STUDENT COnL PUN IS APPROVED Faculty Members Favor Giving Trial to New System of Government. * The contribution by I)r. A. E. Cas well, of the physics department, in re gard to student control, printed in the /Tuesday issue of the Emerald, bus called forth from numerous members of the faculty expressions on the subject, nil more or less favorable. The idea is caus ing comment in both student and faculty groups on the campus and all persons interviewed seem willing to talk on the subject. Dean Eric Allan: “.Student control— why not? There are some things that stduents can control more effectively than either faculty or regents- If the students don’t mind being bothered by the routine of a tiresome and never-end ing job, they could probably insure good order and decent behavior throughout the campus community just ns ably as the faculty can. The morale of the Uni versity is higher this year than ever be fore. Hit is perfectly apparent that the student body is just as thoroughly en listed in the cause of law and order, self control, decency, hard work and self improvement. us any body of older per sons could possibly bo. It seems to me that « great share of University disci pline could be safely intrusted to their hands. Must Maintain Environment “There should be no mistake, how ever, as to the ultimate purpose of all regulations, whether they originate from faculty or students. I’niversity life must be so governed as to furnish an environment that is favorable to robust physical health, continued and severe mental effort, high ideals of scholarship, clean and stimulating social contracts,and opportunity for spiritual growth. If the students want to undertake the job with the definite purpose of creating such an environment, and I believe that such is their purpose, J say lot firm go to it. “I sal through the Fullerton trial last week ami saw all the I'Diversity's dirty linen for forty years washed in public. To me it seems that the students whose life Iuim emerged so entirely vindicated mid justified from that test can be trust ed with self-regulation if they want the experience and will undertake the work with the knowledge of what it is that the world demands of a university. It was also fully apparent at the Fullerton trial that faculty control had not failed far from it in fact, that it had heeen a bril liant nuccss. If student control is to be subsituteil it should lie with (lie real ization that if it is to improve the al ready clean, active, delightful life of oar campus, it lifts got to 'go some-’ ” Dr. John F. ltovanl said when quos tioned on tin' subject: "Toward the gen eral scheme of student control when well worked out, 1 am strongly in favor. I consider it a good stunt.” Dean Straub Doubtful Dean .1 ohn Straub: “Fonsiderably less than ten per cent of the colleges have student control. A year or two ago 1 read in an educational journal where the student bodies of two colleges of con siderable note had turned back their stu dent government to tin' faculty. Per sonally I would favor student control here for ,i trial if desired by a large ma jority of the students. 1 do not think, however, that it is the ideal form of govi ament, because the students in con trol, feeling that they must make good, become too severe or else not desiring to appear vindh five or unjust mal e their sentences too light. In all institutions in which they have student control as far ns 1 know the faculty retains the right of veto.” rTTOTOO HA PI 1S Satisfaction guar anteed. ItOMANK STUDIO. CGCIAL WORKERS DEEDED Toni 1 >*■«'rinjr. community orgauizcr of Gray's 1 district of Iho War Com munity l amp Service, recently wroto to U. I,. Stetson, professor of education, asking for the recommendation of Uni versity women who would he qualified to net ns community social organizers of girls in the W. S. work. Mr. Itceriug is doing extensive work in this field, according to Professor Stet son, and would like to have two or three college women who would be qualified for the work, to put into the field. The work will not necessarily be in the (Iray's Harbor district. The salari paid these