Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, December 13, 1919, Image 1

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Man Helped Raise First Stock
of Union University
Women’s Dormitory is Monument to
His Connection With
Thomas G- Hendricks, father of
the University, member of the first
board of regents, for twenty-four
years chairman of the executive
committee of that body, inspiration
for the naming of Hendricks hall,
the monument to his connection with
the institution, and perhaps the best
known man in this part of the state,
died at his home in Eugene yester
day morning, at the age of 81 years.
It was principally through the ef
forts of this man that the Univer
sity of Oregon came into being, for
it was his sacrifice of time and
money that raised the $50,000 capital
stock of the Union University associ
ation in 1873 and 1874. This money
purchased the first site and paid
for the construction of Deady hall
before the state took the institution
Great Friend Gone.
“In the death of Mr. Hendricks
the University has lost a great
friend,” said Dean John Straub, who
came to the campus two years after
the opening of the school upon the
persuasion of Mr. Hendricks, whom
he met in Portland in 1878. “He
used to go out and solicit the farmers
for money to pay the first teachers
Oregon ever had and when the farm
ers had no cash to turn over he
would bring in a cow or load of
wheat and sell it, turning the money
in for the teacher’s Saturday payroll.
He frequently advanced money to
the University and took his chances
on getting it back. I consider his
death a great personal loss, for he
and I were the oldest friends of
the school and we often got together
> to talk over the ways in which we
could advance its welfare- Mr. Hen
dricks was a loyal friend and a
splendid generous hearted man.”
Founder of Bank.
Mr. Hendricks was a retired bank
er and capitalist, having founded
the First National Bank of Eugene
He is survived by his wife, two
daughters, Mrs. Richard Shore Smith
and Mrs. Ruby Goodrich; three broth
ers, Albert M. and Elijah Hendricks
of this city, M. L. Hendricks of
Woodburn, and one sister, Mrs. Frank
Close of Eugene.
Of all his activities the ones which
he was proudest of were his con
nections with educational advance
ment. He had been associated with
practically every branch of school
work in the county. For six years,
1872 to 1878, he served in the ca
pacity of county superintendent of
public instruction and inaugurated
the practice of personal inspection
of the schools.
The funeral services will be held
Sunday afternoon from the Gordon
and Veatch chapel
Repairs Planned—Dr. Sawyer May be
Reached by Telephone
Unless a bed case or held-over
cases develope, the university infirm
ary will close during the Christmas
vacation. Dr. E. L. Sawyer, univer
sity physician, states that he will j
be on hand to give treatment should
the infirmary close or that.he will j
call on the patient by appointment
if 1314 is called on the telephone.
The reason given for closing the
infirmary, if possible, is to make
some repairs so as to be ready for
the winter term.
Last month over 600 reported for
threatment at the infirmary. Dr.
Sawyer points out this indication of
the extent that the students are
using the infirmary. '
Thomas G. Hendricks.
Dr. Charles H. Edmondson, profes
sor of zoology at the University, will
leave to take charge of research work
of the College of Hawaii and to be
the curator of the aquarium there, ac
cording to word received from the
president’s office Wednesday aftei"
noon. Dr. Edmondson, who is con
sidered one of the foremost authori
ties in the United States on protozoa,
a science dealing with the original
forms of life, is one of the leading
men of the science department of the
University. He came to the Univer
sity about six years ago, after having
finished a course at the University of
Iowa, where he received his Ph. D.
and - M. A. degrees.
During the war Dr. Edmondson was
appointed by the Board of Fisheries to
investigate undeveloped food possibil
ities on the Pacific Coast, which re
sulted in the gathering of data which
will be publislied in book form, ac
cording to Dr. Edmondson.
The Hawaiian college contains about
200 students, but its aquarium is one
of the greatest in existence. A salary
of $5000 in place of the $2100 he is now
receiving is one of the chief reasons
for his departure.
