Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, May 13, 1919, Page Four, Image 4

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Costumes of Senior Party, and
Pajama Parade to
Appear Again
The sophomore “Catch as Catch
Can” is*?oing to he pulled off Friday
evening beginning at 8 p. m. in the
men’s gymnasium.
It is to be in the form of a lottery
liardtimes dance. The lottery was
staged a week ago today by the com
mittee in charge which consists of Sam
Lehman, chairman; George Beggs, Lu
cile McCorkle, and Annamay Bron
There were not quite as many soph
omore men as women, so all of those
girls who did not draw a man are
asked to invite a man from another
class to be their partner. The com
mittee also asks that any man who
can not go will please get another
man to take his place and girl. The
extra men are to be invited from
other classes.
The party comes at a most opportune
time as it is to be in the form of
a hardtimo dance. The committee says
there are to be no flowers, but that
Fords, wheelbarrows, baby carriages,
and drays will be permissnble as con
veyances. From April Frolic, the
senior lottery and the pajama parade
it is thought that enough costumes
can be raked up to outfit the party.
List of Committees
The committees which have been
appointed to work the dance up are:
Refreshments — Hope Mac, Kenzie,
chairman; Wanda Nelson, Bill Hollen
beck, and George Van Waters.
Programs Richard Martin, chair
man; Madeline Slotboom and Joe In
Feature—Leith Abbott, chairman;
Blanch Wilson, Norma Medler, and
Dorothy Stein.
Music—Howard Kelly, chairman;
Dorothy Wootton, and Nell Warwick.
Patrons and Patronesses- Margaret
Jones, chairman; Don Oxman, Klvirn
Thurlow, and Hoi I in Woodruff.
Result of Lottery
The lottery, which was fair and
square, and its results follow:
Lorcnn MeiHsncr Bobbie Lees
Frances Tate Tony Jncobberger
Theodora Btoppenbach .lolm Houston
Gertrude Whitton Carlton Savage
Frances Qnesenberry James 11. Bchmeer
Nell Warwick AV. W. Porter
Germany Klemm
Elsie Murphey
Marjorie tToladay
Alice llamm
Leola Green
Elizabeth Hadley
Lois Hall
Helen Laughary
Edna Rice
Alice Thurston
Mary Moore
Marian Taylor
Annette Leonard
Ruth Lane
Lucile McCorkle
Eve Hutchison
Hope McKenzie
Stella Sullivan
Marie Hidings
Tsobel Zimmerman
Beatrice AVeatherbee
Ruth Bcott
Naomi Robbins
Helen AVoodcock
Gretchen AVheeler
Marjorie Edsall
Amelia Esparzo
Nancy Fields
Dorothy Wind ton
Mary Turner
Beatrice Crewdson
Marion Ady
Florence Riddle
Margaret Whit field
Lila AVare
Jov Judkins
Elvira Thurlow
Mary Ellen Bailey
Margaret Kubli
Doris Churchill
Eva Digerness
Pauline Port eons
Annutnay Bronaugh
Lillian Pierson
Grace Rugg
Helen Manning
AVanda Nelson
Evelyn Grebe
Margaret Jones
June Murphy
Mae Hnllack
Loleta Rogers
Madeline Slotboom
Ella Rawlings
Krna Jeppeson
Mable Byrd
Maude Barnes
Jessie Todd
Lillian Auld
Helen Biggs
Edna Jlowd
Gladys Hollingsworth
William F. Beck
Ralph Holzman
Silas Starr
Howard Wines
J. 11. Moon
Conway Seitz,
J. Ar. Springer
Wayne Laird
Rollin Woodruff
Tom Powers
Peter Christianson
Barton Shirk
Boyd Haynes
Claude Goff
Kenneth Comstock
Abraham Rosenberg
George Cuiaiek
Frank Palmer
Cecil Robe
Charles 11. Moores
Marvin AVoolfoek
Jack Holden
John Gamble
Maurice Sidig
Ralph Iloeber
Henry Leggett
Harold Liudlev
Odine Michelson
Leith Abbott
Thomas Marnier
Reuel Moore
Don Feenaughty
Norman Byrne
Don Oxman
Harry Smith
Richard Martin
AVjllard Hollenbeck
George A'nn AA’atera
Raymond Kessel
(Quincy Davis
Even Anderson
Arthur A’andervert
Joe Trowbridge
