Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, April 17, 1919, Image 1

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VOL. 20
NO. 66
Believes Universal Peace Under
Present Draft of Document
Says Domestic Policies Should
Be Left to Individual
The nations of the world cannot be
bound together by the draft now under
consideration for a constitution, ac
cording to the opinion expressed by
Representative W. C. Hawley when he
addressed the students of the Univer
sity and a number of townspeople on
“A League to Enforce Peace” at the
assembly hour on Wednesday. After
careful study Mr. Hawley has reached
the conclusion that a document so weak
in phraseology and indefinite in mean
ing could never bring about and main
tain universal peace.
“If out of all this downfall we can
not derive some blessing for the future
as a necessary compensation for those
who have mac^e the .supreme sacri
fice it will be most unfortunate,”
said the speaker. “In my judgement
we must either have a League of Na
tions or a great standing army. One
of these things appears to be inevita
ble. I am in favor of a League of
Nations, but no document drafted by
a man or set of men, no matter how
sincere, that tends to take from the
people of the United States their rights
and privileges shall be the constitution
of that League.”
Better Document Must Appear
“No body of men ever yet lived who
had all the wisdom of mankind,” said
the Congressman, but he expressed the
belief that a much wiser and more
definite and democratic document must
and can be written. Every word must
have its exact and definite meaning
decided by court. The methods of ap
pointment for each office with the
duties and powers of that office stated,
the position and powers of each nation
in comparison to the other nations
should be mentioned in the constitu
tion. The question as to whether or
not the individual nations shall manage
their own domestic affairs and the
League govern only in national mat
ters should be settled.
Mr. Hawley hastily reviewed the
document as it now stands, dwelling
on the alleged weakness of several
points, all of which he believes must
be made strong before the League can
possibly become effective. The draft
proposes twenty-eight nations in uni
son, with an executive council of nine
men. The five recognized great na
tions of the world are the United
States, Great Britain, France, Italy
and Japan. “These men will hold the
peace of the world in their own dis
cretion or indiscretion, ’ ’ said the
speaker, “no one knows how they are
to be appointed; how long they will
serve or how they shall vote.”
President, World’s Leading Man
“After the League has been estab
lished—and I believe in a League of
Nations—the representative from the
United Sta'tes will be the second most
important man in the world. Our
president is the first. The people
ought to know how this representative
is to be appointed or elected. Will
the second man in the world be ap
pointed by our president and sanc
tioned by the Senate or will he be
elected by the people? We do not know.
“One of the most notable things has
been the question of the Monroe Doct
rine,” said Mr. Hawley. After outlining
the instances in the past when the
doctrine has been applied, he asked,
“Shall the Monroe Doctrine be thrown
into the scrap heap and the council
make the decisions? What shall be
done? Shall we let this policy that
has been tried and that has worked so
well be thrown aside and pass out of
the hands of the original friends of
(Continued on Page Three)
Dean Allen Buys
It Down Town and
Wears It To Campus
Dean Allen sprung a surprise on the
campus yesterday.
In which feat Dean Allen was only
passing along the surprise, for he had
just received one himself.
But that is another story.
The Dean appeared on the campus
with a cane, which he had purchased
down town—which appearance was
much to the surprise of the oldest cam
pus inhabitants, none of whom recalled
anything of the sort in his past his
tory. Dean Straub, who has been here
since 1878 and has seen many canes
come and go—but that, too, is another
Dean Allen went home with the cane
slung over his arm, careless-like. How
ever, this latest addition to his person
ality was noted by Mrs. Allen and the
little Allens.
Just what happened further has not
yet come to the ears of the Emerald
reporters, who, according to the K. K.
K. press agent, are marvels of persist
ence and inquisitiveness. However, it
may be added—Dean Allen came down
to the campus today without the cane.
“Androcles” to be a Scream;
Lion’s Identity Not Yet
Made Known
Costumes and stage committees have
been working in Guild hall all week in
preparation for Friday and Saturday
nights, when “Androcles and the
Lion,” Bernard Shaw’s screaming bur
lesque, will be staged by the “Com
pany,” with all the art and finish that
limited time and student talent will
allow. The box office at Guild Hall
opened this morning and according to
Norvell Thompson, in charge, the com
edy will undoubtedly be shown before
a full house.
As yet the mystery of the ‘ ‘ Lion ’ ’ is
unsolved and although campus gossip
has attached the honor to several prom
inent dramatic students no one outside
the cast is really certain. Friday night
the secret will be divulged, and the
Saturday night audience will go to the
performance prepared to recognize the
‘ ‘ beast. ’ ’
Evelyn Smith is in charge of the cos
tuming and has working with her Lil
lian Auld and Gwladys Bowen. Hos
tesses for the performance will be
Theressa Cox, Gladys Diment, Frances
Stiles and Ruth Young. Norvell Thomp
son is stage manager, and William Re
bec is stage electrician. Following is
the list of characters in the order of
their entrance:
Androcles, a Greek (Christian) tailor
. Mr. Thompson
Megaera, his better seven-eighths....
