Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, October 16, 1919, Image 1

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vol. 21
NO. 6
16 Husky Players
Board 7:25 Train
This Morning
1 Strowbridge Left Behind Because of
Sickness—Steers and Williams
To Play
With the knowledge that Oregon
was behind them as evinced by a
small but loyal group of hastily dress
ed students who rent the air with
“Oskies” on the platform of the
O—E. depot the varsity football team
left this morning at 7:25 for Mos
cow, Idaho, for the first conference
game of the season with the Univer
sity of Idaho Saturday. ' Sixten play
ers made up the delegation, with
coaches Huntington and Spellman,
Trainer Bill Hayward, and Manager
Bill Hollenbeck. The players who
left were Martin Howard, Stan An
derson, Ken Bartlett, E. Leslie, Keith
Leslie, Bas Williams, Art Berg, A1
Harding, Carl Mautz, H. Huntington,
Vincent Jacobberger, Francis Jacob
berger, Clifford Manerude, Nish
Chapman, Bill Steers and Everett
Coach Huntington did not have a
lineup to offer. He will probably
not select his first team until the
morning of the contest. He is not
overly optimistic concerning Oregon’s
chances in the coming contest but
feels that he has a good team and
one which is in very good training
considering the short time the play
ers have been together. Little is
known of the Idaho team but for the
fact that it has a number of old men
back in the ranks. Saturday’s con
test will be the first game of this
season for the Moscow men.
Ed Strowbridge, backfield man who
played good ball against Multnomah
last Saturday was forced to remain
behind on this trip as he is suffering
from a sever case of poison oak. It
is probable that Bill Steers will be
used in the lineup at quarter for the
first time this year, next Saturday.
Coach Huntington did not feel that
Bill should be used in the Mult
nomah game as he had not been out
for practice long enough to get in
trim. Bas Williams will also pro
bably be used at either guard or
When the Varsity football
team left the depot on the
train bound for Moscow this
morning it almost left be
hind it something which has
been on almost every trip the
team has made for the past
two years, and from the present
looks, of things will be for sev
eral years to come. That
“thing" was a “Jacobberger.”
Two of them went along on
this trip, Vine and Francis.
Vine barely caught the train
as it pulled out of the depot,
by hard running, while Francis,
encumbered with a “Charley
horse." could only hobble slow
ly and watch it disappear. A
few blocks from the depot
however, “the younger Jake”
succeeded in stopping the
train to allow “Jake the elder”
to catch it.
College Campus
Soon Shall See
Crime Carnival
Murders, thievery, lynchings, shoot
ings, robbery, in fact the whole cur
riculum of crime, and then some,
will be pulled. off during the spring
term at the University of Oregon.
The scene of this premeditated
wickedness may be any old place that
comes handy. The perpretators are
respecters of neither persons or
buildings. A co-ed will be in pre
cisely the same degree of danger as
a man.
This era of strife and bloodshed
Is being planned and fathered by Prof.
Sam B. Warner of the department of
The purpose is to furnish first hand
material for the wouldbe barristers.
It is the belief of Prof. Warner that
each student will gladly respond at
any time he may be called upon to
be murdered.
In trying these desperate cases the
professor proposes to use as juries,
men and women picked indiscrimin
ately from the student body. A
ticket to the movies will serve as
compensation for this assistance.
“This will be the first time that
mock trials have ever been attempt
ed for the benefit of the law school.”
said Mr. Warner
Commerce Women Get Charter of
National Honorary Fraternity
Organized in 1916
Phi Theta Kappa, a national hon
orary fraternity for women majoring
in commerce, w'ill install a chapter
on the Oregon campus, probably some
time next week, according to Nell
Warwick, one of the charter members
of the local organization. The char
ter has already arrived. The society
was founded in the school of com
merce at the University of Denver
in 1916, which department is recog
nized as excellent throughout the
middle west, according to Dean D.
Walter Morton, of the Oregon school
of commerce.
The charter members are Lucille
Stanton, Frankie Adams, Lenore
Blaesing, Ronalda Cameron, Dorothy
Donlon, Edna Howd, Esther Fell, Mar
garet Fell, Evelyn Grebe, Mary He
gardt, Nell Warwick, Rachel Parker,
Anne D. Shea, Barbara Sheppard,
Thelma Stanton and Mildred Aumil
Miss Fenton Leaves for Portland to
Promote Homecoming
Miss Charlie Fenton, alumni secre
tary, leaves Friday for Portland to
speak before the Portland alumni,
who will gather at the Benson hotel
Saturday noon for luncheon to make
plans for attending Oregon’s great
homecoming. Miss Fenton, who has
been devoting most of her time late
ly to making plans for getting as
many as possible of the University’s
old students back for the event, will
outline the plans for homecoming
and try to get the Portland chapter
to come here in a body November 15.
She will then go to Salem and
help organize a local alumni chapter
there, returning Tuesday to the cam
pus again.
200 Institutions Eligible; 12
Winners to be Brought
Junior Week-End
Finals for the Oregon High School
Debating league will be held on the
University campus junior week-end.
May 12, 13 and 14, according to R.
