Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, October 14, 1919, Image 1

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NO. 5
- #
Stickers Advertising Big .Week
End to be Placed on Sale
This Week
Old Students Are Asked to Send in
Requisitions for Tickets to
* Oregon-O. A. C. Game
* -
* The contest for the best slogan to
* be used in advertising Homecoming
is closing tomorrow and every stu
dent on the campus is urged by
Herald White, chairman of the Home
4 coming committee, to drop from one
* to ten suggestions in the box at the
* library. This is absolutely neces
t sary in order that the best slogan
Oregon has ever had may be found.
A committee of five, consisting of
* two students, one faculty member
1 and two town people, will act as
,i judges of the submitted slogans and
the winner of the - contest will be
announced Friday. A prize of $6
in cash or three tickets to the O. A.
C.-U. of O. game will be given to the
student or town person handing in
» the best slogan.
The heads of. the fraternity and
sorority houses in the campus are
asked by the Homecoming committee
to hand in a list containing the
* names and addresses of all alumni
• and former students not later than
Friday afternoon. This list is ab
solutely necessary in order that let
ters may be sent out by the admin
, istration office by the first of next
Personal Letters Sent
Dean John Straub is sending out
j, personal letters throughout the state
and every student is asked to write
* to old Oregon students In addition
* to the circulars containing the pro
% gram for Homecoming, which the
committee is sending out, there will
' be envelopes which are to be used
, by the alumni and guests for pro
curing their tickets for the game.
Applications for seats will be filed in
< the order in which they are received
and they should all be in on or be
fore November 6. Envelopes which
> are not accompanied by a draft or
, money order, or reservations which
are verbal will not be considered.
* Checks or money orders must be
* made payable to I. H. Johnson, comp
troller. Tickets will be mailed out
about November 8.
» Every alumnus and former student
is urged to register and procure a
tag as soon as he arrives in the city.
These tags will enable him to procure
a machine for the day; secure first
attention at the luncheon; have a
* discount on the price of the ticket
* for the game, and will admit him to
% the big dance on Saturday without
admission. Registration booths will
' be found in both the Southern Pac
* ific and Oregon Electric depots; in
the lobby of Johnson hall, and in the
men’s outdoor and indoor gyms. The
* Y. M. C. A. Hut will be used as a
, central headquarters for the guests
and will be fitted with phone booth
and conveniences for making the
, alumni feel at home.
5,000 Stickers Printed
Elmo Madden, who is in charge of
the stickers, announced yesterday
1 that 5000 of them will be ready for
distribution on Wednesday afternoon
and another 5000 will be ready by
Thursday. Those in charge of sell
ing them may procure them at the
office of the alumni secretary in
the administration building.
* The stickers will be pennant-shap
ed with the words “Homecoming.
November 15, U. of O. vs. O.A.C.”
in green letters on a field of yellow.
These stickers are most attractive
and the committee feels sure they
will sell rapidly at 25 for 10 cents,
50 for 15 cents and 100 for 30 cents.
(Continued on page 3)
Juniors Lose Date
For Jinfe to Frosh;
Affair Postponed
The jinks is off; but at the same
time it is on. The Junior Jazz Jinks
which was billed for this Saturday
nighht has been declared null and
void by Dean Straub so the mem
bers of 1921 will have to sit back
and watch the freshmen make merry
in the men's gymnasium on the date
that the juniors had decided to have
their extremely informal gathering.
Undaunted by the icy blast from
the office of the dean of men the
juniors have moved their date ahead
a week, hoping that the jinks may
be off by that time so that the
Jinks may be staged.
The dance is to be a lottery and
those responsible for the staging of
the affair—Sam Lehman, Theodora
Stoppenbach, Alexander Brown and
Dick Lyans—are in secret session
this afternoon jesting with fate to
see just who will bring who. Sam
Lehman, in an exclusive interview
to the Emerald this morning, said,
among other things, “this is a square
The juniors had so much fun .at
the gathering staged last spring, when
they were sophomores, that it was
decided that another party of a siim
ilar nature was in order this fall, in
order that all of the new members
of the class might meet everyone
else. The lottery will probably be
found in Thursday’s edition of the
Emerald and the fate of many a
member of the class of 1921 will
then be announced.
