Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, October 23, 1919, Image 1

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VOL. 21
-----.■.1 _.
OCTOBER 23, 1919
NO. 9
mm is he
Promise of Service to State is
Read by Governor, as
Students Stand
Obligation to Good Citizenship is
Emphasized by Three Members
of University Board
“Loyalty is, I feel, the keynote of
the pledge which you are about to
make to the state of Oregon,” said
Governor Ben C. Olcott today as a
profound hush fell over the students
who had thronged Villard hall to
observe the annual pledge day cus
tom of the University of Oregon.
Governor Olcott then remarked as to
the deep meaning and great sincerity’
of the occasion for everyone.
In a voice that carried to the far
thest recesses of the hall Governor
Olcott read the pledge each student
was making to the state:
“As a student at the University
which is maintained by the people
of Oregon, I heartily acknowledge
the obligation I owe. The oppor
tunities open to me here for securing
training, ideals and vision for life,
I deeply appreciate, and regard as a
sacred trust, and do hereby pledge
my honor that it shall be my most
cherished purpose to render as boun
tiful a return to the Oregon people
and their posterity, in faithful and
arrant devotion to the common good,
as will be in my power. It shall be
the aim of my life to labor for the
highest good and glory of an ever
greater commonwealth.”
When he had finished the entire
assemblage rose in token of assent.
Governor Expresses Appreciation
In view of the fact that the hour
was late Governor Olcott announced
when introduced that he would fore
go his speech. In manner and in
words he expressed his deep appre
ciation of the honor extended him in
being asked to administer tthe pledge.
As a preface to his remarks he re
peated one of President Wilson’s
stories which he had heard during
the president’s visit in Oregon. An
untried American colored regiment
had just taken up its position near
the German lines. The strain of the
affair was telling on the troops.
“What would you do,” asked the
colonel of a soldier, “if you saw the
Huns coming out of that wood?”
“W-what would I do?” stammered
the colored trooper, “I would im
mediately disseminate the informa
tion throughout France.”
(Continued on page 3)
Freakish Figures
Feature Friday's
Frolic and Fun
The J. J. J., the biggest Junior
Jazz Jinks in the history of the
college, will be held in the men’s
gymnasium tomorrow, Friday, night.
The time for the gathering of the
motley garbed members of the class
of 1921 has been set for 8 o'clock
and at this hour the campus will
probably see one of the wildest and
wierdest dress parades that it has
been the pleasure of the assembled
multitude to witness during their
varied careers at the University.
The Jinks is to be a hard time
party and programs are “not being
done this season.” Penalties, dire
and drastic, await the person who
appears at the function in garb that
might be worn at any affair other
than the junior party.
Members of the class, both men
and women, who did not appear in
the lottery list are requested to make
their own dates and come. If dates
cannot be secured, come anyhow.
And the music! The Triple J
orchestra will be out and will dis
pense some of the latest hard time
music. “Pretty Baby” will be play
ed at the ‘request of Sam Lehman, a
member of the committee, and Theo
Stoppenbach, another member of the
gang that is responsible, has asked
for the rendering of “Wrap Me in a
Bundle and Take Me Home With
You.” Alexander Brown has search
ed through the old phonograph re
cords and has finally selected
“There’s a Little Bit of Lad in
Every Good Little Person” as the
most expressive of his opinion. Dick
Lyons, the fourth member of the
'jommittee that did, then and there,
in the presence of witnesses, perpe
trate the arrangements for the af
fair, announced his choice of the
selection to be dedicated to him,
but it is doubtful if it will get by
the censor.
Faculty to Meet in Special Session
on Friday Afternoon
There will be a special meeting of
the faculty on Friday afternoon at
4 o’clock in Dean Straub’s class room
for the purpose of the granting of
degrees to a number of students who
have recently completed the re
quirements for graduation. The
meeting is to be held at this time
in order that the members of the
board of regents may pass upon the
degrees the following morning. In
some of the cases it is urgent that
action be had at once in order that
teaching certificates may be granted
and teachers, draw their pay. There
will be some other petitions re
quiring action.
