Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, March 15, 1919, Page Three, Image 3

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Committee to Hold Important
Session Monday To De
cide On Plans.
The Greater Oregon committee will
hold an important meeting in Guild hall
nest Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock to
discuss plans for work among the differ
ent high schools during spring vacation.
Literature containing information about
the University will be given to the differ
ent members of the committee for dis
tribution among the high school stu
dents. Eddie Durno, chairman, requests
that all members be present. Dean Wal
ker, Herald White, Karl W. Onthank
and Eddie Durno will outline the plans
as have been worked out.
The revised personnel of the commit
tee is as follows: Leith Abbott, Ashland;
C. V. Seitz, Alsea; Lee Fortmiller, Al
bany; Lindsey Campbell, Amity; Dorothy
Wootton and Mellie Parker, Astoria;
Glenn Dudley, Athena; Douglas M"l
larky, Bend; John S. Moore, Barnlon;
Marjorie Edsall, Bly; Norris Jones, Ba
ker; Clyde Compton, Broadmead; Ruth
Bailey, Brownsville; Annette Leonard,
Burns; Fred Lorenz, Coquille; David
Leslie, Caldwell, Idaho; Emily Spulak,
Charles Btiycan. Cannon City; Lois
Laughlin, Carlton: Harris Ellsworth,
Cascade Locks; Silas Starr and Maud
Barnes, Dallas; Thomas Strachan, Du
fur; James Brophy, Derby; William Mor
rison. Clifford Manerud and Claire Kee
ney, Eugene; Elna Thompson. Echo;
Hester Hurd. Florence; Irvin Thomas,
Forest Grove; Kenneth McGillivray,
Clatskanie; Anna Vogel, Coburg: Marion
Rinehart, Condon; Herald White, Cot
tage Grove; Wayne Laird, Creswell;
Blaine Leighton, Elgin; Jim Maxwell,
Harry Lindley, Enterprise; John
Schenk, Sstacada; Maurice Selig, Falls
City; Francis Belief, Freewater; Nar
cissa Jewett, Gardiner; Earl Cook, Gold
Hill; Jeannette Moss, Grants Pass;-El
don Cross, Halsey; Roy Davidson, Helix;
Arthur Campbell, Heppner; Melvin Mur
cliie, Hermiston; John Dierdorff,, Hills
boro; Charles Huggins, Hood River;
.Brrice Yergen, Hubbard.
Charles Dawes, Independence; Merle
Blake, lone; Beta Kiddle, Island City;
Evangeline Kendall, Jamieson: Kenneth
Armstrong, Jefferson; Henry Foster,
John Day; Guy Morelock. Joseph; J0V1
Houston, Klamath Falls; Max Si mm oils.
La Grande; Mildred Garland, Lebanon;
Wanda Nelson, McMinnville; Margaret
Wells, Marcola; Thomas Chapman,
Marshfield; Carter Brandon, Med
ford; Francis Marsh, Metolius; Na
omi Robbing, Mollnlla; Guy Sacre, Mon
mouth; Chester Adams and Ileleu Whit
aker, Myrtle Point; George Taylor,
North Bend; Rena Adams, Ontario; Gor
don Fauley, Oregon City; Edward Twin
ing. Oswego: Frank Fowler and Eugene
Boylen, Pendleton; Frank Palmer, Philo
Lyman Meador, Prairie City; James
Blanchard, Prineville; Marie Gallager.
Rainier; Thomas Driscoll, Redmond;
William West Frator, Riddle; Wolcott
Buren and George Doust. Salem; Kath
erine DeVoe, Roseburg; Eddie Durno,
Silverton; James Dobson. Scnppoose;
Kenneth Comstock. Suthorlin; Lay Car
lisle, The Dalles; John Watson. Turner;
Lawton McDaniel, Wallowa; Francis
Schrode, Waltervillc; John Brock. Wood
burn; Wayne Akers, Wasco.
The members of the committee for the
Portland high schools are: Lincoln high
school, Alexander Brown and Nick Car
ter: Washington high school. Carl Mautz
and Jack Pnndore; Jefferson high school.
.Toe Ti’owbriilge: .Tames John, Russell
Meyers; Columbia University, Francis
Jacobberger and Vincent Jaeobberger.
(Continued from page one.)
maties department: “I think that next
year will be the most favorable time for
taking up the matter of student control.
.Never before has the student body taken
IV the problems of University life and of
civic work as they have since the United
States entered the war. They handled the
serious problems that arose with the
judgment of men and women and were a
wonderful help to the faculty. I think tnat
the faculty has never been so proud
of the help of the student body as they
have during the past two years. I believe
that with the men hack, as they practi
cally all will be back jty nest fall, that
next year will see the University better
prepared for self-government than it has
kver been before in its history. This is j
because of two reasons, the students have
handled responsible problems and are '
used to them, and the men coming back
no longer look at things as boys but as
men. Discussion is good now but the i
ideal time for organization is nest fall. |
"If the students are willing to take the
responsibility then there will develop
real leaders that will be prepared for
life, and the accomplishment of this end
will be worth all the efforts put into
the responsibility of student control.”