Addition of Dentist to Infirmary Staff
Dr. E. H. Sawyer, physician at the
infirmary, has begun work on charts
of the physical condition of the fresh
men. One side of the chart contains
places for records of the family his
tory, personal history and physical
examination, while the reverse side
is reserved for a dispensary record.
The teeth of the students are in
fairly good condition, those of the
men being better, as a whole, than
those of the women, according to
Dr. Sawyer.
Dr. Sawyer said that he hoped that
the infirmary would be able to ob
tain the services , of a dentist. Such
a system is used at the University of
California and while Oregon has not
as many students he believes there
is sufficient work to be done here
to keep a dentist busy his entire
Give English Ideas on Topics of the
Day—Other Papers Listed
Some British magazines are to be
found in the weekly magazine, sec
tion of the University library,
which throw an interesting light on
the British views on such topics as
the league of nations, prohibition, na
tionalization of railroads, food pro
fiteering and reconstruction. They
correspond to such American maga
zines as the Literary Digest and
The Spectator and the New States
man are catalogued in the Reader's
Guide supplement of special and for
eign magazines not common to li
braries. Other valuable British mag
azines which are not indexed are
the Saturday Review, the London
Times Weekly, one -of the foremost
London papers, and the Illustrated
London News, a pictorial presenta
tion of current topics.
Art Students to Meet.
All majors in architecture and
those interested in art work are re
quested to meet in the exhibit room
of the architectue building tomorrow
evening at 7:30. Plans for the form
ing of an art club will be discussed.
First Day’s Results Almost
Third of Quota Set; “Blues”
in Lead
The first day of the campus Y
membership cfrive closed with every
indication of impending success, ac
cording to both Johnny Houston,
“Red” leader, and Roy Veatch, com
mander of the “Blues.” Up to a late
hour last night complete figures were
not available, but the estimates of
the leaders placed the day’s total at
about 200 members. This is almost a
third of the quota set for the three
days’ drive. The day's results give
a slight lead to the “Blue” forces, but
Veatch considers his lead negligible
in sight of the fact that both teams
were not fully organized at the start
of the drive.
“The campaign so far has met
with hearty co-operation from the
men on the campus,” said Ray. Veatch
last night. Although the first day’s
work had not secured a third of the
members sought, he seemed well
pleased with the results. The last
two days, he feels certain, will more
than make this up.
Both Houston and Veatch stressed
the fact that the University Y is
purely a campus organization. “A
certain quota is needed to keep the
Hut open,” Houston said, “and failure
to secure it will reflect on every man
in the University and will mean - a
distinct loss to the school.” He ex
pressed strong confidence in being
able to put the drive over.
Roy Veatch characterized the Y
as a “men’s organization of the men,
by the men, and for the men.” Its
only excuse for existing, he said, is
to be of service and interest to the
men, and its very success and use
fulness will be determined by the
way in which it is supported. It is
the one truly democratic organization
on the campus and should be support
ed by every man in the University.
Results of the drive are to be post
ed each night on a large triangle
placed in front of the Hut. If anyone
is overlooked in the canvass for
members he may secure a card at the
Hut or from any one of a number of
workers about the campus.
Two' Members of Musical Faculty to
Appear at Assembly
President P. L. Campbell will speak
on the year’s work to the students
next Thursday morning at assembly.
There will be musical numbers by
members of the new school of music
faculty, the two so far scheduled be
ing Rex Underwood, professor of
violin, and Miss Martha Flndahl, as
sistant vocal instructor, who will
give a soprano solo.
Mr. Underwood came here to take
the place of Robert Barron and hjiss
Findaiil is taking the place of Miss
Eleanor Lee. This will be their first
appearance before the University.
Men’s Glee Club to Meet Mondays,
Tuesdays and Thursdays
At the first rehearsal, held last Fri
day afternoon, men’s glee club mem
bers decided to meet for rehearsal
three times weekly. Practice periods
are to be at 5 p. m. on Mondays and
at 7 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
With the tryouts over and rehearsals
started, it is expected that the glee
club will soon begin steady work
and that concert dates will be de
finitely decided.