Girls Clamor Fir Mire Pep
fr rr i? t? *? v? & * *" *”
Women s League to Stir Things
Women, women everywhere, and
not a bit of pep! Thus floats dire
rumor about the campus called Ore
gon. This output of Dame Rumor is
to receive the threat of a cfeath blow
Friday, according to gentle but firm
statements from certain highly es
teemed members of the aleged “pep
less sex" inhabiting said campus.
How? At the Women’s league ral
ly. When? Friday afternoon at 5
o’clock. Where? In the well worn
assembly* room in Villard hall.
The first move toward this death
blow will be the rendering of the
“peppy” Oregon songs intended to
inject pep into said “pepless” mem
bers. Certain songsters claim to be
tuning up so that the staid gray roof
of old Villard will tremble.
Following this lusty outburst which
will probably send the old Dame to
an aurist, the meeting will proceed
to elect a secretary and reporter to
keep an accurate account of seeth
ing statements” and “quivering ad
dresses” so that, should the Old
Dame take it into her troublesome
head to overlook any pertinent points,
evidence will be available in black
and white, if necessary in red and
white, for the filling out of her death
Further staggerers contained in the
onslaught planned by the “pepless”
ones are oratorical shafts directed
by Dean Elizabeth Fox, Mrs. George
T. Gerlinger, Jeannette Moss, Mabyl
Weller, Lotta Hollopeter and Louise
Davis. •
As a final blow an announcement
will be made of the next “pepless”
meeting to be held by the Women
Leaguers on Thursday, Nov. 13.
Student Council Makes Rule
on Headgear; November 11
Holiday Sought
No More Matinee Dances Save Fri
day and Saturday, is Decision
—Band Wanted
Freshmen will not have to wear
their green caps when they are in
full military unifon*, according to
a ruling made by the student coun
cil last night. The council voted,
however, to discourage the wearing
of full military dress other than at
drill hour. At all other times fresh
men must wear their green caps.
This recent ruling on the part of the
council comes after the discussion
raised last year when military auth
orities in charge of drill forbade the j
freshmen to wear their green caps
with their full uniforms. The fresh
men are now receiving their uniforms
to be worn at drill, and trouble on
this score again looms.
The council went on record as
favoring a holiday to celebrate the
signing of the armistice, November
11, and a committee composed of
Elmo Madden, Adelaide Lake and
John Houston was appointed to put
the proposition before the faculty in
behalf of the student body of the
University. The committee will also
work in conjunction with the official
Eugene committee in making prepar
ations for a celebration.
Rooters Caps to be Uniform
To promote the success of Home
coming the council has adopted a
uniform rooter’s cap. Two samples
were presented at the meeting. The
one which was accepted is of sub
stantial material with a two-inch
wide lemon-yellow band around a
dark green crown. A small green
block “O” is attached to the band
and a lemon-yellow tassel adorns the
sop. Every rooter will be expected
to purchase one of the caps for the
big week-end; even freshmen will
be allowed to put aside their modest
headgear for the more frivolous de
sign for the big game. They will
cost 75c.
Stickers advertising Homecoming
will be out this Friday, it was an
nounced, and will be sold for 30
cents a hundred.
Social Activities Curtailed
All matinee dances and other so
cial activities will be discontinued ex
cept on Friday and Saturdays, ac
cording to the decision of the coun
cil. It was also made known that
rfean Fox desires all University wo
| men to be in their places of residence
| by 12:15 after dances.
Harry Jamieson, Lindsay McArthur !
j and Carl Newbury were appointed j
1 to arrange for having the student ;
band at all rallies and at the Home- j
corning celebrations. The matter of:
starting the work of arranging for 1
a student memorial for the 43 Oregon
1 men wiio gave their life in the world
[ war was taken up and discussed by
i the council.
Conference Held With Advisors on
Student Problems
How to bring about co-operation
between class officers and advisers
was the topic of discussion at the
meeting of these officials in Dean
Straub’s rom Tuesday evening.
