Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, February 10, 1920, Image 1

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Campaign to Last Two Days,
1200 Subscribers Needed
Among Students
Prizes Will Be Given to Canvassers
and Organizations as Incentive
to Boost Annual
“The Oregana drive over in two
•flays”, is the slogan of George Beggs,
business manager, and Elston Ire
land, circulation manager of the Uni
versity year book, in the campaign
for 1200 subscriptions from the stu
dent body which they are launching
tomorrow morning.
Every effort will be made to collect
the full quota of subscriptions be
fore Thursday night, and with that
end in view' members of committees
to carry on the canvass have been
chosen who httve proven their ability i
in former drives. Plans have been
laid to reach as many individuals
as possible through their organiza
tions but the hardy “hooverizer” who
ventures out upon the campus with
out an Oregana tag will find plenty
of workers waiting for him and ready
to take care of his money- As an
incentive toward fast work on the
part of the committee members,
prizes have been offered for the first
two who turn in 50 subscriptions.
Five dollars and an Oregana go to
the one reaching the goal first, and
an Oregana to the second person to
turn in that number. The organiza
tion which first reports its members
to be 100% Oregana subscribers will
get a free copy of the book.
Not to Juniors Alone
George Beggs emphasized the fact
that the Oregana is strictly a Uni
versity proposition, not that of the
junior class. As such he feels that
it deserves, and must have, the sup
port of each individual in the Uni
versity if it is to be an unqualified
Reports from members chosen to
serve on the committee, according to
Ireland, indicate that .they are enthu
siastic over prospects of success.
They feel in this case that they are
asking each student to buy some
thing which he really needs and de
sires, and that the price is some
thing which every one can meet.
From the committee’s point of view
their task is only to get the student
to be fair with himself, and all
argument on their part is only in
his behalf.
Tag for Each Subscriber
Ireland announces that students
who wish to save the time and in
convenience may have their checks
made out Wednesday morning pay
able to George Beggs, business man
ager. Only $1.50 is being collected
now as a guarantee on the book.
The remaining $3 is not due until
delivery of the book later in teh
spring. Each subscriber will be giv
en a receipt and an Oregana tag at
the time his subscription is taken.
Northwestern Schools Have Epidemic
in Hand Says Red Cross Man
Although reports from the surgeon
general of the United States public
health service shows that influenza
in a mild form is prevalent in prac
tically every community in the coun
try, colleges of the northwest have
had little trouble with the disease
so far, according to a report sent
President P. L. Campbell, by Earl
Kilpatrick, division manager of the
northwest division of the American
Red Cross.
The letter states that parents of
college students should be re-assured
that their sons and daughters will
be guarded as effectively and care
fully, as they would be at home
and asks that the University of
Oregon send in reports from time
to time, as to the health of the stu
dents here.
Byers, Now Actor,
Defies Desert Heat
On 500-Mile Hike
Word has been received from
Tracy Byers, ’19, who at pres
ent is somewhere on the great
American desert with three com
panions, walking from Utah to
Los Angeles, a distance of 500
miles. The card, written at
Bunkerville, Nevada, last Satur
day stated that the party had
been in Arizona the day before
and would spend a week in Las
Vegas, New Mexico.
The trip was started by auto,
but a breakdown occurred at an
early stage of the journey and
it was decided to complete the
trip afoot. According to Byers
the weather and roads are fine,
and the quartet enjoy sleeping
in the open. A distance of 100
miles was covered the first five
Byers graduated from the
school of journalism last spring,
entered the newspaper field as
city news editor of the “Daily
Post” of Idaho Falls, Idaho. Dur
ing his college career, he took
active part in campus dramat
ics, and also wrote several plays.
Byers resigned his position three
weeks ago to go on the stage.
Due to prevalent flu in several
sections of Utah many of the
. theatres were closed. It was
then decided to take the trip to
Los Angeles. The companions
with whom Byers is making the
trip are all members of the com
pany with which he was playing.
Famous Portland Trainer Will be Part
of Athletic Staff
M. H. (“Mike”) Butler, famous
trainer of athletes, who is at pres
ent in charge of the Butler School
of Physical Training in Portland,
will become a part of the athletic
staff of O- A. C, it was announced
Thursday by James J. Richardson,
general manager of student activ
Butler is well known not only on
the coast, but in the^ east for his
training ability, and to him is given
the credit for the good condition
of the O. A. C. football team at
the last of the season. After the
O. A. C. team was riddled with in
juries early last fall, it was decided
to employ Butler to get the team in
condition for the Oregon and Wash
ington games.
