Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, February 12, 1920, Image 1

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Place Won by Narrow Margin
Over Alpha Delta; A.T.O.
'* Leads Men
Honor Students Given Extra Unit—
Unofficial Withdrawals Count
as F
Averages for House Grades for
Fall Term 1919-20
1. Sigma Delta Phi .3.27
2. Alpha Delta .3.26
3. Delta Gamma .3.20
4. Alpha Tau Omega .3.14
5. Pi Beta Phi .3.13
6- Kappa Kappa Gamma....3.05
7. Chambers Hall (Unit 6) 3.03
8. Thacher Hall (Unit 5). . 3.02
9. Hendricks Hall ..2.97
10. Gamma Phi Beta .2.93
11. Chi Omega .2.87
12. Alpha Phi .2.85
13. Friendly Hall .2.84
14. Owl Club ..2.83
15. Kappa Alpha Theta .2.82
16. Delta Tau Delta .......2.79
17. Delta Delta Delta .2.74
18. S-Maralda .,..2.69
19. Phi Delta Theta .2.66
20. Mary Spiller Hall (Unit
4) .2.59
21. achelordon .2.56
22. Phi Gamma Delta .2.55
23. Kappa Sigma .2 52
24. Beta Theta Pi .2.49
25. Sigma Alpha Epsilon ....2.42
26. Sigma Nu .2.35
27. Sigma Chi .2.33
Sigma Delta Phi local sorority
leads the scholarship list for the
University by one hundredth of a
point over the Alpha Delta sorority
according to the above report given
out by the registrar this morning.
Both organizations are new this
year. Delta Gamma and Friendly
hall held the leading places for the
men and women last fall. Alpha'
Tau Omega fraternity holds fourth
place on the list and has a big lead
over other men’s organizations.
Averages were figured on a differ
ent basis this time, honor students
erceiving 6 points for every H and
others receiving 5 points for an H.
Other ratings are S-4, M-3, P-2,
W-2, Cond.-l, and F-0. Unofficial
withdrawals from the University are
counted as F- Drill and women’s
gym are included in this term’s
The general average for grades
is given as 2.81, the women’s average
as 2.98 and the men’s average as
Clever Farce to be Presented in Near
Future by Exceptional Cast of
“Engaged”, the three-act farce
comedy by the popular playwright,
W. S. Gilbert, will be put on in
Guild hall February 27 and 28 by
the “Company” of dramatic students.
The play from all reports is hilarious
and if the cast succeeds in “putting
it over” as they plan, the Oregon
campus will be offered a rare treat.
Following is the cast of characters:
Cheviot Hill .Claire Keeney
Belvawney .Fred Pasto
Mr. Simperson .George Pasto
Agnus Macallister .Charles Miller
Major McGillicuddy ... Carroll Akers
Belinda Tricherne .Irene Stewert
Minnie .Vera Van Schoonhoven
Mrs- Mcfarlane .Leota Rogers
Maggie .Dorothy Wootton
Parker, the maid .Helen Casey
Victor Morris 111
. Victor P. Morris, instructor of
history in the University high school
> is confined to his home this week
because of grippe.
Newest Neophyte
of * Ye Tabard Inn"
Makes Public Bow
Attired in a green and tan
“tabard” of sackcloth, the new
est neophyte of “Ye Tabard Inn”
stood his ground on the library ^
steps Wednesday at ten o’clock,
a,nd braved his fellow students
long enough to deliver choice bits
of original verse such as appear
in the Emerald under the sig
nature of Bill Bolger. A tabard '
is the garment that the ancient
knights used to wear over their
armor, and looks something like I
an artist's smock.
Having been elected to Sigma
Upsilon, it was incumbent on the
distinguished one to wear the in
signia of the order for one day
on the campus, and to give
specimens of his literary genius
or cause for election on the lib- 1
rary steps- A chuckling crowd
of students surrounded the scene
• of action, and listened to gems 1
like the following:
Absense makes the heart grow
Peroxide makes the hair more
Garlice makes the breath seem
What a wonderful bird the
frog are, v
With a typewriter beside him,
Bill Bolger, rattled off the poems
even before the gaze of the
wonderers, so that all mystery
connected with the writing of
verse such as B. B.’s is no mys
tery now.
