Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, April 17, 1919, Page Two, Image 2

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    Oregon Emerald
Official student body paper of the
University of Oregon, published every
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of the
college year by the Associated Students.
Entered in the postoffice at Eugene,
Oregon, as second class matter.
Subscription rates $1.25 per year.
Helen Brenton ..Editor
Elizabeth Aumiller .Associate
Janies Sheehy . Associate
Dorothy Duniway .News Editor
Erma Zimmerman.Asst. News Editor
Leith Abbott .Make-Up
Helen McDonald .Women’s Editor
Nell Warwick .Society
Alexander G. Brown .Sports
Bess Colman .Dramatics
Elizabeth Aumiller .Proof
Frances Blurock .Proof
Helen Manning, Adelaide Lake, Louise
Davis, Francis Cardwell, Dorothy
Cox, Elva Bagley, Frances Stiles.
Stella Sullivan, Velma Rupert, Ray
mond Law-cnce, Wanna McKinney,
Lyle Bryson. Sterling Patterson, Mary
Ellon Bailey, Eugene Kclty, William
Bolger, Harry A. Smith, Stanley Eis
man, Eleanor Spall and Genevieve
Harris Ellsworth .Manager
Elston Ireland .Circulation
Catherine Dobie .Collection'’
Warren Kays, Dorothy Dixon, Virgil
Meador, Lee Hulbert, Ogden Johnson,
Larry Grey.
News and Business Phono S55.
“Democracy” is the by-word of to
day and, hearing it, we of the United
States are apt to think of our nation
as having arrived; only those other
far away nations have yet to reach
the goal. But “democracy” means
more than a form of popular govern
ment. “Underneath democracy lies
the truth of God and the brotherhood
of man,” and only on this basis can
a democratic government be really
But what has this to do with us
students of the University of Oregon?;
The fight for democracy has been won
on the battlefield but this victory shall
be lost WE are unprepared to carry
on the work, as the world will look
to the students of today- for its leaders.
What kind of leaders will it find? The
answer will be determined by the kind
of ideals which we tolerate and employ
on our campus. Is our campus demo
oratic ?
The point system which the Worn
on's League inaugurated gives evi
dence that we are taking measures to
give equal chances to all girls, and are
placing office holding on a democratic
basis. The response made to the War
Fund drive is another evidence, and
the very existance of such organize
(ions as the \ssociutod Students, Y. W.
C. A. and Women's League, points in
the same direction.
But we are yet far from the ideal
of democracy. In theorv each student
has an equal chance, but in practice
we :*.re inclined to deride those whose
ideas differ from ours and so thwart
their development and stifle their
powers. In our loyalty to smaller
groups there is a danger that we may
get the group habit of thinking and
ignore the lest of the campus.
Let ns strive first to make our cam
pus “safe for democracy.”
For a woman in Knglnmt to appear
in u now cost unto Unlay, is eonsidered
“bad form,1' and any woman so pro
seating horsolf generally doos so with
apologies for the absolute necessity of
the ease. This statement was made
by Professor Stoughton Holborn of tin1
University of Oxford, in a leeture de
livered in a fine arts eourse in Wash
ington University.
Several University of Michigan men
have volunteered to plant potatoes and
weed vegetable gardens this spring as
assistants to Mrs. K. M. Kiehards of
Ann Arbor sehool gardens, and mans
more are needed.
Special Junior Ulass meeting eall
ed for Friday afternoon, at 5:15, in
Prof. Howe’s room.
To the Editor of the Emerald:
Would that tire fiery muse would
supply me with the power of expression
for the wrath, indignation and sorrow
that has been mine today, upon seeing
three of the most beautiful trees of
the campus ruthlessly butchered. The
one solace in the matter comes from
the fact that I am not alone in my mis
ery, for the hearts of dozens of those
who have grown to love the campus
have been heavy today. The spirit of
the poet of yore who cried, “Woodman,
spare that tree,’’ when one from a
whole forest was to be destroyed, is
not to be compared with the feeling
created upon seeing a massacre of these
trees, which formed one of the love
liest approaches to the campus.
Ami what was the reason for this?
Surely there must be a good one. Well!
it was to give room for another cement
tennis court (which I will not deny
we need). But why should the court
be placed in the particular spot that
makes such devastation necessary? Was
it in order that the court would be near
the library? Surely the noise that al
ready ascends to the stack rooms should
be balanced by a similar volume of
sound. And surely the level plain a
few feet.from the present selected site
is reserved for some important ediface
in the near future. We have heard
that the Yr. M. G. A. clothes lines are
to be placed here.
