Oregon OREGON EMERALD, SATURDAY, VOL. 21 Emerald OCTOBER 18. 1919 NO. 7 FROSH DEFEAT INDIAN ELEVEN SCORE, 34 TO 0 RsdskiHs Show Lack Of Practice And Coaching; HILL USD KING SCORE FOR FIRST YEAR MEN Crfemawa Men Do No Advance Into Frosh Territory Once The Oregon freshmen walked on the Chemawa Indians this afternoon on Kincaid field by the score of 34 to 0. The game was devoid of any very great feature of interest ex cepting the runs of Frankie Hill, which afforded some life to the con test. Hill got away with a run for over 30 yards around right end in the initial period and crossed the line for Oregon’s first counter of the afternoon. Nuckols, for the In dians, was taken out early in the game and Joe Betties was sent in. He was the life of the freshmen's opposition. King scored the second touchdown in the first quarter and Holmes kick ed both goals, giving the first year men a 14 to 0 lead at the end of the quarter. If any playing stood out it was the work of Hill and King in the first part of the game. In the second quarter King scored for the Frosh and Holmes kicked the goal. In the second Kratz started chang ing his lineup, sending in additional men for a chance. In the third per iod Hill and King both got away for touchdowns, which ended the scor ing. The Indians presented some new faces this time as some of those in the lineup have just returned from service in the army. One of the men was wounded in service. The “Braves” are heavier and have a likely looking aggregation but they showed the lack of practice. The center, Johnson, made several poor passes that caused his team to lose considerable yardage. The game did not call for any very hard playing on the part of the Frosh and few of their plays were stopped on the line of scrimmage. Forward passes did not feature very heavily although the Indians got by with a couple for yardage. The lineup: . enema wa Kennedy Thomas Ell R.E.L. R.T.L. R.G.L. C L.G.R. L.T.R. LE.R. Frosn Van Boskirk Brown F. Shields Johnson Byrne A. Shields Borman Holmes Hill Meade King Johnson Spearson White Freeman Nuckols Echooat Beyers Garttez - Q. L.H.R. R.H.L. F. Touchdowns—Hill, 2; King. 2. Goal kicks—Holmes, 4. Substitutions—Betties for Nuckols, Hennan for Ell, Colby for Freeman. Chemawa; Booker for Van Boskirk. Carson for Byrne, McAllister for Shields. Shields for King, Cook for Borman. Hurdt for A. Shields, Jac obberger for Holmes, Robinson for Meade, McEntee for Booker, Post for Brown. Fuller for Hurdt, Boyer for Carson. Officials — Merle Blake, referee; Joe Trowbridge, umpire. Miss Bernice vjraig, a Gamma Phi Beta, is spending the week-end at her 1 onie in Salem. COACH OF THE DALLES HIGH TO JOIN LOCAL STAFF Has Record of 32 Wins Out of 36 Games While Tutoring Wasco County’s Proteges Robert “Bob” Murray, for several seasons coacli of The Dalles high school athletic teams, is expected tg, arrive on the campus Monday to join the staff of coaches here, accord ing to word received from The Dalles yesterday. Murray has established himself as one of the most success ful coaches that has ever handled a high school football team in the state and his success at The Dalles places him among the front rank of scholastic coaches. During the time that Murray han dled the Wasco county offerings at The Dalles high school. He has but one defeat chalked up against his team, three tie games and 32 wins out of a total of 36 games played. Numbered among the men that Mur ray has tutored during their high school days are “Shy” Huntington, coach of the Varsity, Hollis Hunting ton, “Bill” Steers and Dow Wilson. Murray held a captain’s commis sion in the army and was stationed in California at the time Oregon played the University of California last year. Murray officiated in this game. He also handled a number of the contests played by the Mare Island Marine team last year. The Dalles is exceptionally well represented on the football team at the present time. With the addition of Murray there will be four, two as coaches and two as members of the team. GRADE PLAN IS CHANGED HONOR STUUDENT WILL EARN SIX POINTS FOR HOUSE Changed Ruling Affects Organization Average But Not That of Individuals A new factor was added to the contest between the various dormi tories and fraternities for scholarship honors yesterday when the registrar and the faculty intellectual activities committee decided on a new method of scoring points. Up to the present time the grades of every member in the house have been added up each term and aver aged, but there have been two sorts of records that have been left out of the counting. Honor students, who under the rule received no grade were not counted, and students who withdrew were not counted. The other students were rated on the following basis: F—0, incomplete—1, P—2, M—3, S—4, H—5. The work o# the tsudents whose grades were not counted, that is the honor stu dents and the students withdrawing, naturally operated on the total as if they were average grades count ing three. Under the new rules the honor stu dent grade and the withdrawal grade will no longer be equivalent to M, but a distinction will be drawn. The honor student will earn six points for his house, one more than the H student, while the student who with draws from a course will earn two points only, or, in other words, will be rated as a P student instead of an M student. This ruling affects the house average and not the in dividual average. STUDENTS TOi PLEDGE LOYALTY TO! STATE AT NEXT ASSEMBLY Annual Ceremony