Students to Dance in Multnomah
Hotel, Portland, Dec. 29, for
Woman’s Building Fund
All college students who will be in
Portland for the holidays are invited
to attend the Christmas college ball
which will be held in Portland on
Monday, December 29. The ball will
be given in one of the two ballrooms
of the Hotel Multnomah, which is
being donated for the occasion by the
Multnomah Amateur Athletic club.
It will be a benefit for the Women’s
Building fund of the University of
Oregon, and is being arranged by the
Portland alumni of Delta Gamma,
Gamma Phi Beta, Delta Delta Delta,
Kappa Alpha Theta, Pi Beta Phi,
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Alpha Phi and
Chi Omega.
Tickets will be 75 cents a person
and two of the best orchestras in
Portland have been engaged to fur
nish the music. Stunts will be put
on by the four northwestern colleges
and a prize will be given for the best.
College songs will be sung between
dances by the Multnomah club quar
tet. Stunts will be put on by Pullman,
University of Washington, Reed Col
lege, O.A.C. and University of Oregon.
The student body presidents of
these colleges have been asked to
appoint committees to make the dance
known to their students who will be*
in Portland on the 29th. The dance
will be attended by a number of rush
ing parties and will be a big get-to
gether event for all northwestern col
lege folk.
Mrs. Gerlinger Marshals Forces
for Big Holiday Effort to
Gather Funds
Eastern Oregonians and Portlanders
Meet to Formulate Plans of
Coming Harvest
Although Mrs. George T. Gerlinger
arrived in Eugene a few minutes too
late to address the stndent body meet
ing on Thursday, she nevertheless ap
peared before three different student
gatherings that day in behalf of the
Women’s building campaign. At 4
o’clock she spoke at a meeting of the
Greater Oregon committee in Guild
hall; at 5 o’clock she addressed the
Women’s league in Villard, and at
8:30 met with the eastern Oregon stu
dents in the Y. M. hut.
While speaking to the Greater Ore
gon committee, Mrs. Gerlinger ac
knowledged her appreciation of the
action of the students in initiating a
drive to complete the building at this
time. “It is a very opportune mo
ment,” she declared, “and the added
support is coming just at the time
when most needed.” The $30,000 must
be in the hands of the University by
January 1, 1921, she explained, in or
der to comply with the conditions
under which the state’s appropriation
was made. The enlisting of the Uni
versity’s 1600 students in the drive
will give it new life and enthusiasm,
and leave the issue no longer in doubt.
Building Provides for Men
Mrs. Gerlinger explained the plans
of the building in detail during the
course of her talk. In addition to
providing a girls’ gymnasium, the new
building will also be utilized for the
women’s physical education class
room. There will be an alumni room,
and social rooms which as meeting
places will add to the comfort of the
men of the University as well as the
women. She explained the conditions
which prevented the state legislature
(from providing sufficient funds to
complete the building at the time the
appropriation was made, and praised
(Continued on page 2)
Final Plans for Attending Stu
dent Volunteer Convention
Made by Committee
“Stan” Anderson and Don Newbury
Unable to go—Coal Shortage
Increases Expenses
With the snow stilf “knee deep" and
no signs of a thaw, the 15 student
volunteers to the World Student con
ference meeting in Des Moines are
facing the situation and preparing to
leave for the frozen East on Decem
ber 28.
The possibilities for Oregon’s being
represented at the convention have
lately been most uncertain on account
of the coal shortage and the blockades
on the railroads but Johnny Houston,
delegation leader and business man
ager, is now sure of transportation for
the delegates. Rates on the railroads
have been obtained. As yet it is not
certain whether a special car will be
furnished, leaving from Portland, or
not, but if possible such accommoda
tion will be made. The party will go
over the Union Pacific route, and fare
and one-third rates have been made
Accompanying the thirteen students
from the University will be Miss Urith
Dailey of the Y. W. C. A. and Profes
sor Joseph Schafer of the faculty, who
is also attending the convention of
the American Historical society in
Cleveland during the holidays. Dean
Elizabeth Pox will be unable to at
tend the convention with the Univer
sity delegates because of her trip as
chaperone with the Girls’ Glee club to
southern Oregon during the vacation
Two More to Be Named
The approximate list of the stu
dents who will attend the Des Moines
convention is: Louise Davis, Mabyl
Weller, Ethel Wakefield, John Gam
ble, John Houston. Ella Rawlings.