workers, according to Mr. I toering’s let ter. is $1 1100 to ,<1,400 a year and up. \nv University gM interested in this Work can see Professor Stetson for fur ther details. Mr. 1 leering is a college classmate of Professor Stetson, and a graduate of the University of Washington, lie has spent four years in settlement social work in Boston. PHOTOGRAPHS Satisfaction guar anteed. BmMANK STUDIO. CITY $10,196 NEAL GOAL Up to date $10,490 has been raised in the campaign which the business men of Eugene are carrying on in behalf of the Women’s building. This leaves over $14, 000 still to be gotten before the $25,000 quota which is the goal, can be reached. The state is to give an additional $25, 000 for every sum turned in from pri vate subscriptions of an epual amount. The I'niversity already has some $21,000 and this money plus $4000 more added to the amount which the committee in charge feels sure they will be able to get in a short time—they are going to keep on until they do get it—will make $50,000 to which the state will add a like sum. Work can then he started on the building this summer. George II. McMorran is chairman of the campaign committee of which J. H. Kobe, F. L. Ghambers and W. W. Gal kins are members. This committee has twenty men canvassing the city for mon ey for the cause. FicunTiclfiES GROUPS OF STUDIES Also Decide not to Excuse Cuts Made Before Octo ber, 1918. Till! report of (he committee of lower division advisers was adopted at the fac ulty meeting, held in . PHOTOGRAPHS —Satisfaction guar anteed ROMANB STUDIO. Y. W. C. A. BANQUET ATTENDED BY 200 Short Talk Given by Members; Miss Dinsdale Speaks on “Looking Ahead.” About two hundred members of the Y. W. C. A. and faculty women at tended the annual banquet and twenty fifth anniversary of the Y. W. C. A. of the University of Oregon last night at the Osburn Hotel. The dining room was attractively decorated with huge bowls of yellow daffodills and ivy and th« lights were shaded with the same color of yellow. Essie Maguire, former president of the Y. W. C. A. acted as toastmistress. Helen MacDonald gave the treasurer's report, and Mrs. M. H. Douglass the report of the advisory board treasury. Miss Maguire announced that the va j cancles on the advisory board were filled by Mrs. A. K. Tiffany and Mrs. Hubert Hall, and that Mrs. William Moll Case and Mrs. W. P. Fell were re elected to membership. ' Short talks were given by Dorothy Flegel on .Bible study; Mabyl Weller on employment; Mellie Parker on so lal work; Mrs. Kathryn Johnson on membership; Joy Judkins on activi ties, and Mrs. William Moll Case on Seabeck. Mrs. Walter Morton spoke next on, ‘“Thoughts from Advisers.” She as sured the girls that the advisers were back of the girls In every way and asked that every girl live up to the Ideals of the association. Tells of Early Days of Y. W. Mrs. It. C. Clark spoke on Pioneer Days? telling about the struggle which the advisory board of several years ago had to raise money for the pres ent bungalow. She told of canvassing the town from door to door, giving teas, suppers and fairs to raise a suf ficient amount to get the bungalow. The Y. W. C. A. bungalow at the time it was built was the only one of its kind in the United States. Cornelia Hees read letters of greet ing to the Y. W. C. A. from Ruth Westfall, .Louise Allen, Mrs. George Oerlinger and Mary Gilles Smith, for mer campus secretary. Mrs. Donald Young sang two num bers, accompanied by Aurora Potter at tile piano and Alberta Potter on the violin. Miss Alice Brown, National Student Secretary of the Y. W. C. A., talked on “World Citlzeflship.” She spoke par ticularly of tlie reconstruction period and tlie work of ttie P. W. C. A. at tills time. She told of the need for secretaries in France as well as in Japan and India where working uondi tlons are very poor for women. “Ob ligation rests on us to share life it self as world citizens with women of the world," she said. In closing Miss Brown told how pleased sho was with the work accomplished by the Y. W. | C. A. under Miss Dlnsdale. Miss Dlnxdnlc's Farewell. The last speaker on the program I was Miss Tirza Dlnsdale who is leav ing tlio first of the month for service in France. It is a coincidence that last year Miss Elizabeth Fox attended the annual banquet just previous to her leaving for France as a Y. W. C. A. 