Special Decorator to “Dress” Armory
for Annual Glee
A tax of fifty cents per student
was levied on all freshmen at a class
meeting held in Villard hall Wednes
day night. The purpose of the tax
is to defray the additional expenses
of the frosh glee which will be
staged Friday evening in the armory.
A special decorator has been hired
to take charge of the arrangement
of the hall. Beginning at 12 o’clock
tonight, shifts of fifteen men will
work under his direction until the
job is completed.
Harry Moyer, in charge of the
music committee, announces that an
eight piece campus orchestra will i
furnish the jazz to which the infants
and their friends will trip the light
Harvard Awards Go to Paul Spangler
and William Livingstone
To Paul Spangler and William Liv
ingstone, two Oregon graduates go
this year’s honors of carrying off
the freshman and senior scholarships
at Harvard.
Paul Spangler, who graduated here
last year from the pre-medical course
has written to his father, Rev. A.
M. Spangler of this city, that he
succeeded in winning one of the
much coveted first year honors, car
rying with it a prize of $100.
Spangler writes that Livingstone,
now a senior at Harvard, took high
scholastic honors. Livingstone is
from Forest Grove, and graduated
with an M. A. in Education in
Orchestra Will Not Meet in Villard
for Further Rehearsals
In order that Villard hall may be
free for other meetings, a change
in schedule has been announced by
Rex Underwood, director, for or
chestra practice on Tuesday and on
j Thursday evenings. From now on,
stringed orchestra rehearsals will;
take place in the studio on Tuesday,
evenings and regular orchestra prac
tice will be held on Thursday even
ings in the women’s gymnasium in
stead of in Villard hall, as former
The school of business at Columbia
University plans to send students
abroad to extend the natian’s foreign
I trade.
Committee Makes jPlans For
Entire Campus to Aid
in Drive
’ropoaed Levy to Mean Increase cf
Only About $1.50 to Average
Taxpayer in State
How can the students of the Uni
versity of Oregon hest aid in the
coming campaign for the millage tax
lpon the success of which the des
;inies of higher education in Oregon
io largely depend? Such was the
juestion confronting the student com
nittee headed by Don Newbury
which met last night in Dean
Straub’s room to plan for active
student participation in the cam
“It will take 100,000 voters to in
sure the passage of the millage bill,'’
said President P. L. Campbell in ex
plaining the problems to be over
some. To reach these a joint com
mittee has been chosen from the
three institutions affected, and this
committee will work steadily until
the May election. While plans of
this body will insure that actual in
formation on the needs of the Uni
versity of Oregon, O. A. C. and
Monmouth Normal will reach prac
tically every voter in the state, they
nevertheless will welcome the active
participation of the student bodies
nf the three institutions in the cam
Personal Appeal Carried
The students, President Campbell
said, can carry a personal appeal
that no work of the committee can
approach in effectiveness. Not only
do the students know how desperate
are the needs of their institutions
but they are in a position to reach
many influential persons in their own
He explained that the proposed
levy would mean an increase of only
about $1.26 on every $1,000 assessed
valuation. The average assessment
for the people of Oregon is only
about $1200, which means that the
average tax payer would have con
Continued on page 4.
Alexander G. Brown was elected
editor of the second edition of Gibes
and Scribes, which will be published
by Theta Sigma Phi and Sigma Delta
Chi during the meeting of the Sec
ond Annual Newspaper Conference,
at a joint meeting of the two hon
orary journalism fraternities last
night. Adelaide Lake was selected
as associate editor and Dorothy
Duniway women's editor
The state editors will meet on the
Oregon campus February 20 and 21
for * two day conference and the
publication will be devoted to the
interests of the gathering. The first
volume was issued during the gather
ing last year and 'was received
heartily by the editors. The paper
this year will be a combination of
humor and straight news and will
serve to get the editors of the state
better acquainted with the students.
