Oregon Emerald VOLUME 21 EUGENE, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1920 NUMBER 38 TO LEAVE UNIVERSITY Accepts Wisconsin Post After Being On Oregon Faculty Since 1900 WILL DO RESEARCH WORK Opportunity Given for Investigation as Superintendent of State His torical Society. Dr. Joseph Schafer, professor of history in the University, has been offered a position as * superintendent of the Wisconsin State Historical society at a salary of $4,000 a year, and he will accept, leaving here eith er at Easter or in June, for the Uni versity of Wisconsin, according to a report given out by the president’s office this morning. In this new pos ition Dr. Schafer will have more time to devote to his research work In which he is much interested. He expects to spend the next 25 years in writing a history of American agriculture, a field which he believes has been badly neglected. Dr. Schafer has already outlined a plan for the writing of a history of Wisconsin, which he plans to have written mostly by students and old residents of the state. These articles he will first have published as mon ographs and later he will collect them in a larger book. He is already the author of several valuable books of history, among them the “History of the Pacific Northwest,” largely used in universities and high schools; “The Pacific Slope and Alaska,” and the “History of Land Grants in Aid of Education.” He will have at his disposal in this new position a budget of $60,000 a year, a library of 1,000,000 books and pamphlets, including many rare collections and constituting the best historical material on that part of the United States, the inter-mountain region, and a staff of more than a dozen working under him. Dr. Schafer Was graudated from the University of Wisconsin, receiv ing degrees of B.L. in 1894, M.A. in ' 1899, Fellow in 1900, and Ph. D. in 1906. He has been with the Univer sity since 1900, and during that time has held the position of Dean of the Extension division from 1912 until 1917 and also Dean of the summer school from 1912 until 1918, when he resigned both deanships in order to devote more time to his research work. He was prevented from doing this, however, by the heavy influx of students and the inability of the University to provide more instruc tors. To Dr. Schafer, also, the honor must be given for the founding of the Portland center of the Univer sity Extension division in 1913. BETTER PAY MOVEMENT ON All Parts of Country Favor Highfer Salaries for Teachers H. R. Douglas, principal of the University high school, in speaking of the opportunity for the students do ing practice teaching this winter, points out the general movement throughout the counry to give better pay for teachers. The Missouri State Teachers’ association has passed a resolution setting $100 a month as the minimum salary for high school teachers who are university graduate, Mr. Douglas states. The teachers in Chicago have been granted a flat raise of from $400 to $500, including grade as well as high school teachers. The legislature in Iowa has passed a law setting $100 a month as a minimum for all teachers who are college graduates. In Seattle the teachers are asking a $50 a month increase. In Salem the voters have voted a special levy to enable them to pay all their teach ers, grade and high school, a mini mum of $50 a month. • DEAN FOX AT HOME • • Dean Elizabeth Fox will be • • home to University students • • and faculty every Wednesday • • from 4 to 6 at 1255 Fourteenth • • Avenue East. • I lillllllllllllllilllllllllllliilllii PROMINENT HISTORY PROFESSOR WHO GOES TO U. OF WISCONSIN Dr. Joseph Schafer TWO SMALLPOX CASES FLU EPIDEMIC NOT FEARED BY UNIVERSITY DOCTOR CASES DECLINE With two cases of smallpox at the University of Oregon infirmary, Dr. E. H. Sawyer, University physician, urges that all students take the op portunity of safeguarding themselves against this disease by taking advan tage of the vaccine at the infirmary, which will be administered free to all students during the regular clinic hours from 10 ^ill 11 a.m. and from 1:30 till 4 p.m. at the infirmary. Fear of epidemic of influenza is groundless, declared Dr. Sawyer to day, for it is not likely that such an epidemic will get under way here. “It is the general impression of the health officers of Eugene,” said Dr. Sawyer, “that we are not in danger of any serious epidemic of flu. While there is an apparent wave at this time, it is of a lighter, less dangerous nature, and it is hoped that this wave has already reached its crest.” There are no cases of influenza at the infirmary at present, the doctor declared today, and town doctors do not fear an epidemic. An annex next door to the University infirmary has been provided for the isolating of contagious disease cases from the rest