedication of a new public ’
school building at Boardman next j
Thursday. “The New Education” will1
be the subject of the address.
Boardman is a new town on the
Columbia river in Morrow county, j
Mr. Almack also expects to visit I
Hood River and The Dalles while on |
this trip. '
Durno and Chapman Back In
Lineup; Dope Points
to Victory
“Shy” Puts Men Through Scrimmage
Workouts and Basket Shooting
Preparing for Contest
Coach Huntington started his pro
teges on a stiff week of practice last
night in preparation for the coming
clash with the Aggies which will be
staged on Friday and Saturday nights
in the gym. Scrimmage workouts
topped off with a great deal of
basket shooting and pacing around
the court for a good sweat is the wav
the Varsity started off the week last,
night and according to “Shy” the
team is going to be in tip top condi
tion by the end of the week for the
last big battles of the basketball sea
The Aggies are as equally determin
ed to win in an effort to wipe the
slate clean of the defeats which the
lemon-yellow five handed out to them
on the Corvallis courts some three
weeks ago, and are working hard
every night. They suffered two de
feats at the hands of the Stanford
.live last week and they, too, will
finish the season with the two games
to be played here this week.
Both Durno and Chapman are back
into the harness again and with
these two stars working as they did
against the Aggies in Corvallis, dope
points to defeat for the visitors.
Latham, Lind and Jacobberger are
all beginning to feel like themselves
again, and Bellar, McCready and
Skeet Manerud were out in suits
again last night, so once more the
lemon-yellow squad is putting in its
appearance intact.
The^ two defeats handed Oregon
and O. A. C. by the Stanford aggre
gation in their trip north last week,
together with California losing the
Saturday night game to the Wash
ington five by a 29 to 28 score, cinch
es the Pacific Coast conference title
for the Cardinal five, and a game be
tween the California and Stanford
quintets to be played at Palo Alto
this week will end the season for
the southern teams.
Living Expenses Reduced
Students at the University of Wis
consin have solved the high cost of
living as far as room rent is con
cerned, according to the “Press Bul
letin.” The average room rent per
man is only J3.05 per week. Some
1,466 men pay less than $3 per week,
704 pay $3, and 1,140 pay more Ihan
that sum.
Extension Division Brings Dr.
C. L. Carlisle to Direct
Delinquency Probe
Plans Formed to List all Mental De
fectives to Assist Corrective
Dr. Chester L. Carlisle, of the U.S.
public health service, Washington,
D. C., arrived in Eugene Saturday and
is to begin work at once as director
of the survey covering the cause and
extent of dependency, delinquency
and mental defect in the state of
Oregon, which the extension division
of the University is taking. This
investigation is being made at the
request and under the authority of a
joint resolution of the state legisla
ture, passed at its last session. It
was also requested that suggested
legislation be submitted on the basis
of the data obtained.
Dr. Carlisle since lflOi has been
connected with the New York state
hospital service and for several years
was in charge of one of the Metro
politan receiving services. Later he
was appointed superintendent of the
division of mental defect and delin
quency of the New York stale ooard
of charities and as such had super
vision over 23 institutions caring for
mental defectives and delinquents.
He was in the neuro-psychiatric div
ision of the army and later was com
mission in the U. S. public health
service. Dr. Carlisle was also direc
tor of the bureau of analysis and in
vestigation for the New York state
board of charities and as such con
ducted a survey of Oneida county,
New York, which was very similar
to the one he lias been asked to con
duct in Oregon.
In speaking of the investigation to
be undertaken ip Oregon, Dr. Car
lisle said: “We plan to send all the
various state, county and municipal
officers throughout the state a re
quest for information along the lines
indicated by the survey. Blank forms
will be furnished upon which to re
cord this data in order that statis
tical figures may be compiled. We
expect to get all possible preliminary
information in this manner, then di
vide the state into districts, and make
an intensive study of representative
sections. Prom . this data accurate
deductions may be drawn.”
"It is only through the active co
operation of all state, county, muni
cipal and private charitable and re
lief organizations, school teachers,
parole agents and other public-spirited
citizens, who may be called upon to
furnish information as to any defec
(Continued on page 2.)