[Butler, it was announced, would
be paid a top notch salary, equal
to that of the best coaches and train
ers in the country. The exact amount
was not given out for publication.
Butler will mpve to Corvallis with
his family next Monday.
Eugene Congregationallsts to Hear
Address on American History
John C. Almack, acting director
of the extension division, will speak
on American history before the
Congregational Brotherhood in Eu
gene, Tuesday, February 10. He i»
also scheduled to speak In Salem,
February 11, at the library, on the
subject of Americanization. He ex
pects to go to Crabtree February 14
to attend the annual all-day com
munity meeting and discuss prob
lems of education
Virginia Hale* Accepts Position on
Summer School Faculty
Virginia Hales, who was graduat
ed from the University of Oregon
with the class of 1919, has been se
cured by Miss Mabel Cummings, di
rector of the department of physical
education for women, to be on the
physical education staff at the Uni
versity of Oregon summer school.
She will have classes in gymnasium,
folk dancing, swimming and W^rts
“Miss Hales is at the Monmouth
Normal school and is making an un
mistakable success . of her work,’
j said Miss Cummings.
President Campbell and Karl Onthank to Explain
Appropriation to All Members of
Committee Wednesday
Following are the students appoint
ed to represent each organization:
Sigma Nu .Donald Newbury
Alpha Tau Omega .Morris Morgan
Beta Theta Pi .Herald White
Phi Gamma Delta .. .Johnny Houston
Sigma Chi .Mike Harris
Delta Tau Delta .Fred Packwood
Phi Delta Theta . Jack Benefiel
Sigma Alpha Epsilon....Newton Bader
Bachelordon .Norris Jones
Friendly Hall . Miles McKey
Owl Club . Lindsay McArthur
S.Maralda . George Shirley
Alpha Phi . Helen Case
Chi Omega ..._. Grace Rugg
Delta Delta Delta ....Doris Churchill
Delta Gamma Madeline Slotboom
Gamma Phi Beta .Helen Nelson
Kappa Kappa Gamma....Janette Moss
Kappa Alpha Theta.
.Beatrice Wetherbee
Pi Beta Pi . Nell Warwick
Alpha Delta .Beatrice Crewdson
Hendricks Hall .Ella Rawlings
Hendricks Hall unit 5....Helen Noyes
Hendricks Hall unit 6..JennieMc Guire
Sigma Delta Phi.Alice Hamm
Delta Psi ....Alyss Sutton
Publicity . Dorothy Duniway
Students of the University will ac
tively participate in campaigning for
the millage tax appropriation soon
to be voted upon in Oregon. Stan
ford Anderson, president of the stu
dent body and Miss Charlie Fenton,
alumni secretary, have already chos
en the above persons to represent ev
ery house and organization on the
campus to work with the campaign
committe in Portland to bring to the
fore and advertise the millage tax
which is of so much importance to
the University. Don Newbury, chair
man of this committee has called a
meeting for 7:15 Wednesday even
ing in Dean Straub’s room, at which
President Campbell and Karl On
thank will explain to the students
of the committee exactly what this
bill is about so that each representa
tive will be able to go back to his
organization and explain to each
member the importance of this bill.
Each committee member will act as
campaign member in his house.
Miss Fenton places campaign lit
erature regularly in the pigeon holes
for each house in the entrance to
the Administration building, and each
representative is to either see to
getting this literature himself or ap
point a member of his group to get
its daily.
The latest literature placed in the
pigeon holes was a bulletin with
statistics showing the proportional
building investment per student in
the various colleges in the United
tates and on this list Oregon takes
her place near the bottom.
“This committee,** said Miss Fen
ton, “is to act as a regular student
organization on the campus.”
The students of the University are
not responding to the opportunity
for vaccination open to them, accord
ing to Dr. E. H. Sawyer of the Uni
versity infirmary. Forty of the
freshmen men have not Been vac-*
cinated, either here or in the army,
and this is a high average, he said.
