WOMAN’S 6AME WANTED DEFISENT FROM O. A. C. FOR BASKETBALL C0NTE8T Material for Varsity Team Will Be Picked on Showing Made in Interclass Series A letter from the Oregon Agricul tural College has been received by Miss Mabel Cummings, director of the women’s physical education de partment, challenging the women of the University of Oregon to a game of basketball to be played in the near future. “I am in favor of occasional in formal games with neighboring insti tutions, where sport does not have to be commercialized on a paying basis. We hope to meet O. A. C- in tennis this year. Before the war we used to have an annual tennis meet and we hope to have it resumed,” said Miss Cummings, when asked for her opinion of inter-collegiate athletics for women. The council of the Women’s Ath letic Association considered the ques tion of the game with 0. A. C. at the last meeting but thought it much bet ter to leave the decision to the mem bers of the association. The question will be decided at the meeting which will bo held some time next week. “As yOt there is no Varsity team but it is almost certain that one will be chosen to play O. A• C. after the inter-class series has been completed. There is good material for a team and there is no reason why we should not defeat O. A. C. if we decide to play them,” said Ruth Flegal, he§d of basketball for women. It is expected that many of the girls now playing on the ck*ss teams will try out for the Varsity team. PRECAUTIONS TAKEN AGAINST FLU OUTBREAK (Continued from page 1) possible, to observe well known habits of eating—as a matter of fact, it is not so much the lack of knowledge of how to maintain health as it is the lack of a little determination at the right time, that causes so much of our ills ” Infirmary to Vaccinate The infiramary is prepared to vac cinate any student against smallpox, and it is hoped by the committee that many will take advantage of this. It is the regular work of the infirmary to do such vaccinating and it is considered necessary just now since there are cases from time to time of smallpox in Eugene. POINT SYSTEM FOR STUDENTS MAY BE ESTABLISHED HERE (Continued from page 1) Manager, Track . 4 Executive Council ...—.. 3 Interfraternity Council Secretary .... 1 Chairman Greater Oregon com. Other recognized student body com mittee memberships, class officers, class athletics . I The student council is to have power to recommend changes in the above schedule to the probation committee, and this committee’s action shall be final. The committee which arranged the point system schedule are Dean Eric Allei\, chairman, Dr. J. F. Bo vard, Lindsay McArthur, Era God frey, and Stanford Anderson. Frosh Pay for Celebration Damage* It is the custom of the University of Colorado for freshmen to pay for the damage they do in celebrations. Citizens have presented claims for $150 and the freshmen are asking for help. »S*;KSS«S«»£»«I X « | To our customers of the | ® University of Oregon And Surroundings We thank you for your patronage of the past year and hope to continue business with you this year. Our stock of Plants is complete and prices fair. Eugene Floral Co. Cut Flowers of All Kinds for All Purposes. Store—92 E. 9th St. Phone 321-J Greenhouses—S. Willamette St., Summit St. Phone 321-L J. A. Hooning, Prop. X Myers Electric Supply REAL CLASS WHEN IT COMES TO COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. Dear Students: Business is good and we are glad of your trade. It is our aim to satisfy you. Remember our Homemade Candy, Fresh Popcorn and Daily Roasted Peanuts. Oh, yes, we also have other Candies. At Your Service, Charlies Crispetts Shop 982 Willamette $ ;s ** i a J Choice Flowers For All Occasions Special Rates to Students Organizations. Decorative Plants to rent. ‘ THE UNIVERSITY FLORIST Phone 654 993 Hilyard St. Chamberlain Vulcanizing Works - 85iVI EIGHTH STREET RETREADING, SECTION AND TUBE WORK ' ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE. _: V-_ !!!ll|f!llllllllllllllllllllliliil!lllllllllllllll!llill!lllllllllliillll|llllll!llllllllllllil! !!!illl!llllllll!ll!llllltlllllllllilllllllU^. Repair Despair over the loss of your Bicycle. We do Expert Repairing and we would enjoy your patronage. > We Guarantee Satisfaction W. P. GARNINER and SON 154 8th Avenue W. %lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllll||l||lllllllllllllllllllllilllllll|llilllllllllllili!lilli;illlllllii:ilSlil!lllllilllllllllll:lli :!il!!l!llllll!;iillllll!l!lllllllllllll!ll!llllli!l!lllllllll!llll!l!!lllll!ll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^ DANCING OSBURN Evenings—6:30 to 7:30 Meals served from 6 to 8 a la carte or Special Dinner MUSIC BY OSBURN HOTEL ORCHESTRA 'iiiiiiiiiiMuiuimiimiiiiiiiimiitiiumsimHimimimiimimmUiiiiimiiiiimiiiiii 3 The Success of Making A RIGHT LENS RIGHT Comes \ Moody’s Toric Louses are best \ it should be made so it will do for your eyes what. it should do. Making lenses for 27 years has given us this appreciation of what you need in glasses. Thousands have been gratified with those we have made for them. “SEE MOODY AND SEE BETTER” i SHERMAN W.MOODY | Bring your Prescriptions Here. EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST AND OPTICIAN #81 Willamette St. Factory on Premises. 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiHiiiiuiiiuntl 0lll!ll!llllllllllllll!ll!lllllll!llllllllll!llimil!lllllllllllllllllllllllfllll]:!IHn»llllllill!!l:ll!lllllli:l!illlll!!llll Eugene's Great Diamond Shop iiiiiiinnii'iiiiiiiiiii'niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiHiiiiiiitiiiiiinniiiiiiniiiiiiiHHUHniiHiiiiniHiiBninmiiiiH^ Private Diamond g Sales Room 1 | Diamond Thoughts \ i | u | £ . ) ' 1 1 ,r > i 1 , It is only natural for your thoughts to run to Lara way when you are thinking of Diamonds. At this store yoh * get quality worthy of invest ment; you get service in Eugene’s great diamond shop and can select from our immense collection in privacy. Then, too, it’s well to remember, that you are given the benefit of Mr. Laraway’s dia mond knowledge and experience—a consideration greatly appreciated by diamond purchasers. | Finest Quality Stones Best Service Always Seth Laraway DIAMOND MERCHANT AND JEWELER %!IIIIIIIIN!!llllllt!llll!limilUIIIIIIIIII!lll!lllllll!llllllllllllllllll|l|lll!lllllll»!!lll!!lllilllll!lll!llllll!lllll!l!IIIIIIIII!N!Uilll>ll!lllllillllllllllllllllNllllilllll!lillllUIIII!IINIIIIIIIIIIIIN!llllli;illlllllllllllllllllll!l!llll# WE’LL SAY THAT Hampton’s Big Saving Sale IS WHERE WE WILL GO FOR !'iv ■ ; rru- c CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, ETC., FOR THEIR PRICES ARE SURE ATTRACTIVE One Week More V 6 Big Suit Specials Double breast, belted, slash pockets, waist seam model, very dark gr^aa. with invisible stripe. Just, 2 left. Sizes 37 and 39. Regular $40-00 value— $34.75 Two-button single breast, waist seam model, with slasl^ pockets, dark brown with very modest stripe. 3 left—sizes 35, 37 and 38. Regular $40.00 values— Special $34.75 Double breast, belted, slash pockets, waist seam model, brown and green heather jpixture, made of Famous Oregon Cassimere. One $34.75 value— ecial $29.75 Two-button single breast, slash pockets, waist seam model, brown tweed, 2 left, sizes 18 years and 20 years. Regular $30 value— Special $23.75 Two-button single breast, slash pockets, waist seam model, very dark brown with faint brown stripe, a very attractive suit, 2 left, sizes 36 and 37. Regular price $45.00— Special $39.75 Double breast, belted, slash pockets, waist seam model. Dark green heather mixture, made of Famous Oregon Cassimere. This is a nobby long pants suit. 2 left, sizes 14 years and 16 years. Regular price $27.50— _Special $22.75 Frank E. Dunn