Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, November 14, 1919, Page TWO, Image 2

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    Many Grads Return tor Week-End
Following is a partial list of the
alumni and former students who
will be on the campus for the week
end, according to information gath
ered by different campus organiza
Phi Gamma Delta
James Sheehy, Portland, ’19; Wil
liam Haseltine, Portland, ’18; Don
Byrd, Salem; Lloyd Bailey, Portland;
Keith Kiggins, Portland, ex-’20;
Dwight Wilson, Portland, ’19; Ralph
Cake, Portland, ’13; Ed Garbade, Port
land; Robert Bradshaw, The Dalles,
T4; Emmett Ilathbun, Portland, T7;
Maurice Mann, Portland, ex-'22; Jake
Itisley, ex-’18; Henry Trowbridge,
Portland, ex-’lfi; Herbert Haywood,
Portland, ’18; Larry Mann, Portland,
ex’18; George Otten, Portland, ’12;
Harold Grey, Medford, ’19; Gordon
Clark, Portland; Ed Davis, Portland;
Alva R. Grout, Portland; Win. Cake,
Portland; L. E. Getz, Portland; K. F.
Frazer, Portland; W. S. Kirkpatrick.
Sigma Chi
Karl Beck, Salem, ’16; Glen Bried
well, Paul Briedwell, Amity; Roy
Brown, Portland; Allan Bryan, Port
land; Bert Clubb, Oakland; Leon
Davis II, Bandon; W. Guant, Marsh
Goodwin, Portland; Ross Guider, Mar
tin Hawkins, John Holden, David
Logan, Charles Newcastle, Bert Pea
cock, Charles Parcell, Bryan Turner,
Henry Sims, Portland; Ray Fleming,
William Holden, Clinton Johnson, Har
per Jamieson, Hugh Kirkpatrick, Walt
er Kennon, Lind Livermoore, Frank
Lewis, William Mott, John Moore,
Creton Maddock, A. McClain, Walter
Nichol, Ratyh Newlands, Walter Par
sons, Edmund Padden, William Ithin
hart, Everett Saunders, Harold Tre
sigma inu
William Barker, Point Robertson,
’10; Merlin Batley, Twin Palls, ’16;
Carl Berry, Hood River; Robert Bean,
Portland; ('. A. Bean, Los Angeles;
Harold Bean, lleppner, ’Hi; Ormaml
Bean, Portland, ’09; John Beckett,
Echo; Frank Beach, Portland, ’18;
Walter Benson, Portland, ’14; Clar
ence Bishop, Pendleton, ’99; Walter
Brown, Berkeley; Ben Chandler,
Marshfield, ’13; Robert Kronen;
George Colton, Portland, ’19; Charles
Comfort, Stockton; Russel Collins,
Portland, ’18; Glen Dudley, Athena;
Oscar Qoresezky, Portland, ’Hi; Don
ald Dyment, Seattle; Ralph Dodson,
Portland, ’10; Arthur Van Dusen, As
toria, ’13; Frank Parrel, Medford;
Dean Hayes, Portland; Sam Houston;
Louis Henderson, Oregon City; Al
bert Hoisingtou, Harold Grady, Oliver
Houston, Arthur Geary, Roland Geary,
Ernest McGowan, 11. Malarky, M.
McKinney, Spencer Ross, Ralph Stew
art, Lloyd Tegart, John Tracy, M.
Thompson. Fred Zelglor, ’03, all of
Portland; George Gates. Vernon Vaw
tor, ’13, William Vawter, of Medford;
E. Greer, George Gett, Robert Kollog,
Joe McClain, Leo Malarky, of Astoria;
William Main, Goleta, Cal.; Robert
McCormack, Wenatchee; Herbert Nor
mandie, Forest Grove; Elmore Payne,
Eugene; John Parson, Seattle; Lloyd
Van Dusen, Astoria; George Wlnshlp.
Athena; Fred Zeigler, Portland.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Owen Blazer, Lloyd Bridges, Louis
Reringgume, Ray Dodge, Dewitt Hol
brook, Nelson Leland, Chad New
house, llenr\ Mooers.
Delta Tau Delta
Jerald Baekstrand, ex-30; Russel
Ralston, ’19; Martin Askey; Atkinson,
Portland, ex’19; Raymond Glatt, ex
’17; Clair Ogle, Woodburn. MO;
Thurston Laraway; Jack Berry, Walt
er Sage; Earl Murphy, Portland, ex
’19; A1 Epperly, ex’14.
Alpha Tau Omega
Ray Couch,-Portland, ’18; James How
ell, Wasco, MS; Richard Onthank.
Portland, ’15; Gone Good, Walla Walla
MO; Raymond Hempy, Portland, ex
’33; Vernon Motsehenbaeher, Port
land, ’14; Chester Huggins, Marsh
field, ’16.
Beta Theta PI
William Snyder. McMinnville, ex
MS; Lyman Rice. Pendleton. ’14; Har
old Broughton. St. Helens. M3; Chas.
