Oregon Emerald VOLUME 21 EUGENE, OREGON. TUESDAY* FEBRUARY 3, 1920 NUMBER 41 BACK OUR BASKETEERS! WALLOP WASHINGTON!! SHOW OF BRICK SLOBS CONSTRUCTION ON WOMEN’S ROIIDINC Forms for Swimming Pool Ready for Cement; Window Casings Being Painted $3,395.28 CASH RECEIVED Final Touches Are Expected Before Spring Vacation, 1921, if Nothing Hinders Work on the women’s building has been slowed up for some time through lack of brick for the walls and piers It is expected the shortage will be ov ercome in time to take advantage of the present good weather. In the meantime work has been progressing on other parts of the building. The forms for the swimming pool at the west end of the building are almost ready for the cement. Workmen are already busy on the window casings for the main building and these are being given a coat of paint to pro tect them from the weather. With the laying of girders for the second V°°r on either end of the pres ent framework the building is begin ning to take on something of the ap pearance of its expected size. By spring vacation, 1921, if work pro gresses satisfactorily Hendricks Hall will have shaped into the appearance of one of the many university an nexes in comparison with it. Karl Onthank, secretary to Presi dent Campbell, says that subscrip tions to the building fund are still coming in. The latest reported is a gift of $50 from the teachers of the Lincoln high school of Portland. The total amount up to date which the students have raised and turned in is $3,395.28 DYMENT TO GIVE UP GLASSES ON CAMPUS JOURNALISM PROFESSOR WILL CONFINE ACTIVITIES TO PORTLAND WORK Portland class work, and other work of the University in Portland, has become so heavy that Colin V. Dy ment, professor of journalism, has been compelled to give up his weekly teaching trips to the campus for the remainder of the year. Mr. Dyment’s class in trade journal ism will be taken over by Dean Eric W. Allen, and his class in newswrit ing by Mr. Turnbull- In addition to being professor of journalism, Mr. Dyment handles executive details of the University’s Portland Center. He will also represent the University in the millage campaign for the next four months. TEA ROOM OPENS FEB’Y 12 Addition of Banquet and Dance Hall Causes Delay j The opening date of the Tea Room, on the race has been postponed until February 12, to permit the addition of several new features, according to Miss Mary S. Keiffer, in charge of the rooms. The management of the Tea Room is completing a banquet and dance hall which will accommodate about 35 couples. This room will be con nected with the kitchen to facilitate i the service on such occasions. The lunch and dining rooms will be able * to serve 75 people. A special feature will be a room on the second floor of !* the building which will be used exclu sively for afternoon teas. According to Miss Keiffer lunch will t be served from 11 to 1 and dinner in the evening from 5:30 to 7, although !» the rooms will be open the entire day from 9:30 until 10:30 p.m. REGENTS ACCEPT 3 RESIGNATIONS Committee Expresses Appreciation to Dr. Schafer for Twenty Years’ Service At a meeting of the Executive Com mittee of the Board of Regents, Sat urday evening, three resignations were accepted- They were Professor Charles Edmondson, Dr. Joseph Schafer, and Prof. Allan C. Hopkins. , Charles Edmondson, former assist ant professor of zoology, has left the University to accept a position in the College of Hawaii, in Honolulu. His place has been taken by Miss Kath ryn W. Beekley, of New York. Dr. Joseph Schafer, head of the history department since 1900, will leave for the University of Wisconsin, to become Superintendent of the Wis consin State Historical Society. He will probably leave Oregon about April 1- Appreciation of his 20 years’ service and extreme regret that he is leaving, was expressed by the Regents when acting upon his resignation. The resignation of Prof. Allan C. Hopkins, former assistant professor of commerce, was formally accepted. He is now office manager for a large firm in Portland. OREGONIAN WILL TEACH Summer Course in Dramatics to be Conducted by 1910 Grad. A course in high school dramatics will be conducted in the summer school next summer by Miss Naomi Williams, a graduate of the Univer sity of Oregon in 1910. Miss Williams, after her graduation here, spent a year in the Emerson School of Oratory in Boston. She later had charge of the dramatic and are appreciation classes in the Eugene High school