Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, December 13, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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Swimming and Canoeing Per
mit Leased; Boat Shed to
Be Equipped
A retaurant and tea room with con
tinuous service clay and night for
both students and townspeople is to
be established about January 1 at the
raceway under the direction of Miss
Mary Kieffer, of Corvallis. Miss
Kieffer, who is a graduate of Purdue
and formerly assistant in cooking in
the home economics department of
O. A. C., will be assisted in the new
undertaking by another Corvallis wo
Frank Chambers of Eugene, who
owns the property, has started exten
sive repairs on the house. A new
pipeless heating plant is being in
stalled, fireplaces are being built both
upstairs and down, a men’s cloak room
is being constructed in the basement.
The rooms downstairs on the east
side are being thrown into one large
room and the partitions upstairs on
the northeast side will be taken out,
making one large room there. A pass
pantry is being constructed between
the houBe and the pavilion, which will
be used for dancing parties. Here the
kitchen has been taken out, giving
more floor space.
The upstairs of the house will be used
for a tea room. Downstairs will be a
regular short order house and restau
rant. Service will be given all day
and in the evenings after dances, din
ners will be served to order. A
number of University women will be
employed by Miss Kieffer to assist
with the serving.
The swimming and canoeing fran
chise has also been leased. Exten
sive plans are being made to add
canoes and equip the boathouse for
student use.
Miss Kieffer has had extensive ex
perience in this sort of work, said
Mrs. Edna Datson, and has run cafe
terias in two high schools. Her work
at O. A. C. was partly that of instruct
ing young women for this business.
It will not bo possible to open the
place until some time in January, said
Mr. Chambers today, because of delay
in the work caused by the weather.
Miss Kieffer will arrive in Eugene a
week from today.
(Continued from pago 1)
Michigan hud gone to great pains
to tell me just why the Oregon Ag
gies were able to trim the Michigan
Aggies at Lansing in 1915, so I was
really prepared to see some real
football here in the east this year.
1 was, however, doomed to disap
pointment, but 1 can’t say that the
disappointment was unpleasant; in
fact, it is quite the contrary, for in
my humble opinion, the Pacific
coast, is playing a better brand of
football. It is my candid opinion
thut if the six teams of the Pacific
coast conference were to meet six
of the leading teams of the east on
neutral fields- Kansas City or Oma
ha, for instance at the height of
the season, the--Pacific coast elevens
would win a majority of the six
"It is impossible for me to com
pare this year’s teams at Yale, Har
vard, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Ann
apolis or West Point with the sea
son’s eleven at Oregon, or any oth
er Pacific const college, but 1 am
firmly convinced that the Oregon
team of 1916 was three or four touch
downs superior to anything 1 have
seen in the east this year. I haven't
seen a team this season that pos
sessed the all-around punch and drive
that Oregon showed in her game
with Washington State, Washington
and the Oregon Aggies that year. 1
haven't seen a team that was as pro
ficient in the use of the forward
pass or in handling punts two very
important item in modern football, i
Furthermore, 1 haven’t seen a really
first class field general a man of !
the "Shy” Huntington or "Wee” j
Coyle type. I'll admit 1 haven’t seen
the topnotchers of the east Penn ■
State and Syracuse in action, but j
1 am judging only by what 1 have !
observed in the playing of Yale, liar
\ard, Penn, Pitt, etc.
"1 was particularly disappointed
in Yale’s playing Her backs fum
bled repeatedly and Kempton’s gen
eralship was wretched. Yale had
numerous opportunities to score on
Harvard, but lacked the necessary
punch. Harvard had very little to
offer in the way of consistent at
tack. but scored a touchdown on a
clever forward pass, Felton to Casey,
the latter running away from Yale’s 1
pursuers with the speed of a grey- |
'hound. The feature of the game was
a beautiful drop kick by Braden,
j Yale halfback, from the middle of
the field- Both Yale and Harvard
fought hard, but there was no con
sistent advance except by Yale ur
ing the third quarter, when a series
of powerful rushes by Braden and
Nevalle carried the ball from mid
field to within the shadow of Yale’s
, goal posts. Here Kempton showed
his poor generalship by trying to
buck or more open play would have
buck o rmore open play would have
surely netted yardage and probably
a score. The fleet-footed Casey
would be a dangerous man on any
! team—not because he is a great foot
ball player, but on account of his
speed. Harvard played safe after
establishing her lead of ten points
| and often punted on first down. The
feature of Yale’s game was the
' splendid defense of Captain Callahan
; at center. He was the proverbial
| “tower of strength” in the Yale line.
