Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, December 13, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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In accordance with the rule that
there shall be no social functions
during the week immediately preced
ing examinations,., university folk
have not entertained to any great
extent the past week. Dean Eliza
beth Fox urged that all students
should forego any personal engage
ments for the week-end. She also
asked that each man and woman of
the university would carefully ob
serve the new legislation regulating
social affairs that was enacted by
the social affairs committee, com
posed of President P. L. Campbell,
ex-officio, Dean Straub, chairman,
Miss Mary Perkins, Dean Fox, Pro
fessor W. F. G- Thacher, Professor
Peter Crockatt, Don Newbury,Stan
ford Anderson, Era Godfrey, and
Dorothy Duniway
• • •
A wedding of much interest to
university folk was that of Miss Gen
evieve Dickey, '18, of Eugene to
Carl Nelson, ’19, of Chicago, Illinois,
solemnized at the Gamma Phi Beta
house Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock.
The bpide, whose gown was of white
chiffon over satin, carried a shower
boquet of white bride’s roses. She
was accompanied by Miss Martha
Tinker, who carried Ophelia roses
and orchids. Jack Montague acted
as best man.
The bridal party entered the spa
cious living rooms to the strains of
Mendelssohn’s wedding march, played
by Miss Margaret Kerns, and were
married ’neath a bower of lavender
and orchid chrysanthemums,, the Rev
erend A. M. Spangler officiating.
Preceding the ceremony Miss Melba
Williams sang “At Dawning,” ac
companied by Miss Blanche Wickland
and Curtiss Peterson sang “Passing
By.” After the ceremony a recep
tion was held, the guests dancing
until six in the evening.
Mr. Nelson is a member of Beta
Theta Pi, Friars, and Order of the
O, Mrs. Nelson of Gamma Phi Beta.
The couple will make their home at
• • •
Miss Gretchen Wheeler, ex-’21, of
Eugene, has announced her mar
riage to Virgil Parker of Albany,
Tuesday, December 16, at high noon
at the home of her mother, Mrs
Mary Wheeler, on Fourteenth ave
nue, East. Reverend Andrew nsn
will read the Unitarian wedding cer
emony, which will be marked by ut
most simplicity. Miss Pauline
Wheeler will accompany her sister,
and Carlton Spencer will be best
man. Preceding the ceremony, Lois
Muir will sing “At Dawning,” ac
companied by Patty French, who will
also play the Lohengrin wedding
The bridal couple, after a week’s
honeymoon in Portland, will make
their home in Albany, where Mr.
Parker is an employe of the South
ern Pacific Railway Company.
• * •
The engagement of Eileen Tomp
kins, of Portland, to Kenneth Hall,
of Salem, was announced at the ]
Gamma Phi Beta house last Thurs
day at luncheon. Miss Tompkins is
a sophomore in the university, is
a member of Gamma Phi Beta, Tre
Nu, Kwana, a pledge of the Zeta
Kappa Psi, and is on the Y. W. C
A. cabinet. Mr. Hall the son of Rob
ert T. Hall, of Portland, was gradu
ated from Yale in 1910, later study
ing Scotland. Returning from two
years in the service overseas, he be
came connected with the state high
way at Salem.
The wedding will be an event of
the fall months.
* * *
Allah McMurphey, of Eugene, an
nounced her engagement to Walter
Amspoker, of Riddle, Wednesday
morning at breakfast at the Alpha
1 'hi house. Miss McMdrphey is a
senior in the university, a member
of Mask Buskin, and president of
the Women’s (!lee Club. Mr. Ara
spoker was graduated from the uni
versity in 1919 and was a member
of To-Ko-Lo and Beta Theta 1’i.
The date for the wedding has not
been announced.
• • •
The student council of the uni
versify had luncheon at Hendricks
hull, Thursday noon with Mrs. Geo
T. Gerlinger. of Portland. The ta
ble was decorated with Christmas
greens and holly. Covers were laid
for President P. L. Campbell, Mrs.
George Gerlinger, Dean Elizabeth
Fox, Stanford Anderson, Era God
frey, Dorothy Puniway, Adelaide !
Lake, Ella Rawlings, Louise Davis,
Curtiss Peterson, Elmo Madden,
Lindsay McArthur, Leith Abbott,
John Houston, Eddie Durno, Harry
Jamieson, and Carl Newbury.
Men of Sigma Chi were hosts at a
“sister” dinner last Sunday at the
chapter home. The guests were Miss
Mae Ballock, Margaret Beattie, Doris
Dezendorf, Annette Leonard, Laura
Rand, Dorothy McGuire, Lucille Par
sons, Ethel McGilchrist, Lucille Mc
Corkle, Clara Wheelhouse, and Mr.
and Mrs. Lynn McCreadie.
* * *
M. 0. Evans, the claim adjuster
for the Portland stockyards, and Dr.
