Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, December 13, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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Official student paper of the Univer- |
sity of Oregon, published every Tues
day, Thursday and Saturday fo the
college year by the Associated Stu
dents. »
Kntered in the postoffice at Eugene,
Oregon, as second class matter.
Subscription rates *1.50 per year.!
By term, $ .50. Advertising rates upon
Edited by
Dorothy Duniway.Associate Editor
Lyle Bryson.News Editor
Nell Warwick.Asst. News Editor
Harry A. Smith.Managing Editor
Helen Manning.Dramatic Editor
Mary Ellen Bailey.Society Editor
Herman Lind.Editor
Raymond Lawrence Floyd Maxwell
Special Writers
Adelaide V. Lake - Louise Davis
Alexander G. Brown
Feature Writers
Paul Farrington Pierce Cumings
William Bolger Wesley Frater,
Jacob Jacobson, Earle Richardson,
Velma Rupert, Charles Gratke,,!
Eleanor Spall, John Houston, Stan
ley Eisman, Annamay Bronaugh,
Eunice Zimmerman, Frances Quin
senberry, Pauline Coad.
Proof Readers
Arvo Simola Maybelle Leavitt
Frances Blurock
Business Manager
Warren Kays_Advertising Mgr.
Elston Ireland .Circulation
Alta Kelly, Dan Welch, Larry Grey,
Ruth Nash, John Newhall, Charles
Hayter, Betty Epping.
The Emerald desires that all sub
Hrribers get their paper regularly and
on time. All circulation complaints
should he made to the circulation man
ager. His house phone Is 18G.
Thomas G. Hendricks is dead
The University of Oregon has
lost one of its greatest benefac
tors—a man whose steady, con
sistent effort in the University’s
behalf during the past many
years has been a big element in
the progress of our institution.
We mourn- his departure. His
spirit can never grow old—can
never die- The sacrifices he
made for the University at the
time, money and work lie ex
pended for its progress will live
on after him as a guiding light
for tilts achievements of his pre
With Oregon chosen on her mer
its as the eleven best fitted to de
fend the west when it. meets east
next New Year’s day at Pasadena
in the greatest gridiron classic ever
staged, there are a few things which
might he said about—loyalty.
The facts are few, simple, easily
grasped obvious. this article is
not written with a view to convinc
ing anybody of anything it is mere
ly to remind.
Two years ago "Shy” Huntington
young, comparatively inexperienced
-took over the coaching of football
at the University, lie didn’t have
much to work with. The S. A. T.
('. was on most of the football ma
terial had enlisted- Nobody hail a
lot of encouragement to offer and
most everybody looked askance. And
Coach “Shy” Huntington, youngest
mentor in the United States turned
out u team. It was a regular team.
Nobody denied that Nobody knows
exactly how he did it working,
ewearing, hoping praying, maybe
Coach "Shy” Huntington whipped in
to shape a machine that smashed
through the Aggies for a decisive
victory and for the first time in
many, many year tore up the Wash
ington defenses and won,
This year has been even better.
He is still the youngest coach in the
country. And he is still stacking
up victories for Oregon. Oregon has
outplayed every team it has met.
Huntington has built up a style of
play not easily grasped by the lay
man but that is extremely effect
ive. The Aggies were whipped—
beaten down. Washington didn’t
have a chance. The famous stone
wall defense of the Purple and Gold
crumbled under the Huntington at-1
ta k» Lighting in its own inimitable
way, Oregon has won the coast
cl ampionship and it is going to meet
the great Harvard on New Year’s
And now what is needed more than
any one thing is loyalty—loyalty to
Oregon, loyalty to its team—loyalty
to Coach “Shy” Huntington.
Coach Huntington has delivered
the goods. Jn the two years that he
has worked teeth and toe nail for
Oregon he actually has done whaC
no eastern coach would agree to do
without signing a contract for sev
eral years. Huntington didfi’t ask
for this time in which to make good
—he simply did it. /
Seldom if ever has a staff at the
head of athletics at Oregon worked
together as the present staff works.
Everything is harmony—there is no
Coach “Shy” Huntington has been
weighed—and not found wanting.