Leap Year Lottery PerttSrbs Men
•*'*<*•*** jijjt
Soph Girls Shy at Making Dates
Kemember, girls, how you’ve
sat at home and wondered It He
was going to call you np—won
dered whether He was going to
make that dbte? Well, 250 per
fectly desirable boys, members of
, the sophomore class, are in the
same fix.
It’s all because the girls are
forgetting to make good their
dates for the Sophomore Lot
tery. The drawing has been fin
ished, but any girl who hasn’t
drawn 'a name can make arrange
ments by getting in touch with
“Skeet” Maherud, Elston Ireland
or Clara Calkins.
The time has been definitely set
The affair is scheduled for 8
o'clock Saturday night, and no
thing short of the end of the j
world can upset the program.
The change was made in order
to prevent a conflict with the bas
ketball games to be played Sat
urday afternoon.
It’s going to be a hard times
part. Eats that will remind you
of “down on th£ farm” and a
regular program that will hie
you back to the good old days
when a cup o’ java went ,tor a
nickel. And the program—It’s
all arranged.
The mere men need not worry
about getting to the gym. The
girt® are arranging the transpor
tation facilities. Market reports
state that there is' a steadily ad
vancing premium on go-carts and
wheelbarrows. Taxis are banned.
As a final word of warning to
the gentler sex the committee an
nounces that all sophomore wo
men who haven’t made their dates
by Thursday evening will be in
for some free advertising. Thev
have decided to publish the names
of the girls who have neglected to
make their arrangements.
The price of admission 1.: six
bits in American coin, equiva'enl
at the present rate of exchange
to a million rubles or a poach of
a time Saturday night, “pet the
spirit,” plead the sophomore men,
“and show us now how it ought
to be done, or forever after, hold
your peace!”
“mislaid Receipts’’ Fails to Save Two
Dozen From Suspension—May
Be Reinstated Soon
More than two dozen students have
been suspended from college because
of failure to pay laboratory ,fees, ac
cording to Carlton Spencer, regis
trar. The notice came as a distinct
shock to many students who were
confident their fees had been pAid
and that they had "mislaid the receipt
somewhere.” But Monday was the
last day of grace granted by the re
gistrar, and after that date all stu
dents who had not filed the little re
ceipt were surprised to be informed
they were no longer registered in
the University.
A mad rush’ to the office to pay
fees was the result, and the registrar
was pestered with calls to "make
sure it was not a mistake.”
All fees are expected to be paid by
Wednesday, after which students may
return to classes without petitioning
for reinstatement. During the time
of suspension absences will receive
the usual cut which must be excdSed
by petition.
Junior and Freshman Tryouts to be
Held Wednesday in Men’s Tank
Tomorrow evening in the swim
ming tank in the men”s gymnasium
the junior anl freshman women will
try out for the women’s interclass
swimming meet which will be held
Wednesday evening, March 10, accord
ing to Loeta Rogers, manager of
Among those trying out are: Jun
iors—Naomi Robbins, Loeta Rogers,
Ollie Stoltenberg, Maud Largent and
Ruth Wolff; freshmen—Valiere Cof
fey, Lucile Branstetter, Lorna Cool
idge, Ellen Gantenbein, Jean Hyde,
Edith Kubli, Marion Lawrence, Fran
ces McGill, Genevieve Matson, Mar
ian Nicolai, Ellen McVeigh, Aurita
Payson, Rita Ridings, Frances Moore,
Mildred Mumby and Emily Veazle.
Dr. W. 0. Smith Speaks in Portland
for Reformed Measurements
Dr. Warren D. Smith, instructor in
the geology department of the Uni
versity, while In Portland Saturday,
spoke before a committee of the
Chamber of Commerce which is in
vestigating the changing from the
English to the metric system of mea
surements. Dr. Smith argued in favor
of this change.
‘‘This movement is being widely
agitated,” he said, “and speakers from
the National Grocers' association, the
Association of American Manufac
turers, and the American Association
for the Advancement of Science
spoke favoring it. Prof. E. E. DeCou
and Prof. E. H. McAlister were in
vited to attend but were unable to
do £0.