“Little can be said for the Penn
I Pitt game or for the Navy-Georgetown
i contest. Both were poor exhibitions
j of football, except for the clever
drop kicking. The Penn team seemed
to lack unity of attack and was ut
: ter unable to “hit the bull’s eye” at
critical times. The game was true
of Pitt. It will be remembered that
Bexder's Penn State eleven had de
feated Penn, by 10 to 0 The Navy
played wretchedly in this game with
Georgetown, but it was a far differ
ent team that trailed the Army
colors in the bitter mud of defeat
at the Polo grounds, three weeks
“The Army-Navy game was the
climax of the season and was played
before a crowd of 45,000—including
navy notables. The army was doped
to win. but never had a look-in
Dobie had coached his midshipmen
with an eye single to this game and
the way his backs tore holes in the
army line reminded of the days
when “Hap” Miller was smashing
over Oregon’s forwards. But why
dwell on these unpleasant memories?
I’ll not attempt to review this game
beyond saying that the navy made
i lfi first-downs to none for the army
The day was wet—a light rain that
reminded me of home. The navy
clung to old-fashioned football, the
only kind adapted to a rainy day.
The navy team showed consistent
attack and great defensive power,
and, above all, good generalship—all
of these the result of Dobie’s coach
j >ng.
! “Being a member of the house
committee on naval affairs, 1 was,
of course a navy partsan, and, for
the first time in my life, a rooter for
; Dobie’s team. I spent the evening
with the famous coach and we agreed
on the superiority of Pacific coast
| football. Dobie regards the Oregon
| team of 1914 as the strongest team
ever turned out at Eugene, although
he had a high regard for the famous
1916 eleven. He shares my belief
that the Pacific coast has half a
dozen teams that could show the east
some real football.
"The two eastern coaches that
showed the best results this year are
Dobie and liezdek. Each is a prod
uct of the middle-west, each spent
several years coaching on the Pacific
coast. 1 wonder if these facts have;
sunk into the craniums of that por-j
tion of the football world that re
gards the summit of the Berkshire
hills as the western boundary of,
the United States?
“I have seen some strong individ-i
mil players this season, but not a
tackle of the equal of Beckett or
Bartlett, not an en das good as
Tegart or Mitchell and backs in the
same class as Parsons or the Hunt-'
ingtons. 1 mention a score of other
players on Pacific coast teams of
191(5 that could shine on any team
in the country.
“In conclusion, permit me to con
gratulate Coach Huntington, Captain
Brandenburg and the entire Oregon
team for their fine record during the
season just closed. The 21 to 13;
victory over Washington was es
pecially gratifying and when the
return game is played next fear, I
1 hope to be on hand to see Oregonj
repeat the performance"
P. L. Campbell to Attend Meeting of
Northwest College Heads
President P. L. Campbell left Fri
day morning for Seattle to attend
a meeting of the northwest college
presidents which is to be held there
Sunday and Monday. The purpose
of this meeting is to discuss the
emergency caused by the unexpected
heavy increase in enrollment for
which no adequate financial provi
sion has been made.
President Campbell will return
to Eugene Wednesday” •
Send the Emerald home.
Four of Victors’ Five Points Won
by Default of Oregon Club
The championship of the men’s
doughnut debating league was won
last night by the Phi Delta Theta fra
ternity. They obtained a total num
ber of five points. Phi Gamma 'Delta
followed with four points and Oregon
Club with three.
Four of the five points accorded the
Phi Delts were won by default, as one
of the Oregon Club affirmative team
arrived on the scene half an hour late
Wilbur Carl and George Black repre
sented the Phi Delt negative, while
Lemuel Fishback and George Owens
were scheduled to defend the Oregon
Club affirmative.
The Fiji affirmative, composed of
Herman Lind and Carl Knudson, lost
to the Oregon Club negative, upheld
by Paul Patterson and George Sim
ondson, by a decision of 3 to 1, while
the Fiji negative, represented by Lyle
McCroskey and Joe Hedges, won over
the Phi Delt affirmative, defended by
Eddie Durno and Joe Ingram, by a
3 to 1 decision. Following are the
number of points won:
Phil Delta Theta . 5 points
Phi Gamma Delta . 4 points
Oregon Club . 3 points
Examination By Dr. Sawyer
Show That Army Life Gave
Better Health
The physical condition of the men
in the university is for the most
part very good, according to Dr.
