VIEW OF GATHEOMLS 18 FRENCH HOUSES SHOW! DT DEM EOS Talks to University Women for First Time on Her Travels in France Dean Elizabeth Fox gave her first talk to University women about her trip to France last Friday when she spoke in Guild hall under the aus pices of the Women’s league and showed a series of storeopticon pic tures. All of the views represented the numerous places which she vis ited while abroad and were taken from several of the best known cities of France, especially those which have become prominent during the war.1 .Vi-; Fox began tier lecture with a series of scenes in Bordeaux, the land ing place of many of the transports which carried American soldiers to French soil. The headquarters of Un American Y. M. C. A. were shown, also some of the famous cathedrals and bridges. Miss Fox pointed out that the French cathedrals are al ways surrounded by quaint French homes, while in England, all of the cathedrals stand apart. Coming to Tours, which was her headquarters during nine months of her stay in France, Alias Fox stated that this city was well named be cause of the many towers which point up to the sides from all parts of the city, .lust outside of the city is an island in the river, on which is the Y. \V. ('. A. recreation park. Miss Fox also showed some pic tures from other French cities, in cluding Blois, Amboise, Nice, Mar seilles and Versailles. Among the views were a number of pictures of Monte Carlo. She also showed pic tures of quaint chateaus built several centuries ago, as well as old French houses built in tile 1 titli and 13th centuries. Miss Fox and her party had the good fortune to visit the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles just before tile delegates of the Allies and Central Powers gathered for the signing of the armistice. They also stayed at the same hotel which was later oc cupied by those who took part in the negotiations. JINKS MAY BE ON FRIDAY JUNIORS MAY CHANGE DATE TO ALLOW O. A. C. TRIP Decision to be Announced Thursday— Men Requested to See That All Girls Attend The Junior Juit Jinks is being billed lor Friday evening in order thin those of the class who wish to go to Corvallis for the Aggle-Stan ford game will lie able to attend both functions. This date is not official, as the matter will be decided tonight and announced in the Emerald on Thursday evening. it has also been found that the list secured from the office of the regis trar, from which the lottery was drawn, did not contain the names of some of tht' members of the class. As there were about 40 men left over in the list they are requested to see that all of the girls of the class are present. The men not having dates may pick from the sophomore or senior class. .Members of the football team will not be able to attend the affair, it has been announced, so this leaves some more possibilities for the male members of ihe class to get busy. The committee is at present eon sidering the penalty to attach for wearing "Sunday go to meet In’ clothes" and although it tins not been decided upon, it will be drastic. “Everyone out for a big time and everyone will have a big time," said Dick Lyons, a membo of the com mittee this morning. The Men’s Glee club has settled into its routine of rehearsals and ts beginning to shape into form. It lias been definitely decided that Thanksgiving will be too early in the season to give a concert. There has been one change in the personnel of the glee club. With a very heavy course, HISTORIAN APPOINTS STAFF QF HELPERS; Id MEET TONIGHT Mary Ellen Bailey', J. Houston and Elston Ireland on Executive Committee | Members of the hi.-lorian staff, 1he new student body office created lust year by the associated students, have been appointed by Adelaide l. i !•, historian. As members Of the executive committee, Miss Lake' has appointed Mary hi'en Hailey, John Houston aid Idslon Ireland. At the first executive meeting held cn j Wedne day night the -iff was appointed J for the year. Miss Lai ■ ha called a meet ing of the entire staff Tuesday evening at 7:b(), room M2, Library. School of .fonri's'i-in, Velma Rupert;: publica1 ions, Harris LI1 worth; school of j law, Aly.s Sutton ^School of music, Mar ion GiMrap; psychology department,. Jenni" Mcguire; school of mediein ■, Dwight Wilson; pre-medics, Lindsay Mc Arthur; architect lire and arl.s, VI Combs; graduate school, Henry Lnglish; summer; school, Mahyl Weller; astronomy, Dor othea, Boynton; physr-al training and spoils, Alexander Brown; Physical train-1 j ing for women, Helen >,r! on; snort:; for I women, Mary Meta "■ act , ( iroline Can non; sciences, John Dierforl, Madeline j Slothoom, history, Leila llollopeter; ex-1 ten-ion (Ini ion, Mozelle Flair; for ign, Grace Knopp; public speak-1 ing, debate and dramatics, l ively n Smith, j Gladys I)iment; univer.