to be Fea ture Thursday; Governor May be Present Next Thursday will he Pledge Day I at the University. Governor 15. \V. 01 cott has been invited to read the ! pledge ol' loyalty to be responded tc* | by the students at the morning as sembly. J. A. Churchill, superinten dent of public instruction of the state, will probably be present to | address the student body at this time and will represent the governor in case he is unable to be here. Among the other speakers will be Judge J. W. Hamilton of Roseburg, Henry W. McKinney of Baker and Vernon Vawter of Medford, all members of the board of regents. Special music has been provided for the assembly and arrangements are being made for seating all members of the faculty and students in Villard hall. Pledge day was instituted at the University about ten years ago in order to call attention to the obliga tion University students owe to their state in return for the college edu cation they receive at its expense, and to urge upon them the duty of repaying through their service as good citizens of the commonwealth. The pledge is: “As a student at the University which is maintained by the people of Oregon, I heartily acknowledge the obligation I owe. The opportun ities open to me here for securing training, ideals and vision for life, I deeply appreciate, and regard as a sacred trust, and do hereby pledge my honor that it shall be my most cherished purpose to render as boun tiful a return to the Oregon people and their posterity, in faithful and ardent devotion to the common good, as will be in my power. It shall be the aim of my life to labor for the highest good and glory of an ever greater commonwealth.” ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL DRIVE ON NEXT WEEK Student Committees to Work in All Campus Organizations—No Quota Set The drive for contributions for the Roosevelt Memorial fund will start on the campus as well as throughout the United States on Monday. Stu dent committees acting under the general studerit and faculty commit tees will visit all the organizations on the campus next week. “No quota has been assigned to the University and probably no quota will be assigned,” Professor Sam Bass Warner, chairman of the faculty committee, said this morn ing. “The idea of the drive,” he said, “is to have each student give a small contribution, not to raise a large amount. The national commit tee wants each student to have the opportunity of contributing something to this fund, but it is not intended that this amount be a large one or a hardship to anyone. The amount which each student will be asked to contribute will probably not exceed ten cents." Working with Professor Warner on his committee are Professor Robert W. Prescott and Professor P. U. Crockatt. Stan Anderson, president of the Students whose grades were I Herman Lind as chairman of the ! student committee, with Jack Bene fiel and Marjorie Kay as associate j members of the committee. Campus headquarters will be es I tablished at the Y hut for the men I on the house committees and at the j Y. M C. A. bungalow' for the women. W. J. Hill was a dinner guest at the Sigma Chi house Friday evening. JUNIOR JINKS TRIO MUCH TOO POPULAR WHILE DRAWING LOTS Class Hard-Times Festival to Come off in Spite of Week's belay Hiding away in a nook in the jour nalism building yesterday afternoon the much ''sought junior committee, that has been busy for the past week framing the big Junior Jazz Jink*, the hard time festival of the season met. The committee was forced to hide away in order to keep from under the deluge of cigars and cen tennials that have been coming their way. One thing must be remembered by those attending and that is that the affair is deucedly informal. The more informal the better. This is a free license to wear any manner of clothes that you can get by the police. Before going on to the interesting part of this story may it be remem-, bered that “This is a Square Mix.” The result of the lottery was: Jacob Jacobson Blanche Whickland L. F. Wilson Evon Anderson Arnold Koepke Lee Waldron Ion Campbell Carl Weigel Dell Hensen Clare P. Holdridge William Russis Ruth Woolf Dorothy Wootton Isabel Zimmerman Mary Turner Isln Gilbert Jesse Todd Alda Berry Earl E. Leslie Dorothea Boynton E. Ruedy Austrid Mora Victor Husband Frances Quiseuberry Lenord Larraway Aurora Porter Paul Stone Winona Lambert Er^rett Brandenberg Helen Manning Alex. G. Brown Madeline Slo> bloom Cleo H. Jenkins Keith H. Leslie Ilarold W. King Franklin J. Miller Ilarold Manuel Merle Moore Jiggs Leslie Maud Barnes May Bullock Vera Tobey Cecil Creed Louise Davis Kate Chatburn Alice Hamm Thos Chapman Catherine Livengood Donald Feenaughty Vivian Chandler Norman Byrne Emil Tchanz Everett Pixley Byron Garrett Joe Misner Sam Lehman George Beggs Chandler Harper Wiltur Carl S Starr Dwight Phipps Robert Cosgriff Germany Klemn EmiLe Spoetie Then Stoppenbacli Naomi ‘Robins Edith L. Pirio Norma Medler Irene Whitfield Gertrude Whitten Ivlilded Hawes Coed Barnes Anna Paliett Mary Truax (Continued on page 4) 400 MEMBERS ADDED TO Y. M Desired Quota Not Reached by Teams in Recent Drive i _ i The Y. M. C. A. campaign for mem berships had reached approximately 1400 at the close of the drive last : night, according to John Houston, captain of the Reds, which is far short of tlie quota set by the men in charge of the work. The Reds have 135 to their credit and the Hines 200. Even though the campaign proper is closed, any man wishing to join may hand his