Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, November 22, 1919, Page THREE, Image 3

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(Continued from page 1)
game the Betas are conceded the
edge on the game as they have three
members of their last year’s five
back, around which to form a nu
cleus, while the Bechelordon is a
new organization this year and will
be out for its first appearance Mon
day. In the Beta line-up will be
Claren, center; Lorenz, Beggs and
Dresser, guards; Manerud, Miller,
Patterson, forwards. Of this line
up Lorenz, Beggs and Dresser all
played last year, Claren is a frosh
as ‘is Manerud, and Miller and Pat
terson both substituted on the Beta
team last year. Buren is acting as
manager of the Beta quintet. In
the Bachelordon line-up! will be
McCourt, Wellington, McIntosh,
Benedict, Woods, Heenret and Allen,
all men of high school and club ex
In the S. A. E.-S-Maralda game,
both teams will play their first
doughnut league game, as they were
not represented last year. In the
S. A. E- line-up will be McDaniels,
center; Gassoway, Liebe and Russ
low, forwards; and Moore, Purdy
and Harper, guards. Butler is man
aging the S. A. E. five. The S-Mar
alda five will be selected from Lang,
P. Laselle, E. Laselle, Oden Stickles
and Michelson.
Friendly Has Reed Coach.
The Sigma Nu versus Friendly
Hall quintet will be a keen contest.
, Friendly is being coached by Paul
Stone, a former Reed College star,
who will play a forward position
and they also have Clark who played
a guard position on last year’s five,
while they have a big representation
out for practice every night to se
lect from. They have not announced
the remainder of the team. The
Sigma Nus will line-up with Dud
ley, center; McKinney and Bar
rager, forwards; and Hollenbeck,
Gilbert and Shattuck, guards- The
last three named played last year
on the Sigma Nu quintet.
The A. T. O.-Frji game promises
a hard fought contest and both
are out for first blood. The Fijis
will line-up with Ritter, center;
Gray, Darby, and LaRoche, forwards;
and Houston, Furrey and Bain,
guards. Of this line-up the entire
team with the exception of Furrey
and Darby played last year. These
two are freshman aspirants The
A. T. O.’s will start with Folts, cen
ter; Couch and Williams, guards;
and Huggins and Eggleson, for
wards- These men with the excep
tion of Huggins are all new mem
bers of the quintet.-- Couch and
Folts are freshmen. Williams is
captain of the team.
Sigma Chis Have Old Men.
Of the other teams in the league
the line-ups will be selected from
these men: Sigma Chis, Crandall,
Breed and Brown, for center; Hill,
Maxwell and Leslie, guards; and
Farley, Watters, Birchtorff and
Hazard as guards- Farley has been
elected captain of the five. The
Kappa Sigs have Carson and A.
Shields, center; Burnett and F.
Shields, guards; and Moffitt, Stra
horn, Brock and Benefield as for
wards. Beller, captain of the Kappa
Sigs squad is laid up with injuries.
For the Delta Taus, Base will line
up in the center position with Med
ley Brown and Beaver forwards;
Alexander Portwood, Maden and
Garretson, guards. Brown and Mad
den are the vets from last year’s
five and Brown is manager of the
team. The Phi Delts have H. La
tham, center; M. Latham and Gavin,
forwards; and Holmes and Gamble,
guards. Mark Latham and Gavin
are the bulwarks of the last year’s
team, and Latham will pilot the
'■.earn this year as captain.
The Uwl quintet will De seiecteu
from Porter and Evans, center;
Davis, Ross and Walker, forwards;
and Header, Say, Craven and Hayter
in the guard positions. Porter will
manage the team. The Oregon club
have not announced their line-up as
yet, but will be in the running.
The Table Supply Co. is installing
a two-barrel bread mixer. It is the
largest one in the city and will en
able the store to supply the needs
of the students from now on. The
price of bread will not be raised.
Lundy, 155 E. 9th. Phone 292-L.
Repairing odne.
School To Be Held In Seattle;
Course Can Be Completed
In Three Weeks
Because of the urgent need for
Y. W. C. A. secretaries in the north
western field, Miss Sueanna Ham
merly, recommendation secretary of
the personnel bureau of the national
board of the Y. W- C. A., with head
quarters in New York, is making a
six weeks’ tour of the northwest in
teresting young women in this work.
Miss Hammerly was at the Y. W. C.
A. bungalow of the university Wed
nesday afternoon and Thursday
morning interviewing local girls who
are interested in the work.
The need is so pressing, according
to Miss Hammerly, that for the first
time a special training course of
three weeks will be given in Seattle,
beginning next January. The direc
tor will be Miss Eliza Reece Butler
and the faculty will be composed of j
the most prominent members of the
national board staff who will con
duct the regular course in New
York city. There will be no tuition
for this course, but each girl pays
her own expenses. Heretofore, it
has been necessary for girls enter
ing Y. W. C. A- work as secretary
to take a training course in New
York, either six weeks’ summer
course or a ten months’ winter
course, tuition for which is between
eight hundred and a thousand dol
lars. Last year 220 girls went
through this school, of which our
local secretary, Miss Urith Daily,
was one. The Y. W. C. A. has a
total staff of 3,965 secretaries.
lireat upportunmes unerea.