These trees are gone and let them
proceed with the construction of their
tennis courts, but is a tree that has
been growing for a generation to be
uprooted every time a gentleipau clad
in white flannels, with white filet about
Ids head, wishes to besport himself with
ball and racket? Gannot our tolerance
towards these ornamental gentlemen be
extended also to the trees of the cam
pus which, to the mind of some at least,
have an equally aesthetic value?
It is to be hoped.
To Bo Ready For Use Junior Week
end; Tennis Facilities Poor
At last tho tennis facilities of the
University are to he improved. Two
new concrete courts wore ordered built
by President Campbell after the need
i f them was recognized as being very
urgent by the inter mural sports com
mittee of which Professor E. K. DeCou
is chairman. The contract was let to
It. W. Stine, and work on the courts
has been started and it is hoped that
they will he ready for use by Junior
Week end.
In order to build the courts together,
it was necessary to remove three of the
trees directly north of the present
cement court, hut this will in no way
hinder the appearance of the campus,
hut will on the other hand enable the
new courts to have ti shady background
and during a part of the day there will
he no glare of the sun to hinder
The work of clearing and grading
of the ground for the courts will
probably he finished this week, and
the work in placing the concrete com
pleted the following week. 1
The need for more room for tennis
has been acute for some time, for with
both men and women playing, only one
concrete court and four dirt courts,
which cannot be used a good share of
tho time, proved to be entirely
inadequate space.
National Industrial Secretary of Y. W.
Pleads for Factory Girl
Miss t'oustiuu'c McCorkle, industrial
work secretary of tlie V. \Y. C. A.,
gave a most interesting talk to the
women of the University Tuesday even
ing at the Y. M. hut. She brought
home to those present their responsihil
it v to the girls in industry the t'ac
torv girl.
•'We should not look down on the
factory girl or try to patronize them;
we owe them too much,” said Miss Me
Oorklo. In many cases they have won
derful character, as in the case of the
girl who had saved very, slowly the sum
of $30 yy ith which to learn typewriting,
and yvhen the chance came for a pro
motion in the factory, gave it to her
sister, because she did not want her
to go through the same hardships she
had experienced. Then the sister need
ed an operation on her thioat and this
girl gave up her $30 and did without
the typewriting lessons to make her
sister strong.
"We are obligated to the factory
girl. They work for us so that we may
come to college and get something high
er. Their fathers pay for a state uni
versity just as our fathers pay for it,
but their daughters do not get to come
to it. We really owe them a lot.”
Beats Kappas and Hendricks;
Maud Lombard’s Fast Ball
Has Them Scared
The Oregon club women indoor
baseball team is forging ahead and
stands in line for the championship of
the indoor series, having won from the |
Kappa team on Tuesday evening by a
score of 22 to 9, and on Wednesday
evening defeating the Hendricks hall j
team by the one-sided score of 32 to 3.
Tn the game played last night in the
women’s outdoor gym, the Oregon club
piled up the score because the Hen
dricks hall players were unable to cope |
with the fast pitching of Maud Lom
bard, of the Oregon club. Many of their
players did not even get the chance to
run, being knocked out for not batting.
Jessia Todd and Ruth Flegal did the
best batting for the Oregon club. Lois
Morthland did good batting and run
ning. For Hendricks hall, Vivian La
Prairie, Leah Wagner and Frances
Habersham did good playing, but at
that were not able to add to the score.
The outcome of the game last night
was a complete surprise because so far
in the series both the Oregon club and
Hendricks hall had won two games and
it was expected that yieir contest would
be close. Maud Lombard, pitcher for
the Oregon club, did some clever play
ing when she sent over fast balls which
the Hendricks players were unable to
bat, then sending slow ones, which
they could have hit hajl they not been
scared away from the plate.
There will be one moje game in the
series. Next Tuesday evening at 5
o’clock, the Delta Gamma team and
the Kappas will meet. The team win
ning the most games of the series will
be declared the champions of the sea
The line-up for last night’s game fol
Oregon club—Maud Lombard, pitch
er; Virginia Hales, catcher; Dorothea
Boynton, right short; Lois Morthland,
left short; Rita Ridings and Dorothy
Dickey, right .field; Ruth Flegal, first
base; Enid Lamb, second base, Jennie
Hango, third base.
Hendricks hall—Frances Habersham,
pitcher; Ruth Griffin, catcher; Char
lotto Clarke, right short; Vivian La
.Prairie, left short; Ellin Thomson, right
field; Florence Casey, left field; Leah
Wagner, first base; Echo Balderree,
second base; Margaret Russell, third
Graduate Serves as Lieutenant; Given
Fellowship at Berkeley
Lewie A. Bond, who received his B.