Forest Grief, also of Portland, were
dinner guests at the Sigma Nu fra
ternity Thursday.
• • »
Beta Theta Pi entertained last
Sunday with a noon dinner for Alpha
Delta, local fraternity. The guests
were Mrs. Lucy Perkins, Rita Rid
ings, Naomi Robbins, Florence Fasel,
Leota Rogers, Lela Stone, and Beat
rice Crewdson.
- • •
Honoring Miss Genevieve Dickey,
a bride of the week, Miss Martha
Tinker was hostess for a breakfast
at the Osburn hotel Friday morning
at ten o’clock. The breakfast wa3
served in the tea room, the decora
tions carrying out the color scheme
of pink and white. Ophelia roses
formed the centerpiece for the table,
the guests invited for the occasion
I were Mrs. Hamilton Wier, Leta Kid
dle, Eileen Tompkins, Nell Warwick,
Mrs- Mary Gillette Ruth, of Berke
ley, California, Melba Williams and
Genevieve Dickey.
| • * *
Mrs- Park R. Kolbe, of Akron, Ohio,
grand president of Kappa Kapp Gam
ma, is expected on the campus Sun
day morning to visit the local chap
ter. Mrs. Kolbe will remain in Eu
gene until Monday evening and will
go from here to the University of
* * *
Mrs. Hamilton Wier, housemother
of Gamma Phi Beta, was hostess for
a Sunday evening dinner at the Os
burn hotel for the engaged girls of
the university of that fraternity and
the fiances. The guests were Eileen
Tompkins, Marjorie Kay, Bula Smith,
Dorothy Dixon, Genevieve Dickey,
Keneth Hall, Hollis Huntington, Har
old White, Willard Hollenbeck, and
C'arl Nelson.
Honoring Mrs. Park R. Kolbe,
grand president of Kappa Kappa
Gamma, the local chapter of the
fraternity will have as it guest for
dinner Sunday, Mrs. Kolbe, Professor
and Mrs. E. E. DeCou, Mr. and Mrs.
P. L. Chambers, Dean and Mrs. Eric
W- Allen, Professor and Mrs. John
Bovard and President and Mrs. P.
L. Campbell.
• • •
Sigma Chi, doughnut basketball
champions last year, entertained the
members of Phi Gamma Delta, who
comprise the victorious team this |
year, at luncheon Thursday noon
The men on the winning team are
Carl Knudson, Vincent Jacobberger,
George LaRoche, Lyle Bain and John
• • *
Dinner guests at the Kappa Alpha
Theta hoi^e Wednesday night were
Reba Macklin, Era Godfrey, Helen
Houghton, Doris Dezendorf, Maurine
Elrod, and Lucille Elrod.
• • •
Elmer Spencer, of San Francisco,
brother of Carlton Spencer, registrar
of the university, has been on the
campus the past week, visiting at
the Delta Tau Delta house.
♦ * *
Edward Bently, of Portland, a
former student of the university and
a member of Sigma Nu fraternity,
has been on the campus the past
week visiting friends.
• • •
Robert Atkinson, a member of
the Delta Tau Delta fraternity, and
president of the sophomore class in
HUB. is visiting on the campus and
was a dinner guest of Beta Theta Pi
Thursday evening.
• • •
Miss Blanche Wilson, ex-’21, of
Portland, is visiting at the Gamma
Phi Beta house.
• • •
Sigma Delta Phis were hostesses
at an informal dinner Tuesday even
ing. The guests were Clem Camer
on. Helen Whitaker, Nell Warwick
and Laurel Canning.
• * *
Housemothers of the women's na
tional fraternities met with Dean
Fox and the presidents of the houses
Thursday evening at the home of
Gamma Phi Beta fraternity.
• * •
On Thursday night Dean Elizabeth
Fox and Mrs. Bishop were dinner
guests at the Kappa Alpha Theta
Graft Alleged at Columbia.
The Columbia Spectator has been
publishing a blacklist of the dormi
tory rooms and fraternity houses
who have been using their advan
tageous locations as a means of
viewing the football games with
out having to pay the usual admis
sion price.
Chi Omega luncheon guests last
Sunday evening were Rodney Smith,
Hobert Belnap, Hugh Latham, John
Gavin, George King, Matt. Duffy,
Lionel Trommlitz, John Gamble and
Wilbur Carl.
Underclassmen of Delta Delta Del
ta were hostesses to their upper
classmen and to nineteen men of
Delta Tau Delta, Saturday afternoon,
December 6, at a matinee dance.
Mrs. George T- Gerlinger, of the
board of regents of the university,
was a dinner guest of Kappa Kappa
Gamma Thursday evening, a lunch
eon guest of of Delta Gamma Fri
day noon, and a dinner guest of Hen
dricks hall Friday evening.
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