Emerald advertising staff meet in
Journalism annex, Wednesday even
I ing at 7:30. Be sure to be there.
U. of O. is One of Few Institu
tions to Honor Flag and
State at Assembly
The annual Pledge Day assembly
for the University students will be
given on one of the early Thursdays
in November, according to the pres
ent plans. The University of Oregon
is one of the few educational insti
tutions that have adopted this method
of enabling the students to word
their appreciation to their flag and
their state.
To those that are unaccustomed to
Pledge day, it might be well to say
that the idea was inaugurated some
years ago for the purpose of pledg
ing to the state, by each student, of
his service and loyalty, in return for
the education provided by public ex
This formal recognition of the obli
gation to the state will likely be read
in conjunction with a pledge to our
flag and country by the governor of
the state. It is planned that special
music shall fill out the program and
other features will be introduced to
make the state executive’s visit a
pleasant one.
It is hoped that a large attendance
of the student body will be present in
Villnrd on this morning to make this
annual assembly a tribute to Oregon
University Delegates Will Go to Mc
Minnville Conference
The University of Oregon expects
to have at least 30 men at the Y. M.
C. A. student conference to be held
in McMinnville this week-end, Oct
ober 17-19. An attempt will be made
to have every house on the campus
represented in the delegation.
This conference is expected to
bring together the leading men of all
the colleges of Oregon. Roy Veatch,
local “Y” chairman on conferences,
considers it an excellent chance for
Oregon to get in touch with other
schools of the state, and is indorsing
the movement heartily. Speakers for
the occasion will be drawn from the
various delegations. Gale Seamen,
Pacific Coast secretary for the Y. M.
C. A., will be in attendance. Accord
ing to those who know him, Mr.
Seamen is a very forceful speaker,
and is in close touch with the work
to be taken up.
The following colleges are expected
to be represented at McMinnville:
Reed College, Pacific university, Pac
ife college, Willamette university,
Philomath college, Albany college,
McMinnville college, Oregon Agricul
tural college and the University of
Wanda Brown and Five Assistants
Brave Wilds of Linn County
Twenty-one days of harvesting in
the wilds of Linn county was the
novel experience of Wanda Brown,
junior in the University, before en
tering college this fall. With the
assistance of five girls, Miss Brown
undertook a contract to clear 65
acres on Mt. McCully of all the wild
blackberries they possessed. The
party maintained a camp on the pro
perty and thus combined vacation
with work.
Starting on September 1, all the
the berries were picked and loaded
Into trucks' within the allotted time
of 21 days. Zerolene cans and every
other sort of receptacle were used
to move the crop to the market in
the large Chevrolet truck, where they
brought a price of bight cents per
Faculty Foments
Snappy Slogans
Hailing Holiday
Wild whoops l'or tlio professors.
The Oregon spirit has long been im
bedded in the souls of the faculty
and at last it has come out. Oregon
needs a new slogan. The students
have been doping them out for the
past four days.
But now comes the good word.
Even the profs, dim demonstrators
of another world as they may seem,
are hard at work for the University.
It is rumored that the $6.00 prize for
the winner has had something to do
with the unusual interest shown, but
be that as it may. A copy of slogans,
said to have been composed by the
different profs, has been handed in
to the Emerald office. We reprint
them without responsibility.
“For the ultimate good of the Uni
versity, Oregon must win.”—President
“We will now hear from the Ag
gies on the subject.”—Timothy Cloran.
“It must be a square game I per
sonally shall be there to see it.”—
Dean Straub.
“Give ’em HELL!”—Dean Morton.;
“Oregon will win if 1 keep score.”
—Dean Allen.
“All players must be off the field
by 6:30.”—Dean Fox.
“Physiologically, psychologically,
him; Hyper-amnesia; we’re out to
win.”—Doctor Conklin.
The Emerald does not vouch for
the accuracy of these slogans. It is
safe to say, however, that the facul
ty has the right spirit There are
three reported incidents where pro
fessors have excused pupils for lack
of preparation because the students
had been busy writing slogans. Tlie^e
are ns yet unverified.