Speaking of the opportunities of
fered, Miss Hammerly said that
those girls who made good in local
work may look forward to a super
visory position in one of the eleven
fields of the work in the United
States. From there she may look
forward to a possible position on
the national hoard staff, with head
quarters in New - York, where she
will be directly in touch with na
tional work. Or a secretary may
look forward after local -work in
this country to a broader field of
service in one of the foreign coun
tries in which the association is
doing work. These countries at
present are Belgium, France, Italy,
Roumania, Czecho-Slovakia, Poland,
Armenia, India, China, Japan, Rus
sia, and South America.
Workers Sent Abroad.
“In addition to those now in the
field,’’ said Miss Hammerly, “the Y.
W. C. A. is attempting to send five
hundred secretaries to foreign coun
tries within the next five years.
These countries will include Russia,
South America and the Orient, and
the fact that these secretaries for
foreign service are to be chosen
from our own experienced workers,
makes it more necessary that our
local ranks be filled with young col
lege women to whom the same op
portunity may come later.’’
In order to be eligible to a posi
tion as secretary, a young woman
' must be a college graduate, must be
a member of a protestant evangel
i ical church, must be between the
ages of twenty-one and forty, and
must be especially adapted in per
sonality for association ahd Chris
' tian leadership among girls and wo
i • All Masons are asked to at- •
• tend an illustrated lecture in •
• Professor Dunn's room in Vil- •
• lard Hall, next Tuesday, No- •
• vember 25- •
i Indoor gymnasium work for sopho
more women and major students
will begin Wednesday, October 29
Nine o’clock class for majors meets
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday; 3’'.5
j class, Monday, Wednesday and Fri
day; 4:15 class, Monday, Tuesday
| and Thursday. Women should rc
^ port in gymnasium costume Wed
(neday at 3:15 or Thursday at 4:15.
Violin and Piano Concert Will Be
Given at Methodist Church
Next Week
A violin recital will be given by
Mr. Rex Underwood, head of the
violin department of the school of
music of the university, together
with Mrs. Jane Thacher and Mr.
George Hopkins, both of whom are
instructors of piano in the school
of music, next Tuesday evening,:
November 25, at 8:15, in the Meth
odist church. The recital is compli
mentary and everyone is cordially
invited to be present. •
The program will be as follows:
Sonata (G Major)......Grier
Mr. Underwood.
Accoompanied by Mrs. Thacher.
The Nuptials .Liszt
Three Dutch Songs .. .Josef Hofmann
Ride of the Valkyries.
Mr. Hopkins.
Adagio . Ries
Viennese Popular Song.Kreisler
Orientale . Oui
Tamborin Chinois .Kreisler
Mr. Underwood.
Waltz in A Flat.Chopin
Two Preludes .Chopin
Polonaise in A Flat.Chopin
Music Student Will Appear at Port
land Recital Next Week
Curtiss Peterson, a senior in the
University of Oregon, and a student
in the University School of Music,
will sing in Portland next Friday
afternoon , November 28, in a re
cital which is being given under the
auspices of the MacDowell and Mon
day Musical Clubs of Portland, in
the ball room of the Multnomah
hotel. The first number on the
program in which he will appear
will be a solo, “Vision Fugitive,” by
Massenet. He will also sing a duet,
“Calm Is the Night,” by Goetze,
with Mrs. Fred Olson of Portland,
a member of the Monday Musical
club. These two numbers ar& the
only ones made public on the recital
program as yet.
New Mexico U. Bars Fox Trot.
“The fox trot will be eliminated
from all college dances.” This is one
of the new rulings at the state col
lege of New Mexico.
You are invited to come to The Church
Study at H :30 for an Informal Bible Class
University Women
You are invited to come to The Manse at
11:30, Miss Marin Ashby Cheek, Mt.
Holyoke College Speaker
Church Worship at 10:30
Cordially Yours
Win. Moli Case
Central Church 10 & Pearl
WANTED—2 -Shoemakers. Apply
at Real Shoe Shop, 597 Willam
ette St. J. W. Hubbard, Eugene,
mm music boxes
Buy a Bird. We have them. Come in and get one or
a dozen, while we have a good bunch to choose from.
The Ideal Feed Store
131 E. Ninth St. 131 Park St.
Walker Furniture Co.
Dean H. Walker
Ninth and Oak St.
Phone 824
Sewing Machnes
Cooking Utensils
Stoves and Ranges
Window Shades
Curtains & Draperies
Linoleums and Mattings
Beds and Bedding
Rugs and Carpets
When you are giving your
Planning Features for your Dances—in fact, when
something EXTRA is to be given, let us help you plan
the affair and give you suggestions.
Myers Electric Supply 2
Romane won the State
Prize for Photographs
Have Them Taken Where
You Will be Satisfied
Romane Studio