Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, November 08, 1919, Page THREE, Image 3

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(Continued from page 1)
Oregon’s first down Huntington went
through center for a five-yard gain,
reaching Washington’s eight-yard line,
where the quarter ended.
Score—Oregon 0.; Washington 0.
Second Quarter
The second period started with the
ball on W. S. C’s eight-yard line.
Oregon made four yards in as many
downs. Washington tried two line
bucks with small gains, and on the
third down punted 40 yards. Steers
failed to return the ball. Steers
kicked over Washington’s goal and
the ball was placed on Pullman’s 20
yard line. W. S. C. made yardage
on line bucks for the first time. With
a series of short gains and two bril
liant 15-yard passes she worked the
ball to Oregon’s 20-yard line. On the
next plays Washington was held for
downs, the ball being stopped on
the 15-yard line. Oregon started to
return the ball by line bucks.
Huntington went thru right tackle
for 10 yards. Oregon penalized 15
yards for holding. Steers punted 50
yards to Jennings, who returned the
ball 15 yards. Gillis failed to gain
around left end. Bartlett, Oregon
tackle, injured. Time taken out for
him. Ball in center of field in Ore
gon’s possession. A forward pass
from Steers to Huntington netted
two yards gain. Two more forward
passes from Steers to Huntington in
complete. Period ends with ball in
Oregon’s possession on Washington’s
45-yard line.
Score—Oregon ); Washington 0.
Third Quarter
Washington kicked 45 yards to
Huntington, who returned the ball 18
yards. Steers was held on an at
tempt to gain around left end. Jacob
berger also failed to gain through
right tackle, being injured in the play.
Steers’ pass hit a Washington player
on the hack. Oregon kicked, booting
the leather for 30 yards. W. S. C.
returned the ball seven yards. Moran
made yardage on two gains through
right tackle, carrying the ball to the
center of the field. Jeanne lost five
yards for Washington and Gillis was
held for no gain at center. Jeanne
gained two yards on a fake punt, and
then punted 45 yards over Oregon’s
goal line. The ball was placed on
Oregon’s 20-yard line.
Huntington fumbled on Oregon’s
24-yard line, W. S. C. recovering the
ball. A series of four three-yard
gains through the line made yardage
for Washington, followed by another
gain of ten yeards> bringing the ball
to Oregon’s two-yard line. The ball
was carried over for W. S. C. by
Gillis, who made a gain through
tackle. Jeanne kicked goal. Score,
7-0 for Washington.
Jenne kicked off forty yards, and
Steers returned 15 yards. Hunting
ton made a two-yard gain throngh
center. W. S. C. was penalized five
yards for offside. Oregon made one
yard on the first down through Hun
tington’s gain. Eric Leslie, Oregon s
center, was hurt and replaced by
Collison. Steers punted 40 yards
to Jeanne, who returned the ball 15
yards and followed with a two-yard
gain around left end. Jeanne punted
47 yards and Steers was downed be
fore he had moved a foot. Oregon
gained 15 yards through a run around
right end and Huntington went
through on the following first down
for two yards around left tackle.
Steers followed with a six-yard gain
thru center just before the end of
the third period.
Score—Oregon 0; Washington 7.
Fourth Quarter
Manerud replaced Brandenburg,
Steers going to right half. Manerud
to quarter. Manerud hit the center
for three yards. The ball was brought
back as both teams were offside.
Huntington gained five yards on a
pass from Steers.
The next forward pass was spilled.
Steers punted 30 yards to Jeanne who
wase downed in his tracks. Wash
ington State gained two yards through
center on a fake pass, Gillis carrying
the ball. Jenne failed to gain on
an off tackle play. He carried the
ball through center for one yard.
Jenne punted 35 yards, Manerud
returning the ball five yards. Jacob
berger bucked center for two yards.
On the next play Jenne spilled a long
forward pass for Oregon. Steers
then punted over the goal line. The
ball was put in play on the Washing-'
ton State 20-yard line. Gillis hit
center for two yards. Moran ripped
through right tackle twice for four
yard gains.
On a tackle play Washington
State made no gain. Jenne was
thrown fy a one-yard loss. He made
it up with a yard gain through cen
ter. Jenne then punted 40 yards to
Manerud. The Oregon quarter re
turned the ball seven yards. Francis
Jacobberger replaced Vincent Jacob
berger. Oregon gained three yards
on a crisscross and forward pass.
A forward pass Steers to Manerud
gained 15 yards. L. Hanley spilled
the next pass. Moran broke up an
other forward pass. Dregon’s fourth
pass in a row was spoiled.
Steers punted 35 yards to Jenne
who fumbled but recovered the ball.
Moran failed to dent the Oregon
line. Another fake punt by Jenne
netted only one yard. Jenne then
punted 45 yards to Manerud who ran
the ball back 13 yards. Jacobberger
was thrown for a four yard loss. But
four minutes of play remained.
Moran ripped through center for
six yards. Gillis brought the ball to
Oregon’s 40 yard line for first down.