'secretary. “Looking Ahead" was Miss Dins 1 dale's topic In speaking of the work 1 here she said she looked for great growth and coveted the days ahead 'for the women of the University. As for her own future she could not say much for she lias not been definitely assigned to any particular work. In closing Miss Dlnsdale said "I shall j .— always be deeply grateful for being here and knowing Oregon. I'll be back, I couldn’t stay away.” BOYS OF 69TH TO GF T BIG WELCOME ON ARRIVAL A toelgram just received tram Colo nel C. C. Hammond states that the Eu gene boys of the 69th will bo discharged Friday and Saturday and that about 25 of them will leave Portland Sunday morn ing, arriving at Eugene shortly after noon. It is expected they will come en the 1.50 Southern Pacific. The boys of the 69th regiment C. A. C. will be given a royal welcome here if j they come home in a body, according to the plans of J. C. Price, chairman of the reception committee. According to one j report received here the boys will be here this Sunday. To confirm this report mes sages have been sent to Colonel C. C. Hammond and to the commanding offi cer of the 69th. Should the boys get here together they will be accorded a reception along the same lines as that given the 6.r)th, Mr. Price states, and everybody is asked to participate in the celebration. There are nearly thirty Lane county boys in the regiment and their arrival here will be another big event in Engone’s history. At a meeting om the (i’.)th auxiliary held last night at the Chamber of Com merce, plans for a big banquet in honor of the boys were discussed. Final ar rangements for the affair will be com pleted at a meeting to be held Monday night. The dinner will be given shortly after the men return. The boys of the 69th who will return to Eugene and Lane county soon are as follows: Sergeants .T. Leonard, M. 1?. Moore, B. Gray, O. Albro. Corporals IL Borin, B. Miller. G. F. Wooley, O. Hunsicker, C. Tv. Baldwin, Privates A. Middleton, A. C. Finseth, TV. S. Ilailor. L. Law rence, TV. F. Metteur, P. Woodward, H. D. Wiehell, R. A. Watson, A. C. Metteur, II. J. Metteur, II. F. Parks, J. I). Sum merville, F. W. Wickwire. W. A. Stocker, A. Tomseth, C. King. G. C. Smith, Hart and II. Abbey. The last named has al ready arrived. If it's Meat you want, we’re there to supply your homes. NINTH STREET MEAT MARKET. I Try the Varsity Barber Shop Eleventh Ave. and Alder St. Near the Campus. Marinello To'let Articles Hair Goods Made to Order HASTINGS SISTERS Hair Dressing Parlors Register Building; I’hone 1009 Manicuring, Scalp and Face Treat ing. Switches made from combings. The Best — at — The Peter Pan Short Thicks Milk Shakes Fancy Sundaes Specials That are I ditTerei Come In! ELECTRIC CLEANING CO. CLEANING, PRESSING, REPAIRING. Rugs and Carpets Renovated. Off. Phone 827. 832 Olive St. "OKEH” wnp.AKRGW V’i. t» 03LX*J?URr 25 CENTS EACH CLUETT.PL^BOIT* H Ct. tofc Lee»css Are Bettor 1 or woman who works at concentrated tasks, or tne cnnci in school, should be assured of‘perfect eyesight. Neglect of defects, even though slight at first, may result in serious eye troubles as well as other ills. Any lens changes we may deem necessary during the first year, will be free of charge. SHERMAN W. MOODY Bring Yousr Prescriptions Here. EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST AND OPTICIAN --— - 881 Willamette Street factory on Premises. The Koh-i-noor^ ^ The place where the students go FOR GOOD ICE CREAM, CANDIES LUNCHES, FANCY FRUIT No place like it. Meet me at the Koh-i-noor PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO 57S. Immediate delivery and prompt service. C. A. Mouse, Prop. Millinery 'Parlors Upstairs ! Famous Fiskhats ; Displayed throughout the season. INDIVIDUALITY AND CHARM found on every hat. ] I Order work a specialty. I MRS. RUTH McCALLUM ) CARTER. — Shop — d Over First National Bank. Phone 652.