Emerald VOLUME XX. EUGENE, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 15. 1919. NO. 59. LINCOLN TO MEET SALEM III FINAL EAMEFOn TITLE Portland Five is Victor Over Silverton; Capital City Boys Beat Ashland. CHAMPIONS OF SOUTH SWEPT OFF THEIR FEET Valley Lads’ Fight Wins; Quint From Silyerton Outplayed By Dewey’s Pupils. tin the semi-finals of the state bas ketball tournament played this morning in the men’s/ gymnasium, Lincoln high. «( Portland, was returned winner over Milverton by the score of 33 to 10, and Salem handed Ashland a drubbing to the tunj of 39 to li- As a result of this morning’# encounters George Dewey's pupils and Salem will meet tonight to settle tie championship of the state. The (Portland team allowed Silverton to roll up an early lead on them this morning, the count being 9 to 4 after | the .first few minutes of play. Lincoln I duplicated her performance of yester day and got going late in the first half, which ended with the count 10 to 11 in their favor. In the second period the Lincoln quintet finished the fireworks and made things move. With Dubinsky keeping the Silverton team from their goal and Wright and Cole working over time, the Rose City team began to throw them in from *11 sides Dubinsky Uuards Basket The work of Dubinsky, who is one of the emalleet men in. the meet, together with that of Cole, his team mate, was the best that has been shown during the tounuamenl along lines of guarding. Nei- j their of these players is large, but they are clever and fist, which gives them an advantage over size. Mo far in the meet only one basket has been scored on Dubinsky, which was gathered by one of the Eugene players. In today's game be guarded Morley to a fire-you-well, and only allowed him to get about two shots ' at the basket. Matheny, center, played a good game fk>r -the Silverton team and Harwood wm going well when he was taken out wi(jl an injured knee. Hugh Latham, playing the lead, and supporting cast of four took Ashland down the line in one of the most artis tic trimmings yet staged this week-end. Ashland was inclined to be cocky be fore the game and the Capital City ag gregation took advantage of this state ahd Stepped on them- Salem started the game with a rush and a world of fight #pluch took the southern Oregon cham pions off their feet. The first half end ed with the count 16 to 7 in the favor of the five from the Cherry City. Ashland oily scored one field basket in the initial period. 7 Safem Keeps It Up tin the second frame the Salem crew continued the good work and kept toss ing them in until they had a total of 39 to the 17 for Ashland when Hern Lind blew the whistle and ended the fes tivity. Hugh Latham, the elongated Sa fom center, almost had his equal, in height, in McMillan, the Ashland center. Salem was able to guard tbe Ashland forwards closely, whieh caused the south ern visitors’ downfall. Co-starring with Latham for the Sa (Continued on page four) TEACHING JOBS ARE LISTED Applioants Asked to Regfister With 4* Appointment Bureau. The University appointment bureau has bated among the positions for nprt yea? several which should prove to be quite valuable, according to Dr. H. D. Sheldon, dean of the school of educa tion. as some of the salaries offered amount to $1,350 a year. Owing to the lack of suitable candidates Dr. Sheldon ha* been unable to make recommenda tions for these positions. He requests that all graduates of this year who in tend to teach, leave their names with the appointment bureau before the spring vacation, so that recommendations may be made for some of the positions that University of Oregon Basketball Team, Champions of Pacific Coast for 1919 1 Victory In Twelve Of Fifteen Games Due to Team Work and Speed. Oregon's basketball quintet has just completed one of the most successful seasons in its history, ending with the lemon-yellow team the champions of the Pacific coast. The season started with not very bright prospects for Oregon with only two letter men back, Ned Fow ler and Herman Lind, and only six possi bilities from which to pick a winning team. Of the first four games of the season. Oregon won only one, making a none too hopeful outlook for the season. Tne first two games of the season with Washington State College were close, however, Oregon winning the first 29 to 23, and losing the second 36 to 35. due to personal fouls of Oregon men. Then followed the games with the Uni versity of Washington at Seattle in which Oregon lost 26 to 24 and 19 to 13. After these games, Oregon’s luck turn ed, however, and from that time on. the lemon-yellow swept on to victory, win ning every one of the eleven remaining contests. In the games on the local floor with the Washington aggregation Ore gon was easily the vietoT in both games, showing superior team work, ability to shoot baskets and greater speed. The’ games were won 25 to 19 and 37 to 19. 