Ruth Flegal, Eleanor Spall, Wayne
Akefs, Mildred Weeks and Hobart
Belknap. Two others who have not
yet been chosen will join the party.
(Continued on page 2.)
Oregon Congressman, After Viewing Numerous
Games, Writes Interesting Treatise; Casey, of
Harvard, Fleet But Not Great Star
by c. n. “pat” McArthur, ’01
(Representative in Congress from the Third Oregon district. Mr. Mc
Arthur was editor of the first publication of the University—the Ore
gon Weekly, in 1900
WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 4—
(To the Emerald)—“During my col
lege days at the University of Ore
gon and for a dozen years thereafter
when I kept in close touch with the
games on the Pacific coast, I was led
to believe that the east and middle
west were playing superior football
and this was undobtedly true at
that time. Conditions have changed,
however, and when we contemplate
modern football, we no longer think
exculsively of Yale, Harvard and
Princeton, but must include Colgate,
Syracuse, Penn State and a host of
others in the east, as well as strong
teams of the middle-west and Pacific
slope. In the old days of “five yards
in three downs” and mass plays
through the line, the big college with
its big enrollment and wealth of
football material usually won the
championships and the “little fel
lows” didn’t count. Today, thanks
to the forward pass, the general open
character of the game and the pre
mium placed on speed and skill, the
small colleges have come into their
own. Colgate and West Virginia
are examples of what small colleges
can do on the gridiron when they
possess the right kind of spirit.
“The season just closed offered my
first opportunity to se my first
eastern football and 1 was fortunate
in witnessing the following games:
“Navy vs. Georgetown, Nov. 8
“Penn vs. Pitt, Nov. 15.
“Yale vs. Harvard, Nov- 23.
“Army vs. Navy, Nov. 29
“It needless to say that I looked
forward very eagerly to these events
for I had seen a number of big
games in the Pacific northwest dur
ing the season of 1916—the last pre
war football season—and was natur
ally anxious to compare Oregon,
Oregon Aggies, Washington and
Washington State with the crack
teams of the east. I had heard num
erous alibis for the defeat of Brown
and Pennsylvania by Washington
State and Oregon in the great games
at Pasadena and my friends from
(Continued on page 6.)
Oregon will not be without a •
complete coaching staff when •
practice is taken up in earnest •
in Pasadena next week. Coach •
Huntington has been in com- •
munication with a number of •
former Oregon stars, nad it is •
certain that a staff of at least •
a half dozen men will be in the •
southern city to aid in down- •
ing the Crimson. •
Johnnie Beckett, who is still •
a member of the marines, is •
stationed in San Francisco, and •
will join the squad at that place •
if it is possible for him to get •
away. “Brick” Mitchell, who •
has been coaching the Stanford •
freshmen this year, has also •
been asked to join the team at •
San Francisco. •
Several letters have been sent •
out by Manager McClain and as •
few replies have come in as yet •
it is doubtful who will make up •
the rest of the staff. •
Oregon is leaving nothing un- •
done in preparing for the Har- •
vard game. It is Oregon’s sec- •
ond chance to show that she is •
among the best of the world •
and if a victory can be achieved •
the second time, the lootball •
world will realize more than •
ever that the west is not the •
region between the Appalachi- •
ans and the Mississippi. •
Leland A. Coon, of School of Music,
to Direct “The Christ Child”—
Thirty in Chorus
“The Christ Child,” a cantata in
two parts, by C. B. Hawley, under
the direction of Leland A. Coon, of
the university school of music, will
compose the greater part of the
service at the Methodist church next
Sunday, December 14, at 7:30 p. m.
