Medical School MEDICAL STUDENTS FLOCK TD UNIVERSITY HOIMING WEI Failure to ObtainVacation Kills Plan for Special Train and Stunts Portland, Nov. 24—(Special)— Growing “Oregon Spirit” at the medical school is indicated in the way the medical students flocked back to their alma mater during Homecoming. Over 25 per cent of the medical school students attended the Homecoming program. It had been planned during the earlier part of the Homecoming campaign to have the medical stu dents go down in a body and have them put on a special stunt as rep resentative of themselves. In ac cordance with these plans, a petition was circulated and signed by the entire student body, that the faculty allow Friday and Saturday as holi days so that no classes would be missed. The petition was warranted by the fact that a paper had previ ously been passed around asking all those who contemplated going to Homecomong sign it- As approxi mately forty names were thus ob tained, a petition for a holiday was deemed advisable. I no petition, consequently, was circulated and presented to the faculty. They turned it down, but through their spokesman, cryptically remarked at the same time that “25 per cent cuts were allowed.” Nevertheless, the fear of cutting classes and thus getting behind in their work was sufficient of a de terent to keep many from going who otherwise would have gone. But the seeds of a more uniform medical school representation at “Oregon” affairs have been sown, and judging from this year, very satisfactory results can be expected next year. Physiology Journal Club Started. The department of physiology, through its head Or. (\. E. Burget, has started a physiology journal dull an organization in the nature of a seminar which meets once a month. The purpose of the club is to read and discuss I he latest physiological articles as they appear in current publications. in this way the most recent developments in physiological science can be followed and added to the general knowledge of those partaking of minimum of effort and t ime. Those in the club are Dr. (1. E. Burget, head of the department of physiology, Dr. II. B. Torroy, head of the work at Heed College, Mr. Itich urd Montgomery, and Miss Mildred McBride, who are doing research work under Dr. Burget, and Messrs. Homer Kush, Jack Montgomery and Ira Mnnville who are assisting in the depart meat. Dr. Win. I1’. Allen, hoad of the de partment of Neurology, has tenta tive plans on foot for a similar or ganization for the benefit of his ad vaneed students. It is to be earn estly hoped that his plans material ize. Journal Club Program. Following is the program for the first two sessions of the Physiology Journal club: Wednesday, Nov. If’, at 1:30 p. m., in room 108 “Studies of the adaptation of Man to Higher Alti tudes,” by Sundstrom. leader, Miss M, Pride. * . 'eeember 12 -“Studies on the Nervous Control of the Kidney in Relation to Diuresis and Urinary Se cretion.'’ by Marshall and Rolls. I,eater, Mr. Memgo.uory. Miss (lertrude Talbot, Reed rest dent at Hendrick- hall, was a visitor nr the medical school recently. Coming, a big performance of the wonderful old comedy, “Martin Chuz . iewit," at the Eugene theatre, De eember 12. • Tie Nu announces the pledg- • • ing of Louise Davis. • I FOUR GAMES PLAYED IN DOUGHNUT SERIES (Continued from page 1) •Theta Beta Phi Bachelordon I Cofold. F.Benedict Meade. F.Guldager Claren. C.Wellington Lorenz. G.Allen Buren. G.Woods Substitutes: Bates-Miller for Lor enz. Field baskets: Bachlordon— Guldager 2, Wellington 1, Allen 1; Bates-Cofoid 1, Claren 1. Fouls con verted, Claren 2. HUNTINGTON TO USE FIRST TEAM AGAINST M. A. A. C. (Continued from page 1) Old Stars Join Clubmen. The club team, from all reports, is stronger than it has been at any time this year. They are out to win from the varsity and will put forth every effort to do so. Jack : Layton, formerly of Montana, Gene Murphy of Notre Dame, Barry and Dorman, university of Washington, and Bill Holden, ex-Oregon tackle, are some of the stars that are in the clubmen’s lineup. The team is much stronger and in better condition than I it was at the beginning of the sea son on Kincaid field and should give the varsity a hard game. About 25 