of the ingrmary. At present the're are but two cases of smallpox there. Particular emphasis should be put on the regular rules of hygiene dur ing this time. Regular hours, nour ishing foods, and as much fresh air as possible, are among the prevent ives that Dr. Sawyer suggests. It is not necessary to take special pre cautions if the student is in good health, he says. “If the last two days are any in index of conditions,” said Dr. Saw yer, “we won"t be as busy from now on as we have been during the last month.” RELIEF MONEY FOR EX-SOLDIERS HERE Fund for Men Not Included In State Aid—Students May Use Loan as They Wish The soldiers’ and sailors’ relief money has been received by the Uni versity. This fund is for the pur pose of loans to-'fix-service men, who, upon presentation of the right cred entials, may borrow up to $150 year ly. Anyone wishing to present claims for such a loan should go to the re gistrar’s office and fill out the ne cessary blanks. Not all of the ex-service men re ceive state aid, and this other fund may be drawn upon by men who en listed in other states, or for any other reason are not receiving state aid. Although the state aid may only be used for certain things, this loan money may be used in any de sired way. • SKEYHILL NOT COMING • • - • • Thomas Skeyhill, the Austra- • • lian war poet, will be unable • • to deliver his lecture on “Sol- • • dier Poets” this evening. A • • telegram stating that he is • • very ill and cannot leave Port- • • land was received by the ad- • • ministration this morning. • NEW SOCIETY FORMED BY PHI BETA KAPPAS — Nineteen Faculty and Town Members Organize to Gain National OREGON STANDARDS HIGH Chapter Will Select Best Students From Junior and Senior Classes , Phi Beta Kappa, membership in which is the highest scholarship hon or that an undergraduate student can obtain in America, will be es tablished at the University of Oregon soon if expectations raised this week prove well founded. Phi Beta Kap pas from faculty and town, to the number of 19, met at the Hotel Os burn Sunday and after listening to a‘ talk from Dr. F. W. Shepardson, na tional vice-president of the order, were encouraged to organize a local association for the University of Ore gon, which they hopefully expect will be admitted to membership at the next meeting of the Phi Beta Kappa Senate. v Oregon is worthy of admittance right now in his opinion, Dr. Shep ardson declared, her scholarship high and her standards good, but he added that the Senate has felt uncertain about the steadiness of popular sup port for higher education in Oregon, and that that has been a principal reason for delaying recognition. Local Organization Urged He advised the members to go ahead and form a local association. This was done and this body will grant honors to ten per cent or less of the University seniors and five per cent of the juniors at commence ment time this June, and will carry out otherwise the usual functions of Phi Beta Kappa, but for the present under some other name. When Phi Beta Kappa enters a new university its custom is to take in as members students of distinguished scholarship for many classes back from the date of entrance. Students selected by the local chapter will thus be regard ed as in line for Phi Beta Kappa later. Dr. Shepardson spoke in commend ation of what he had observed of Oregon scholarship, noting in parti cular what Harvard men had told him of the impress made on Harvard in one^year of study there by the late Leslie O. Tooze, who later died in battle in France. Officers Are Elected Officers of the new organization were elected from among the 19 town and University people present as follows: President, Dr. R. C. Clark, professor of history, mem ber of University of Texas chapter; vice-president. Miss Mary Hallowell Perkins, professor of rhetoric, mem ber of Bates college chapter; secret tary, George Turnbull, professor of Journalism, member of the Univer (Continued on page 2) HARRY F. HOLMES TO SPEAK AT ASSEMBLY Head of British Red Cross Will Lec ture Thursday—Irvine or Lan caster May Talk Harry F. Holmes, head of the Bri tish Red Cross organization, who al so directed the British Red Cross work in France during the war, will be a speaker at the assembly in Vil lard hall Thursday morning. Efforts are being made by President Camp bell today to bring here for the same assembly either B. F. Irvine, the blind editor of the Oregon Journal, or S. C. Lancaster, the noted engin eer, builder of the Columbia highway. It may not be known until late in the day which if these men will be able to come. HONOR SORORITY FORMED Ruth Montgomery Temporary Head of New Educational Club A new honor educational sorority was formed by about 20 advanced students in the school of education at a meeting held Wednesday in