-ity library, Lmma , SteveiV m; lions hood al ls Zonwc.-s Rog ers; philosophy, William lichee; military science, Harry Smith; history of parts played by L. of < >. in world war, Warren Gilbert, Richard Martin; i '-edition, 1 .< ith Abbott; social fraternities, Kenneth Laneefield; sororities, Kleanor Spall; stu dent organi/alions, Viflmmay Bronuugh, Phelie < Sage, J Inward l\< ily, John (lamhle: i prole ioiml and honor i raiornn u\s. ; Sigma Della Chi, Harris Ellsworth; Tliela Sigma I’lii,^Victoria Case; Sigma Alpha, Elmo Madden; Delta Theta I’lii, Lee Hart holemew; Alpha- Kappa I’si, Harry Jamie on; Mask and Buskin, Og den Johnson; Mu I’lii Kpsilon, Dorothy Dixon, 7,eta Kappy I’si, Alice Thurston; Tre Nu, Uulli I'legal; Sigma Kpsilon, V.; Lyle Met 'roskcv; local and class societies: Triple A, 15, C, D, Nell Warwick; To-ko-lo \\ illrur Carl; Torch and Shield, Sammy Lehman; Ivwnnia, Lois Mary; Friars, Jack Dundore; Scroll ivikI Script, Dorothy I hiniway. Clippers: Madge Calkins, (iertrudc Livermore, Lois l’ixley; pasters, llenc vicvo Haven, Florence Biddle, Cdadys Ev erctt, Heat rice Crewsdon; poster and pro gram committee, (leorge Walker, (lertrude Whitton, Dorothy Lowry; publication tiles, Charles Hayter, Helen Carson; student; student directory, Eliza ! belli Hadley, Frances Hlurock, | The work tor each department will be 1 explained Tuesday night and work will be-! gin immediately. The work was begun last | year bv Klla Dews, historian, who in stalled the oflice on the secod floor of the library and secured a good collection ol posters, programs, pictures, pennants and other articles for the museum. The • ueeess of the museum depends in a large degree upon the alumni, said Miss Lake, because it is from former stu dents that old keepsakes publications lor I files, programs and other desirable ma-j tcrisis can be secured. "’These "ill all have good care if turned over to the museum,"! said Miss Kike. The museum "ill be ready for visitors homecoming week end, when alumni will be given an opportunity 10 see the work being done to keep a complete history ol the executive staff and the museum and olliee will be open every day except Fri day from t> o'clock a. in., until I o’clock p. m. Visitors wilt be welcome. Subscribe for the Emerald STUDENTS FAVOR ARMISTICE CELEBRATION (1'ontluuod from page 1) lie n national holiday. Perhaps the student body can plan an assembly i (With patriotic addresses, followed by a rally.” DeWitt Gilbert: "The celebration of armistice day should be more or' less serious in nature. 1 favor a holiday with a patriotic assembly in Villard hull." Herald White: "The student body! should not set aside November 11 for a Jazz celebration. We should have assembly that day and a dis tlngulshed speaker who will give an inspiring talk.” Y MIXER I SUCCESS GOOD EATS AND PROGAM FEAT URES OF EVENT Gymnasium is Crowded With Merry Throng of Students and Faculty The eats, which were “hot dog” sandwiches and cider, were the' feature of the Y. M. and Y. VV. mix held in the men’s gymnasium last Friday night. Everything went off with a “whoop, bang, bill” as was advertised. Dancing to that wonder ful tantalizing music took up the first, two hours of the evening. Ac cording to a number of the dancers who attended the affair, the dance was the best that has been staged on the campus this year. The gym was crowded to the doors with those who came to dance and those who came to spectatg. The musical program given dur ing the evening was as follows: Piano solo, Randolph Howard; vocal solo, Newton Bader; violin solo, Al berta hotter; reading, “The Highway man,” Emily Spaethe; vocal solo, Frank Jue; trio, Aurora Potter, Al berta Potter, Ralph Iloeber. After tli e musical program came more dancing, varied by occasional Paul Jones which served to liven the crowd to a rousing good time. Then came the glorious cider and delicious hot dogs. The committee, made up of Vivian Chandler, Adah McMurphey, Elmo Madden, Mabyl Weller, Art Johnson and Lindsay Mc Arthur, were responsible for the af fair. Elmo Madden said “the affair was such a success it is possible we may hold another.” Sophs Discipline Frosh Columbia university’s “frosh" are required to wear green or black socks and toes and cuffless trousers. They also must keep matches and “pic kles” on hand for the convenience of upperclassmen desiring to use the phone. The sophs at the same uni versity have decided to make the freshmen buy their own caps, due to the rise in the price of felt. GOB MURRAY BEGINS WORK AS INSTBUCEOR BE FRESHMAN SQUAD New Coach Has Fine Record at The Dalles; Praised be “Shy” Huntington (By “Curley” Lawrence) Robert (“Bob”) Murray, for sev eral years athletic coach at The Dal les high school, is on the campus, and Monday night he assumed his duties as head coach of freshman football. It is reported that