E. H- Sawyer, university infirmary
clinic, although there are a few cases
where medical attention will be
“In taking histories of the men
who were in the army we find that
they were well instructed in the
care of the health,’’ said Dr. Saw
yer, “and that the health of the
average man who has been in the
service was better than that of the
rest. If any tendency, for instance,
existed toward tuberculosis they were
told of the proper care necessary to
guard themselves against the dis
ease.” The fact that all service
men have been vaccinated against
smallpox and typhoid saved them
from these diseases in cases of epi
demic, said Dr. Sawyer.
Eresnmen Have Good Record.
“I have notes of about fifty of
the freshmen which were taken from
those having defects or subnormal
physical conditions. Only a small
number of these are at all serious,
a few of them have heart lesions
and a number have permanent orth
pedic defects,” said the doctor. “The
majority examined have to do with
enlargement of tonsils which may
not need operations. Some are be
low weight for their height and
some have too rapid heart action
without other demonstrative signs.
Some of them at an age of 17 will
get their growth development while
in college.” he went on, “who at
present weigh what would be con
sidered under par. The condition
of the teeth were found to be good.”
Army Men Show Best.
"In forming judgments on uni
versity students we must bear in
mind that they would not be in
school if they were considered seri
ously defective at home and so we
must expect a good grade of phy
sical development.” said Dr Saw
yer. “Of the students who had been
in the army we found a higher per
centage of physical health, he
stated, “but here again we must re
member that they were picked men.
A few are here who show effects of
wounds and diseases contracted in
the service,” he said further. In
summing up his ideas of the exam
inations, Dr. Sawyer said, “I be
lieve that the service, other things
being equal, has put the men in bet
ter condition to withstand disease.”
Cambridge University Crowded
Cambridge university is suffering
greatly from overcrowding this term.
Reports from England say that this
is due to the large number of war
Frederick Howard, Member of
A. E. F. Team, Student
in Law Shhool
Frederick L. Howard of Portland,
a member of the A. E. F. water polo
team, has returned from overseas
after 27 months as a lieutenant in
the service and has entered the uni
versity as a law student.
Howard, who was one of the star
swimmers of the Mutlnomah club
of Portland, and a member of its
water polo team, went in 1916 with
Clair Tait to Honolulu where they
both became prominent in aquatic
circles. At the outbreak of the war,
Howard enter the army and Tait en
listed in the navy. Receiving his
commission, Howard went overseas
with the Second Pioneer infantry,
being later transferred to the Ninth
infantry, Second division.
He became a member of the A.
E. F- swimming team and at the
inauguration of the interallied games
in the spring of 1919 was ordered to
Paris to participate in the contests.
The American water polo team,
which was organized by Howard and
Rogers, a former Columbia star,
defeated the Lamberleau of Paris
and a number of French army teams.
In the finals they again defeated a
picked French army team, but fell
victims to the Lamberleau.
In speaking of the water polo
games seen while in France, How
ard was enthusiastic about the
French method of playing. They do
not attempt long throws, but stick
to the short, quick passing of the
ball. They are particularly success
ful in their back-hand throws, their
team work is superb. They dribble
the ball almost constantly. Water
polo is very popular over there and
la^ee crowds turn out for the games.
Pictures, Pottery, Books, Stationery, Christmas Gifts
832 Willamette Street.
VVe Make Our Own Candies
The Otegana Confectionery
llth near Alder
All sorts of Pastry, Fountain Drinks
and Ice Cream
“Get an Oregon Short Thick”
I and the Movies
| Do you enjoy the movies
, as much as your friends
? Can you see the actor’s
( eyes and read the letters
j on the screen?
oody's Toric Least
are best
Long, continued, tense gazing, especially at badly
worn films, is a great strain on the eyes.
If your eyes bother you, have them properly exam
ined. A good pair of glasses, if needed, may double
your pleasure, and also make your work easier.
4 -
| Bring your
881 Willamette St.
Factory on
A penny in one pocket and
a box of Varsity Chocolates
in the other
We wish you all a pleasant Vacation,
and by the way, why not take a box
of our candy home with you?