the Education building. Miss Ruth Mont gomery was elected temporary chair man. Miss Montgomery appointed a committee on constitution and by laws as follows: Ruth Pearson, chair man, Mrs. Ruth Wheeler and Grace Knopp. This committee will also consider the matter of petitioning some national education sorority. A committee on membership was ap pointed and consists of Marian An drews and Laurel Canning. Dorothy Bennett was appointed to arrange for the next meeting, which will pro bably be held in one week. Membership in the organization is to be based on scholarship and pro fessional prospect, and will be con fined to upperclassmen who are tak ing work in the school of education and are preparing to teach, but not necessarily majoring in education. HUNT LEAVES WASHINGTON Carleton College Recalls Old Coach With Larger Salary Claude J. Hunt, head coach of ath letics at the University of Washing ton, has resigned his position to be come coach at Carleton college, Northfield, Minnesota. He left Carle ton college three years ago to coach at Washington. Hunt now returns to the Minnesota school at a salary of $4000 per year. ARANT LEAVES OREGONIAN Former University 8tudent on Staff of The Timberman Lucien P. Rrant, ex-’18, two years a member of the Oregonian copy desk staff in Portland, has resigned his position to join the advertising staff of The Timberman, the inter national lumber journal. Arant will begin his new duties February 2. Philologians to Meet There will be a meeting of the Philologians Wednesday evening at 7:30 in Prof. R. W. Prescott’s room. All debaters are urged to be present. Fresh Frosh Smoke and Sing Saturday J* jt J* J* Jt jt jt jt jt jt I ‘ * Kappa Sig Smoker to be Staged; Dry BY B. B. Lady Nicotine has requested that all members of the freshman class who adhere to the precepts of the Royal Order of Persistent Puffers be present at the Kappa Sig Smoker next Saturday night, January 31, at 7:30 sharp. That well-known Vir ginian animal, the Camel, will be displayed as one of the attractions. Those who desire to be right up to snuff may chey “snooBe” or Master piece, and non-indulgers may chew the rag, but a warning is sounded that he who chews the rag is liable to get lint on his lungs. Let the tailor keep the Sunday clothes a day or so longer as you will need only the dungarees. If father forgets to send the usual "pay to the order of” it should not be any check on your enthusiasm, as paper money will be issued at the door. Dewey Rand, former M. P. (not snember of parliament) will pour. ably assisted by Joe B. Frazer and Johnny Walker. There will be plenty of sun-dried tobacco and galloping dominoes, for those who prefer to “roll their own." There will be a regular P. T. Barnum show staged, as each organization is to put on a stunt, so come at least to egg them on. Do not make their efforts fruitless. Besides the boxing card there will be plenty of poker, black-jack (not the gum), and house rules in general will be off. Set aside one night, set aside the shimmie shuffle and join in the poker shuffle. “Pedal down the main drag” Satur day night, round up the gang, hop on a pay-as-you enter, and let the Jazz be unconflned. Any freshman who misses this affair is to be im mersed in a solution of aqua pura, which has been known to dampen the spirit of many a bold beginner. Don’t forget, come early; you will need to rush later. INTMLIED GAMES TO BE SHOWN IM FILMS WILLIAM UNMACK, AUSTRALIAN, TO DESCRIBE EVENTS IN LECTURE Motion pictures of the inter-allied athletic games which were held in the Pershing Stadium in Paris last June, featured by a detailed explan ation of the games and the athletes who took part in them, by William Unmack, a prominent Australian sport authority who was present at the games, will be shown at Villard hall on Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. “Bill” Hayward, by whose efforts the pictures have been brought here, says that the pictures should be of two-fold interest, be cause they are not only of the inter allied games, but these games were substituted for the big Olympic games last season and some of the best athletes in the world appeared in them. The pictures show the games in detail and the various athletes who participated and the American team which won the meet. There are also pictures of the immense stadium and the track and field events as they were carried out. In addition to these there are a number of pic tures of the games participated in by the army of occupation in various parts of Germany. The pictures were shown by Mr. Unmack at Multnomah club in Port land and also at O. A. CL. and fav orable reports have been received here of them. An admission charge of 10 cents will be made to cover the cost of bringing Mr. Unmack to Eugene, and the entertainment is for all