Maurice (Hickman
Carl Rueek
Ezra Boyer
Sam Lehman
Ralph Dresser
Eddie Purno
Earl A'oorhies
Lee Summerville
Wilbur Ilulin
George Beggs
Harris Ellsworth
Harlan Holmes
Max Simmons
Clyve Humphrey
Giles French
Paul AVeidenheimer
Alexander Brown
A'irgil Meador
Everett Bran
Alda Berry
Vivien Chandler
Lyle Bryson
Mildred Oliver
Helen Watts
iJanet Frasier
Ollie Stoltenburg
Gladys Mathis
Vera Tobey
Blanch Wilson
Edith Perry
Josephine Osterhout
Ami Lagus
Enid Lamb
Laura Moates
Ruth Cowan
Clara Corrigan
Laura Rand
Norma Medler
Edwina Prosser
Marian Gil strap
Isla Gilbert
Ulala Stratton
Dorothea Boynton
Dorothy Lowry
Leila Barnum
Wanda Brown
Catherine Livengood
Aurora Potter
Adeline Hillpot
Helen Frease
Mildred Huntley
Alice Ball
Mildred Dodds
Leta Kiddle
Austrid Mork
Dorothy Dixon
Elizabeth McMahon
Rachel Husband
Helen Casey
Lois Macy
Dorothy Stine
John Brask
Felix Beluso
Robert Bradshaw
Charles Waugh
Martin Sichel
J. C. Hayser
Day Bayly
George Shirley
J. C. Williams
Billy Ralston
Joe Ingram
Bib Carl
Lawrence Woodworth
Julian Leslie
Victor Bradeson
Jack Askey
Lee Bartholomeu
Arnold Koepke
Howard Kelley
Girls Meet Thursday And Launch
Their Plans For Coming
Thursday livening, May 16, the annual
Seabeck meeting of the campus Y. W.
C. A. will bo held and it will be in the
form of a party in the orchard adjoin
I mg the bungalow lot. The Soabeck
committee of the association plans to
make this one of tho rousing meetings
of the year at which they will attempt
to reproduce the real spirit of Sea
I beck, the meeting place of girls of all
the northwestern colleges every year.
Seabeck, Washington, is the most
! beautiful of the many harbors on the
I Hood canal. For years past, it has
| been the meeting place of young wo
j men interested in Y. W. C. A. work,
j Not only does the trip thero each year
afford a girl an ideal vacation, but
| she comes in contact with some of the
leaders in \. W. C. A. work and prom
| incut Christian workers from the
This year the conference begins Aug
I ust ”5 and closes September 6. Oregon
has always been well represented, and
this year a number of girls have sig
nified their intentions of going. The
conference resembles a school, in that
; classes in Bible study, world problems,
mission study and Y. W. 0. A. tech
nique are held at certain hours every
day. This year, Miss Bertha Conde,
one of the secretaries on the headquar
ters staff in New York will be the
executive of the conference. At pres
ent Miss Oomle is in Mouth America,
where she was sent by the Y. W. G,
A. to observe the present work of the
organization and the needs for its
Miss Oolooah Burner, a college sec
retary on the headquarters staff, will
one of the prominent members of
the educational staff of the conference.
Besides these, there will be two more
national secretaries attending. In the
evenings of each day, there will be
lectures by a number of the best min
isters in the Northwest on “Christian
Fundamentals. ’ ’
Every afternoon of the conference
is devoted to sports. Every form of
sport including tennis, swimming, and
baseball is organized each under the
direction of one girl. Last year the
Oregon delegation challenged the Uni
versity of Washington delegation to
a baseball game and for the first
time in three years, they lost their
contest. Not daunted by this very
crushing defeat, they showed them
selves real sports by appearing at
dinner with heads and arms bandaged,
thus creating an exceedingly funny
atmosphere, drawing attention to them
selves for sometime afterward.