Oregon held on the next plunge by
Gillis. Washington State was penaliz
ed five yards for off-side. Moran made
five yards around left tackle.
Gillis fumbled and Steers recovered
the ball. Manerud made 17 yards
around end on a fake punt forma
tion. Manerud lost one yard on the
next two plays. Oregon gained 12
yards on a pass Steers to Hunting
ton. Manerud circled end for three
yards. The ball was on Washing
ton State’s 35 yard line but the
whistle stopped the next play.
The rival coaches last night an
nounced the following lineups:
Almack in McMinnville
John C. Almack, acting director of
the extension division of the Univer
sity, spent the week in McMinnville,
where he is speaking before teach
ers attending the county teachers’
Subscribe for the Emerald.
K. Leslie
W. S. C.
R.E. L. Haate
R.T. Herreley
R.G. C. Knied
C. Dunlaig
L.G. Ellwart
L.T. Hamilton
L.E. Brooks
Q. Skadan
R.H. Jenne
F.B. Gillis
L.H. Moran
- •
Geological Formations on West Coast
and South America Shown
Motion pictures depicting geological
formations in parts of South Amer
ica, California, and along the Col
umbia Highway weie shown today
in Villard hall at 2:15. Dr. Warren
D. Smithy professor of geology, ex-;
plained the pictures to his students;
and other interested spectators, in
cluding the sixth grade students of
the Patterson school, who attended
in a body.
Scenes of river? and rock forma-^
tions in Brazil and Argentina were
“Years ago there was no Cascade
range, or more properly called Cas-|
cade plateau,” said Dr. Smith. “The
Columbia river flowed across this sec-;
tion of the land. Part of the earth’s1
crust started to rise, taking a thou-!
sand years, before the plateau was!
formed, on top of which are Mt.
Hood and the other mountain peaks
we know today.”
Pictures of the Columbia Highway,
which Dr. Smith spoke of as “prob
ably the best highway pictures in
the world,” were chown through the
courtesy of the bureau of commer
cial economics at Washington, D. C.
Miss Heess Teaching In LaGrande
Professor Edgar E. DeCou of the
mathematics department received a
letter from Miss Cornelia Heess, a
graduate in the class of 1918, who did
graduate work last year at the Uni
versity as assistant in the mathe
matical department. She is the head
of mathematics in the high school at
LaGrande where there is an enroll
ment of 300 students. She is as
sisted by Miss Mildred Kiddle who is
also a University graduate.
- I
Instructor Speaks on Japanese Prints
at Art Meeting
Miss Lilian Tingle of the household
arts department gave a lecture on
Japanese prints at the Art club meet
ing held in the studio Wednesday
evening. She told of her experiences
in Japan making up her collection
of these prints and how the paintings
were made.
At a business meeting held before
the lecture, Germany Illefnm was
elected treasurer of the club and
various committees were selected.
Next Wednesday evening was also
decided upon as the next meeting
time. After that there will be no
meeting for three weeks.
Brir 3 pleasure and
c; infer t into every
h nao v here they are
usee—Pleasure be
came ci their beauty
and efficiency; comfort
because of the great amount of li~*e arid labor they save.
The spirit of war-!:rr:c economy is c* own r.ot only in the
saving cf money a d fo d, but a o m t:ic conservation of
time and work. It is the duty of every housewife to aid in local
war activities, but many are tm ■'j.c to d ) so because of the
great amount of time required for househ 1 1 cares.
Electricity solves this problem by coir.!? the tasks that ordi
narily take the best part of a d-.y ;n a (e n hows, giving more
lime and accomplishing the work in a far mere ef'icicr.t manner.
We Carry a Complete Line of UNIVERSAL Electric Home Need..
Sigwart Electric Company
933 Willamette St.
Eugene, Oregon
Phone 718
Every Man and Woman at the Uni
versity is hereby invited to hear
“Billy” Levere Supreme
Recorder S. A. E.
Central Church
10th and Pearl
5 O’clock This Sunday
American Legion Day
Office over Varsity. Phone 66.
Physicians and Surgeons
306 Constantine Wetherbie Bldg.
3fflce Phone 610. Res. Phone 1082.
Hairdressing Parlors
Over Price Slioe Store. Phone 888.
Register Building
Marinello toilet articles, Hair Goods
made to order, Switches made from
combings, Manicuring, Scalp and Face
Phone 1009.
Barber Shops
Home of the Students
814 Willamette Street.
National Portable Type.
Special terms and discounts to
students on all machines.
63 Ninth Ave. W.
Phone 148
Rebuilder of Shoes
986 Willamette St.
----- ....
Pictures and Art Goods
Fresh Popcorn Crispettes, Peanuts
Home-made Candy and Popcorn
982 Willamette St. ;
We Make Our Own Candies
The Oregona Confectionery
1tth near Alder
All sorts of Pastry, Fountain Drinks
and Ice Cream
“Get an Oregon Short Thick”