Council Members For It.
Members of the student council and
other students have added their say to
the discussion.
Herald White.: "It is an ideai thing
to work for but I am not sure that the
student body is capable of taking hold of
it now, for it will mean a radical change,
and in their period of readjustment there
is a certain amount of antagonism among
the students anyway. A failure would
prove disastrous to the college. I am not
in favor of trying it right now.”
Ella Dews: ‘‘Student control is the only
official means of administering and exe
cuting the regulations that are necessary
to govern any group of students.”
Helen Brenton: “University students
are supposedly beyond the kindergarten
stage and nsl responsible members of the
community are perfectly capable of self
Herman Iind: “1 think it is a good
thing and if it has been worked out. else
where^ it can be done here.”
No One to Sign Voluminous Quantity
of Excuse Blanks.
Wanted, one highly honorable individ
ual to act in the capacity of n college
dignitary! When the deans are away—
well, there is no one to sign the volu
minous quantitr of excuse blanks—that.
undeniably worth while process by which .
students make amends with the world i
for cuffing lectures, classes and even ;
cutting remarks
The fact is. that no office hours I
were kept in the deanery this morning ■
or yesterday afternoon. Dean Straub
left the campus yesterday noon for a
tour into Idaho and eastern and cen
tral Oregon, where he is scheduled to \
make some 25 or more addresses be- |
fore high school students in the inter- |
ests of the University. He expects to
be gone about two weeks during which j
time he will win a crowd of people in
fo coming to the University next year j
—even as you and I were captured not
so many years ago. He's going to do
the country up in great style: he’s go
' ing to stop at Boise City, Payette, Nam
pa. Weiser, Ontario, Baker, La Grande,
Joseph and every other little village
interested in the wonders of higher
education and the posibilities of such
as offered at Oregon.
In the meantime, however, Doan
Ehrmann has not yet returned from her
tour into the southern part of the
state, where she too has been speak
ing for the University, with a partic
ular emphasis on the woman's build
ing fund.
Howard McCulloch. Flying Cadet; In
structor at Mather Field.
Howard T. McCulloch, a. junior in the
class of 1917, who was a flying cadet
in the air service, received his dis
charge January, 1919, and in a letter
to Emma Wootton Hall, secretary of
military affairs at the University,
states that he intends to return to the
University if possible.
Mr. McCulloch was graduated from
the University of California, Berkeley,
ex Floral Co.
Phone 962.
Rex Theater Building.
Ail kinds of Christmas Flowers and Plants.
In your clothing gives you a feeling of be
ing WELL DRESSED. By selecting your
NEW SPRING SUIT from our beautiful
display of over 800 Snappy and Distinctive
patterns you will not only have the best of
tailoring, but will know that you have em
bodied your own individual desires into
your clothes.
Prices $20 up, and all-wool.
Nobby Spring Lids That
You’ll Like.
The Haberdasher
Men's Outfitters.
Paul Willoughby.
W. Polders.
the school of military aeronautics
and received his commission at Math
er field, Sacramento, California, ns
second lieutenant.
From the time of receiving- his com
mission he had flying distinction and j
was an instructor at Mather field, Sac- '
ramcnto from October, 191$ to Janu
ary. 1919. Previous to this enlist
ment lie spent ten months on the Mex
ican border with troop A, Oregon cav
“I started flying training with
“Chuck Pundore,’’ he writes, “and
both of us had our only crack up with
in 60 feet of each other and at the
same time, Both on our 'solo* trip.*’
More than half of Bugene’s $25000
fund for the benefit of the Woman's
Building fund remains to be raised af
ter nearly a week of effort on the part
of the Chamber of Commerce.
Of the $12,000 raised. $1,000 was sub
scribed by President. Campbell, who made
the first, contribution to the fund. Other ;
members of the faculty are among the
"Whilo the work of raising the whole 1
$25,000 appears to be dragging, the com
mittee in charge is by no means discour
aged. New life is to be put into the cam
paign, next week in the hope of having
the first $25,000, to be matched by state
appropriation, raised in time to insure
an early start of construction on the
For Those
Always Think of the
We Make Good Photos
734 Willamette Street.
f and
Smart Oxfords for
College Girls
111 Dark Tan (Mahogany) Cal
burden Graham
This points to—
SUCCESS in Buying
GROCERIES of Highest Quality
at Lowest Prices
FRUITS of all kinds.
VEGETABLES that are fresh.
Complete and Up-to-Datc
Give us your order for all Dinners and So
cial events, Picnic Lunches, furnished and
packed, napkins and plates supplied. Give us
your order and call for lunch complete.
Table Supply Company
Ninth and Oak Street.