Straub's room Tuesday evening,
duties should be to attend every
class meeting of the group for which
he is sponsor, to look after members
of the class who seem to be flunk
ing out or having trouble with their
University wrork, to give advice and
help in solving the class problems
Humorous Orations to be Delivered
Soon by Leslie, Strowbridge,
Williams and Steers
Alpha Kappi Psi, national honor
ary commerce fraternity, has elect
ed “Brick” Leslie, Eddie Strowbridge,
“Bas" Williams, to its membership,;
and will hold initiation within ttie
next few days. This is the' only
men's commerce fraternity on the
campus. ‘‘Bill” Steers, who was
elected two years ago, will also be
initiated at this time.
The present chapter of the fra
ternity is composed of Ray Kinney,
Herman Lind, Stanford Anderson,
Lee Hulbert, Kenneth Bartlett,
Snrague Carter, Morris Morgan and
Harry Jamieson.
Alpha Kappa Psi initiation is one
of the very interesting events of
the year. The neophytes are dress
ed to represent some person or sub
ject, generally presenting a ludicrous
appearance, and deliver orations on
some supposed-to-be vital subject,
about which they commonly know
very little. It is probable that the
initiation will be held, as in the
past, on the steps of Deady hall,
where the initiates may be viewed
by students interested.
Folger Johnson and E. T. Misch to
View Student Drawings
Folger Johnson, a prominent archi
tect of Portland, and B. T. Misch, for
merly connected with the United
States housing corporation, will be at
the University of Oregon on Wed
nesday, October 29, to judge the
work of the students in the depart
ment of architecture for the lirst
Following a new plan for student
work in the senior year in the school
of architecture, the conclusion of the
first term’s work will include the de
signing of a city plan, using the
topography of the vicinity of Eugene
as a foundation. Mr. Johnsoi^ and
Mr. Misch will judge the work which
has been accomplished so far.
On Wednesday evening Mr. John
son and Mr. Misch will he the guests
of the architectural club and the art
club at an informal reception in the
art studio.
Mr. Johnson is a graduate of
Columbia university and the Ecole
des Beaux Arts of Paris. Mr. Misch
is now engaged in architectural work
in Portland. He was formerly park
superintendent of Portland.
Many New Magazines Filled With
Current News on Shelves
The library is still so badly con
gested on \yeek evenings that an
other reading room has had to be
added. This second room Is for the
use of all r;ommer> k;l students. Its
location is Hoorn 4, on the ground
floor. |
The reference u partment is equip
ping itself with a better stock of
magazines, in addition to the mili
tary magazines recently added there
ire now many magazines /liscussing
the after-war situation, the working
3ut of the peace treaty among the
smaller nations and the Shantung
Good periodicals on the last topic
ire Japan Magazine and Japan So
ciety Bulletin, in the history section,
md the Far Eastern Fortnightly in
the economics section.
Magazine^ treating the other ques
:ions are the Jugo-Slav Review, New
Armenia, and Young India.
General questions on the results of
the war may be found especially good
in Asia, New Europe, Struggling Rus
da, and In France. The latter was
iormerly the Victory Magazine, deal
:ng especially with our relations with
Subscribe for the Emerald.
Alumni and Ex-Students Enthusiastic
Over Big Day—Service Men
to Be Here
Tlio “old grads” and former stu
dents are afraid Oregon has lost her
spirit and are coming back to show
how things used to be. The informa
tion conies from Miss Charlie Fen
ton, alumni secretary, who has just
returned from a trip to Portland in
the ^interest of Homecoming Week
“The enthusiasm for Homecoming
there was very high,” said Miss Fen
ton. “In fact, everyone I asked said
he was coming back. Most of them
are service men who haven’t been
hero since T5 or TO and thoy have
heard that since Oregon has grown
so much larger she has lost her
spirit. Now it is up to us to show
them that this is not truo,” she
! While in Portland Miss Fenton at
tended the alumni luncheon held at
the Benson hoteL Saturday at 12:30,
in the interest of Homecoming week
end. She said that the luncheon was
very successful and that there was
lots of spirit. Over 100 people were
in attendance and tho program was
very entertaining.