Those who represented Oregon last
year at the conference were Miss
Tirza Hinsdale, Helen McDonald, Es
sic Maguire, Dorothy Collier, Mrs.
W. M. Case. Blanche Nelson, Lillian
llausler, Mabvl Weller, Helen Wells,
Miss Naomi Williamson, Mary Moore,
Marian Andrews and Mary Hislop.
, •
; Underclass Women to Escort
Members; Mrs. Campbell’s
Home is Scene
The senior breakfast in honor of the
senior girls is to be given Saturday
morning at 8 o’clock at the home, of
Mrs. Prince L. Campbell by the under
class women and junior women of the
University. This is the last affair of
the year given for the senior girls and
every one of them will be escorted by
an underclass girl. The freshman girls
will be in charge of serving the break
fast under the direction of Miss
Vivian Chandler. The committee as
appointed consists of Marvel Skeels,
Geneva Stebno, Marjory Holaday, Flor
ence Casey, Ruby Carlson, Helen Col
ley, Irva Smith, Mary Packwood, Mar
ianne Dunham, Nancy Fields, Phebe
Gage, Wanda Daggett, Ilia Nichols,
Elizabeth Kirby, Vivian Chandler.
The senior girls and their escorts will
be: Caroline Alexander, escorted by
Mabyle Weller; Helen Anderson, Mar
ion Bowen; Elizabeth Auiniller, Beat
rice Yoran; Nana Axtell, Ruth Young;
Marie Badura, Lois Macy; Frences
Elizabeth Baker, Helen Lowery; Agnes
Basler, Helen Whitaker; Helen Bren
ton, Ethel Wakefield; Helen Campbell,
Anna Vogel; Marjorie Campbell, Alice
Van Schonhoven; Marian Coffey, Eve
lyn' Smith; Bess Coleman, Alice Thurs
ton; Torressa Cox, Ruth Susman; Soph
ia Hunter, Evengcline Kendall; Hester
Hurd, Beula Keagy; Kathrine John
son, Joy Judkins; Ruth Kayne, Lucille
Johnson; Georgine Kessi, Florida Hill;
Mabel Laing, Irene Whitfield; Erma
Laird, Mary Irving; Lois Laughlin,
Edna Hyde; Maud Lombard, Dorothy
Duniway; Margaret Lamsoii, Ethel
Ewes; Nellie McClure, Helen DuBuy;
Helen McDonald, Gladys Diment; Essie
Maguire, Grotchen Colton; Lelila
March, Laurel Canning; Mary Mattley,
Louise Davis; Pearl Craine, Gladys
Paulson; Vera Derflinger, Bula Smith;
Ella Dews, Lneilo Redmond; Catherine
Dobie, Dorothy Parsons; Harriett Gar
riett, Elizabeth Peterson; Grace Gil
more, Ruth Nash; Dorothy Graham,
1 audio Morrow; Edna Gray, Jeannette
Moss; Ruth E. Green, Mrs. Helen Max
ham; Helen Glittery, Mary Mathis;
Helen Hair, Leona Marsters; Virginia
Hales, Rolia Macklin; Mrs. Daisy Hal
liek, Adelaide Lake; Grace Hammer
strom, Mai;y MaeCornack; Rieta Hough,
Grace Knopp; Clistie Meek, Ronald
Cameron; Ruth Montgomery, Martha
Andrews; Mellie Darker, Marion An
drews; Helen Purlington, Alice Ball;
Mildred Park's, Dorothy Andrews;
Noll Reidt, Mae Bullock; Verniee Rob
bins, Clem Cameron; Leta Rhodes,
Anna May Bronaugh; Dorothy San
ford, Maud Barnes; Bernice Spencer,
Lvle Bryson; Emily Spulak, Beatrice
Crewdson; Lucille Stanton, Eva Diger
ness; Emma Stephenson, Dorothy Dix
on; Frances Stiles, Helen Casey; Mary
Townsend, Loise Caswell; Mrs. Annette
Vaughn, Mildred Dodds; Vera Van
Schoonhoiven, Tsla Gilbert; Ethel
Waite, Janet Frasier; Clarie Warner,
Rena Adam; Edna Whipple, Aldine
Hillpot; Marguerite Whitton, Marion
Adv; Frances Wiles, Lois Hall; Marion
Williams, Erma Jepperson; Melba Wil
liams, Clare Corrigan; Louise Wilson,
Lucille Mot orkle; Jennie Yoder, Ami
Lagus; Erma Zimmerman, Ruth Lane.