No data concerning the freshmen
girls is available because they do
not indicate this on the registration
card, but the percentage of unvac
cinated is probably much larger than
for the boys.
“There will be cases of smallpox
in Oregon as long as the people re
fuse to be vaccinated,” said Dr.
Sawyer, “and the sooner they realize
this the better it will be for them.”
“There have been a few cases of
mild grippe on the campus,” said
the doctor, “-but these could- not be
called flu. It is the general opinion
among physicians that-there will be
no flu epidemic this year,” he con
tinued}* “and that when the records
are compiled for this year it will be
found that there have been no more
I deaths from grippe and so-called flu
than in any year previous to last.”
“I can see no reason why there
should be a ban placed on University
activities as there was last year,
because the disease which is appear
ing here is too mild to necessitate
any such action.”
Due to Shortage of Fundi, Order of
Books is to be Limited
Because of the shortage of fugds
in the University, it is announced at
! the University library that only
books very urgently needed in con
! nection with class work can be ord
ered for the students. This ruling
jhad to be made, according to M. H.
i Douglass, librarian, because of the
j inci%asing cost of boofce, togethei
with the inability of the University
| to increase the funds allowed foi
1 purchases.
As next Thursday is* Lincoln’s
birthday, an address on the martyred
president will be given at the as
sembly in Villard hall. Wallace Mc
Camant, a prominent Portland at
torney has promised to speak.
Mr. McCamant is a deep student of
Lincoln, and is considered an au
thority on his life. He has given
the same address, which he will give
here, several times at other places.
Those who have heard him, describe
him as a member of the old school,
a believer in real oratory, and one
who arouses intense interest in his
subject. Judge E. 0. Potter of this
city speaks highly of the man’s abil
ity as a lawyer and of his influence
as a speaker.
The prospective speaker is well
known in Masonic circles, and is al
so active in Republican politics. He
was a member of the supreme bench
but resigned about two years ago.
He is a graduate of Lafayette Col
lege, in Pennsylvania, and is a mem
ber of the Phi Delta Theta fratern
A special attraction of the as
sembly will be the appearance of the
University orchestra.
Former Commerce Major Weds Ruth
Barrett of Albany
News has just been received of
the wedding of Frank H. Wilson,
of Dalla j, member of the class of
1918, to Miss Ruth Barrett, of Al
bany, formerly of Eugene. While ir
the University, Mr- Wilson majored
in Commerce, leaving here with th«
second Ordnance Corps in January
1918. His diploma was granted dur
ing the time that he was in tht
army. Mr. Wilson recently returned
from France.
BJr. and Mrs. Wilson are spend
«ing their honeymoon i» California
They will probably make their hann
in Dallas.
Everyboby Grin!
The Tabard Inn
Takes Bertram In
(Not by R. B.)
This is the way young Bertram
rants, so now I think I’ll take
a chance; for this young Bert
ram chap, you know, is a neo
phyte, and I can crow. He’s a
Sigma Upsilon elected “bee”,
and just between young Bert
ram and me, he’s got a stunt
he has to pull, until the old
boys get their full. On Wed
nesday morning young Bert will
wear, a smock that will make
girls tear their hair. It’s called
in Greek, or Siamese, a “Tab
ard” just pronounce it please.
Besides adorning the campus
with this, there’s something else
you must not miss. He’s going
to pack a Royal around, and look
around until he’s found a vacant
inch on the Library steps, where
he’ll pound out some jingling
This bashful lad must then
declaim the things he’s written
and remain, till something from
on high, you see, splashes down
on you and me. Oh, Bashful
Bertram, I envy you! I kinda
wish I were there too. At ten
a. m. I’ll stand and grin, while
you perform for Ye Tabard Inn
But now I guess I gotta quit,
or envy'll make Bert have a fit.
Ella Dews ’19 and Esther Furuset ’17
Teaching in High Schools
Miss Mabel Cummings, head of the
department of women’s physical
training, has just received a letter
from Ella Dews, a major in her de
partment and graduate with the
class of 1919, who has charge of the
physical training work in the Bend
high school and the women’s de
partment of the Bend Athletic as
sociation. In her letter Miss Dews
said that she was coaching a basket
ball league among the high school
girls and one among the women of
the town. Eight teams are entered
in the women’s league. Besides this
Miss Dews is taking posture tests
! and making records and bulletins
every month.