0. A. C. Is Swamped. Then came the O. A. C. games in which Oregon defeated the Aggies at Corvallis 27 to 17 and 36 to 16 and on the local floor 34 to 17 and 28 to 23, the last game being hotly contested. O. A. C. showed up much better in the games he,re than in those at Corvallis, having better team work and displaying ability to shoot i baskets. In the second set of games with W. S. C. at Pullman, Oregon won easily by scores of 38 to 28 and 43 to 27. In the games with the University of California at Berkeley, Oregon took both games, 39 to 37, and 30 to 28, playing a clean, swift game and showing great abil ity in making baskets from hard angles. Eddie Purno, forward, was Oregon’s star throughout all the games, getting in to every play, dodging his guards, often big men, with remarkable skill and shoot ing baskets from all angles of the floor. Durno himself made 231 of Oregon's to tal of 438 points, in this season’s con test. In several of the games, Durno made more points than the opposing team’s final score. Only Six in Squad. All the other members of the team did good work and were mentioned in press reports as splendid support. The team played the season with only six men, Durno. Herman Lind, center, Nish phap man, Francis Jaeobberger and Carter (Continued on Page 8) Upper row, left to right: Fowler, forward; Durno, forward; Lind, center; Chapman, guard. Lower row, left to right; K Jacobberger, guard; Brandon, utility. COLONEL OID HERE IS H.O.T.C. OFFICER Comes As Assistant Professor of Military Science; In Army Eleven Years. Lieutenant Colonel Raymond C. Baird, arrived on the campus yesterday after noon from Camp Zachary Taylor, Ken tucky, to take up his duties as assistant professor of military science and tactics. He has been at Camp Taylor since Oc tober. 1918, where he organized the 04th pioneer infantry. He had his sailing or ders and was ready to leave for France when the armistice was signed. Colonel Baird has been in the army for eleven ' years. He served in the Philippines with the 25th infantry for a year and a half beginning in 190S and was in Honolulu for three years and a half, also with the 25th infantry. He was attached to the 25th for seven years, and was also with the 21st. 35th and 8th infantry. Before going to Camp Taylor, he was stationed at Camp Lee, Virginia, for eight months in the replacement camp. Just beforp war was declared, he was on duty at Kansas City where he organ ized eadet work among the high sehool students. DOROTHY COLLIER IS IWYJI. SECRETARY University Graduate to Take Miss Dinstiale’s Place for Rest of Year. ' Miss Dorothy Collier will succeed Miss Tirza Dinsdale as secretary of the cam pus Y. W. C. A. for the remainder of the college year. Miss Collier graduated from the University laBt year and was active in Y. \V- C. A. affairs all during her college life. She wns a member of the cabinet for three years. Miss DLnsdale, who expects to leave the first of April to go to France as an association secretary, said yesterday that Miss Alice Hr own, student execu tive of the Northwest, whose headquar ters are in Seattle, announced while on the campus this week that it would be impossible to secure a secretary from the field at this time. The application, however, has been sent in to New Y'ork, the national headquarter-. Miss Collier had charge of the Y. W. C. A. work for five weeks last fall dur ing Miss Dinsdale’s absence in the in terests of the United War \Vork cam paign. TIFFANY RESIGNS AS REGISTRAR, TO GO 10 BUSINESS Has Seen University Grow 500 Per Cent; Carlton Spen cer Will Be Successor. A. R. Tiffany, registrar at the Univer sity sinee 100."), has resigned his position in order to take up his work with the l'oran Printing House in which he has bought a partnership with Joseph Koke, Mr. Tiffany's resignation will take effect July 1, but he will not be at the Uni versity offices much after the first of April. Carlton Spencer, MO, will ho nominat ed by the administration and selection of a man will be made by executive commit tee meeting tonight. When Mr. Tiffany became registrar in the summer of 1005 he also held the position of secretary to the president. At that time the students registered in Yillard Hall, one corner of the first floor being used for the president’s office. On the president's left Mr. Tiffany had his office and on the right was the business office. When Mr. Tiffany became regis trar the University had about .‘>00 stu dents in all departments; at his leaving the institution contains about 1800 stu dents. Managed Several Activities. A. II. Tiffany was graduated from the University in 1005 and soon after receiv ing his degree took up his work with the University. While in college Mr. Tiffany was manager of the Emerald, managed the Men’s lilec club, baseball one year, and other student activities. He was graduate manager at the University dur ing the years 1015-10. 