Oregon r\\ Emerald vol. 21 EUGENE, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1919 NO. 17 THURSDAY ASSEMBLY FOR HOMECOMING PROGRAM GIVEN OUT Friday to Sunday Campus to be Turned Over to Visitors SALE OF TICKETS HEAVY Alumni Section Gone—Aggies Want 1,000 More—Coos Bay After Seats Next Thursday morning at the re gular assembly hour the University students will be given their last in structions prior to the staging of the greatest Homecoming that the Oregon campus has ever had. The success of week-end depending, as it does, upon the coordinate action of all of the students, everyone should con sider it his duty to be at the assem bly, which will be entirely devoted to the features of Homecoming. There is no question at this time as to the success of Homecoming. Reports from all sections of the state and Northwest show that an exceptional number of former stu dents will return to spend a few hours once more on the Oregon cam pus. From down in the Coos Bay district comes a letter from Roscoe Hurd to the effect that there will be between 100 and 150 in the contin gent from that section. Eastern Oregon Coming Eastern Oregon is also coming ea masse. At the present time it looks as though the coal strike was going to prevent the special train plan from materializing, but, nevertheless, east ern Oregon will be here. Almost every hamlet along the line has re served a dozen or two seats for the game. They are coming if they have to walk. Seat sale for the big game Saturday afternoon is getting to be a source of worry. The worry is just where to put all of the people that have asked for reservations. The alumni section is sold out and O. A. C. has requested 1,000 additional tickets. The Aggies were given 2,000 bleacher tickets and 1,000 in the grandstand (Continued on page 3) JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FORMED Organizations to Further State Dev elopment to be Made in Schools A new organization, the Oregon Junior State Chamber of Commerce, was formed last Thursday morning in Portland. The conference was called by George Quale, secretary of the Oregon State Chamber of Com merce in Portland and formerly sec retary of the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce in Eugene. With him met Dean J. A. Bexell of O. A. C., Professor H. B. Hastings of Reed college, J. C. Elton, principal of the high schools of commerce in Port land, and D. Walter Morton, dean of the school of commerce at the Uni versity of Oregon. The chamber will be composed of high school or college students who may be approved by a board of dir ectors and may be installed either in a high school or college. The ob ject is to co-operate with the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce and other chambers of commerce in or der to advance the educational, in dustrial civic, agricultural and com mercial interests in the state of Oregon. The constitution will, become effec-j tive when properly adopted by the authorized delegates from at least Ofour schools. The chamber will meet at the office of the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce at Portland in December, 1919, for the purpose of adopting the constitution and ef fecting a permanent organization. ART CLUB TO SHOW COPIES OF MASTERS Exhibition of Paintings of Late Car roll Beckwith is Special Home coming Feature An exhibition of 32 copies of old masters painted by the late Carroll Beckwith, a former instructor in the New York'Art Students’ league, will be shown in the architecture build ing this week under the auspices of the Students’ Art club. The paint ings are being exhibited this week as a special attraction of Homecom ing week-end. The exhibition will be conducted in a professional manner and a booklet after the fashion of art catalogues at large exhibits will explain the sub jects of the paintings on display and give the original old master from which Mr. Beckwith made his copies. At the time of Mr. Beckwith’s death in the fall of 1917 arrangements were being made for the exhibition of the collection under his own aus pices in the Cleveland Museum of Art. The plan formed before his death of having the pictures sent to various cities of the United States was carried out under the direction of the American Federation of Arts. The collection includes copies of canvasses by Velasquez, Rubens, Van Dyck, Tintoretto, Ribera, Franz Hals and others. SOCCER GAME WITH 0. AC. SCHEDULED ADDED ATTRACTION FOR HOME COMING IS PRELIMINARY TO FOOTBALL FRACAS Dwight Parr, manager of soccer, has announced the scheduling of two games of soccer with O. A. C., the first to be played on the morning of the big football game with the Ag gies next Saturday. Arrangements were made through James