Mrs. Anna Robert Stephenson, ’96,
of Portland, gave a talk on the state
alumni.; Colin V. Dyment, professor
of journalism in the University,
spoke on extension work in Portland;
Dr. Joseph Schafer, head of the his
tory department of the University,
talked of campus life and activities;
Frank Branch Riley gave a humor
ous talk, and Miss Fenton spoke In
behalf of Homecoming. Mr. Riley
will give a lecture in Portland Friday
for the benefit of the women’s build
ing, Miss Fenton said. This lecture,
“The Lure of the Northwest,” is the
same one which won him fame in
the east this summer.
Yesterday Miss Fenton stopped in
Salem, where she saw various alum
ni and former students. Many of
them told her they would surely be
back for Homecoming.
All Instructors Interested in Social
Science Eligible
Members of 'the faculty of the
University yesterday organized a So
cial Science club, to promote In
terest in the social sciences and dis
cussion of the wide range of topics
included under that head. Dr. Joseph
Schafer, pro: sor of history, was
elected presit nit, and Sam Bass
Warner, professor of law, secretary.
Meetings aro to be held on the
fourth Tuesday of each month. A
program committee to be named by
Dr .Shafer and Professor Warner will
prepare a program for the next meet
ing .which will be held next Tues
It was voted to admit to member
ship not only those members of the
faculty actively engaged in teaching
the subjects known as social sciences
but any others of the faculty suf
ficiently interested to desire member
Idaho Enrollment Increases
Figures submitted by J. G. Eld
ridge, dean of the University of Ida
ho faculty, show that the university’s
student population is approximately
70 per cent larger this fall than in
1917, the last normal year for insti
tutions of higher education in the
Oregon’s Finances
Reason More is
Not Done Here
Executive Declares Students
Should Go Out as Highest
Type of Citizen
(By Helen Manning)
The state of Oregon has been com
pared to small nations and families,
hut Governor Olcott added a new
basis of comparison today when he
likened it to a peanut stand while
he was on the campus administering
the state loyalty pledge to the stu
dents of the University. No re
flections, citizens, the governor meant
no slam, "this is a great state" and
a great institution. But finances are
finances, and it’s just here that the
peanut stand rolls in.
“Oregon is proud of its Univer
sity,” said Governor Olcott, "proud
that so small a state could make its
educational center one of the lead
ing institutions in the United States
and do this without ovenstepping its
financial resources. Oregon is like
a peanut stand in that it can not
carry on its business or maintain
its existence unless it is first able
to pay for its peanuts.”
Thus the “flying” governor hit it
off for both the state and this great
institution. Remember the parable
of the peanut stand, and live withiu
Oregon and its means. Becoming
more serious, Governor Olcott said:
“This has been a wonderful inspira
tion to me to see all these eager
young people here—inspiration in
deed." Speaking of the University
lie said:
You young people are being given
exceptional opportunities. Not all
of our citizens are so fortunate as
to be accorded the benefits of the
higher education which Is awaiting
you here through the application of
your own efforts and your own in
dustry. Your state will expect you
to go out in life, when you leave
this University, as citizens of the
highest type. Your words and acts
will be the advertisements of your
college for good or ill.”
Governor Olcott left on the 1:50
train for Salem. He will return to
the campus with Mrs. Olcott Nov.
17 to attend the Homecoming fes
Lawrence to Lecture in Portland
E. F. Lawrence, dean of the school
of architecture, will give a lecture to
the business women’s art class in
Portland on October 31. His subject
will be “The Elements of Architec
ture.” r
I _
Dean to Attend New York Meeting
Dean E. F. Lawrence, of the school
I of architecture, will leave the Ore
gon campus on November 5 for New ,
York, where he will attend a meet
ing of tho board of directors of the
American Institute of Architects, of
which he is a director. The sessions
will begin on November 11. Dean
Lawrence expects to be gone two
We, the members of the
Junior class, do challenge the
Senior class to a game of foot
ball to be played at the first
open date.