W. Prescott, professor of public
speaking, who is secretary of the
league. Some question connected
with the league of nations issue
will be chosen for the last debate.
Two hundred high schools of the
state are eligible for entrance into
this league. The state has been di
vided into 12 districts and each of
these, Professor Prescott announces,
will have a separate question for
the preliminary tryouts to be con
tested in January, February and
March. The 12 district winners will
meet for the semi-finals and finals
at the University in Eugene as a
factor of punior week-end. Up to
last year only the finals were de
bated in Eugene. In 1918 the four
teams remaining in the semi-finals
were brought here and the plan prov
ed so successful that it was decided
to bring all 12 district winners here
in future years.
The trophy for the winner is the
cup put up by the Laurean Literary
society of the University and E. E.
DeCou, professor of mathematics, who
was the first president of the league.
The cup goes into the permanent
possession of any team winning the
championship three times. Salem
high school has now won two legs
and needs but one more victory to
take the trophy. Eugene high school
was the winner last year, for the
first time, taking a close contest
from Bend, the runner-up. George W.
Hug, superintendent of schools at
McMinnville, is president of the
Infirmary Has Few Patients—Only
Fever and Throat Cases
The University seems to be a heal
thy place in the opinion of Dr. E. H.
Sawyer, physician at the infirmary.
At present there is only one bed
patient and at no time this year have
more than two or three been con
fined at the infirmary. According to
Dr. Sawyer this is a fine record when
the number of students in the Uni
versity is considered. So far the
cases have been either fever or
throat. At present a great number
are coming for treatment for colds,
but none of these are serious.
350 Sign Up by Wednesday;
Red and Blues Combine to
Rush Campaign
The membership drive for the earn*
pus Y. M. C. A. has been extended
until Friday evening. This decision
was reached last night by the com
mittee in charge of the campaign.
Roy Veatch, speaking on behalf of
the committee, said that the drive
had taken well on the campus but un
avoidable obstacles had delayed the
progress of the campaign. In the
three days allotted for the drive the
canvassers have been unable to
reach all the boys, as many of them
are scattered about Eugene.
The drive up to Wednesday even
ing had netted about 350 members,
or half the quota set at the begin
ning. Although this has not satis
fied the leaders in the movement,
they are nevertheless gratified with
the spirit which they have met on
all sides. They feel that the “Y”
needs more members in order to
carry out the program already out
lined for the year, and it is with this
in view that every effort is to be
made to reach the quota of 700 mem
bers by Friday night.
The closing days of the campaign
are to be covered in a slightly differ
ent manner from the first. The
“reds” and “blues” have combined
into one team and will cover all ter
ritory as effectively as possible in
the short time remaining. Announce
ments in assembly this morning will
help in giving further publclty to
the drive.
The Y triangle, Roy Veatch ex
plained stands for the development
of spirit, mind and body alike. But
these are kept separate in the ac
tivities of the organization and no
attempt will be made to impose one
upon the other, he said.
The University Y is purely a cam
pus organization and has always had
the best men on the campus behind
it. The work of the organization for
this year according to its leaders,
is not to meet criticism with alibis,
but to carry on a work in behalf of
Old Oregon that is above criticism.
With this end to work for they are
now bending every effort to enlist
the support of the majority of the
men on the campus.
Dean Morton in Portland
Professor D. Walter Morton, dean
of the school of commerce, left yes
terday for Portland, where he will
attend to business connected with
the extension department of the
University. He expects to return
Here’s Another Chance to Hop
Y. M. - Y. IV. Mix to be Lively
“Is there a dance Friday night?”
Surest tiling in the world, and if
vou are interested, just note what is
going to happen.
An annual mix is staged by the Y.
W. C. A. together with the Y. M.
Now it might be possible to label
this coming affair a mix but it will
be far different from any of those
staged in the past.
This party will take the form of a
student body dance, and better than
that, it will be featured by special
music and “good eats,” and, still
better, not a penny will be charged.
What more can be desired?
Dean Elizabeth Fox suggested that
such a party be given as she thought
the students would respond more
heartily to dancing than anything
else. The committee was formed
Monday, the members beirg Vivian
Chandler, Adah McMurphey, Elmo
Madden, Mabyl Waller, Art Johnson
and Lindsay McArthur. Arrange
ments were immediately made to
polish the floor and dust the chairs
in the men’s gymnasium.
Warning is here issued that when
one enters the gym doors Friday
evening the committee will not be
held responsible it' ho cannot resist
dancing, for music has been secured
to tantalize the feet. Dancing will
start aboutc 8:30 and will stop at
9:30 in order that a short musical
program and palate ticklers can bo
introduced. The tripping will then
be resumed and will continue until
Summarizing—Friday night at 3:30
o’clock — men’s gym—dancing, pro
grarn, eats—music with “zang”—free
Come! °
Train on Puffed
Rice and Biscuit
Shredded wheat biscuits and puffed
rice has been the diet and “Butch”
Weigel and Nish Chapman have been
the coaches. Saturday morning will
be the big battle and the mill race
will be the scene. For this the Delta
and Beta freshmen have been in
training since the first week of col
lege and according to all reports their
tug of war will make last Saturday's
mix look tame.
