Oregon volume 21 Emerald . FEBRUARY 5. 1920 NUMBER 42 OR. L H. BAILEY HIVES RED CONCEPTION OF VIEWS ON DEMOCRACY Problem of Reconstruction Rests With Students of Nation CHALLENGES OLD IDEAS Individual Responsibility of the Peo ple is Very Great Declares Speaker “I might quote the statement at tributed to Lincoln,” said Dr. L. H. Bailey, of Cornell University, noted authority on scientific, educational and political subjects, in commenting on the title of his address, “Are We a Democracy,” in assemby to day, “which was that God must love the common people for he made so many of them.’ ” History, he declared, is a process, not a series of ephocs, and is the human expression of evolution. Throughout history there have been two great streams of progress which from time to time have clashed. These, he defined, as autocracy and democracy. ....In speaking of democracy, Dr. Bailey said, he preferred to challenge some of the students’ notions, for all fundamental opinions he declared, are open to challenge. To accom plish this end he listed a number of qualities popularly associated with the idea, which he said were not dmocracy. This method, he defined, as positive statements in negative forms. riccuuiii. actiu ul. nu^ democracy, for it is largely release from restraint, while restraint is needed by democratic peoples more than any other.” Neither, according to him, do independence, or public ownership, or socialism, or universal suffrage or the rule of the people constitute democracy, although they may be attributes of it. Equal rights are not democracy, for al though equality of opportunity is axiomatic of democracy all persons are not equal in attainments, and a society characterized by uniformity would be a dreadful state of affairs. The Magna Charta, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of In dependence merely express democ racy, said Dr. Bailey, for democracy cannot be bequeathed by a tyrant. He holds two theories as to the progress of democracy. One is based on _ the impact of class on class— strife, while the other rests on some forms of mutual interest—co-opera tion. Dr. Bailey asks if the time for the co-operative side has not come, in place of the old idea of victory and defeat. “The democracy of the future,” said Dr- Bailey, “rests with the stu dents.” Problems of reconstruction, he pointed out have ever been more perplexing than those of battle. He pointed to the Revolution and the Civil War through both of which our nation has made progress toward democracy. “Our responsibility is ‘to do the best we can, in our places every where,’ ” he concluded, quoting from James Russell Lowell. Professor Peter Crockatt present ed the matter of the coming Ore gana campaign to the students, and explained what the Oregana meant to students year by year. The only time to be sure that you can obtain one, he said, is during the campaign. Only a limited number is printed and this number is determined by the ones subscribed for in advance. MANY BOOKS SENT OUT University Library Supplies Large De 1 mand Over State ‘ For the calendar year of 1919 about 848 packages from the Univer ‘ sity library were sent to out of town patrons, according to M- H. Douglass, University librarian. The packages totaled 2,371 items, includ ing books, pamphlets and clippings. Shall U* of O. Grade Faculty and Send Standing to Wives? Would the students like to see their university professors get grade cards at the end of the term with H, M, and possibly P marked there on, and a duplicate copy sent home to their wives? Persident P. L. Campbell at a meeting of the Colloquium last night, an informal gathering of the faculty members, presented a paper giving the A. Caswell Ellis plan of grading university professors. The Ellis plan originated at the University of Tex as. It divides the duties of instruct ors into several groups, such as ability to instruct, ability to do re ! search work, ability to inspire the ' students to work, and sets a numer ical value on each division. Presi dent Campbell introduced this plan for the purpose of discussion, and [ while he did not recommend this par ticular plan, he did express himself as favoring some system of evaluat ing the work of the instructors. The subject was discussed by Prof. W. F. G. Thacher, Dr. E. C- Rob bins, Dr. Joseph Schafer and other faculty members present. It seemed to be the consensus of opinion that it would be of value to discriminate among the different forms of activity required of instructors, but that a set system of grading would not be practicable. It is not reported that anyone sug gested publishing the grades in the Oregonian. I UNIVERSITY STUDENTS WED Jean Fischer and Glen