1016-17, 1017-18. Mr. Tiffany snid that lie had gained his experience in the printing business through handling the publication of Uni versity matter, as the University print ing was under the management of the registrar's office for a good many yenrs. “There is no nicer place in the world to work than a university.” Mr. Tiffany said yesterday, “especially the University of Oregon. The faculty is most agreeable to work with, and I don’t think there is ns nice a man in the United States to work with as President Campbell." Printing House Is Largo. Mr. Tiffany said that some changes will be made in the arrangement of the building of the Yoran Printing House giving more room to the firm and a front on Olive street as well as on Eighth ave nue. The firm is one of five largest print ing houses in the state, perhaps the larg est outside of Portland. Myron Hoyt, from Hood River, and Toll Saunders, of the Phi DeP chapter at O. A. C., are spending the week-end at the Phi Delta Theta house. * Dean Sheldon Says It Should Come Gradually. Can Expand Later. HERALD WHITE THINKS TIME NOT PROPITIOUS Herman Lind Says He Can Do It If Others Can. Ella Dews For It. The subject of student control for ths niversity is exciting more comment mch tiny both among the faculty and the students themselves. Most of the argu nents are favoring the movement with some few conditional sanctions. Among Ihe faculty several members have ex pressed their opinions on the idea in interviews. Dean H. I). Sheldon of the School of Education says; "1 think the students should be given the largest measure of control consistent for efficiency aud'good otdei, particularly if they are interested in it and the larger majority desire it. I believe, however, that it should be given to them a step at a time and then if they make good and handle it efficiently it should he extended. My observations have been that some students are inter ested in it and thnt others are not. To make student control a success the ma jority has to take an interest in it. If they should take an interest and work at it, it would he a success but if they should not take an Interest in it and leave it to a lew it would not; he a success. As to whether the students are interested in it enough to make it a success—that is for them to determine.” Best Way to Handle Question. Professor Warren P. Smith, of the department of geology; “I think it is the best, way to handle the question of gov ernment. It has been worked out. in Wis consin and Vanderbilt universities and in the latter place the faculty does not even have to consider the matter of cheating in exams. In one instance that I know of three members of an organization came to a faculty member and told hint that he would not have to look into the matter of one of their members cheating in an examination for they had already seen to his leaving college. That was a drastic action hut. just what they did. “Wisconsin had a student senate which acted on a!! disciplinary matters during my time there. The students hardly ever came before the faculty unless it was something quite serious. All minor of fences came to the student senate. In fact, while there I hardly know what the rules were; I knew that I couldn’t do some certain things hut for the most part it was left to me what I should do Break Not Too Marty Rules. Speaking from a personal standpoint, and not. from an official one, I do not rare what the students do outside the classrooms. I have my own way of got »tinjc the work done in the classroom and outside I do not worry about what they do. My criticism would be not against the breaking of rules but agaiust too many rules. I take it for granted & that the students know that the three most important things are that they he honest, decent and studious. And I do not see why they cannot regulate these matters just ns well as the faculty.” Dr. W. P. Boynton, of the physics de partment: “f believe that most of the faculty would welcome any move otward student self government. We already have a considerable measure of it in prac tice. I am in favor of extending it just as far :\p the student body is willing to undertake the responsibility that must accompany it. It is obvious that as re gards anv serious matters of discipline, in case the responsible governing board was guilty of any flagrant failure to maintain the necessary discipline, the faculty would naturally proceed against this board first, and later if at all against the original offender. The unwillingness to assume such heavy responsibilities be fore there was a sufficiently strong stu dent sentiment to back up real self-gov ernment is probably why such a plan has not been adopted here earlier.” Professor F. E. DeCou, of the mathe f (Continued on page 3.)