Another letter has lately been re
ceived by Miss Cummings from Es
ther Furuset, who was graduated in
1917 and is in charge of the physi
cal training department in the high
school at Anaheim, California. Miss
Furuset asked for plans for an up
to date gymnasium as Anaheim
high school is going to have a new
$160,000 building for the physical
training and domestic science de
partments. After her graduation
Miss Furuset was instructor for a
year and a half in gymnasium in
the California State hospital for In
“We can’t begin to supply the de
mand for teachers of physical train
ing,” said Miss Cummings.
Almack Writes on Reading Interests
of Junior High School Pupils
“The Reading Interests of Junior
High School Students” is the title
of an article by J. C. Almack, act
ing director of the extension division,
which appears in the last issue of
“The American Schoolmaster.” The
article gives special emphasis to his
tory, and relates a test given to dis
cover what influences children most
in choosing books, what^ kind of
books “appeal most -to" them, and
whether there is a difference be
tween the interests of boys and girls.
The replies to the question “What
historical character do you like
most?” varied from George Wash
ington to Charlie Chaplin.
The general conclusions which are
reached, state that “There is a de
mand for actuality in the reading
material, for truth, for ‘real life.
| The fairy tale period is past.” Also
“Text books do not satisfy the read
ling interests of junior high schoo
pupils. History, however, has al
i the elements that these pupils lik<
in their reading.”
Oregon fight causes visitors
to take 23 to 20 count
in fast tilt
Team Disorganized by Loss of Durno
and Chapman, Who Are Now
on Sick List
Pacific Coast Conference
O. A. C.
W. S. C.
O. A. C.
W. S. C.
Won Lost Per.
2 0 1000
4 1 800
.1. 1 500
3 4 429
2 3 400
2 5 286
4 1 800
5 2 714
5 2 714
3 2 600
2 2 500
1.7 125
0 4 000
With a great exhibition of Ore
gon fight, the varsity five staged a
comeback against the University of
Washington five Saturday night, and
defeated the northerners 23 to 20, af
ter two extra five minute periods
had been played to settle a tie score.
This victory gives Oregon one win
out of the three games played the
last week end and leaves the lemon
yellow with a conference standing
of .400.
Coach “Shy” Huntington used a
different lineup than he used earlier
in the season, as both Eddie Durno
and Nish Chapman were kept on the
bench until the last part of the
game. "Skeet” Manerud started the
game at the forward position, and
Francis Bellar took Chapman’s place
at guard.
First Half Ends in He
The first half was slow, neither
team seeming to have much of an
advantage, the period ending in a 10
to 10' tie. Oregon jumped in the
lead early in the second half, but
towards the last few minutes of the
game, the Sundodgers crawled up on
the varsity, when with the score
standing at a 18 to 18 tie, Coach*
Huntington sent in Durno and Chap
man. These two men held the Wash
ington tossers to no baskets but
failed to annex any points for the
The first five minutes also ended
in a tie, 29 to 20.
In the second extra period, Lind
threw a field basket, and Durno
cinched the game by garnering a
converted foul.
Munson aid Nicholson sta,rred for
the northerners, and Latham and
Lind for the varsity. Manerud con
verted all of six tries for fouls.
The lineup:
Washington (20) Oregon (22)
Jamieson (2) C. Latham (4)
Munson (8) F. Lind (8)
Talbot (2) F. Manerud(lO)
Nickolson (2) G. Bellar
Cook (6) G. Jacobberger
Referee: George Anderson. *
Substitutions: Oregon, Durno (3),
for Manerud, Chapman for Bellar.
Oregon’s chances for the Pacific
Coast championship seem to be stead
ily decreasing, and O. A. C ’s 31 to
10 victory over University of Wash
ington last night, served to dim the
lemon-yellow’s prospects. Next Fri
day and Saturday Uie Oregon baske
teers go to Corvallis for a two game
series with the agriculturists. The
chances for a victory do not look
very bright but never in the history
of the University have the sport fol
lowers given up hope, or quite fight
ing, until the cause is lost.
The Oregon team is at present
badly crippled, and will probably not
be in good shape by Friday night.
Eddie Durno is ill, and in poor con