Masons, Attention
The entetrainment committee of
the Craftsmen has decided that the
organization give a dinner dance on
Friday, February 27, 5:15 at the
Osburn for craftsmen an 1 their lady
friends. Please give your name to
either Mr. Latimer at Friendly hall,
or Mr. Bader, S. A. E. house or
city Y. M. at once. All names must
be in by February 25. All Masons
are cordially invited.
Entertainment For Visitors Is
Planned by Student
Need of Honor System for Students
is Discussed—Graduates for
Early Commencement
The University will hold open
house for the townspeople of Eugene
Wednesday, February 18, according
to Karl Onthank who brought the
matter before the student council at
council meeting in the library Tues
day evening. Plans Tor this open
house are, to date, very indefinite,
Mr. Onthank said, but will be defin
itely worked out this week. The
purpose of this open house is to
extend to the people of Eugene a
hearty invitation to visit the campus
and become more intimately acquain
ted with the student body, the fac
ulty and the physical equipment of
the University.
The people of Eugene feel, Mr.
Onthank told the council, that the
University has many needs, but
they do not feel that they under
stand definitely enough just what
these needs are.
Student Committee Named
Lindsay McArthur, John Houston,
and Era Godfrey were appointed by
Stanford Anderson, president of the
student body, as a student council
committee to work with the faculty
committee in planning for this open
house. These committees will thrash
out such questions as to whether the
day should be a whole or half 'holi
day or whether part of the classes
should be in session for the purpose
of allowing the visitors to see the
crowded condition of the class rooms
and just how many students should
act as guides and what form of en
tertainment should be planned for
the guests.
Ella Rawlings, chairman of the
assembly program committee report
ed that a revival of the old class day
custom was looked upon with dis
favor by the faculty who felt that
such forms of entertainment tended
(Continued on page 4)
Commemorating the birthday of
Abraham Lincoln, the students of the
University together with the towns
people, gathered in Villard at the
regular assembly hour where, Wal
lace McCamant, noted Portland at
torney and former judge, delivered
his famous lecture on Lincoln.
Had it not been for the steadfast
ness of Lincoln, declared McCamant,
in all probability there would not
have been a great republic of Amer
ica in 1917 to answer the call that
came from a world in chaos. Dur
ing the dark days of American his
tory leading up to the Civil War, it
was the watchfulness of Lincoln that
saw beneath the wave on the sur
face of public opinion.
Reflecting on the earlier life of
Lincoln, McCamant stated that the
first forty-five years of Lincoln’s
life had been spent in preparation
while his life of public service when
he had a prominent part in the des
tinies of the fate of the United
States was crowded into eleven years
as many as there were secesion
states in the south.
MeCamant’s talk was full of very
definite little details and exact dates
and quotations from statesmen and
newspapers that reflected the turmoil
of the time in which Lincoln lived.
In closing McCamant said* “Thank
God for this man of the prairie.”
University Quintet to jBattle
With Aggies In Corvallis;
Frosh Also to Play
Oregon’s chances in the Pacific
Coast championship race will be de
termined next Friday and Saturday
when the varsity journeys to Cor
vallis to mix with the Aggies in two
The Aggies lead the coast confer
ence with five wins and one defeat.
The farmers won three out of four
games with the University of Wash
ington, and triumphed twice over the
Washington Staters.
The prowess of the Aggie five is
well known, while the lemon-yellow
aggregation is badly crippled. Chap
man will probably handle his old po
sition, but Lind is almost certain to
be out of the fray.
Two officials will be used on the
floor in the games this week. George
Anderson, who handled many of the
college contests this season, has gone
to San Francisco. It is not known
who has been selected to referee
these games.
The Oregon frosh and the O. A.
C. rooks will stage a contest pre
limiinary to the varsity games.
Univrsity Library Circulates 36,591
More in 1919 Than in 1918
An increase of more than 66 per
cent in the number of books isued
at the circulation desk by the Uni
versity library in the year of 1919
over the number in 1918, is shown
by figures just compiled by the lib
rary. During the year 1919, 107,688
books were issued- Of these, 33,1200
were drawn for home use, 72,977
were “reserve” books issued for use
in the reading room, and 1,511 were
books temporarily drawn from the
stacks for use in the reading room.
