Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, January 24, 1920, THE LEMON PUNCH, Image 6

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One of the gayest week-ends of
the winter term was the one just
passed. There have been fraternity
and sorority initiations, matinee and
informal evening dances and the foot
ball men have been feted and have
entertained. This afternoon witnessed
three informal matinee dances and a
tea at the Pi Beta Phi house for their
province president, Mrs. Burton Beck,
of Portland. Sigma Nu and Delta
Gamma used the leap year as the
basis for their dances and the girls
of Sigma Delta Phi were charming
hostesses for an informal party.
Hendricks hall was the scene of a
large informal dance last evening
Kappa Kappa Gamma with a moon
light garden festival and Alpha Phi
with the Osburn transformed into a
Japanese garden with cherry blossoms
and lanterns, are sponsoring dances
* * *
A low ceiling interwoven with black
and yellow art paper, from whch but
terflies of many colors poised close
over the heads of the dancers, formed
the artistic decorations for the Hen
dricks hall dance last evening. Through
the lattice work ceiling shaded lights
blinked and twinkled in a truly festive
The patrons and patronesses were
Dean Elizabeth Fox, Miss Gertrude
Talbot, Mrs. Edna P. Datson, Mr. and
Mrs. W. F. G. Thacher, Miss Martha
Findahl, and Professor E. S- Bates.
The guests were Helen Manning, Mar
jorie Kay, Margaret Grey, Alma Ditto,
Doris Pittenger, Edwin Kuck, Hollis
Huntington, Horace Foulkes, Leith
Abbott, Kenneth Smith, Edwin Fraser,
Albert Woertendyke, Tom Wyatt,
Carl Liebe, Harry Ellis, Homer Morn
hinweg, Floyd Shields, Merrill Ely,
Roy Hendricks, O. S. Hargrave, Walt
er Cot’oid, Stanley Evans, James Sears,
Hubert Prescott, Paul McGonegal,
Kenneth Youel, Fred Mickelson, Ralph
Rosier, Charles Van '/Ale, Malcomb
Hawk, Lindsay McArthur, Paul Stone,
James Shively, Charles Lamb, Robert
Boetticher, James Erickson, Cleo Kirk,
Harold Mickelson, Earl Conrad, Jacob
Jackson, Donald Portwood, Guy Kocpp,
Stanley Stickle, Glen Campbell, Harry
Powell, Stanley Allen, Lyle Barthol
eniew, Raymond Osburn, Lynn uller,
Guy Armantrout, Fred 'I’eller, Joe Miz
ner, Ralph Hoeber, Hubert Rambs,
Glen Hyde, Lewis Tyrell, Dudley Day,
Don Davis, Ransom McArthur, Evon
Anderson, Warren Kays, Archie Aver
ill, Guy Morlock, Carlton Savage,
Wayne Hunt, Rolfe Skulason, Hubert
Jacobberger, George McFall, Nelson
Mensen, Alexander Shipe, Alvin Mor
tensen, Kay Deep, Arnel Hutler, James
Whitaker, Aubrey Furry, Marvin Co
ley, Harold Quayle, Norris Jones,
Harry Myers, Roy Anderson, William
Nouck, William Martin, Tom Hardy,
Arthur Wickes, George Hoad, Don
Zimmerman and Wayne Jackson.
• • •
One of the most charming dances
of the week-end is being sponsored
tonight, by Beta Omega of Kappa
Kappa Gamma. Sprays of green ivy
entwined in a lattice effect from an
imitation ceiling which is brightened
by numerous vari colored baloons sus
pended on silver cords. The chapter
rooms are lighted by silver moons
which smile as merrymakers pass
beneath. Bowls of pussy willows in
which black owls perch are scattered
about the rooms carrying out the
moonlight garden festival effect. Pat
rons for the evening are Mrs. Grace
Ellis, Dean Elizabeth Fox, Mr. and
Mrs. F. L. Chambers, Mr. ami Mrs.
Schroff, and Mrs. T. J. Geisler of
Portland. The guest list includes
Evangeline Foster. Helen Flint. Mar
ijin Nicolai, Norma Medler, Robert
Case, Lyman Patton, Dudley Day, Lee
R( wn, Kenneth Comstock, Aubrey Fur
ry, Carl Miller, Arthur Ritter, Lee
Wilson, Sun ford Gehr, Lay Carlisle. I
Lindsay McArthur, Morris Morgan,!
Floyd Howies, Nelson English, Lucy I
Homey, William Steers, Wilbur Phil
lip-', John Houston, Kerby Miller,;
Newton Crosfteld, Frank Holmes, Wil
bur llostettler, Vernon Fudge, Sidney
hurioy, Allen Carson, Carl Knudsen,
Elston Ireland. Claire Holdredge, Irv
ing Smith, Luther Jenson, Hubert
Darby, llueh Latham, Mitt Dutfy,
Harry Ellis, William Rlael.aby, Rus
sell Myers, Kenneth Ireland, Ormand
Hildebrand. Stanford Anderson, Paul
Farrington, Roscoe Hemenwjiv, Chris
Wetle, and Robert Riggs.