Reynolds, Sllverton. ’14; Jack Monta-,
gue, Portland. MS; Frank E. Fowler.
Pendleton, ex ’30; William Morrison.
Portland, 19; Leslie Schwering, Ku
gene. ex-’21; Carl Nelson, Salem. M9;
Glenn Macy, McMinnville, ’18; Walter
Amspoker, Riddle, ’19; R. W. Monta
gue, Harvard University; Carl Gabel
son, Salem; Jay Gore, Medford, ex
’19; William Burgard, Portland, ’17;
Floyd Wright; Dale Chessman, Port
land, ex-'15; Edwin Fortmiller, Al
bany; Earl Fortmiller, Albany, '14.
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Louise Allen, Portland, ’17; Katli
jerine Burnside; Mildred Broughton,
I Portland, ’18; Verna Barker Fithian,
Portland; Constance Cartwright, Sal
em, ’16; Anna Mae Chipping, Hood
River; ex-’23; Esther Chalmers, Mc
Minnville, ’1G; Geneviene Cooper, In
dependence, ’15; Clare Corrigan, Mc
Minnville, ex-’21; Evelyn Grebe, Port
land, ex-’22; Kathryn Hartley, Hood
River, ’19; Cora Hosford Rathbun,
Portland, ’18; Edna Howd, Salem, ex
’20; Rrlene Hoerr, Lebanon, ex-’21;
Ethel Louches, Portland, ’16; Flor
ence Avery Rice, Pendleton, ’14; Jes
sie Purdy, Marshfield, ’16; Gayle Rob
erts, Astoria, ex-’21; Doris Slocum,
Portland, ex-'20; Lucile Stanton, Port
land, ’19; Frances Tate, Wasco, ex
'20; Arlene Hoerr, Lebanon, ex-’21;
Alva Wilson, U. of W., ’17; Grants
Pass; Hazel Wymore, ex-’18; Port
land; Clementine Cutler Williams, ’12,
Portland; Mrs. J. J. Koegel, Bonnie
DeVaul, Annie Townsend, Mary Town
send, Marion Reed, Portland, ’17.
Gamma Phi Beta
Beth Smith, Pendleton; Mary Johns
Helen Johns, Joy Gross, Peggy Gross,
all of Pendleton; Kate Stansfleld,
Gay McKenzie, Betsy Wootton, Astor
ia; Dorothy Dunbar, Portland; Flor
ence Sherman, Eugene; Helen Cur
ry, Hazel Hicks, Lynette Sevenson,
Beatrice Locke, Anne Taylor Runken,
Grace Lilly, Katherine Bridges, Port
land; Myrtle Albright, Vernice Rob
bins, Beatrice Lilly Grant, Helen Col
Delta Delta Delta
Marie Churchill and Lacy Leonard,
Salem; Olive Risley, Milwaukie; Vera
Redman, Norma Redman, Ruth Gib
son, Portland; Mrs. Frances Mann
Risley, Portland; Marianna Runham,
Milwaukie; Pearl Horner, Corvallis;
Leone Williams, Dallas; Mrs. Millar
McGllchrist, Salem.
Delta Gamma
Aisley Church, Marlon Neil Geiger,
Helen Brown, Lucia Macklin, Nettie
Drew, Helen Jayne, all of Portland;
Mildred Copeland, Grace Hoak, from
the University of Washington; Mary
Mat-ley, Roseburg; Jennie Huggins,
Salem; Bernice Miller, Katherine
Dohe.v, Brownsville; Ester Pel arson,
lla McCain, Viola Hasted and Amy
Canfield, Nell lUehtnand, Gladys Phil
lips, Gene Henderson, Helen Poling,
of Corvallis.
Alpha Phi
Isabelle Kidd, Portland, Lucille Wat
son, Salem, exit!; Elizabeth Carson,
Hood River, 'IS; Roberta Schubel,
Oregon City, 'IB; Kathryn Johnston,
Dufur, 'IS; Mrs. Leonard Haynes,
tSelma Bushman, Portland; Mrs. Iva
Ross, t Viola Peterson) Astoria, ex
'IS; Gladys Bowen, Portland, '22;
Mrs. George Taylor, (Beth Wilson),
Lowell, ex-'22.
Pi Beta Phi
Louise Clawson, Salem, 19; Leo
Fortmlller, Albany. ’22; Beatrice Gay
lord, Monmouth, IS; Katherine Kem,
Cottage Grow, 19; Adda Martin,
Baker. '20; Hester liurd, Lebanon,
IS; Letta Mzist Leslie, Vancouver,
17; Velma Ross, Marshfield, '22;
Hazel Shuttuok, Vancouver, *22; Mar
garet Winblglor, Portland, '22.
Chi Omega
Glady's llollingworth. Portland; ViT
ginia Giles, Portland; Gladys Ferrell,
Portland; Florence llemmenway, Nell
Hemmenwny. Erma Pritzold, Evelyn
Harding, Mildred McClung.