Captain W. A. Elkins, Chaplain at
Fort Stevens, Visits
Captain W, A. Elkins, chaplain in
the coast artillery stationed at Fort
Stevens was on the campus last Tues
day and Wednesday visiting friends,
lie was a student at the University
frotn 1897 to 1901.
Captain Elkins enlisted in July, 1917
in the const artillery and was stationed
at the Columbia defense at the mouth
of the Columbia river. He lias been
held as post chaplain ever since. He
took the overseas examination prepar
atory to being sent overseas just be
fore the armistice was signed He is
still in the service and returned to
Fort Stevens after his visit on the
The Spanish Club will hold a picnic
supper at Ilayden bridge, some even
ing in the near future, according to
Grace Knopp, president. Wieners and
buns will be the pieces de resistance,
and these, with other attractions, are
expected to draw out a good crowd of
the club members. The club has aband
oned the idea of giving a vaudeville
owing to the members’ lack of time for
E. O. T. C. Men May Apply for
Hummer Training at San Francisco
All E. O. T. C. cadets who desire to
attend the summer training camp at
the Presidio, San Francisco, California,
from June 21 to August 2, are reques
ted to fill out the application blank
provided by the military ' department
and return fo Colonel Raymond C.
Baird, commandant, not later than May
'15, it was announced at the R.
O. T. C. headquarters yesterday.
“It is especially desired, according
to Colonel Baird, that a large number
of students attend this camp, The
number is limited to 10,000, therefore
in case of necessary curtailment of
the number desiring to attend from
any single institution, preference will
be given to individuals in. the order
they register their intention to attend.
All members of the R. O. T. C. at1
the University are eligable, and all
expenses will be paid. This will in- .
elude railway fare, uniforms, equip
ment and subsistence while at the
Only the rifles are now lacking to
prevent rifle practice in the R. O. T.
C. Friday 41,200 rounds of 30 caliber
ammunition and 10,000 rounds of pistol
ammunition were received at military
headquarters. The Enfield rifles are
expected any day according to Colonel
R. C. Baird. Then the cadets will be
ready for action, he says.
Varsity Track Meet and Frosh
Ball Team Here; Frosh
Runners at O. A. C.
Oregon will have another busy week
! end along athletic lines this Friday and
Saturday. On Friday the freshman
track team will journey to Corvallis
where they will clash with the O. A.
C. rooks, and the Aggie freshman base
ball team will meet the Oregon infants
here. The varsity track team will en
tertain the University of Washington
track squad here cn Saturday for the
second dual track meet held on the
campus this spring.
The meet between the Oregon frosh
and the Aggies at Corvallis promises
to be close, and several good matches
are expected. The Oregon freshman
baseball team looks good, and the
chances to score a win over the Aggies
is most promising. Dick Shim, the
little Chinese southpaw, is the fresh
men ’s best bet and he will probably be
worked in the garme Friday afternoon.
The varsity baseball team will jour
ney north this week-end and will clash
with the University of Washington at
Seattle and with some other team on
the road. Coach “Shy” Huntington
will probably take the entire squad on
the trip. Those who are expected to
go are Eddie Durno, Dwight Wilson,
Herm Lind, Billy Morrison, Billy Rein
hart, Johnny Houston, Dot Medley,
Johnny Gamble, Lindsay Campbell,
Jimmie Sheehy and Johnny Brack.
