Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, December 02, 1919, Image 1

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vol. 21
DECEMBER 2, 1919
NO. 24
Statistics Prove Oregon to Be
Logical Eleven for Pas
adena Game
Seattle School, Decisively Beaten by
Lemon-Yellow, Believed Second
in Conference
* Scoring Record of Oregon and
U. ofO.24 U. of W 13
U. ofO. 0 W. S. C...... 7
Xi.ofO. 9 0. A. C 0
Total.33 Against ..20
Washington....13 Oregon .24
Washington....14 W. S. C. 7
Washington..., 7 California .. 0
Totals for.34 Against ....31
Standing of Conference
Won Lost Pet.
Oregon .2 1 .667
Washington .2 1 .667
W. S. C.2 2 .500
California .2 2 .500
Stanford .1 2 .333
O. A. C.1 3 .250
By Herman Lind.
Whether or not Oregon is selected
to represent the west on New Year’s
day now remains to be determined
by the board of control of the Pasa
dena Tournament of Roses. The de
termination o’f this matter depends
on whether or not they are going to
choose the best of the coast to play
the annual classic.
That the Oregon team is champion
of the coast conference is now indis
putable as a result of the victory of
Washington over California on
Thanksgiving. The lemon-yellow has
a victory of 24-13 chalked against
the northern institution and as the i
two teams are tied in the percentage
column this fact alone is enough to j
determine the standing of the two
Oregon Awaits Decision.
“Oregon’s season is over, until
word is definitely heard announcing
who will play at Pasadena on New
Year's day,” Coach "Shy” Hunting
ton announced yesterday. “The var
sity returned from Portland as un
disputed coast champions after the
Thanksgiving day contests, and re
gardless of whether or not we are
selected to play in the south, this
cannot be disputed.’
(Continued on page 3)
TORS FROM 2000 TO 5000
February 1, 1920, has been set as
the Anal date for the filing of the
essays to be submitted in competition
for the annual Philo Sherman Bennett
prize. A $20 award is made yearly for
the best essay discussing the prin
ciples of free government. The prize
is to be awarded by a board appoint
ed by a committee of the faculty.
The committee suggests that the
competitors limit their attention to
some specific problem bearing direct
ly upon the general principles of
free government. They suggest the
following subjects:* “Public Openings
in a Free Government,” “The Right of
Minorities in a Free Government,”
“Liberty of Speech in a Free Govern
ment,” and “Direct Legislation in a
Free Government.”
The writers may seek advice upon
the subject from the departments in
the University the work of which is
related to the subject treated in the
essay. Credit for the essay as a part
of departmental requirements may be
applied for. Xo paper, it is pointed
out, should contain the name of the
author. The essays are restricted to
from 2000 to 5000 words.
Speaker Will Be on Campus for Last
Meeting of Women's
Women’s League will hold its last
meeting of the fall term on December
10 in Villard hall. At this time the
women of the University will have
the opportunity of hearing Mrs. Ida B.
Callahan of Corvallis, president of
the Oregon State Federation of Wo
men's Clubs. Mrs. Callahan will
speak to the girls on the different
phases of work carried on by the
federation, for this year particularly.
Accompanying Mrs. Callahan on her
visit to Eugene and the University
will be the president and secretary of
the O. A. C. league. These young wo
men will tell something about their
organization, which has but recently
been formed and will expect to see ifi
the Oregon league a practical working
out of modern club work. Louise
Davis, president of the Women’s
league, is urging that every girl keep
in mind the date for the meeting and
be at hand to give their guests a
rousing welcome.
University Faculty Members Attend
Portland Gathering
The Oregon State Music Teachers’
association held a meeting in Port
land at the Hotel Multnomah during
the Thanksgiving holiday. Friday
and Saturday were given over to the
subject of present day music in the
public schools. Dr. J. J. Landsbury,
dean of the university school of mu
sic, spoke upon the subject “Public
School Music from a University
A luncheon was held Friday noon
and a concert at 8 o’clock Friday
evening. Among those who offered
selections were Mrs. Jane S. Thacher
and Rex Underwood, of Eugene.
A banquet Saturday evening
brought the convention to a close.
Eastern Oregon to Hear University
Men Christmas Vacation
An eight-day tour through eastern
Oregon, beginning immediately after
the Christmas vacation, is being
planned by the Men’s Glee club.