Ward Call on Corvallis Minister The announcement of the marriage of Jean Fischer, a sophomore in the department of economics, to Glen Ward, a junior in the geology de partment, came as a complete sur prise to their many University friends. The couple were married last Tuesday in Corvallis, returning : to Eugene shortly after the cere mony. j Mrs. Ward is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fischer of Spring | field and was a student at O- A. C. until the beginning of last term when she entered here. She is the sister of Mrs. Arthur Ely, a Univer sity freshman. Mr. Ward is the son of Mrs. Emma Ward, 1255 Pearl Street, and the manager of the Rex Floral company. The young couple will make their home in Eugene, Mr. Ward contin uing his course in the University. EUTAXIANS ELECTOFFICERS Irva Smith ChoBen President for Com ing Year Election of officers for the coming year was the business of the regular meeting of the Eutaxian Literary society held February 3 at the Y. W. C. A. bungalow. The officers elected were: president, Irva Smith, of Walterville; vice president, Mae Ballaek, of Albany; secretary, Mary Turner, of Eugene; seargent-at-arms, Austrid Mork, of Portland. The next meeting, which will be held February 17, will be in the form of a pleasant social meeting for all members. GRADUATE VISITS CAMPUS Emma Wootton Hall, ’18, Spending Short Time With Friends Mrs. Emma Wootton Hall, '18, is on the campus for a short visit. Mrs. Hall was formerly prominent in stu dent affairs, and after graduation was for a year military secretary for Colonel John Leader. Mrs. Hall has been making her home in Vallejo, Calif., . while her husband, Elmer Hall, formerly a stu dent in the University, was in the Marines at Mare Island. He was sent on an official trip to Texas, and as she preferred the Oregon ' climate to Texas, Mrs. Hall has stopped on the campus on her way to Astoria, where she will visit her mother. OREGANA’S BUSINESS CREW LAUNCHES PLAN TO SELL 1200 COPIES Outline Placed Before Student Council Tuesday Evening for Approval GOLD FOOTBALLS GIVEN Women’s League to Advance Pro ceeds of Leap Year Dance to be Given Soon There have been campaigns and campaigns but the Oregana sub scription campaign to be launched I by the valiant business crew of that publication, Wednesday, February 10 is going to put former avalanches in the shade if the plans as outlined by George Beggs, Oregana business manager, and Elston Ireland, his assistant, reach the goal set by their hopeful originators. These plans were presented to student council for approval at the weekly meting held in the Library Tuesday evening. The goal which, through necessity had to be set, according to Beggs, is 1200 copies. This goal, Ireland explained, on first thought seems large, but when facts and prices are presented it is not extravagant. A price of $4-50 will be charged for the Oregana this year. This price is necessary for the cost per copy will reach at least $3.35, according to Mr. Beggs’ figures which were estimated on the supposition that the price of paper will not go up any more, which is rather uncer tain. 1200 Subscriptions Needed Figuring on this basis if 1000 books are sold the Oregana will be about $400 short. Therefore the only safe basis is to figure on a 1200 subscription. The Oregana, Mr. Ireland ex plained, is the Oregon year book. It is the only medium by which a complete yearly record can be kept and gives the Oregon student a per manent record of his college life. The Student council passed a res olution pledging itself to stand back of the Oregana in every way pos sible. In addition to this support (ContlBMd OH I) GLEE CLUB ARRANGES VACATION TRIP SOUTH GIRLS TO LEAVE MARCH 29, BACK APRIL 6 — SEVEN CON CERTS BOOKED March 29 has been set as the date on which the Girl’s Glee club will leave on its annual concert tour of the state. The trip, which will embrace practically all of the cities in the southern part of the state, will occupy all of the spring vaca tion. According to the present plan of the trip, bookings have been made in the following places: Cottage Grove, Oakland, Rosejeurg, Grants Pass, Medford, Ashland and Klam ath Falls. Although plans are not yet com plete, according to Helen Manning, business manager of the Glee club, details of the trip are being rapidly worl cd out and the program out lined. The members of the Glee Club will be entertained by residents and their [ friends in the different towns in which bookings are made. Leland A. Coon, director of the club, will be in charge of the trip, and Dean' Elizabeth Fox will be chaperon for j the party. They will return to Eur gene April 6. The home concert of the Glee club