Curtiss Peterson, baritone, and
George P. Hopkins, tenor, of the uni
versity school of music, are listed
among the soloists. Mrs. Ben Wil
liams, soprano, Miss Beulah Keagy,
soprano, and Miss Vera Shaver, con
tralto, all former students of the
university, compose the remainder of
the soloists and will be assisted by
a chorus of over thirty voices. A
brass quartet will also play during
the services.
Mr. Coon, who is directing the
cantata, is organist and choir mas
ter of the Methodist church. Forty
five minutes is required for the can
tata, and all university and towns
people have been invited to attend.
Forme*- Student Solves Staircase Pro
belm at Boston Tech.
Walter Church, son of Mrs. P.
L. Campbell, has just been awarded
a one hundred dollar prize for the
best solution to a staircase problem
which was offered by the Massachu
setts Institute of Technology in Bos
ton, where he is completing his
architectural course.
Christmas Activities to be Planned—
Freshmen Urged to Attend
Plans for Christmas activities are
to be discussed at a meeting of the
Triple A to be held in Villard hall
Tuesday evening, December 16, from
5 to 6 o’clock. It will probably be
planned to distribute baskets, since
none were given Thanksgiving. So
cial events are also to be decided
upon- All freshmen girls are urged
to be present.
Oregon Eleven Will
Leave Dec. 19 for
Graduate Coaches Will Help
Mold Lemon-Yellow Into
Winning Form
“The twain will meet,” despite
Kipling’s avowal to the eternal un
approachability of east and west.
Heretofore east has been east and
west has been west on the gridiron,
except for the rare occasions when
Pennsylvania, Syracuse, Brown and
the Oregon Aggies ' sought new
worlds to conquer far from their na
tive heaths.
But these contests, memorable as
they were, never held the signifi
cance of the coming battle Harvard
is the autocrat of the east in foot
ball and scholastically. Her accept
ance of the challenge may seem al
most condescension, but in reality
it shows her rising in wrath to de
fend her proud title, so adaciously
threatened by the upstart elevens of
the Pacific slope. No, she comes
not to conquer new fields, but to
defend her crown against the pre
tenders of the west.
Game Marks New Epoch.
If some one had made the state
ment a few years ago that the Uni
versity of Oregon would meet Har
vard’s football team in 1920, he would
have been put in the class Charles
Chaplin, and the man who said that
Germany would win the war.. To
think that the greatest football in
stitution of the world would meet
a team representing a state which,
according to Frank Branch Riley,
most New Englanders believe is
across some bay from the Philip
pines seemed absurd at that time, and
had it not been for the aggressive
ness of the west such a clash would
never have been arranged. It re
mained for the people of Pasadena,
Calif., to make it possible for re
nowned Harvard to leave her own
back yard and pit her strength
against the strongest but least
known football aggregation from an
easterner’s standpoint.
But nevertheless this is just what
happened and was evidenced in the
telegram received by President
Campbell a few days ago from the
Pasadena board of control.
Just what chance the varsity has
with the eastern eleven is very
hard to determine because of the
fact that no western team has met
an eastern one this season- The
strength of the west has been shown
in past intersectional contests, it is
true, but Harvard has shown her
superiority during the season by
winning six contests and tieing one
against some of the strongest ag
gregate nof the east.
Kincaid Deep With Snow.
A novel experience confronted the
members of Coach “Shy” Hunting
ton s squad when news arrived that
Oregon had been picked as the “best
of the west.” Kincaid field was
covered wit | a seven-inch coat of
snow, so practice has been held the
past three days on a white gridiron,
something that has not been done
in Engene for year. However, a
little thing like snow does not matter
to Trainer “Bill” Hayward who,
when asked if he could get the men
in condition, assured the Oregon
followers that he could, snow or
no snow.
But New Yea^ day, the varsity
team should be in better shape than
they have been at any time this
(Continued on page 5)