J. Rich ardson athletic director of O. A. C., > at a meeting held at the University on Friday of last week. The exact date of the return game has not been set, but will be shortly after that of Homecoming week-end. Interest in soccer has been more or less at a standstill so far this year, due to the fact that no games had been scheduled. However, now that a real battle is assured, it is ex pected that interest will be im mensely heightened, and a reappear ance of those who have had previous experience on the varsity squad is expected. Some of those who are practicing nightly are Herman Lind, Elmo Madden, Dwight Parr, Jay Fox, Haseltine - Schmeer and Lyle Bain. With this aggregation of veterans who know the game, together with the other talent that is expected to turn out, Oregon should be well rep resented, and barring the handicap of but one week’s practice, should help to make November 15 a day of Oregon victory. Bart Spellman, assistant football coach, who formerly played with Columbia university of Portland, is to devote a part of his time to coaching the soccer men. Manager Parr asks that all men who know anything about the game, who have ever seen a game or would like to learn the game, turn out. He would like enough men out to make several teams, thus affording more practice for the varsity. Library Adds “Life of Roosevelt Among the new books just re ceived by the library is Thayer’s Life of Theodore Roosevelt, published this year. Two old arithmetics published in 1808 were recently donated to the library by Mr. W. B. Brenton. These books, by Samuel Webber, were com piled fron* the best authors and used as the text books for the courses of private lectures of mathematical sciences in the University of Cam bridge. ARMISTICE DAY KEYNOTE SOUNDED IN ADDRESS BY MAJ. W. S. GILBERI Students Gather to Celebrate Anniversary Entire City is Devoted to Observance University Chorus Leads Singing From the blood-stained battlefields of France, the hospitals and the silent graveyards, Major William S. Gilbert of Astoria this morning brought to his audience in Villard hall a new realization of the true duties which the war has imposed upon American citizenship. From his own experi ence as senior chaplain of the 1st Army corps, Major Gilbert, who is now pastor of the First Presbyterian church at Astoria, drew a picture of the sacrifice out of which has been born a new nation and a new ideal. The entire student body was pres ent at the exercises held this morn ing at Villard in observance of Arm istice day. Characterizing the spirit of the occasion, Major Gilbert term ed it one, not only one of memorial, thanksgiving and celebration, but one of Gettysburg, where after a national crisis the lives of the living were dedicated to the carrying on of the principals which had been pre served only through the chaos of war. War Over; Crisis Still On “It is the same with America to day,” the speaker said. “The war is over, but the crisis remains within our borders. Industrial unrest, illit eracy, and immigration are but a few of the countless problems the nation has to face. A new nation has been born, and we must see that new nation preserved, and merged into a single mass with one flag, one lan guage and one citizenship.” In humorous vein, Major Gilbert told of the celebrations overseas at the news of the signing of the arm istice, Just a year ago today. The same spirit, he said, called for cele bration today, but not without a feeling of the seriousness of the oc casion. He told how word of the German surrender had come on a Sunday when he was delivering ser vice. The outburst startled the J French, who were at a loss to under stand the place of such hilarity in a religious service. Home the One Thought Following the conclusion of the war, the period of waiting while the troops were being transported home was one of the most trying, he said. Home was the one thought in the mind of the soldier, eager, now that the fighting was done, to return. The army that returned was a better one —better educated—than America had sent over, for America had to go to Prance to find herself. The prob lems of the nation are to be largely borne by those who have returned, and in the American Legion he char acterized an organization equipped and ready to face the serious issues which confront the country in the reconstruction period. The spirit with which all America should face the future he summed up in the worlds of an American of ficer who had been largely respon sible for the successful bottling up of the German submarines. It was a tremendous undertaking, but suc cessfully accomplished. The officer admitted that it had been rather a big task, but with humanity depend ing on