and is now teaching at LaGrande. Miss Williams published a bibliography of plays suitable for high school production two years ago, under the auspices of the University. REGENT HEADS CHAMBER Vernon Vawter Elected President of Medford Club Vernon Vawter, regent of the Uni versity of Oregon and cashier of the 'Jackson County bank at Medford, was elected president of the reorganized Medford chamber of commerce at a meeting there Friday night At the meeting Mr. Vawter an nounced that luncheons will be held every Wednesday noon by the board of directors, to which all members of the club who wish to attend are in vited. At these weekly (luncheons suggestions of all kinds as to improv ing the effectiveness of the organiza tion and promoting the welfare of Medford and Jackson county will be discussed. SWEETSER WILL LECTURE First of Series of Talks to be Given at Y. M. Hut The first of a series of lectures for the men of the University will be given Wednesday evening at eight o’clock at the Y. M. C. A. hut by Professor A. R. Sweetser, of the bot any department. The lecture, which will be illustrated, will be on the sub ject “The Religion of the Biologist”. The weekly- lectures will be held at the hut every Wednesday night. Pro fessors of the different departments will discuss the relation of the science, in which they are interested, to re ligion. BLACK LIST MINUS ONE Total of 98 Students Now on Proba tion—Removal Petitions Refused Only one students has been taken off the probation list to date accord ing to the committee in charge. It was found, in this case, that an in complete had been turned into the Registrar’s office, instead of an S. Many students have applied to have their names removed from the list on a wide variety of reasons, but their petitions have been denied. There are a total of 98 on the black i list at present. STMT LIVING COST SOLOS TO tt PER CELT OVER ESTIMATE OF 1915 Committee InvestigatesExpense of Campus Life; “Home Check” Grows $50 IS MONTHLY AVERAGE Dormitories and Fraternity Houses Hold Fees Low in View of Price of Materials Cost of living at the University of Oregqn has increased about 42 per cent over living expenses of 1915, ac cording to approximate statistics bj/ the student living committee. Dr. J. F. Bovard, head of the Zoology de partment and faculty member of the student living committee claims that four years ago, if a student had $35 for the month's expenses he did not have to worry. This year the mini mum is put at $50.00 a month, cover ing, as nearly as can be estimated, about the total monthly average. The houses, including dormitories and fraternity houses, have managed to keep living expenses conspicuously low in view of the increased cost of materials. In 1915 and 1916 the av erage cost per month averaged $25. The cost this year fluctuates around $33.00 as an average monthly cost to each member of a house. Some of the men’s houses in 1915 and 1916 ran as low as $24.00 per month to the individual while $27.00 was about the maximum. House Managers Practice Economy The reason that the houses have been able^to fight the high cost of living on such a close margin, accord ing to Dr. Bovard, is that the house managers are now more on the alert than formerly for good buys and pay more attention to planning the menu in order that the best possible re sults may be obtained at the least expense. , To the students who are living with private families in Eugene the ex pense in most cases is higher than in the clubs or houses. $30.00 is a min imum for room and board with pri vate families while in some cases as high as $40.00 is asked, making a bout $35.00 an average for the in dividual living outside the houses or clubs. In 1915-16 the cost to the student outside the houses was about on a par with those living in frater nity houses or clubs. Recreation Expenses Vary No satisfactory estimate can be made on the average spent by each student for recreation. The figures run from nothing to $50.00 per month in extreme cases. The expenditures of every student in the University | vary from month to month and in a (Continued on page 4) VARSITY FACES BIG WEEK U.OF W.AND W.S.C. HERE FOR SERIES OREGON FIVE RUNS UP SCORE OF 38 TO 22 AGAINSTWILLAMETTE First Half Is 12 to 12 With Both Teams Playing Good Ball UNABLE TO MAINTAIN PACE McKittrick, Lind, Durno and Chapman Fast—Eddie is Consistent Basket Shooter • W. s. c. • Idaho • Oregon • O. A. C. • Whitman • Willamette • Montana Standing * Lost Per. • 0 1000 • 2 0 1000 • 3 1 750 • 2 1 067 • 3 2 200 • 1 5 167 • 0 4 000 • • Northwest Conference Won 2 Playing good ball in the first half, the Willamette quintet held the lemon yellow fiive to a 12 to 12 tally in the initial period of the game Saturday night but were unable to keep up the pace in the last half and were smothered under a 38 to 22 score when the final whistle was sounded. The Methodists took the lead and chalked up five points before Durno hooped one, from then on the score see-sawed back and forth until the half ended. In the second half, Ore gon took the lead from the start and maintained it throughout the remain der of the contest. Durno and Lind making baskets almost at will. McKittrick is Speedy The playing of McKettrick for the visitors was a feature of the game and the fast little guard was all over the zoor for the visitors although he failed to succeed in stopping Durno from chalking up the usual number of points. Durno found the hoop in the second half and dropped them in with almost monotonous regularity Chapman played a fast game at guard and was one of the mainstays of the lemon-yellow team work which show ed up to a big advantage during the latter period in the contest. Latham worked good at center and covered the floor in fine shape, and Jacob berger who guarded the big Indian, Wapato, of the opposing squad, held his opponent to a scoreless game and (Continued on page 4) Ha! What Ho! Juniors Plot Vod-vill jt jt .jt jt J* jt v* Jt J* J* jt ’21 ers May Play Before Footlights Well, the junior class is plot ting against the rest of the stu dent body again, and this time a new idea is to be sprung on the “unsuspecting public’’. Now it so happens that the juniors, being in their right mind and of sound I judgment, are planning the big gest of Junior Week-Ends for this spring, and in order that this may be, John Gamble, who conducts highway robbery in the name of class treasurer, arose from among his co-workers and said that the class needed more shekels. Straightway did the class of 1921 get together and with their analytical minds running rampant decided that the gest way to fill the coffers was to stage something that would net an economic profit. After much though the idea of staging a junior vaudeville was proposed. The more the plan was discussed the better it be came- Those possessing excep- j tional imaginations began to se lect talent and arrange the acts. Now there are “Scotty” Strachan and Carl Mautz, for a clever song and dance skit; Sam Lehman and somebody in an act that even they don’t know what to call it, and a few more like that. So the junior class, through the master mind of their “Prexy”, appointed a sleuth to percolate among the faculty and those high er up and get the pulse, as it were. One member of the faculty ordered two tickets, another sug gested an act or two, still another offered to arrange for the date of the production. As for the date, no more can be said than that the vaudeville will proceed Junior Week-End; as for the price, it will be popular; as for the acts, wait until you see them. CORNELL SCIENTIST ASSEMBLY SPEAKER Dr. L. H. Bailey of Ithaca, N. Y., to Address Students Thursday on “Are We a Democracy?’’ Dr. Liberty Hyde Bailey, from Cor nell University, Ithaca, N. Y., will ad dress the students of the University, in Villard hall, Thursday morning, on the question, “Are We A Democ racy?” Dr. Bailey is making a lecture tour of the northwest, and is considered one of the best authorities in the country on botany and horticulture. He has written books and edited sev eral encyclopedias. He is a director of the college of agriculture at Cor nell and is a fellow in the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 1908, Dr. Bailey was made chairman of the Roosevelt Commission on Coun try Life. Before coming here, Dr. Bailey will talk at the Monmouth Normal and the Oregon Agricultural College, and af ter his visit here, will return to New York. He is to be the guest of the Science Club, an Wednesday evening. Professor F. A. Golder of the Wash ington State College, is managing Dr Bailey’s trip. BRYN MAWR ASKS NAMES College Wants to Get in Touch With Students of High Standing A request has come to the Univer sity from Miss Helen Taft acting pres ident of Bryn Mawr College, for the names of students who are recom mended for scholarships. They wish to get in touch with seniors and grad uate students of high standing and ability. A total of 18 resident fellowships