* ¥ ♦
The members of Alpha Phi have
transformed the Osburn into a Japan-j
ese garden with cherry blossoms,
lanterns and many colored panto’s,
for an informal dancing party Conight.
The patrons and patronesses for this
charming affair are Mr. and Mrs. T.
G. Larremore, Miss Ida Barker, Miss;
Mary Perkins, Dean Elizabeth Fox,
I Mrs. Alton Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. W.
IF. G. Thacher, Dean and Mrs. John
Straub, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc
Murphey. The guests are Marian
Lay of The Dalles, Nina Coulles and
Helen West of Portland, Edna Bush
man, Lilah McMurphey, Gladys An
derson, Trilla Hempy, Maxine Buren,
Clara Haas, Edith Flora, Walter Ams
poker, W. J. Mulkey Jr., Vern Ruedy,
Horace Foulkes, Ray Kinney, Walter
Hempy, Basil Williams, Vergil Cam
eron, Forest Littlefield, Harrison Hug
gins, Paul Smith, Sed Hollingsworth,
of Portland, Elmer Batchelder of Hil
lsboro, Richard Lyons, John Palmer,
James Whitaker, Bart Sherk, Ivan
McKinney, John Gamble, Willis Kays,
William Allen, Barney Garrett, A1
Krohn, Bart Loughlin, Harry Hollist
er, Holt Berni, Ralph Couch, Kenneth
Condon, George Johnson, Arthur “Rose
braugh, Carl Vonder Ahe, Harold Ded
man, Joe Williams, Howard Staub,
Walter Banks, Charles Huggins, John
Hunt, Edward Twining, Clarence Mof
fiit, Kenneth Smith, Rufus Dinwiddie,
and Albert Lukken.
* • *
Beta Theta PI held Initiation this
week for Ralph Smith, Lawrence
Manerud, Hugh Clerin, Delbert Ober
teuffer, Pierre Meade, Owen Callo
way, John Langley and Reed McKin
ney. Tonight the neophytes are be
ing honored with a banquet at the
Osburn hotel.
* # *
Theta Sigma Phi, women’s national
honorary journalism fraternity, met
at the dinner hour at the Rainbow
Tuesday. Members present were
Mrs. Anna L. Beck, Louise Davis,
Adelaide Lake, Mary Ellen Bailey,
Helen Manning, Lyle Bryson and
Dorothy Duniway.
* * *
Sunday the Gamma Phi Beta sor
ority entertained their brothers with
a dinner. Those present were Fran
cis Kern, Hugh Smith, Wallace Car
son, Sanford Gehr, Albert Curry,
Glenn ilyde, Kenneth Condon, Rich
ard Dixon, Kenneth Hall, Willard
Hollenbeck, Hollis Huntington, Her
ald White and Allen Carson.
David II. Nelson of Pendleton has
been visiting his daughter, Helen
Nelson, this week. Wednesday even
ing Mr. Nelson was host for a dinner
dance at the Osburn honoring his
daughter, inviting a group of her
friends. On Thursday evening Mr.
Nelson and Miss Nelson were dinner
guests at the Kappa Sigma house.
* * •
Gamma Phi Beta held initiation to
day for Margaret Kern, Beatrice Bar
ker, Zoe Allen, Edith Herron, Flor
ence Hartman, Ruth Hopkins, Frances
McGill, Frances McMillan, Violet
Robinson and Gertrude Livermore.
Following the ceremony the initiates
were honored with a banquet at the
chapter house.
Initiation will be held by Alpha Tau
Omega tomorrow for Ernest Crock
att, Sidney Burley, Ralph Couch, Mer
tin Folts, Rufus Dinwiddle, Elbert
Curry, George Riggs, Vernon Fudge,
Carl Vonderahe, Lee Bown, Frank
Vonderahe and Wyman Williams.
Following the ceremony a banquet
will be held at the chapter house.
* * *
The Bachelordon club initiated
Geoige Guldager and Lester E. Wel
lington Saturday.
* * *
Mrs. Burton Beck, Portland, Province
President of i'i Beta Phi, is visiting;
the local chapter tills wok and will
remain until Monday. Following her
stay here Mrs. Beck will go to Cor
vallis where she will spend a few
days with the Oregon Beta chapter.;
Miss Elizabeth Taylor of Los An-|
geles, who came to Eugene to in-'
struet in the department of Romance |
languages at the University of Ore-1
gun, was a dinner guest of Hendricks 1
hall Wednesday.
* * *
Sigma Chi is initiating Stacy Hen-1
drieks. Floyd Maxwell, William Po-1
teet, Raymond Tester, William Wil
mot, Thomas Waters, Rutherford
Brown. Frank Bosch, Cleo Jenkins,
John Buehtorf, Austin Hazard and
Clarence Grey.