it, he said, “It is the kind of a job I was glad to do.” Action on Treaty Wanted Speaking on the actual conclusion of the war the speaker urged some Immediate action on the peace trea ty.' “Let the senate make up its mind what it is going to do,” he said, “and then stop talking and do it.” Major Gilbert was introduced by Stan Anderson, president of the stu dent body. President Campbell spoke briefly regarding the occasion for to day’s observance. E. C. Simmons, president of the Eugene chamber of commerce, and L. L. Goodrich spoke regarding the plans for the obser vance of Armistice day and urged the co-operation of the entire student body. The program opened with the sing ing of “America” and ended with the singing of “The Star Spangled Ban ner.'’ The student body choir sang “The Battle Hymn of the Republic.” The opening invocation was delivered by Rev. H. W. Davis, secretary of the Y. W. C. A. MISS FITCH TO MOVE HERE Former Tri Delta President Will Make Eugene Her Home Miss Louise Pitch, former grand president of Delta Delta Delta, nation al woman’s fraternity^ and once house mother for the local chapter, is returning in the near future to Eugene, bringing with her her mother and sister, who expect to make their home here, according to Dean Eric W. Allen, who received word from her recently. Miss Fitch, who was interested in Y. W. C. A. war work, and who spent considerable time in France during the war, visited here last year, upon her return from France, and gave a lecture at the “hut” on her experiences while in France. She is the sister of George Fitch, noted novelist and newspaper man, author of the Siwash college stories^ who died several years ago. The Fitch home was previously in Illinois, but is to be moved to Eugene soon. Miss Fitch has no business connections in Eugene at this time, but is moving here because she likes the surroundings and the people. U. of C. Has Devotional Hour A college devotional hour has been adopted at the University of South ern California. Its purpose is to af ford a Christian fellowship and in spiration for all. OLD GRADUATE IN JAPAN Harvey A. Wheeler Served In Siberia With Czechs Harvey A. Wheeler, a graduate In the class of 1909, is now teaching m a missionary college in Tokio, Japan, where he had been for several years before the war. There is an enroll ment of 1000 students in the school. Mr. Wheeler returned last June from an extended term in the Czech army, serving with it in Siberia and old Russia until the armistice was signed. He says he is glad to get back to civilization and his work, as in Rus sia “the cheapest thing was human life." His wife> formerly Miss Ruth Balderree, an Oregon graduate in 1910, will return to Japan with him. Mark Wheeler, brother of J’arvey and a student at Oregon in the years i 1905 and 1906, is serving in the in-; terior of China as a missionary. At the beginning of the war he was sent to France as a correspondent in the Y. M. C. A. Later he Joined a Chinese contingent to help the allies. This army was composed mostly of coolies who worked on the roads. The work will be completed within two years. 0. A. C. Starts Oregon Game Week "Oregon Game Week” has been : tablished at O. A. C. The purpose j is to stimulate pep for the Oregon 3. A. C. game. 11 BASKET SHOOTERS PRACTICING DAILY Doufihnut Series to Open Soon—Plans of Schedule Makers Favor Round Robin System Basketball teams from the various organizations on the campus are prac tising daily to get into shape for the opening of the doughnut sories which will probably be within the next few weeks. Definite schedules will be decided on the first of the week but at present the chief difficulty Is to get the schedule system worked out. There are so many organizations on the campus this year who expect to have teams in the running that the committee is finding trouble in de ciding the best method for arranging games. It is probable^ however, that the “round robin” system will be adopted, which means that every team will have a chance at all the others. This is deemed the most practical although it may necessitate the playing of two and even four games in one day. The Bible school will not have a team in the league this year but there will be a number of new teams from the new organizations which have sprung up. The gym is avail able at any time for practice and it is the plan of the committee in charge to have the schedule begin on November 17, the Monday after the last football game. The committee in charge of arranging th# games is composed of Carl Knudsen, Mort imes Brown and Jay Fox. CHOSEN BY DEBATERS PROMINENT WOMEN TAKEN IN BY FORENSIC LEAGUE—CON TESTS DELAYED At a meeting of the Women’s Inter society Forensic league held