of $530 each, a research fellowship of $750, a resident scholarship of $450 and 20 resident graduate scholarships of $200 are offered graduates of uni versities and colleges of acknowledged standing. Beside these, three yearly European fellowships are given to members of the Graduate School of Bryn Mawr senior Starts teaching Ethel Wakefield to Offer Oral Expres sion to High School Studes A course in oral expression which will aim to promote ease and correct ness of speech, is to be started in the University high school by Ethel Wakefield, senior in the department of education. Miss Wakefield is a member of the Hendricks hall team which won the championship of the women's debate league last year. She will offer de bate, parliamentary drill and current events, and prepared speech making to the high school students. LAWMAKERS SEND PRAISE Onthank Gets Copies of Resolution Commending Football Team Karl Onthank has just received a number of copies of the resolution passed by the recent session of the legislature, commending the Oregon team, for the game which was played with Harvard, New Year’s day. He would like each man on the team to get one. CATALOGS OUT IN APRIL University to Print 1000 More Copies This Year Than Last A much larger number of Univer sity catalogs will be printed this year than last, and the plan is to have them finished earlier. They will probably be out pome time in April. The number of catalogs printed last year was insufficient, and they were exhausted some time ago. The exact number ordered this year is not known, but it is estimated that there will be 1000 more copies. PULLMAN’S QUINTET ON WAY FROM SOUTH STOPS FOR CONTEST California Takes First From Northerners Who Split With Stanford U. or W. AFTER REVENGE Oregon Hoopers in Good Shape for Mix With Visitors—Leadership of Conference at Stake Pacific Coast Conference • Standing • • Won Lost Per. • • Washington • Oregon • W. S. C. 1 • Stanford I • O. A. C. | • California 2 2 500 • 1 1 500 • 1 2 333 • 1 1 500 • - 1 1 500 • 1 0 1000 • With a chance either to put the lemon yellow well in the lead in the Pacific Coast Conference basketball championship race or to drop to a i place from which it will be all but im possible to rise, the Oregon varsity five is now going through the hard est training of the year in prepara tion for the hardest week-end of the entire schedule. The big campaign will open Thursday night here when Captain Lind will lead the varsity five against the Washington State hoopers. On Friday and Saturday nights the University of Washington five will form the opposition. Particular interest centers about the coming games as every coast team is showing exceptional form and sev eral of the teams are tied in the per centage column. California jumped into the lead of the conference standing last night when the bears took a 28 to 26 vic tory away from the Washington State five. The two teams will meet again tonight in Berkeley and if old dame dope puts her hand into the affair as she has in the other conference games of the season, W. S. C. will be slated to win. No conference team has succeeded in winning two straight games in the two game series arrang ed so far. Oregon and Washington both won one and lost one in the two day series arranged between the sun dodgers and the Webfooters, as did O. A. C. and Washington, Stanford and Washington State. Pullman learn fast Washington State is in California now. Coach Bohler has a fast team and in the clash with Stanford both teams played air tight ball each team winning1 one game by small scores. The W. S. C.-Oregon game will be of double interest to local fans for it will be the first chance to get a line on the strength of the California conference teams. The University of Washington quintet which plays here Friday and Saturday night will meet the lemon yellow five for the last time this year. In the two games at Seattle the honors were even and Washing ton duplicated this, with the Aggies last week. Coach “Shy” Huntington says, “If the team is going good this week. I think we should beat the northerners here. They made a poor ( showing against the Aggies at Seattle but we can tell little about that be cause they used but one man in their ' lineup in these two games, that they i used against us when we played them.” Oregon In Fine Shape “If we can win these three games this week, things are going to look pretty bright for us in the confer ence,” Coach Huntington said this (ContlMM oa Ml I)