. Miss Hurd
A Centurion .Mr. Johnson
A Captain . Mr. Leslie
Lavinia, a Christian patrician.
.Miss Purington
Lentullus, a fop.Mr. Veatch
Metellus, his friend .Mr. Keeney
Spintho, an ex-drunkard converted to
Christianity .Mr. Miller
Farrovius, an evangelist, formerly a
blacksmith .Mr. Maddock
Keeper of the Emperor’s menagerie....
.Mr. Hulin
Calf-boy at the Coliseum....Miss Gilstrap
Julius Caesar .Mr. Houston
Christian martyrs, gladiators, soldiers,
a lion, a puppy and a snake
Colonel James G. Hannah, of the
General Staff, with headquarters at
Washington, D. C., is expected to arrive
on the campus Wednesday, April 23,
to make the annual inspection of the
University R. O. T. C. He will visit
the universities, colleges and high
schools in the states of North Dakota,
Montana, Idaho, Washington and Ore
Versatility to> be Displayed in
Program of Songs
and Stunts
If you have ever sat and listened to
the harmony of trained male voices
blended in a program of unusual ver
satility ranging from heavy chorus
work to dashing vaudeville, you can
guess what the Men’s Glee club con
cert at the Eugene theater tomorrow
night is to be. Various towns which
the club visited on the spring vaca
tion tour have painted glowing pictures
of the success of the concert, and tes
timony from John Stark Ejans, direc
tor, shows that the production will be
‘ ‘ There was excellent material to
work with this year,” said Mr. Evans,
“and the boys have worked hard to
put on a good concert.”
Posing as Henrico Caruso, Arthur
Johnson, tenor, will give a perfect im
personation of that famous singer.
‘‘Singa da Carus” is the name of the
monologue, and it’s sure to get over,
say members of the club.
‘‘Rarebits” to be Feature
Another witty monologue called
‘ ‘ Rarebits ’ ’ will be carried out by
George Doust, a clever comedienne of
Billy Morrison, Graham Smith and
George Hopkins form the trio for the
one-act musical skit, ‘ ‘ Three Singin ’
Bones,” which according to Paul
Spangler, manager, will be the one big
surprise and hit of the evening.
Curtiss Peterson, baritone, and
George Hopkins, tenor, will appear in
solos. Oregon songs and popular selec
tions will be features of the cpncert,
mingled with heavier numbers by fa
mous composers.
Fourteen members of the Girls’ Glee
club have consented to usher for the
event. Since many of the churches are
holding services in the earlier part of
the evening the curtain will not rise
until 8:45.
The Program
The program follows:
Comrade Song .Bullard
Glee Club
Baritone Solo, “Garden of Allah”—
. Marshall
Mr. Peterson
Shores of Sighing .Chaffin
Glee Club
Piano Solo—“March Militaire, ”....
.. Schubert
Mr. Hopkins
(a) Her Rose, Solo .Coombs
Mr. Peterson
(b) Song of Winter .Hawley
Glee Club
Songs from the Sunny Southland
Glee Club
Just a Song .Molloy-Holcomb
De Sandman .Protheroe
Banjo Song .Homer-Peek
Solo, Mr. Hopkins
Deep River .Burleigh-Evans
Mr. Peterson and Quartet
Carry Me Back to Old Virginny..Bland
Medley . Arranged
Glee Club
Singa da Carus’ .Arthivr Johnson
Rarebits .\.Doust and Lyons
i Three Singin’ Bones .
. Morrison, Smith, Hopkins
Oregon Songs .
Quartet and Glee C^irb
To Take F&al Examinations For
Entrance to Annapolis
John Dierdorff, candidate for en
I trance to the naval academy, who lived
at Friendly hall last term, is back on
! the campus for a few days to finish
! his final examinations, preparatory to
entering Annapolis. •
A series of six examinations includ
1 ing geometry, arithmetic, grammar,
geography, and history must be taken
at the Eugene postoffice and wilT oc
' eupy the time between Wednesday and
Saturday. Mr. Dierdorff expects to
leave for Annapolis the last of May.
He is the guest of the U-Avava club
during his stay.
Both Faculty Teams, Delts and
Oregon Club Jump Into
Lead in League
Faculty No. One .
A. T. O.
Oregon club .
Sigma Chi .
Delts ..
U club.
Phi Delts .
Faculty No. Two
Beta .
Fiji .
Dorm .