They also plan a spring trip and one
small one, probably to Junction City,
before the tour begins.
The program is being planned by
Professor Lukken, head of the vocal
department of the school of music,
and director of the club, and is to
be divided into three sections. The
first part will consist of glee club
numbers and a few solos. The sec
ond part will be made up entirely
of negro minstrel selections such as
camp meeting songs. The third part
will contain musical stunts. The
club will give the same program in
Eugene immediately following their
return from the eastern Oregon tour.
Next “Old Oregon" in Charge of Edit-'
ing Squad—Bob Case is Editor
The next number of “Old Ore- j
gon," the alumni magazine, will be;
in charge of the editing class, senior'
class in editing under Eric W. Allen, j
dean of the school of journalism, !
The class will have entire charge of ■
the publication from the gathering j
and writing of material to circula
tion. Robert Case, of Portland, has
been chosen editor by the class and
Percy Boatman, of Spokane, Wash.,
business manager. The others on
the staff are John DeWitt Gilbert,
Astoria; Neil Morfitt, Malheur;
Earle Richardson, McMinnville; and
Louise Davis, Elva Bagley and Dor
othy Duniway, all of Portland. This [
issue will be out the first of Janu- ■
Lieut. Cook Goes to Vancouver.
Lieut- Earl L. Cook, who has been
a member of the R. O. T. C. staff
here since last March, left today for
Vancouver. Lieutenant Cook has
been transferred to regular army
duties. He was acompanied by his
wife and family.
Portland Man to Give Famous
Lecture “The Lure of the
Pacific Northwest”
Frank Branch Riley, an attorney |
of Portland, will give his famous:
lecture ‘‘The Lure of the Pacific |
Northwest,” at assembly on Thurs
day, December 4.
Mr. Riley brings with him, ac
cording to Karl Onthank, secretary
to President Campbell, one of the
finest collection of pictures of the
Northwest ever made and combines
with them a lecture which has been
gleaned from intimate acquaintance
with the scenes which he shows.
He is a delightful speaker and knows
the Northwest like a book. At pres
ent he is just returning from an
eastern trip in which he has given
his lecture before large audiences.
Organizations which have once
heard Mr- Riley have repeatedly
sought to have the lecture given
again. * He appeared last year at the
university of Oregon and his lecture
was voted the most interesting as
sembly number, Mr. Onthank said.
On Thursday evening Mr. Riley
will speak again and show his pic
tures at some downtown hall, prob
ably the Eugene Chamber of Com
merce. An admission fee of fifty
cents is to be charged at that time,
the proceeds of which are to go to
the women’s building.
The last assembly of the year on
Thursday, December 11, will be a
regular student body meeting. In
addition to routine business, the
Greater Oregon committee will set
forth plans for work in interesting
high school students in the univer
sity. Further plans to raise money
for the women’s building are also
to be brought up at that time.
Other Members of Music Faculty on
State Association Program
Dr. J. J. Landsbury, dean of the
University of Oregon school of music,
spoke on the subject of public school
music from a University standpoint,
at a meeting of the Oregon State
Music Teachers’ association held in
Portland during the Thanksgiving
holidays. The association met at the
Multnomah hotel, Friday and Satur
day. Present day music in the schools
was the subject under discussion.
Mrs. Jane Thacher and Rex Under
wood, both of the University school
of music, gave selections at the con
cert which was held Friday night of
the convention.
“The Lemon Punch”, With Bob
Case Editor, to be Medium'
for Student Writing
Saturday will^p mark the initial
appearance of a new publication on
the campus in the form of a literary
supplement to the regular edition of
the Emerald. The “Lemon Punch"
is the name selected for the new pub
lication. Bob Case has been ap-,
pointed editor.
The new literary magazine is the
result of a strong agitation among
literary and journalistic circles for
a publication devoted solely to the ■
literary talent on the campus. It is
intended that the new publication I
will sei-ve as a beginning for a new!
magazine which will rank with the
literary publications of other col
The project is heartily endorsed
by various members of the faculty.
“The new magazine will undoubted
ly supply a want on the campus,’’
said Professor George Turnbill, of the
school of journalism department. “We
have no adequate medium for the
expression of the students’ literary
talent. There is no good reason why
the publication cannot succeed.