Coach “Shy” Huntington’s crack
University* of Oregon eleven is going
to play—and beat—Harvard. But he
needs support and there is such a
thing as—loyalty.
Huntington has done big things
for Oregon. And now he should
have Oregon’s backing.
Is he going to get it?
Don’t let the interest in the big
Women’s building drive during va
cation die for a single instant. Ore
gon students are before the eyes of
the state in, this big drive and the
state’s estimation of our institution
will be guaged in a large measure
by the way we put over this cam
Others have sacrificed everything
for the building. It is not asking too
much that we devote a big part of,
our vacation time and energy in rais
ing funds with which to complete
the structure. It is your building,
And we are going to be benefitted
by it. Let’s Go.
Students now enrolled in the Uni
versity of Oregon who intend to re
turn next term should by all means
register Monday and Tuesday of
next week before they leave for
Christmas vacation. It will be im
possible to handle others than new
students Monday, January 5, and
regular classes in which cuts will
be counted, will start Tuesday, Jan
uary 6. Students now in college
have the opportunity to register
Monday and Tuesday, and failure
to do so will make it difficult for
them to register upon returning after
vacation. Class cards are all that
need to be filled out now. The regis
tration fee can be paid by mail dur
ing vacation. By registering now
an extra day of vacation can be had
in as much as those registered will
not have to return until Tuesday.
A1 ( E Al) W HU ST R AT EG Y
(Continued from imge 1)
tHo support of the late Governor
Funds should be sent in to L. H.
Johnson, comptroller of the Univer
sity, and not retained until the stu
dents return to Eugene, Mrs. Gerlin
ger said. An accurate check will be
kept of all subscriptions sent in, and
in this connection she suggested that
the name of the solicitor accompany
the remittance.
Easterners Pledge Support
She emphasized the fact that many
places in the state have ltot been
reached in previous efforts to raise
money for the building, and a thor
ough canvass of such districts should
yield exceptionally good returns.
About 50 eastern Oregon students
plowed through the snow and frost
on Thursday evening for a pop meet
ing in the Y. M. hut to give the cam
paign a send-off in the eastern Ore
gon towns. Harris Ellsworth and
Lindsay McArthur, district chairmen
of the region, presided. Plans of or
ganization were discussed and Mrs.
Gerlinger addressed the meeting.
Portland Rally Monday
A similar rally for all Portland stu
dents at -1 o’clock on Monday in Guild
hall is announced by Dorothy Duni
way, chairman of the Portland district.
It will be the tlrst all-Portland meet
ing held in the University for several
Pamphlets bearing an architect's
drawing of the Women’s building and
a photograph showing its present
stage will be distributed on Monday.
These pamphlets are to be used in
soliciting funds and each has a sub
scription card attached. Arrange
ments are being made to supply all
students with pledge cards who were
not at assembly on Thursday. These
will also be distributed on Monday.
All students from Portland
will meet Monday afternoon at
4 o'clock in Guild ball. The
meeting will be the tlrst gath
ering of all Portland students
held on the campus for several
years. Gome and get together
for a good time.
Trip Abroad Appeals to Many,
Reading to Begin Soon,
Itinerary Planned
About 12 university women have
expressed their desire to add their
names to the list of those planning
to make the trip to Europe in 1921,
says Dean Elizabeth Fox. This in
creases the number of the group to 29.
No plans have yet been made for a
club, said Miss Fox. Definite ar
rangements will, no doubt, be made
at the beginning of the second term.
The club when formed will be
primarily for the purpose of direct
ing the reading of the young women
who plan to make the tour. Miss
Julia Burgess, who will accompany
the group, has expressed her willing
ness to make a biology of such liter
ature. It has also been suggested
that those who are to go may desire
to make additions to their university
course of study. European history,
both ancient and modern, art and
French have been suggested as de
sirable courses, and both Dean Fox
and Miss Burgess will be glad to
offer suggestions in the matter of
courses of study for those who con
sult them.
Dean Fox, who will act in the
capacity of conductor and chaperon
on.the trip, will write to Cook’s and
other tourist agencies in England
Europe asking for their tourist prices
for various itineraries. The charges
will probably be less in accordance
with the number of women who make
the trip, said Miss Fox.