The mere matter of weight, indi
vidually and collectively, will not be
the deciding factor, as both sides
claim that proper rooting will be at
least one-half the fight. Clever slo
gans, such as "Pull again, boys” and
“Hasten, brethren” have been orig
inated by the opposing teams and
will be used at certain climax by
the yell leaders. Not. until the event
full morning will the names of the
yell leaders be announced although
talkative members of the teams h'ave
hinted broadly that Richard Martin
will use the Beta megaphone and
Mort Brown the Delta cornucopia.
According to the coaches both
teams are in splendid condition and
if the puffed rice holds cut until
Saturday morning the outcome seems
beyond prediction. Reports yesterday
from the Beta cook showed only two
remaining shredded wheat biscuits.
This difficulty, however, is balanced
by the fact that three Delt freshmen
have broken arches.
Princeton Research Scholarship Takes
Physicist—Geo. S .Monk Will
Professor Geo. S. Monk, a gradu
ate of the University of Chicago, is
now assisting in the physics depart
ment in the absence of Dr. A. E.
Caswell, who is attending Princeton
University, having been awarded a
fellowship by the National Research
Professor Monk was formerly re
search assistant at both Yerkes and
Mount Wilson observatories.
Dr. Caswell, who has published sev
eral articles on physics, was chosen
to attend Princeton in order that he
might continue his research work on
“The Behavior of Electrons in Me
tals.” Those chosen by the research
council are men who have distin
guished themselves in research work.
From all present information, Doctor
Caswell is the only Pacific coast man
to receive this scholarship.
His family accompanied him on his
trip east, leaving Eugene on Septem
ber B. In a letter to Dr. W. P. Boyn
ton he said the course would last
for a period of 4C weeks, beginning
Sept. 22. Dr. CaswelJ expects to be
back on the campus next summer.
Four Practice Rooms and Studio Add
ed to Accommodate Students
With a registration vastly larger
than that of any previous year, the
school of music is finding it difficult,
says Dr. John J. Landsbury, dean,
to handle the student senrolled, evon
with the remodeling of the building,
which has furnished four more prac
tice rooms and a studio to accommo
date the five new pianos purchased
this fall.
Even with .this added number of
instruments all of the practice hours
are completely filled, and it is ne
cessary for some of the students to
practice in che down town churches.
The remodeling of the assembly room
into practice rooms leaves no place
In the building where assemblies
may be held. As it is, it is impos
sible to conduct the work that should
be done, in the building, in the pres
ent accommodations.
Albert Lukken, Rex Underwood
Heard; President Talks of
Pledge Day
Campbell Explains Importance of
Getting Started Right—Exam
ination System Reviewed
Musical selections by new mem
bers of tl.e faculty were the feature
of the assembly program held today
in Villard hall at 11 o'clock. Albert
Lukken of Chicago, graduate of the
University of Wyoming, now head
of the voice department at the Uni
versity, sang the prologue from Pag
liacci by Leoncavallo. For encore he
sang a little southern character song,
“Me an’ My Little Banjo.” Rex Un
derwood, instructtor of violin in the
school of music, played two selec
tions—“Pierrot Serenade” from Ran
digger and “Tamborin Chenois” by
Fritz Kreisler.
Dr. Joseph Schafer explained the
organization and the purpose of the
Roosevelt Memorial fund. A joint
committee meeting of faculty and
students will be held today to arrange
plan for canvassing the campus. The
plan of the organization is to estab
lish a Roosevelt monument, in the
city of Washington and perhaps
smaller memorials elsewhere.
President Makes Announcements
Several announcements were made
by President Campbell. Next as
sembly will be known as Pledge day
for the students of the University.
The governor is expected or al
least one of his representatives. An
nouncement was also made that Dean
Fox is to speak tomorrow in Guild
hall on her travels in France. An
admission of ten cents will be charg
ed to help toward the completion of
the Women’s building.
President Campbell gave the stu
dents a short talk on the importance
of getting started right in their col
lege work for the year. In speak
ing of the crowded condition of
class rooms and quiet places to
study, the president asked the co
operation of the student body to help
better the corgestion. Arrangements
are being made for study hours in
the evenings in many of the build
ings on the campus. The classes in
economics have already made these
Friendly Hall Remodeling
An addition to the Friendly hall
dining room is now under construc
tion with the hope of making room
for 200 more students at meals. Stu
dents knowing of places with the
townspeople where board and room
might be obtained were urged to
turn in the names either to Dean
Straub or Dean Fox.
President Campbell also explained
ttie system of examination that is
now in vogue at the University. Any
student falling below the nine-hour
minimum would be put on probation
during the following term, under dir
ect supervision of the probation com
mittee. Should the student fall be
low the minimum in hours during
the second term it will necessitate a
little vacation on his or her part,
stated President Campbell, until such
a time as the probation committee
would see fit to reinstate the student.
Rev. A. M. Spangler, secretary of
the campus Y. M. C. A., asked that
every man and woman on the campus
join either the Y.M.C.A. or the Y.W.
C. A.
announces the election of