The total number issued during 1918
was 71,097 of which 28,731 were tak
en for home use, 40,313 were re
serves, and 2,053 were taken from
the stacks for use in the reading
“Night Birds” Capture Oregana by
Dark Work in Subscription Race
By waiting in shifts from ten
o’clock Tuesday night until eight
Wednesday morning, when Elston Ire
land appeared on the scene to receive
their filled subscription books, the
“Owl” club won the Oregana offered
for the firit organization to report
their house subscribers 100 per cent,
in the Oregana subscription contest
conducted Wednesday.
While many of the more sleepy
“wise birds” slept through their
t eight o’clock’s Wednesday morning,
they declare the winning of the Qre
j gana well worth the trouble.
Ex-Service Men Begin Training After
Two Months’ Rest
Company E of the R. O. T. C.,
' composed of the ex-service men, will
! commence drill again next Wednes
i day, according to orders issued by
. Captain R. C. IBaird, commandant.
| Company E has not been drilling
for over two months, as the men
were awaiting the action of congress
on the bill allowing ex-service men
pay for drill in the reserve officers
1 training corps.
Only500 Names Secured
of the Desired 1200;
Success In Doubt
Six Canvassers Oblain Their 50,
Seven Houses 100 Per Cent,
Campaign Extended
Unless something unforseen hap
pens and a large number of stu
dents have subscribed for the Ore
gana by tonight, the campaign, which
was scheduled to close today will
have to be extended. This was the
statement made today by Eslton Ire
land, in charge of the Oregana drive.
"This morning,” said Irelaad, “less
than 500 subscriptions , have been
turned in. We are out for at least
1200 and need that number if the
drive to assure the publication of the
Oregana is to be a success.”
Wesley Fra ter captured the prize
of $5.00 and an Oregana for the first
book of 50 subscriptions to be turn
ed in. Frater rounded up the neces
sary fifty subscribers and then park
ed at the booth in front of the lib
rary Wednesday at the hour of 3:30
a. m. He waited through the long
hours of the morning, turning in his
subscription book at 8 o’clock.
Houses Secure Their Quota
To the Owl club went the prize of
an Oregana for being the first house
on the campus to subscribe 100 per
cent strong. Representatives of the
Owl club stood in line at the library
booth from 11:30 Tuesday night un
til eight o’clock Wednesday morning
in order to get their subscriptions in
first. The drive at the Owl club
was handled by Lindsay McArthur.
Inga Winters, of Hendricks hall
turned in the second book of fifty
subscribers winning the second prize
of an Oregana.
The Kappa Alpha Theta’s, Delta
Gamma’s, Gamma Phi Beta’s and the
S-Maralda’s had 100 per cent sub
scriptions in the hands of the com
mittee before eight o’clock Wednes
day morning. To date, two other
houses the Kappa Sig’s and S. A.
E.’s have turned in 100 per cent
Carolyn Cannon Miles McKey, Don
ilavis and Clem Cameron are credit
. (Contlaae* on pave I)
Freshman Girls Are on Lookout for
Sick and Afflicted—Mrs. Ady to
Be Consulted
It took just 45 minutes for the
Triple A girls to adopt two whole
families and a grandmother at a
meeting held Wednesday evening in
the Y. W. bungalow. All technical
preliminaries, such as the consent of
the governed, were dispensed with.
The girls are not planning legal
responsibility, however, as the re
lationship is to be expressed in the
form of service to the children of
the families and making comfortable
the aged woman who is alone and ill.
It is planned to sew for the children,
take them on picnics, and otherwise
help their busy mothers.
For the last few years the ac
tivities of the Triple A, an organi
zation to which all first year women
automatically belong, has taken the
form of social service work, and the
work for the current year is being
planned along the same line. Lucile
Branstetter, president, asked all the
girls to be on the lookout for needy
families, or shut-ins who would ap
preciate being called on.
The girls plan to ask the advice of
Mrs. M. S. Ady, the police matron,
is cases where substantial assistance
is to be given, in order to obe sure
that help is needed or would, be wel