There is plenty of material on the
Good Idea, Good Name, Good Men.
Prof. W. F. G. Thacher, who has
been in favor of a campus magazine
for a long time, said: “I like the
idea; I like the name; I like the edit
or. A good idea with a good name
and a good man to push it ought to
go, and go strong. Time has been
when the success of a punch de
pended upon the amount of ‘stick’
there was to it. I predict that the
success of the Punch will depend up
on the amount of stick-to-it there
is. The Lemon Punch is going to
require a lot of support from the
students. But then, that is what you
can always count on from Oregon
students: loyal support for any
worthy enterprise. Some day the
Lemon Punch will stand alone. Mean
while, all thanks to the Emerald for
fostering it.”
Dean Allen, of the school of jour
nalism, is an enthusiastic supporter
of the projected magazine. The
only way to find out whether a pub
lication of this kind would be suc
cessful, said Dean Allen, is to try it.
“If everybody helps and contribu
tions are numerous,** me said, "It
will succeed.”
Material Wide in Range.
The magazine will be devoted to
(Continued on page $ %
Annexitis Has Attacked Nearly Buildings On the
Campus; Friendly Hall Has Long List
of Indignities to Offer
Too many students—no place to
put them! All right—build another
This is the way the; University of
Oregon is caring for its steadily in
creasing attendance during the past
few years. Since the first attack of
annexitis on the campus in 1902
the practice of adding to the exist
ing buildings, rather than construct
ing new ones, has been in vogut.
Of late, the need of more room has
been so great that small additions
have sprung up on the campus like
the proverbial mushroom.
At first, substantial additions
were built to the buildings, but the
practice has now become so general
that numerous wooden shanties,
brown, red, white, or as in the case
of the women’s outdoor gym, as
nature left them, cause the visitor
to gaze with the mental query of
“How do they get that way?”
The first frame annex was built
in 1914. Its unimposing architucture
was the result of the failure of an
appropriation bill in the legislature
and the consequent lack of funds
for the construction of the much
needed new buildings. This building,
known as the Journalism annex,, is
situated at the rear of McClure hall
For a time it bore the name of
Parkinson hall. It received ilie
title in derision of one Parkinson
who was responsible for the refer
endum that defeated the 1914 build
ing appropriation bill. Even the
fates were defied, for a fire a few!
years later only succeeded in ruining -
the roof of the building, which was
given a new lid, a coat of paint and |
a new title. The Journalism annex;
was originally built as office for the1
extension division, but was willed to i
(Concluded from page 2.)
O. A. C. and Oregon Teams Will Clash
in Corvallis—Locals to Start
Manager Dwight Parry announced'
today that a return game of soccer
with 0. A. C- to he played next Sat
urday, December (1, at Corvallis.
Arrangements have been pending fo*
some time, but owing to football j
activities and the recent Thanks- j
giving vacation no definite date for
the game was made until yesterday. I
Practice will be resumed emmdei
ately, and Manager Parr requests
that all members of the team be out
at once, if for no other than to run
off some of the avoirdupois recently
acquired due to an excess of tur
O. A. C. will be out for blood in j
reparation for the defeat handed j
them in the first game during Home
coming week, and a regular exhibi
tion of the Scottish pastime should
be witnessed.
Stamps Will Be Offered Students at
Thursday Assembly
Everyone should bring his pennies
to the Thursday assembly, at Villard
hall. There will be a sale of Red
Cross seals, and as there will be no’
drive of any kind, and this is abso
lutely the only time when the stamps
can be secured, it is urgent that
everyone buy. So, Miss Elizabeth
Fox, Who with Mrs. P. L. Campbell
is in charge of the seals, asks each
student to come to the assembly and
bring some money with him. The
stamps are a penny each, and Miss
Fox suggests that if each person on
the campus buys at least five, a con
siderable amojint will be made.
The sale is to be conducted after
the assembly hour. A table will be
placed at each entrance to the build
ing, and several will be appointed
by Miss Fox to have charge.
Head of Oregon Department Asked to
Be Soprano’s Accompanist
Miss Greta Mason, one of the
very prominent New York sopranos,
who does concert work exclusively,
has asked John Stark Evans, head of
the organ department of the school
of music of the university of Ore
gon, now on a year’s leave of ab
sence studying in New York, to be
come her permanent accompanist.