will take place on April 26 at the Eugene theatre after the conculsion of the tour. A concert will also be given, preparatory to the tour, at Junction City some week-end of this month. WOMEN ATTENDING UNIVERSITY LIVE CHEAPER THAN MEN Average Increase of Expenses Approximately Same for Both Sexes FEW RECEIVE OVER $50.00 Monthly Allowances Range From $40 to $45, Covering Clothing in Many Cases The survey of students living at the University recently completed has shown that the average increase fori women has been, on the average, about equal to the general increase for men. Fifty dollars a month is the average which the men of the University have concluded they spend, while for the women from $40 to $45 is quite generally the amount received by each woman. Three years ago the men were re ceiving about $35 a month while the women were able to get along with $30 as an average. | A general survey taken from wo men’s fraternity houses, dormitories, and girls living in private families and at home has revealed the fact that the majority of women in col lege, particularly in the junior and senior classes, are paying this year approximately 25 to 40 per cent more on regular monthly expenses than in the years 1916 and 1917 when they were freshmen. It is possible to estimate the amount spent by the different girls on clothing and other special expen ditures. However, it is easy to de termine which is very nearly cor rect as to the cost of board and room, tuition and books. Living Cost Rises Fraternity houses are charging this year from $27.50 to $33.00, in the latter class the small number of gi>rls in the house being largely re sponsible for the difference. Review of an estimate of expenses in fra ternity houses taken a couple of years ago shows that a general av erage then was about $25, although some houses were able to charge as low as $22.50. (Continued on page 4) OREGON ATHLETES TO RUN IN PORTLAND NEWS WILL SPONSOR FIVE1 MILE RACE—SCHOOLS WILL TRY FOR CUP The Portland News is acting as sponsor for a five mile marathon in a non-conference meet to be held in Portland on February 21, in which many of the educational in stitutions of the state are expected to participate. The team from each institution will consist of five mem bers and the race will be staged through the streets of Portland. A large silver trophy cup, valued at $95, goes to the individual win ner in the contest while the winning team will receive a large pennant. Glenn Walkley, who was the un doing of 0. A. C. in the cross country last fall just before the O. A. C.-Oregon homecoming football game, Emerald Sloan, Albert Combes, and Don Davis, all members of last fall’s cross country team, are train ing for the event. Bill Coleman, Wayne Akers, and Victor Bradeson, all cross country men, are running around the track on old Kincaid field, getting in shape for the race. Just who the other participants in the contest will be is not known yet. Bill Hayward has written to the Portland News for full information concerning the track meet and ex pects a reply the latter part of this week or the first of next. Bill says that the Oregon men are rapidly getting into form and that he expects to send a strong team to Portland. Pound Sterling Slump Prevents Return to Oregon “I had planned to return to Oregon next fall to go to the University, but I cannot afford to lose ten cents on every dollar,” Herman A. Leader, a foriher correspondence study student in Portland, writes from Seven Persons, Alberta, Canada. Mr. Leader was in Canada at the time of the war and enlisted in the Canadian army and has not returned to the United States. The English pound sterling, usual ly worth $4.87 in United States money, is at present worth only $3.33, which would be an even great er discount than Mr. Leader men tions. LONG PLUNGE IS MADE Frances Moore, Freshman, Goes 48 Ft. in Distance Contest Frances Moore, a freshman from Aberdeen, Washington, made 48 feet in the plunge for distance while swimming in the tank in the men’s gymnasium Tuesday afternoon. This is the highest record this year in “the plunge for distance. It has only been exceeded once during the last three years and that was last year when Helen Clarke, then a freshman, made 52 feet. There are a number of girls work ing on the different events which are scheduled for the interclass swim ming meet to be held the last of February or the first week in March. Any girl who can swim is eligible for entry in the meet. MILITARY SOCIETY FORMED Upperclassmen Interested in Subject Eligible to Membership A military society for upperclass men, to be organized for the purpose of studying military problems and keeping in touch with late develop