Two Groups May Travel.
The plan as announced before is
for a group of from 20 to 30 wo
men from the university to make the
trip to France, Belgium, Switzerland,
Holland, England, Scotland and
Wales during the summer of 1921,
returning to the United States in
time to reach the university for
the fall term.
Suggesions have been made that
if a sufficient number of women are
interested a few of the group might
sail in March and spend the spring
months visiting the countries of
southern Europe, joining the rest
of the group in June at some stated
No plan was at first made to visit
southern Europe because of the lim
ited time the women would have to
travel and because of the hot weath
er prevailing there in the summer
months. The weather there is de
lightful in the spring and fall, say
those who have made the trip, and
there is little danger of malaria or
other disease at those times.
Cost Estimates Vary.
The group will be chaperoned by
Miss Fox, who was in Europe in war
service, and Miss Burgess, who has
traveled extensively in Europe. Miss
Burgess had planned another trip
to Europe the year the war began
Appointment Bureau Has Positions
for Three Instructors
There will be two junior high school
positions open about the middle of
January in one of the prominent cities
of Oregon, according to the appoint
ment bureau report yesterday. This
position includes seventh, eighth
and ninth grade work. There is also
a vacancy in an eastern Oregon high
school for a teacher of French alul
typewriting, or if this combination
cannot be made. French and some
other subject.
Organization to Petition Delta Zeta—
Residence is Sought
Thirteen young women of the Uni
versity form the nucleus of a new or
ganization on the campus. It will be
called Delta l'si, and is petitioning
Delta Zeta, national women's frater
nity. Their petition passed the stu
dent body council at the meeting
Tuesday night.
The following are charter members:
Alys Sutton. Delta Zeta from the Vni
versitN of Louisiana, Velma Moser,
Gladys Everett, Helen Frome, Hazel
Sanders, Leona Marsters. Jeanette
Hogan. Blanche Shipp. Bernice Shipp.
Dorothy Fash. Marion Tuttle and Cres
cent Lorenz.
The girls have not yet found an
available home, but intend to get
settled after Christmas if one can be
By W. F. Plus Be Be.
Breathes there a man with soul so
Who never to a friend has said,
“Is it cold enough for you?”
It will be much better sledding
in exams if you study now.
Have you seen Kerby Miller’s
snow shoes?
A man who writes bogus checks
and a student of journalism differ
in the length of their sentences.
If the end of the world comes next
Wednesday some of us will not need
to worry about the shortage of coal.
The poets write about the snow,
it is the Eskimo’s hovel.
The only way I can handle it
Is on the end of a shovel.
Bashful Bertram says: Boy page
Harry Thaw.
Don’t worry if you are cold, the
teachers will make it hot for you
in exams.
Darling, I am getting colder.
'Round the fire I could scorch,
But my bed is like an ice chest
Out upon the sleeping porch.
Feed the sparrows, the jail birds
will take Care of themselves.
f^=-r.T:-—— : ~ r:v.:" r— •.
f you arc going to' give her a box of
Embossed Fraternity
Order it Now
and we will have it ready before the
Xmas Vacation
Coe Stationery Co.
941 Willamette Street
R. A. BA«B
We appreciate your trade this year and want you to
make our store your headquarters next term.
Christmas Gift
—Memory Books
—Snap Shot Albums
—Framed Mottos
—Framed Columbia Highway Pic
—Pennants and Pillow Covers
—Writing Desk Sets
—Leather Novelties
—Pocket Books
—Bill Folds
—Place Cards
—Playing Cards
—Fountain Pens
—Eversharp and Shaeffer Pencils
—Looseleaf Memo Books
—Cooking Receipt Boxes
—Stationery—the Finest and Best
—Christmas Cards—very large as
—Subscriptions to all Magazines
—Holly Christmas Boxes.
Booksellers and Stationers Eugene Theatre Building
Kodaks, Albums, Photographic
Supplies, Framed Pictures, Dolls
Anderson’s Film Shop
Opp. Rex Theatre