Won ,Lo9t
... 1 0
... 0 1
... 1 0
... 0 1
... 1 0
... 0 1
... 0 1
... 1 0
The Oregon club tennis team, com
posed of Harry Westerinan and Martin
Sichel Succeeded in eliminating the
Sigma Chis from the tennis league, by
defeating Graham Smith and “Bill”
Patterson, who played for the Sigma
Chis, 6-3, 6-3. Harry Westerman is the
shining light of the doughnut games
and is showing some real class on the
court. The Delts won their first game
by walloping the U. club to the scoro
of 6-0, 6-0. Jay Butler and William
Beck defended the U club, while
“Jack” Askey and Kenneth Smith
won the match for the Delts. The Delt
men look like possible champions, but
they are going to find some stiff com
petition when they play the Oregon
club and the Betas. The Betas liaye
not been seen in action yet, but with
George Beggs and Forrest Watson on
their team they would have a chance
for the honors.
Faculty team No. 2 won their game
from Bill Cummings and Joe Ingram,
who played for the Phi Delts. The fac
ulty team of Larreinore and Warner put
up a stiff game, but the Phi Delts
held them to a 6-3, 6-3 score.
The Beta vs. Fiji match which was
to have been played Monday afternoon
is still being postponed by these teams.
They are holding up the whole schedule
because of their delay, for the Dorm
team will play the winner of this game.
The new schedule will be anounced ji^st
as soon as these teams play their
Ii. A. Hyland Engaged to Chicago Girl;
Will Graduate This Year
A clipping from a Chicago newspaper
enclosed in a letter from L. A. Hyland,
to Miss Charlie Fenton, alumni secre
tary, contains the news of his engage
ment to a Chicago girl, Clara Melms.
Hyland was a student at the University
in 1913 and 1914. He is now attending
the Northwestern University and will
graduate from the medical school thefe
this year.
Hyland writes that he was in service
with the medical corps for some time
and then transferred to the 8. A. T. C.
He has accepted a position in Calloway,
Nebraska, and will go there as soon
as school closes.
He wrote to send his alumni dues and
to wish the. alumni magazine much
Student Volunteer Officer Speaks at
Bungalow Meeting
Miss Edith Haslett, national travel
ing secretary for the Student Volun
teer, an organization of students inter
ested in missions, who spoke at the
Bungalow this afternoon, arrived on
the campus on Wednesday, from Cali
fornia. Miss Hazlett has been making
a tour of the universities and* colleges
of California and this month she will
visit the principal colleges of Oregon.
From August 25 to September 5,
Miss Haslett will be one of the lec
turers at Seabeck, Washington, coming
from Asilpmar, California, which is
also a conference grounds of Y. W. C. A.
for students from the southwest. While
on the campus Miss Haslett will be en
tertained with a dinner given by the
Y. W. C. A. cabinet at the Bungalow
on Friday night.
Well, Anyway, It
Was Some Noise
While It Lasted
It was one o ’clock. All the good Chi
Omegas were in bed. All the others
were in bed too. Suddenly the whole
house awoko with a start.
“Good Heavens! What on earth is
that noise!’’ they asked one another.
A weird, scratching, shrieking sound
permeated everywhere. It continued
for about two minutes and finally died
out in a blaze of noise. The Chi Ome
gas looked about in a startled manner.
There was silence for a few seconds
and the noise broke out again.
At the Theta house, the Alpha Phi
house, and even the Sigma Nu house,
the noise awoke the inmates. It sounded
like a cross between a siren and the
breaking up of a hard winter. For a
half hour it continued intermittently,
and finally died away for good.
The next day frenzied calls to the
police department and Lo Zengo La
Snoope, the Emerald sleuth, set the
wheels of investigation in motion. It
was afternoon before La Snoope un
earthed the mystery. He was walking
in front of Villard hall when he himself
heard the weird noise. By the time he
managed to get control of his nerves
and stop himself, he was near Spring
field. With indomitable courage and
horoic self-sacrifice, he made his way
slowly tb the heart of the noiBe. As he
neared the Sigma Chi house a look of
comprehension spread over his intelli
gent face. He understood.
The whole Sigma Chi personnel was
on the front porch, each faco beaming
with a sort of parental pride. In the
center of the group, worshipped as a
shrine, was a new jazz phonograph.
The city authorities decided to allow
them to keep their now toy, after they
had promised to purchase the most soft
toned needles obtainable, and to refrain
from using it after dark.
Alice Hamm, Eugene, and Anna
Vogel, Coburg, Officers
of Sigma Delta Phi
A now local sorority of University
women was announced this morning.
Nineteen girls, now living in town,
have formed the club under the name
of Sigma Delta Phi. They will estab
lish their own home in the fall and
will petition for a national.