All slogans must bo in the wooden
box at the library by Wednesday
night. The judges will be absolutely
square, and the fame and money
will go absolutely unbiased to the
composer of the best one. Oregon
brains are at work.
Former Prexy of Dorm Club is Now
Head of High School
George Taylor, graduate in the
class of 1919, has been appointed
principal of the Lowell high school at
Lowell, Oregon. Taylor was elected
vice-president of the student body
l^st year, but resigned when he en
tered the service. He was president
of the dormitory club and active in
student affairs.
Taylor was married to Miss Eliza
beth Wilson quietly a few days be
fore the close of college but no an
nouncement was made at the time
and none of their college friends
knew of tha marriage until the news
leaked out last summer.
Freshmen Do Supervised Work for
. Economic Class
A new reading room has been open
ed for reference work in the Univer
sity library. All students in Dr.
Robbins’ Economic History classes,
it is announced, will use this room
(No. 30, upstairs) from 6:30 to 10
p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednes
day and Thursday evenings. As there
are 250 freshmen in these glasses,
and more than the usual number of
other readers using the reading room
on these evenings, it is necessary to
have the books on Economic History
placed upstairs.
In the daytime and Friday and
Saturday evenings the main reading
room may be used by everyone, be
cause the congestion is not then so
The freshmen’s study will be done
under the supervision of advanced
students in the course.
Great Deal of Work Necessary
Before Beginning of Big
Conference Schedule
Team Has Several Weak Spots—Ed
Strowbridge is Star of Mult
nomah Contest
(.By Alexander G. Brown)
The game Saturday gave the fol
lowers of the lemon-yellow their first
chance to see the Varsity in action,
and while the Oregon team had little
trouble in downing the Multnomah
club eleven the local team was not
all that could be expected and plain
ly showed that a great deal of work
would have to be put in before they
can launch forth on the conference
schedule and enjoy any amount of
Taking the line from end to end,
Oregon showed up as well as did
the visiting clubmen but, it must be
remembered, that the Multnomah
team observes tew training rules and
there were men playing for the club
who had been out to but three prac
tices. Stan Anderson at right end
played a steady consistent game.
Anderson never plays a game that
can be called spectacular but. his
work is always the same and ho
can be depended upon at all times.
No Worry Over Bartlett
Bartlett, at right tackle, showed
that ho had not lost any of his old
time ability in ills chosen department.
This is one position of the lino that
can be checkod and laid aside, as
there is no reason to worry about it
as long as Bartlett is on the job.
While he was in the game his pres
ence was not so noticeable as it
became when he was taken out in
the last quarter. Starr, who took
Bartlett’s place, was unable, to keep
up to the pace set by his predeces
sor. Starr has a lot of fight and Is
a hard worker but he will never make
the player that Bartlett is.
At right guard Art Berg played a
good game. It was noticeable that
in getting down on punts among the
first to get to the man was Berg.
Once or twice Berg beat the ends
down on the punts and made the
tackles. The placing of Berg on the
line has added a great deal of speed
and has not taken any of the strength
from the defense. Mautz, who re
placed Berg in the last part of the
game, kept up his good work. Mautz
is a mighty good lineman and will
probably be of great value to the
Varsity before the end of the season.
The work during the conference this
year if going to demand that there
be at least two men for every posi
tion on the line and few better com
binations can be asked for than that
of Berg and Mautz for guards.
Two Good Centers on Team
At center both “Brick" Leslie and
“Prink” Callison put up a great ex
hibition. Leslie appeared to be the
stronger in his defensive playing,
and while he is undoubtedly a better
center than “Prink” the work of the
latter must be given due considera
On the left side of the line A1
Harding proved a good running mate
for Berg. Both of these men are
fast and big and are not afraid
to smash the opposition. They open
ed up some holes Saturday that were
large enough to drive a wagon
through. Bas Williams set to rest
all of the fear that he had lost some
of his ability to stop the onrush of
the opposition when he took Hard
ing's place late in the game. Bas
stopped several line rushes of. the
clubmen Saturday holding about half
of the line. On the offensive he
showed all of his oldtime skill in
opening up the line for the backs to
speed through.
(Continued on page 2.)