Kratz, the present coach of freshman foot ball, will resign, as lie aoes not have enough time to devote to this work. “Shy” Huntington said this morning that Kratz had not officially resigned. Murray has made a remarkable re cord and is recognized as one of I the most successful coaches’ in the state. Since he has been coaching' The Dalles youngsters his teams have made a record of 32 wins out of a total of 3G games played, three ties and but one defeat. “Shy” Hunting ton speaks very highly of Murray and says “he lias been remarkably suc cessful as a coach”. Former Pupils in Squad A number of Murray’s old_ pupils are on the varsity squad now, while Charles “Shy” Huntington gained his first knowle^e of the game from Murray at The Dalles high school. Hollis Huntington and Bill Steers, two of the best football bets Oregon has this year were one time pupils of Murray. D(«v Wilson, who was for two years varsity end, is another of his oldtime students. “Bob” Murray attended the first officers’ training camp at Presidio and received a second lieutenant's commission at the end of the camp. | At the time of the Oregon-California game last year he was stationed inj California and officiated at this game.; He was also the official in a number j I ARE YOU A SLICKER BUYER? If so, you will be interested in our Lemon-Yellow "Oregon” Slicker. Knee length, with velvet collars. We have a limited number. Be Prepared For Rain At the same time it will stimulate you to be dressed in some thing else beside the highly tailored, form-fitting raincoat. What is better for storm and rain than Hi-Top Boots and College Boys "Slickers” ? Burden & Graham Where College Folk Buy Footwear 828 Willamette St ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL FUND To the Roosevelt Memorial Association, Mrs. W. W. Calkins, County Chairman, Kugcue, Oregon 1 herewith subscribe the sum of., to the Rooskvki.t Msmokial Fund. Name Address ........ The above amount is inclosed herewith. According to the plans of the Roosevelt Memorial Association, the Roes -ve t Memeriat Fund of $.\(•110,000.00 is to In' utiliied to ere, a National Momno . i:i \V :i>le ii'.'ton, 1>. I".; to acquire and maintain a public park at Oyster Ba\, \. V and Ultimately to inelude Sagamore Hilt, the Itoose-.c.t home, therein, to be preserved like Mount Vermin ad coin's home at s, in r field; and t • ena.-.i a National Society to perpetuate the principles and ideals of Theodore R sevclt. Vaeti contributor to the fund will receive a; de of members! .a in the Roosevelt Memorial Association. .A certificate will a so be presented to every sihool contributing to the fund. I he name of every contributor will he placed on the list of names deposited in the National Monument to be erected at Washington, D. C. of Mare Island contests played last year. Captain's Commission Won Before Murray was discharged from the army he won a captain's com mission. In football circles a great change! is expected in the frosh team. Al though Murray is not a college man,; his style of coaching is similar to Bezdek’s. It is verj probable that a radical change will be made in the line-up of the first-year men. DR. C. H. EDMONDSON LECTURE TONIGHT First Meeting of Science Club Will Be Devoted to Talk on Pacific Coast Animals The first meeting of the Science club tonight will be devoted to a lecture by Dr. C. H. Edmondson on “The Oregon Coast Trail With a Zoological Slant.” The lecture promises to .be well worth while, judging from the time Dr. Edmondson has spent on the study of the animal life of this coast. The topic tonight will cover Pacific coast animals, their lives and habitat. Dr. Edmondson gathered the ma terial on which he will Speak tonight from the south^n part c\' Curry county to the mouth of the Colum bia. There will be a complete set of stereopticon slides accompanying the lecture, taken by Dr. Edmondson while making his surveys and doing research work. The meetings of the Science club held every third Tuesday of each month in Deady hall, are open to the interested public. Subscribe for the Emerald. Received New Assortment 1 Sferno Stoves Canned Heat Grip Sure B. B. Shoes and Suits, GYM SUITS, Wilson Rackets, W. & B. TLNN1S BALLS Hand Bails and Gloves, Bass Pack and BOOTS I Sweaters and Jerseys Safety Razors and Slades | FLASHLIGHTS and Batteries HAUSER BROS. GUN STORE ' Outfitters of Athletes and Sportsmen NEW DRESSES We have given special attention to selecting these gowns, suita ble for all occasions. They are all in georgette, velvet, tricolette crape metor and satin Evening Dresses In lovely pastel shades in com binations of gold and silver cloth satin and net New Skirts Wool, plaid, accordian plaited, chinchilla satin all new wonder ful colorings New Millinery Velvet, beaver, silver and gold combined with fur GILMORE’S 865 Willamette St.