men will make the trip accompanied by Coaches Huntington and Spellman and Trainer Bill Hay ward. Patronize Emerald advertisers. OREGON’S HOPE OF PLAYING IN PASADENA BRIGHTENS (Continued from page 1) If California wins, it means that the decision will be made • between Oregon and the southern eleven. The Bears have lost but one contest, that to W. S. C., in which they were clearly outplayed. The O. A. C. eleven came near tying the Californ ians earlier in the season but finally lost 21-14. Then California defeated Stanford 14-10. Oregon Wins All But One Oregon, on the other hand, has lost but one contest, that to W. S- C. Although the varsity was defeated, all the sport critics of the north west admitted that the Cougars were outplayed. Oregon scored more than twice as much yardage as the north easterners, but lost on the only break of the game, a fumble on their own 20-yard line. Washington defeated the Cougars after losing to the varsity. In the Oregon-Washington contest, 1{he Washingtonians admitted that the better team won. Oregon gained a great deal more yardage than the “Big Stickers’’ and earned her touchdowns by real football. Any way that the whole matter is figured, Oregon has the edge. The; only drawback is that no southernj team has been met during the sea son. This was through no fault of the varsity, however, as a contest was scheduled early in the year with Stanford to be played on November 22. The Cardinals broke their con tract in order to meet the “Golden ■ THANKSGIVING Then Christmas It is not too early to begin thinking about that gift. MAKE IT SOMETHING ELECTRICAL Myers Electric Supply Co. ■»s> COME AND SEE OUR NEW MAX El ELD PARRISH Pictures and Srt Goods EXPERT PICTURE FRAMING FRED LUDFORD WALL PAPER * PAINT AND ART STORE 922 WILLAMETTE ST. Studio DeLuxe The Very Latest in MOUNTS exhibited here. 992 Willamette St. BRODERS BROTHERS Wholesale and Ketatl Dealers In Fresh, Corned and Smoked Meats 80 W. Eighth Street Eugene. Oregon Phone 40 W. R. (OBAK) WALLACE CIGARS, CANDY. SODA. BILLIARDS AND PIPES FOR COLLEGE MEN. 804 Willamette St. Eugene, Ore. Phone 48. i* - .. ... » ..........*, Choice Flowers For All Occasions —— - - - -- -- j Special Rates to Students Organizations. Decorative Plants to rent. | THE UNIVERSITY FLORIST 993 Hilyard St. Phone 054 Bear'’ on that date and left Oregon without a game in the south. Effort was also made to arrange a clash with the California aggregation, but Coach Andy Smith could not see it that way. Thanksgiving Game Factor Whatever decision is made by the Pasadena Board, Oregon will feel that she is entitled to consideration due to her record. The Thanksgiv ing day clash between California and Washington will be a great factor. Should the two teams tie, Oregon should have an undisputed claim, whereas if either team wins it will be a matter for later decision. THE CLUB CIGAR STORE Cigars and Candy Pool and Billiards WOODSTOCK TYPEWRITERS National Portable Tyfie. Special terms and discounts to students on all machines. 63 Ninth Ave. W. VALLEY SALES AGENCY Phone 148 ......... Picture Framing la part of Our Business Anderson film Shop (Dstnirn FAVORITE RESORT OF STUDENTS Dinner Dances Teas and Banquets a Specialty n j 6ET YOUR NEXT JOB PBINTEO AT KOKE & TIFFANY { Try Our Regular Dinner We know you will be satisfied with a good full meal eaten at the Imperial Lunch J. FRED GEROT, Prop. YOUR EYES I and the Movies I Do you enjoy the movies J as much as your friends t do? ! Can you see the actor’s { eyes and read the letters j on the screen? 'oody’s Toric Lenses are best Long, continued, tense gazing, especially at badly worn films, is a great strain on the eyes. If your eyes bother you, have them properly exam ined. A good pair of glasses, if needed, may double your pleasure, and also make your work easier. ! SHERMAN W. MOODY | Bring your j Prescriptions i Here. EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST AND OPTICIAN 881 Willamette St. Factory on Premises. REMEMBER Romane won the State Prize for Photographs * Have Them Taken Where You Will be Satisfied i Romane Studio THANKSGIVING TURKEY DINNER Roast Turkey, Chestnut Dressing, Cranberry Sauce, Plum Pudding and Everything THE VARSITY 778 Willrmette