* * •
F. W. llaffner, grand president of
Phi Kappa Psi. and Dean Erie W.
Allen were Saturday luncheon guests
of the Owl club.
* * *
Red carnations • combined with
sprays of smilax formed the center
piece for the Pi Beta Phi initiation
banquet held in the grill room of
the Hotel Oshurn Friday evening.
The fraternity colors were used in a
scheme of wine and silver blue, car
ried out in silver candles in crystal
candlesticks and silver blue tulle en
twined with smilax. The initiates
were Mildred Siuitb, Mildred Weeks.
Ruth Wheeler, Arbelyn Healy Mar
querite Hammond, Marjorie Kruse,
Ruth Diehl, Helen Clark, Lucile
Garber, Priscilla Eakin, Rachel Par
ker, Eleanor Coleman and Dorothy
Eakin. *
* * *
Professor and Mrs. James H. Gil
bert and daughter Madeline and Miss
Antonette Shumway were Wednes
day dinner guests of Delta Delta
| * * *
Delta Delta Delta entertained Jack
i Booker, William Hostettler and
George Weller of Corvallis at dinner
i * * *
I Kennth McHaley and Fenton Ford
spent last week-end in Portland.
* * *
Frank Barrett of Albany was a
Incheon guest of Chi Omega Wednes
* * *
Delta Gamma entertained this aft
ernoon with an informal matinee
dance. Sprays of ivy were used
about the rooms for decorations.
The affair was in the form of a leap
year dance. Guests were Stanley
Allen, E. F. Lucas, William Collins,
Crecene Farris, Robert Cosgriff, John
Elder, Holt Berni, Berrian Dunn, Ken
neth McHaley, Mathew Duffy, Rus
sell Myers, Ranie Burkhead, Ray
mond Lawrence, Chester Adams,
Charles Huggins, Wilbur Hulin,
Theron Northrup, Richard Lyons, Ray
Mooers, Frank Carter, Albert Woer
tendyke, Joe Meagher, Conrad Wroth,
John Alexander and Kelly Branstet
* * *
The underclassmen of Sigma Delta
Phi honored their four new pledges
with an informal matinee dance Sat
urday. The decorations consisted of
spring flowers and baskets of pussy
willows. The guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Crockatt, Wesley Shat
tuck, Huber Rambo, Jimmie Richard
son, Homer Redford, Asa Eggleson,
Paul Patterson, Tom Tove, Donald
MacDonald, Frank Tschantz, Glen
Campbell, George McFaul, Stanley
Shell, Remey Cox and Robert Burns.
The freshmen of the Sigma Nu
house were hosts for a matinee
dance Saturday afternoon. The affair
was quite novel as it was a leap year
dance and the leap year idea was car
ried out very well to the amusement
of the guests. The guest list included
Veda Patten, Stella Kingsley, Mildred
Mumby, Barbara Shepard, Gladys
Laru, Helen du Buy, Jessis Lewis,
Jean Hyde, Lenore Cramm, Ruth Grif
fin, Alys Sutton, Lcota Burt, Margaret
Studor, Helen Gardiner, Mabel Smith,
and Frances McMillan. The patrons
and patronesses for the afternoon
were Miss Rosaline Espinosa, Miss
Martha Findahl, Mike Ross, Neil Mor
fitt and Edward Troy.
A formal tea honoring Mrs. Burton
Beck, province president of Pi Beta
Phi, was held at the chapter house
from 3 to 5 o’clock this afternoon.
Cards were sent to 250 friends of the
chapter. Mrs. Burton Beck, Mrs. F.
W. Benson, Dean Elizabeth Fox, Mrs.
P. L. Campbell and Nell Warwick
were in the receiving line, while Mrs.
W. P. Fell, Mrs. F. M. Carter, Mrs.
It. C. Baird and Mrs. L. P. Carter
poured during the afternoon.
* * *
Alpha Tau Omega honored their
sisters with a dinner at their home
Sunday. Guests of the house were
Mrs. Anna Landsbury Beck, Besie
Shell, Eunice Eggleson, Helen Whit
aker, Gertrude Whitaker, Gertrude
Whitton, Katherine Baker, Lois Bar
nett, Mary Packwood and Esther
* * *
Men of Phi Delta Theta were hosts
for an informal dinner and evening
at their home Thursday. Guests in
vited for the affair were Winona
Dyer, Dorothy Wootton, Adelaide
Lake, Dorothy Dixon, Frances McMil
lan, Lillian Pierson, Marjorie Kay,
Gladys Smith, Lexie Straclian, Jean
Strachan, Mary Ellen Bailey and
Miss Gertrude Talbot.
“The Master of Ballantrae” is the
sixth story of Robert Louis Steven
son’s to be dramatized.
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