The local has the endorsement of
President Campbell, Dean Louise Ehr
man, Dean John Straub, Dr. and Mrs.
W. P. Boynton and Mrs. E. P. Datson,
who are giving their co-operation to the
girls in their new organization.
President Campbell said today: “I
am glad to learn that this organization
is being formed. It will help to solve
the problem of housing at the Uni
versity next year. I know the stu
dents in Sigma Delta Phi are young
women of fine University standing and
I have no doubt of the success of their
plans. ’ ’
The officers are: Alice Hamm, of
Eugene, president, and Anna Vogel, of
Coburg, secretary and treasurer. The
other members are Florida Hill, Lois
Gray, Dorothea Boynton, Vera Tobey,
Elsie Marsh, Metta Olsen, Bernice
Robb, Mary Turner, Marion Andrews,
Leola Greene, Germany Klemm, all of
Eugene; Margaret Mansfield, of Pros
pect, Frances Blurock, of Vancouver,
Wash., Dorothy Prairie, of Portland,
Irva Smith, of Waterville, Leah Wag
ner, of Wiisonville and Helen Gron
holm, of Astoria.
The new headquarters of the R. 6.
T. C. are located in the barracks on
University street, built for the 8. A.
T. C. last fall. The department moved
from Friendly hall Tuesday. The offi
: ees for the staff officers are located
on the first floor. The rooms are fair
1 ly large and bright with new white
; paint. The supply rooms are also on
the first floor. The upper story will
• be used for gallery practice and ofor
i lectures, according to Colonel W. II. C.
' Bowen, professor of military science
and tactics.
Former Interscholastic Baseball
Stars Included in Port
land Lineup
Wilson to Do the Pitching and
Leslie to be on the Receiv
ing End for Oregon
The University of Oregon baseball
team will clash with the Multnomah
Amateur Athletic club nine on Ceme
tery ridge next Saturday afternoon at
2:30. The game will be the first real
contest of the season in which the var
sity will meet a strong team and one
that knows baseball. The game this
week should give “Shy” and the stu
dents a chance to see the team in ac
tion and to compare their playing with
that of a seasoned team.
The Multnomah club team has an
abundance of Portland semi-pro talerit
on their roster and are planning on a
season without any chalk marks in the
lost column. Many of the men playing
for the club are former Portland in
terscholastic stars and are igell known
in Portland baseball circles. Among
those who are pastiming with the fast
Portland team are such players aa
Hughie McKenna, former short stop
for Columbia university; Girth Cole,
former Lincoln star, and a number of
Probable Lineup Given
‘ ‘ Shy ” is' expecting a hard game
with the Multnomah team and does not
consider that his team will have every
thing its own way. The battery for
the club nine has not been announced
but they are Reported to have excep
tional strength in these two depart
ments. Some of the men on the visiting
team have just returned from service
and are playing better ball than ever
“Chief” Wilson will probably start
the gamo for Oregon and Eddie Durno
may get a chance on the mound before
the afternoon is over. “Jiggs” Les
lie is expected to do the receiving for
the varsity as Durno will probably not
be used behind the bat. “Herm” Lind
will be stationed at fi«t base for
the varsity, and second will be taken
cere of by either “Billy” Mor
rison of “ Desertsneaker ” Camp
bell. At short the varsity will have
“Billy” Rhinehart, who will show for
the first time since returning to col
lege. Johnny Houston is slated tip
take third. Houston is showing well as
a fielder at the third station but as a
hitter he simply is not present.
Gamble Strong Batter
In the outfield there will be ‘*Ever
ready ’ ’ Gamble and ‘ ‘ Dot ’ ’ Medley and
probably either Campbell or Morrison.
Huntington has not announced just
who will take the third place in the
outfield, but it is expected that who
ever does not take the second base job
will be found gambling in the outer
On the varsity team there will be
at least three batters who should get
busy in the Saturday game. They are:
‘ ‘ Herm ’ ’Lind,* ‘ Dot ’ ’ Medley and John
ny Gamble. Gamble's strong point is
that he can bat from either side of the
plate, making him as effective against
left hand pitchers as he is against
right. Other strong batters on the
team are Rhinehart and Campbell. Mor
rison is valuable in that he draws
more free transportation than any
other man on the team. Campbell is
one of the best sacrifice hitters that
“Shy” has around the lot.
Vivian Kellenm, '18, has recently
accepted a position at a salary of
seventy-five dollars a week with the
; Salvation Army to solicit funds for a
. drive that is being made in the South.
Her headquarters are at Montgomery,
Alabama. Miss Kellems has been with
theoBadcliffe Chautauqua bureau since
December. Up until that time since
her graduation she has been doing civil
service work in Washington, D. C.