who wish to attend. FRED COLEY WINNER IN ORATORY TRYOUT Four Compete for Places on Oregon Team—Eight State Colleges to Meet at Pacific Fred Coley, senior, was winner of the oratorical contest tryouf Friday af ternoon and will be sent to Pacific University to represent the Univer sity in the state oratorical contest, March 12. Coley spoke on “Industrial Patriotism.” Three other speakers tried out. Nor ris Jones spoke on “Democracy ver sus Bolshevism,” George Shirley on “The New Expansion,” and Don Davis on “The Stranger Within Our Gates.” Professor R. W- Prescott, of the de partment of public speaking, Profes sor Peter C. Crockatt, and James H. Gilbert, of the economics department, were the judges of the speakers in the tryout. Eight of the state educational in stitutions will take part in the con test at Forest Grove. The colleges which will enter this year are: Pa cific University, Pacific College, Mc Minnville College, Willamette Univer sity, Albany College, Monmouth Nor mal, Oregon Agricultural College and the University of Oregon. Oregon Attracts Easterners. Interest in the University is shown by Mrs. Mary H. Johnson of Minn eapolis, who recently wrote a letter asking information about the school. She said she had heard favorably of this institution, and she would like to come out west and send her two daughters to a good democratic university like Oregon. s LAUREANS TO MEET s s e s There will be a meeting s s Wednesday evening at 7:30 in s s Professor Prescott's room in s s the Administration building to e s reorganize the Laurean Liter- e s ary society. All those interest- e • en in forensic matters should • • be present. • H, S, M and P Yield to 1,2,3,4 and 5 In Order Named M RATING DIVIDED INTO CLASS 3 AND 4 Aim Announced Is to Stimulate Scholarship—Semester Plan Defeated A new system of grading which calls for publication of grades at the University of Oregon In all sub jects at the end of each term was adopted in faculty meeting last night, Under the new system the student’s i standing in each subject will be de signated by class I, II, III, IV and V instead of the present system of H, S, M and P. Class III and class IV cover the present standing of the grade M. Class III stands for work just below an S or class II standard, while class IV is given to grades which are just above the old class ification of P. F will continue to be the mark of failure, and the F grados will not be published. It was argued by those favoring the new system that the old plan of grading was not generally understood by the public, while the new system tells at a glance whether the stu dent is above or below the average in his work. Publicity plays a very prominent part In the new system wherever it has been adopted. The University will furnish the Portland papers and all other papers in the state with the grades in all classes at the end of each term. A Univer sity bulletin will also be issued con taining the same information. Publicity Held Incentive A large majority of the faculty felt that publicity will give a greater in centive to higher scholarship among the students, and that the work in general will be benefited by the new system. Opponents to the system contended that too great an incen tive is given to the student to strive for high grades rather than the work itself. Students hereafter will be listed in each class in alphabetical order un der the five passing classes. The new system does not mean that but one student in each class is rated in class I, but rather that all students doing the type of work formerly graded H will now be listed as class I students. The grades Incom plete, Conditioned, Withdrawn and Failed are to remain as formerly. First publication of grades under the new system will be at the end of the winter term. Students who are trying for hon ors will be classified in a separate honors list in order of merit. The mailing of the bulletin is ex pected to supersede the present sys tem of making out Individual record cards. Under the motion, the registrar is directed to prepare the blanks for handling grades under the new sys tem. 1"erm Plan Continues The matter of return to the semes* ter plan was brought up in the fac* ulty meeting but was laid on the table for another year. The present term plan will be followed out dur ing the next year at least. The faculty voted to grant majors in commerce the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration instead of Bachelor of Science in Com* I merce as heretofore. This is in keeping with the action taken by other institutions whose commerce departments rank high, Carlton Spen cer, registrar of the University, ex plained. Alumni Offer $8000 The alumni of Centre college offer 18000 to anyone who can prove that members of the football team receive financial aid.