yester lay afternoon at 4:16 in Prescott’s room in Johnson hall, Mrs. P. L. Campbell, Dean Elizabeth Fox, Miss Julia Burgess, Mrs. Roy Bishop of Portland, and Mrs. Alexander Thomp son of Hood River were elected hon orary members of the league. Pend ing the adoption of bylaws for the league temporary officers were chos an as follows: Miss Ethel Wakefield, president; Miss Laura Rand, secre tary, and Miss Elizabeth Hadley, Bditor. A committee was appointed to have the bylaws ready by the next meet ing, a week from Thursday at 4:16 in Professor Prescott’s room. The schedule of the debates has been delayed until January 20 and 22 for the first and second rounds res pectively on account of so much work which remains yet to be done before the organization will be com plete and to afford the participants more time on their speeches. “The reason for the postponement of the women’s intersociety debate,” 3aid Miss Wakefield, “is to give the girls more time to make it a real one oundred per cent debate, and also that it will measure up to the stand ard set by intercollegiate debate. Enthusiasm is running high and the girls are putting in a great deal of work to make it a real success." The railway question as prevlous y announced, will be the subject tor the debate. jRad; has big position Charles Roy Reid, ’12, is Head of Largest Canadian Power House Charles Roy Reid,, a graduate in L912 and an instructor in electrical jngineering at the University until hat course was discontinued, is now n Shawinegan Falls, Quebec, Canada, where he is the superintendent of he power houses, which are the argest in Canada. After leaving the University of Oregon Mr. Reid went ,o Cornell where he received a de gree as electrical engineer. OREGON HID MEN WE ON NEW EIGHT FOR GAME WITH 0. i C. Saturday's Battle With Cougars Causes Few Injuries to Defeated Eleven 0. A. C. APPEARS STR0N9 State Championship Clash Expected to Find Full Strength of Both Teams on Field Pacific Coast Conference Standing W. L. Per. Wash. State College 2 0 1.000 Oregon ._. 1 1 .500 California _,\... 1 1 .500 Washington . 0 1 .000 O. A. C. 0 2 .000 The Varsity eleven, not much the worse for wear as a result of tlielr defeat at the hands of Washington State In Portland, resumed practice yesterday afternoon In preparation for the climax of the season against the Aggies on Saturday. Although the contest on Multnomah field was one of the hardest battles that the two teams have fought durig recent years, Oregon’s men were extremely fortunate in that very few injuries resulted. "Brick” Leslie is one of the few who may he classed In the unlucky column. The husky center is suffer ing with a broken hand as the result of a mixup during the third quarter of the game. It is very doubtful if he will be able to play in the game Saturday. Unless his condition is much better by Friday Coach Hunt ington will have to start Callison, who showed to good advantage during his short stay in the game Saturday. "Spike” Leslie Recovering "Spike” Leslie, who was injured in the Washington contest a week ago, is rounding into shape again and un less the unforseen happens will be in condition to take hiB post at tackle. Trainer Hayward did all in his power to have Leslie in condition for the W. S. C. struggle but this proved im possible. The rest, however, will place him in better condition than if he had played against the Cougars. (Continued on page 4) TRIANGULAR DEBATE SERIES IS ARRANGED Representatives of Reed, 0. A. C. and Oregon to Participate—Question Agreed Upon Representatives from O. A. C., Reed college and the University of Oregon met at Reed college at 10 o’clock Saturday morning and made com plete arrangements for the triangu lar debate which will be held on January 9. Carlton Savage, Abe Rosenbeg and Reray Cox were the Rosenberg and Remy Cox were the meeting. The question selected and decided upon for the debate Is: Resolved: That the principles of the Chinese exclusion act should be applied to all Immigrants Into the United States for a period of not less than five years. On January 9, the date set for the debate, the University of Oregon neg ative will go to Portland to meet Reed's afiirmative, while O. A. C’s negative will come to the University to meet Oregon’s affirmative. According to Professor R. W. Pres cott, who is in charge of the public speaking department at the Univer sity, a great deal was accomplished at the meeting Saturday, as it is the general procedure to send a selected question to the various institutions and vote upon them according to first, second and third choices. The meeting in Portland Saturday, he said, saved a great deal of time in that the participants can begin work on their debate at once.