March 15 Last Day for Aapirants for
Edison Marshall Prize
The date for handing in stories for
the Edison Marshall short story con
test has been extended to March 15
in the hope that more manuscripts
will be presented for the prizes. This
year the first prize has been raised
to $15 and the second to $10.
W. F. G. Thacher, professor "of
rhetoric, asks that the stories be
given to him as soon as possible.
The Judges hare not been selected,
but two will be out-of-town critics,
and one a local man or woman.
Man From Esthonia, New Republic,
Writes for Catalogue
Charles Wohrmann, of Tallinn (Re
val), Esthsonia, has written to the
University of Oregon asking ,for cata
logues, announcing in the same letter
his intention to enter the University
in the fall of 1920. The letter was1
dated Jan. 17, 1920.
Esthonia is one o the numerous
small republics which have been
formed from Russia along the Baltic.1
Woman Heads Nebraska Seniors
The University of Nebraska has
a woman for president of the senior
2 70 1 DECISIIi
Carl and Black Out-Talk and
Out-Argue Men From North
In Spirited Contest
Varsity Negative Team Given an
Unanimous Decision at Mos
cow on Friday
University debaters scored a dou
ble victory last night in the inter
national debate league when the Ore
gon affirmatives, handicapped by what
is conceded to be by far the most
difficult side of the question, out
argued and out-delivered the British
Columbia negative in Villard hall and
received a two to one decision, while
the Oregon negative, arguing at Mos
cow, defeated the University of Idaho
three to nohing. Wilbur M. Carl and
George Black, Jr., both Juniors from
Portland, spoke for the affirmative
here and Remy Cox, a sophomore
from Portland, and Ernest Crockatt,
a junior from Spokane, argued the
negative side at Moscow.
A smattering of a crowd in Villard
hall heard the Oregon team take the
notably difficult offlrmative side of
tlie question, “Resolved, That the ap
plication of the principles of the clos
ed shop would best serve the cause
of industrial peace,” and by forceful
delivery and well handled rebuttals
defeated the University of British
Columbia men who handled their side
in a masterful manner.
collective Bargaining involved
Wilbur Carl, opening for the Oregon
team, declared that the affirmative
based its case on the fact that “the
closed shop and collective bargaining
go hand in hand—and that collective
bargaining transfers strife from in
dustries to peace tables.”
These differences, Carl pointed out,
that cannot be settled around the
conference table and revert back
Into the industries under the closed
shop are less prolonged, and that the
struggle for and against unionism
and closed shop which results in 33
per cent of all strikes and lockouts
would be completely eliminated if
closed shops were applied.
George Black, for Oregon, contended
that the concealed, underhanded
strike-on-the-job type Ojf warfare would
be eliminated by the closed shop and
that agreements under this system
are much more likely o be realized.
^Closed Shop Held Unjust
British Columbia based itB argu
ment on the fact that the closed shop
is unjust to non-union men; that it is
impractical to apply the closed shop;
and that if labor is satisfied by this
mehod, the employer is antagonized.
Gerald McClay and Charles X.
Travers argued for the visitors.
The judges were Frank Hilton.
Portlahd attorney; J. C. Nelson, prin
cipal of the Salem high school, (tad
H. H. Herdman, principal of the
Washington high school, Portland.
On Friday night the University of
Oregon affirmative team will meet
the University of Washington nega
tive debaters in Vlllard hall and with
the ban lifted a large crowd is ex
pected. The Oregon negative team
will meet the Stanford affirmative
on the same evening at Palo Alto.
The queslon will be the same.
Mrs. James 8immons Visits
Mrs. James Simmons, a graduate
of the University with the class of
1912, is visiting at the home of Pres
ident and Mrs. P. L. Campbell. Mrs.
Simmons, who is a niece of President
Campbell, intends to remain here
several weeks. He home' is in Lbs
Angeles. Before her marriage she
was Miss Alberta Campbell.
Louise Allen Visits Parents
Miss Louise Allen, graduate of the
class of 1817, was in Eugene yester
day, visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S. D. Allen. She returned to
Portland this morning to her work
on the reportorial staff of The Ore
gonian. Her mother will leave Wed
nesday for a two months’ visit.
California to Aid Orphans
The University of California is go
ing to hold a charity ball for the
fatherless children of France.