Sprague Adam, ex ’16, who was re
cently discharged from the army after
a year of service, has written to his
friends of his experiences at the frone
and in the Argonne.
Adam enlisted April 25, 1918, and
sailed for France the following August.
He was in B Company of the 345th
Brigade and left with that company
for the Argonne offensive as a tank
commander and a 37 mm. gunner.
After the Argonne, Adam was sta
tioned at Varemes for several months
and was transferred from there to
Camp Chamberlain near Langres. His
company left Marseilles February 39
and after spending a few days at Gib
ralter sailed for the United States.
Adam is a member of Alpha Tau
Omega fraternity.
Sorority Members Will Petition
For National Charter
A new sorority, Alpha Delta, has
been organized on the campus by a
group of girls now residing in Hen
dricks hall. The members of the sor
ority are Moreita Howard, of Portland,
president; Marie Holden, of Tillamook,
secretary; Alma Ditto, of St. Helens,
treasurer; Elaine Cooper, of Portland,
'historian; Lelah Stone, of Portland;
Beatrice Crewdson, of Portland; Icis
'Bryant, of Island City.
The local was organized under the
direction of Mrs. E. L. Packard, a
‘member of Alpha Delta Pi at the Uni
versity of California. This is the na
tional sorority for which Alpha Delta
?s petitioning. Sponsors of the new
organization are Professor and Mrs.
D. W. Morton and Professor and Mrs.
E. C. Clark.
Announcement of the new sorority
was made last Tuesday afternoon at a
banquet given at the Hotel Osburn
with Mrs. D. W. Morton as patroness.
The table about which were seated the
’members of the new society and repre
sentatives of the women’s houses and
faculty members, was daintily decor
ated with pink and white peonies and
sprays of' bridal wreath. Gold and
black placards marked the places.
Mrs. Morton as toastmistress intro
Yluced Dean John Straub who spoke on
the “Relationship of the University to
Sororities,” and Dean Louise Ehrmann
told of “Sorority Ideals.” Theodora
Stoppenbacli, representing the Pan-Hel
lenic association, spoke on “The Sor
ority Woman,” and Moreita Howard
spoke about ‘ ‘ Our Local, ’ ’ telling of
the ideals the new club was trying to
follow and how they hoped to be of
service to the University.
Those present at the banquet were
‘Dean Louise Ehrmann, Dean and Mrs.
John Straub, Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Clark,
Dean and Mrs. D. Walter Morton, Pro
fessor and Mrs. W. E. Milne, Professor
'and Mrs. E. L. Packard, Mrs. Edna P.
Datson, Theodora Stoppenbach, Nell
Warwick, Jeannette Moss, Grace Rugg,
Clementine Cameron, Margarfet Mans
' field, Lucile Elrod, Alice Hamm, Es
'sie Maguire and the members of Alpha
Panoramic View To Show Need For
New Woman’s Building
Almost every girl in the University
was in front of the women’s gymnas
ium for a panorama picture on Wed
nesday morning right after the as
sembly hour. The picture was made
for the use of the alumni committee
in Portland which is in charge of the
campaign there for the new woman’s
The picture will be 30 inches in
length and any one wishing one can
probably get one at the Armstrong
studio, Mr. Onthank said.
Favorite Resort
of Student
Dinner Dances
Teas and Banquets
a Specialty.
The University Pharmacy
Printing, developing and Enlarging
Films left before 10 a. m. delivered by 5 o’clock the same day.
* Kodak Supplies of all Kinds
All the new styles in
Felt and Straw Hats
“Come, All Ye Sportsmen!”
Trout are jumping in all of the streams. All that it takes to get them is the right kind
of equipment and a desire to get out in the open. You have the desire, and we have the
equipment for you and we will tell you where to find the big ones.
The Eugene Gun Company
Phone 157 Arthur Hendershott, Mgr. 770 Will. St.