A. decree from the University in 1916,
and his M. A. in 1917, is still serving
in France as first lieutenant in the
field artillery after having been there
almost a year. This is the news con
tained in a letter received on the cam
pus from him.
After enlisting in October, 1917, he
was stationed at Fort Leavenworth,
Kansas, and in the following January
received his commission as first lieu
tenant. lie was also stationed at Camp
Green, North Carolina, a few months
before going overseas.
Bond took part in the fighting at
•Chateau Thierry and was instructor in
1 o.t in. ni. firing at Coetinger, France,
for some time.
lie writes that having been voted a
fellowship in the University of Cali
fornia for 1917-18 he may enter there
upon his return to the states.
Orchestra to Give Recital April 20;
Nine Added to Personnel
The last concert of the year by the
University Symphony orchestra will be
given in Villard hall, Sunday, April
20, at 2 o ’clock.
This is the seventh season for the
orchestra and according to the conduc
tor, Robert Louis Barron, it will not be
long before it will be an organization
recognized abroad as well as on the
Oregon Campus. The personnel of the
orchestra has been considerably in
creased since the beginning of the
year. Some of the new members are:
Melba Williams, first violin; Gail Win
ehell, Maud Sargent, Gail Haxby and
Henry Leggett, second violins; Norma
Byrne, clarinet; Robert Hays, trom
bone; Thomas Larremore, French horn;
and William A. Ruth, tympani and
Symphony in “C” major (Jupiter)....
. Mozart
Allegro Vivace \
Molto Allegro
' II
(a) “Landjkending” .Grieg-Perfect
(b) “None but the Weary Heart,’’
cello solo with orchestra .
.. Tschaikowsky
Harrison Devereaux
(c) War March of the Priests from
Athalia .Mendelssohn
“Mon Ooeur ’’ouvre a ta voix, ” from
“Samsoif et Dalila, ” for contralto
and orchestra .Saint-Saens
Miss Lee
Ballet Music from “Faust”—..Gounod
Tempo di Valso
Moderato Maestoso — Overture
“William Tell” .Rossini
Burle Bramhall, ex-’19, now en
gaged in Red Gross work at Seattle,.
Washington, has been selected as the
head of a proposed party of eighteen
Red Cross workers who are to go to
Siberia soon, to engage in relief work.
This party will be made up of nurses?,
physicians, social workers and organi
gives every woman
who loves a rare per
fume, the opportunity to
know and enjoy a talc
having a wonderful, costly
odor at a price unusually
low. Take Jonteel home
with you today.
Kuykendall Drug Store, Eugene, Ore.
All mechanics love keen
edged. perfect tools.
Kyes are tools of Uie mind,
lake all tools, they must be
sharp to do good work and
resist destructive wear.
Dull Eyes
If your eyes are dull, let us sharpen them for you.
Sherman W. Moody
Bring vour
881 Willamette Street
The new journalism annex which is
being built as an addition to McClure
hall will be completed the last of the
week. The building was necessitated
to make room for the printing of the
Emerald. It will be used as a compos
ing room. The addition is being built
very substantial, and is so constructed
as to be portable.
The Methodist Church will give a
social at the Y. M. C. A. Hut Saturday
evening. Douglas Fairbanks will be
shown in “He Comes Up Smiling”
after which refreshments will be
served. Both men and women are
Marguerite Clark, in the “Goose
Girl,” will be the feature film at the
Y. M. C. A. hut Saturday night, Secre
tary Edgar B. Van Osdel announced to
day. The film has been substituted for
the Douglas Fairbanks story which had
been scheduled.
For Real Fuel
Economy, Use
PHONE 28 881 OAK ST.
We Make Our Own Candies.
The Oregana Confectionery
lltk Near Alder.
All sorts of Pastry, Fountain Drinks and Ice Cream.
‘ ‘ Get an Oregon Short—Thick. ’ ’
Tollman’s Old Stand
Crabs Steaks
We Never Close
The Imperial Lunch
FRED GEROT, Proprietor
This is the open season for Tennis.
Are you prepared?
We are prepared to equip you with anything
you need for the game.
Rackets, Balls, Shoes, Presses and everything
needed, and on our shelves.
! We handle the best line of sporting goods in
1 the city and it will pay you to look them over.
Let us restring and repair your racket.
Fishing Season is Here
Drift in and look our stock over
All kinds of tackle, rods and flies
Eugene Gun Store
Arthur Hendershott, Manager
770 Willamette St. Telephone 151
% 'This copy prepared by advertising class U. of 0.)