subscription in at the Y hut at any time, as the leaders feel that the program planned for this winter cannot be carried on with an inadequate membership. “En tertainment along the lines of last night’s mix are impossible without funds,” Houston said iu^peaking of the free dance at the men’s gym last night. Miss Irene IJrye, an Alpha Chi Omega of O. A. C„ is spending the week-end in Eugene as the guest of the Sigma Delta Phi’s. While visit ing here .Miss Brye will be entertain ed at the Delta Gamma and the Phi Delta Theta bouses. OREGON WINS OVER IDAHO SCORE 26 To 6 HOME TO WIN AGAIN OREGON, IS SLOGAN FINALLY ACCEPTED Preparations Being Made to Feed Six Thousand On Day of Game DANCE TO BE IN ARMORY Big Floor Finally Secured for Final Night Festivities, Says Dundore A slogan, “Home to Win Again, Oregon,’’ was selected for the of ficial slogan for Homecoming week-end by the committee meet ing late this afternoon. The $6 prize offered will be given to the women’s building fund. Miss Charlie Fenton, secretary of the Alumni association, • announced today that circular letters wero to be sent this corning week to every town in the state heralding Home coming week-end. Oetailed instruc tions will be sent with each letter to give the alumni a clear under standing of what is to happen and also a return envelope will be in cluded in the message so that seat reservations and admission to the game can be secure dby each alum nus. Stickers to be Put on Letters Lemon-yellow stickers with their message of homecoming arc to cover a portion of all letters sent out by students. Preparations are being made to serve luncheon to six thou sand persons in both men’s gym nasiums before the game. A plat form is to be built so that stunts can be given by the men's organizations, this taking place in connection with the bonfire directly after the riotous rally. These stunts will be new to Homecomings, but as a likely prize will be offered to the winner, they should be a worth-while introduction to the rally speeches. Success Up to Students The success of Homecoming week end will be determined by the stu (Continued on page 2.) BULLETINS Moscow, Idaho, Oct. 18.—The crowd gathered hers today to witness the Oregon-ldaho game is one of the largest that has ever attended a football game in Moscow. The teams are well matched in size. Varsity game delayed because of W. S. C.-ldaho Frosh preliminary. FIRST QUARTER Score—Oregon, 6; Idaho, 6. SECOND QUARTER No scoring. THIRD QUARTER Huntington crosses goal line twice. Steers kicks both goals. Score, Oregon, 20; Idaho, 6. FOURTH QUARTER Oregon scores one touchdown. Final score—26 to 6. Puffed-Rice Diet Wins; Delt Frosh Beat Betas in Tug The diet of puffed rice wins. Shredded excelsior and ilaked saw dust have been relegated to the scrap heap. So have the Beta frosh. The Delt freshmen won. Promptly at 11 o’clock this morn ing the Delta Tau freshmen, raised on Bubbles of Blood and dieted on Per kins’ Predigested Prunes, gathered in the back yard of the Kappa Sig house to do watery combat with the 12th and Mill street frosh, fattened on the famous Beta Theta pies. The Betas won the toss and chose the Kappa Sig side of the mill race. The rope was produced, the yell leaders advanced, the freshmen en couraged and the pull was on. There were just two movements, as Dean Landsbury might say. One occurred when the Beta frosh hit the water—the other, \yhen the Delt frosh hit for the tall timber. The Delts, after they had pulled the Betas into the race, were kind enough to pull them out again. The freshmen held onto the rope, sailed across the race and were up on the opposite bank in a minute’s time. From the instant when Del Ober touffer, pivot man for the Betas, have his first jerk, until Hugh Claren, anchor man for the same team was on the opposite bank, did not take more than two minutes. The Delt freshmen did not wait for : congratulations. They took one look at their wet classmates and dis appeared from the scene. Senior Mustache Race Started Soup Strainers Soon to Sprout The annual senior moustache race is on. Tall seniors, small seniors, medium seniors, fat seniors, sedate seniors, worried seniors—all have but one aim in view, one ambition in life—the raising and nourishing of the prize lip shade. It is to be a square race. Dean Straub has been voted down as a i Judge, but he is said to have sworn ‘ to stand by his guns, and see that i the freshmen get a fair deal. Judges for the contest have not as ' yet. “SpTig” Carter is sai'l. by his ■ of the senior class are busy discuss-1 ing possible candidates. President ■ Campbell was prominently mention ed, but as a rumor had spread about : that he had shaved off his moust taehe, or at least, had it cut down, i his name was laid on the shelf. All the burlier shops In town have been visited surreptitiously (?) by the seniors. A special S.O.S. call has been sent to San Francisco by the local barbers, and a trainload of Egyptian Marvel Harr Restorers, and the First Row’s Last Chance is re ported to be on the way. It is too early in the contest to tabulate any oi the contestants as yet. “Sprig” Carter is saaid by his fraternity brothers to have a light shadow on his upper lip, but other seniors declare that he took a mean advantage and got a head start. Mor ris Morgan, senior prexy, is also said to have a baseball moustache (nine on a side) started. Another one accused is Herin Lind, but his friends contend that lie should have a handi cap of at least two weeks.