ments, is being formed on the cam pus. At a meeting Tuesday, Arnold Koepke was appointed temporary chairman. A name is to be selected for the society and constitution' and by-laws adopted in the near future. Upperclassmen interested in mili tary science are eligible to the so ciety. It is planned to hold meetings at regular intervals, at which papers prepared by the members on military subjects of current interest will be read. EUROPE SEEKS CATALOGS Desires Better Educational Relations With U. S. Letters are constantly being re ceived at the president’s office, show ing the great interest European na-i tions are taking in American educa tion. A letter has just been received from the Smithsonian Institute stat ing that a request for catalogues from American universities and colleges has been made by the American lega tion at Prague, Czecho-Slovak repub lic. Dr. Emil Cenkow, the counselor in charge of foreign relations of the mu nicipality of Prague, had called at the legation and said he wished to estab lish better cultural and intellectural relations between the University of Prague and the various American universities. OXFORD DICTIONARY HERS Contains List of All Words of the English Language Parts I and II, voulme 9, of the New English Dictionary of Historic Principles, sometimes called the Ox ford Dictionary have been received by the University library These books have been in the process of publica tion since 1888, when volume I was started. The volume just received goes as far in the alphabet as “Th”, which indicates that there are several vol umes to come yet. These books con tain a list of all the words in the Bmglish language, both obsolete and current, with every spelling and meaning each word ever had. WEEK-END BASKETBALL DAMES CRUCIAL TEST EOR LEMON-YELLOW Dopesters Predict Victory Over Washington; Little Known About W. S. C. SEATTLE LINEUP IS STRONG Sundodgers Have Big Crew to Pick Quintet From—Oregon to Work Same Five The basketball games with the University of Washington tomorrow and Saturday nights appears to be the crucial test of the season for the lemon-yellow hoopers. “Oregon should win if nothing happens,” said Shy Huntington in regard to the coming games. The team is in fair shape although Latham and Durno are not in top notch condition. The regular line-up of Durno, Lind, Lath am, Chapman and Jacobberger will be used against the Sound city play i ers unless some of the men are injured in the game tonight. The Seattle squad has twelve men of nearly equal ability, which gives the visitors a distinct advantage. The Washington eligibility lists have not arrived so the lineup is not ! certain, but the following men will [ probably be among those who make the trip: Sanders, Talbot, Munson, Cook, Straatz, Nickelson, Jamieson. The team worked well against O. A. 1C. last week-end, where they divid ed a two game series with the Cor vallis quintet. Dopesters predict an Oregon vic tory over Washington, but there is nothing certain about the outcome of the games. A victory at this time would greatly illuminate Ore gon’s chances for the coast cham pionship, for it would give the team the desired confidence and morale. U. OF C. PRESIDENT WILL VISIT CAMPUS Dr. David Barrows to Stop Short Time on Trip North—May Address Students David P. Barrows, the new presi dent of the University of California, will visit the University, near the end of this term, or the beginning of next, and an endeavor will be made to get him to address the students. He is making a trip to British Columbia and is not certain whether he will stop off in Eugene on his way there, or on his return south. President Barrows received de grees at Pomona College, the Uni versity of California, Columbia and the University of Chicago. He has held many executive otiices in the field of education, among them presi dent of the trustees of Mills College, member of the board of directors of the California State school for the Deaf and the Blind, and a member of the California commmission on rural credit and colonization. He was professor of education and political science, dean of the school of education, and dean of the faculty, at the University of Cali fornia. EX-EMERALD CHIEF VISITS i D. Mullarkey, Editor Last Year, to Edit Redmond Spokesman | Douglas Mullarky, editor of the Emerald last year, who has been at tending the University of California during the past term, arrived in Eugene Tuesday night to spend a few dayS visiting with University friends while enroute to his home at Red mond, Oregon. His father has recently purchased the Redmond Spokesman and Mul larky is going home to assume the editorship of the paper. He expects to leave Eugene tonight.