Kappa Sigma
Alumni returning for Homecoming
at the Kappa Sigma Fraternity are
William Noon, Corvallis, 10; Fred
St aver, Portland, '05; H. A. Swart,
Portland. 11; George Frazier, Port
land, la; A. J. Bowles, Vancouver.
19; B. O. Woods. Portland. ’20; Lloyd
W Still. Berkeley, ex-'20; A B.
Clark. Vancouver. 14: N. R. Chariuan
Portland. 10; N. R. Cowden, Silver
ton, 14: Neal Kendall. Portland. 14;
Robert Earl, Portland. IS; Gavin
Dyott, Portland, ’16; Earl Latourette,
Oregon City, ’12; R. A. Hathaway,
Portland, ’07; D. C. Stanard, Portland,
'14; Dr. H. B. Fenton, Portland, ’08;
V. D. C. Beach, Portland, ’ll; R.
C. Murray, Salem, ’16; A. P. Bowerf,
Eugene, ’17; E. C. Bronough, Mil
waukie, ’16; Thos. Boylen, Echo, ’15;
E. L. Boylen, Echo, ’20; Howard Bull,
Pendleton, ’17; Curtis Colman, Van
couver, ’10; D. J. Cawley, Seattle, ’18;
Brook Dickson, Pendeton, ’10; C. J.
Espy, Donald, ’ll; F. Dechebach, Cor
vallis, ’19; L. S. Heusner, Hood Riv
j er, ’19; W. B. Heusner, Royal Bak
ery, Portland, ’15; N. B. Holbrook,,
Portland, ’16; F. D. Hunt, PortalndJ
’18; R. W. Kelly, Hood River, ’06;;
' N. J. Kimball, Pendleton, ’16; W. T.
| Laird, Creswell, ’21; J. P. Masterson,
Corvallis, ’20; R. H. Nelson, Forest,;
i’09; Don Randall, Salem, ’20; J. K.
j Robinson, Portland, ’16; M. E. Wil
son, Portland, ’20; L. V. Woods, Dal
las, ’18.
I -
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMurray, ’16,
Among Those Present
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMurray,
both of T6 and a Kappa Sigma-Kappa
Alpha Theta combination which de
veloped from a college romance, are
back to their old haunts “taking in”
the places they used to seek in the
arly stages of their romance. “Gertie”
a charter member of Kwama and
“Bob” a Friar were both prominent
on the campus in their day. They
were married in 1917 before “Bob”,
who was a lieutenant, left for France,
and they are now making their home
in Salem.
Heusner, ’15, of Portland, Always
Has Taken to Cake
Bill Heusner, '15, member of the
lvappiv Sigma fraternity, has always
taken to pastry, it is found in dig
ging up his history. He managed to
j leave enough cake3 Tor the Royal
Bakery in Portland to last them
while he ran up to see some of the
I old timers, but he had to bring his
j wife, formerly Helen Cake, ’15, along
| too or there would be war in the
I family, he says. They are good Ore
gon enthusiasts and wouldn’t miss the'
fun for all the bakeries in the world, j
Beckett Here from Mare Island to
Held Down O. A. C.
Lieutenant John Beckett, ex-'lS, is
another of those old Sigma Nus who
came early to catch the worm. John
ny is better known in California as i
(loach Andy Smith's Jinx, for the U. |
of C tenth lias lost every game that
has been honored by the presence
of Oregon’s old tackle. That he may
prove to bo coach llargiss’ jinx too is
the prayer of every wearer of the
lemon-yellow -anyway tie's doing his
best Johnny came all the way from
Mare Island where he is the "social
butterfly of the marines, it is said.
Oscar Gorrell, With Mrs. Gorrell,
Here for Week-End
Oscar, Gorrell. class of ’02, who was
for six years in China, and Mrs. Gor
rell (Miss Lula Craig), class of ’03.
will be the guests of Dr. and Mrs.
J. 11. Gilbert for Homecoming week
Mr. Gorrell, while in China, taught
tor several years in one of the Amer
ican schools and later was connected
with the Standard Oil Company there,
lie is now principal of one of the
high schools in Oakland. Cal.
Mrs. Gorrell. as Miss I.ula Craig,
taught in the high school at Ellens
burg. Wash., and was married to Mr.
Gorrell on his return from China.
Sergeant Robert M. Martin, assigned
to the training staff of the R. O. T. C.
at the University, arrived on Mon
day. Sergeant Martin hails from
Winchester, Kv. His original enlist
ment was with the 14th infantry,
altho he later served with the de
mobilization corps at Camp Dix. X. J.
/ *
The Haberdasher
Paul Willoughby 713 Willamette St. W. Polders
Get Your Clothes
Cleaned - Pressed
Pep up for the
Oregon Theatre Bldg.
Dancing 8;30.
You will find that we still have the re
putation for service to University Students
which we had when you were here
Come in after the game and after the
Big Homecoming Dance tomorrow night.
The Rainbow
“Service Unexcelled"