Mr. Evans has not accepted this of
fer and expects to continue the work
work which he is doing under Ru
dolph Ganz and his study of com
position under Goldmark.
Freshmen’s Instructions on Gallery
Range Begins
Sub-calibre rifle practice for fresh
men was started at the gallery range
at the R. O. T. C barracks this morn- |
ing. The instruction is under the
supervision of the non-commissioned
officers of the training staff. Prac- [
tice will continue until each cadet
has fired the required number of
rounds. No cadet will be allowed to
fire more than ten shots on any one!
day. The hours of fire are from:
eight to twelve o’clock in the morn
ing and from one to three in the
Sergeant Martin, who has charge
of the instruction, expresses himself
as well pleased with the scores that
have been made on the range so far.
Army Regulation Equipment Folds in
Steel Box
Two field desks were received last
week by the R. O. T. C. The desks,
which are army regulation style,
contain two card index files writing
top and space for stationery and of
fice supplies.
The entire equipment folds up in
to a box |bout the size of the ordi
nary suit case. The desks are for
the use of the company clerk.
Men and Women from all Parts
of State are Appointed
to Serve
Purpose of Committee is to Further
University's Interests i»n Every
Members of the Greater Oregon
committee imve been appointed by
a student council committee, consist
ing of Leith Abbott, chairman, Doro
! thy Duniway and Carl Newbury,
i This committee is composed of men
and women from all parts of the
state who will have the responsi
bility of representing the university
in their home towns. The prime
duty of each committee member is
to further the interests of the uni
versity in the localities which they
represent, particularly in the mat
j ter of gaining attendance from their
j localities, according to Leith Abbott,
cnairman oi tne committee,
entire committee will meet tomorrow
afternoon at 4 o’clock in the Y hut.
Following is the personnel of the
Ashland: Meredith Beaver, Fern
Murphy. Alsea: Lee Hurlburt,
Mae IBallack. Astoria: Dorothy
Wootton, Adrian Rouslow. Athena:
Arnold Koepke, Kathren Froome.
Baker: Norris Jones, Abelyn
Healey. Bend: Arthur Vandervert.
Bly: Marjorie Edsall. Burns: An
nette Leonard.
Canyon City: Arhur Hicks- Cas
cade Locks: Harris Ellsworth, Eil
een Tompkins. Central Point: Cecile
Creede. Coquille: Fred Lorens,
Marvel Skeels. Clatskanie: Her
bert L. Geary. Cottage Grove: Her
ald White. Corvallis: Ella Raw
Dallas: Maud Barnes, Charles
Hayter, Pauline Coad. Dufur: Ed
Ward, Jennie Johnston.
Elgin: Muriel Bater. Eugene:
Warren Kays, Dorothy Dixon, Adel
aide Lake. Enterprise: Sidney Bur
leigh, Harold Lindley. Estacada:
Kenneth Bartlett. Elmira: James
Falls City: Maurine Selig. For
est Grove: Irvin Thomas.
Gardiner: Narcissa Jewett. Gold
Hill: Horton Beeman- Grants Pass:
Continued on page 3.
Some day, as soon as financial cir
cumstances permit, the girls of the
department of household arts will
have a practice house in which to
get some actual experience rather
than mere theory and not much prac
tice, which the course necessarily
consists of at the present time. The
girls are planning for their house now
and all of the classes in the depart
ment are busily engaged in making
a hope chest for the house when it
is secured. Doilies, towels, napkins
and linens are being made by the stu
dents, and Mrs. P. L. Campbell has
donated some embroidered towels and
other linen pieces to the chest. The
home decoration class is making rugs
and table linen as their donation.
Next term classes have not been de
finitely. planned for the department as
yet, according to Miss Lilian Tingle,
head of the department of household
arts, and definite announcements can
not bo made now, but the food econ
omics class which is now studying
foods for children will be continued
no doubt, and the adolescent period
will be studied.
In the course on housewifery the
renovation of furniture is being taken
up and actual practice of making over
old furniture has been done by the
In the sewing department garments
of all sorts are being made, but most
of the girls are working on blouses
and underwear.