Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, March 13, 1919, Page Two, Image 2

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Official student body paper of the
University of Oregon, published every
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of the
college year by the Associated Students.
Entered iu the postoffice at Eugene)
Oregon, us second class matter.
... - -—
Subscription rates $1.25 per year.
Helen Bren Urn .Associate
Elizabeth Aumiller .Associate
Dorothy Duniway .News Editor
Erma Zimmerman,Assistant News Editor
lieilh Abbott .Make-Up
Adelaide Luke .Women's Editor
Nell Warwick.Society
Tierce Cumiugs.Features
Alexander G. Brown.Sports
Bess Column.Dramatics
.lelen McDonald, Louise Davis, Fran
ces Cardwell, Dorothy Cox, Elvu Bagley,
Frances Stiles, Stella Sullivan, Velma
llupert, Helen Manning, Raymond Law
re ice, Wanna McKinney. Lyle Bryson,
Sterling Patterson, Mary Ellen Bailey,
Eugene Kelly, William BoJger, Eleanor
Spall, and Stanley Eismun.
Elston Ireland.Circulation
Catherine Dobie .Collections
Warren KnyH, Dorothy Dixon, Virgil
Meador, Lee Ilulbert, Ogden Johnson,
Larry Grey.
News and Business Phone 055.
By the action taken yesterday morning
■when the Associated .Students unani
mously adopted the resolution favoring
.Or. Hovard’s plan for student health in
iiirnuce and infirmary, the last possible
■tep was taken b.v the student body in
showing an enthusiasm for the plan and
a willingness to shoulder their part of
the necessary expense.
Fiee medical attention is necessary
for the prevention of epidemics which
otherwise result under the old system
and a great convenience to students who
become ill diring the college year and
ure either foieed to go to considerable
expense or to be poorly cared for by
student friends. Other universities liuvo
tried the plan ai.il found it imlispensible.
Oregon sronld have had such opportun
ities for medical nttcutlon before, and
the plan should bo adopted now while
the possibility of its adoption is more
likely on account of the recent demon
stration of the worth of the [dan in
handling the influenza epidemic,
Tltc student council and later the en
tire student body voted in favor of the
plan in both instances by unanimous ac
tion. In presenting the proposition to
the Board of Kcgcnts of the Fuiverslty
tit their meeting Iris week. I>r. llovavd
has the backing of the entire student
body. Bv the plan to which the students
have agreed, the greater part of the ex
I'cnso can be born by the student body
by increasing registration fees. It is
Jiow tip to the Board of Regents. There
tan be little doubt but that the new
s> stem will be allowed to go into effect
with the opening of the spring quarter
In April.
A system has just been perfected
Hvbereby it i* possible to play harmon
iously in a continuous band place ail the
Oregon songs, showing u couiuicuduble
Interest anil enthusiasm on the part of
Albert Perfect, director.
The baud is working hard this year.
During the basketball season it has
played, a remnant of it, at the games
ami rallies. These men show the old
fight and are indispensable and appreci
ated but they are not the 1’niversity
baud Be* at tbplr be«* *n .nieli cHoacitiea.
The bnnd concert and dunce planned for
early next quarter will show the ordinary
marches, and will bo #iven by the best
band organization Oregon has ever had,
according to Mr. Perfect.
Will Give Standard Language Tests at
Tillamook School.
Professor C. A Gregory of the school
of education, went to Tillamook Mon
day, on the extension trip. While there
lie will give the standard language
tests, under the nsuplces uMhe Bureau
of Educational Itesearch, which he has
been giving at other schools through
out the state. Professor Gregory will
also deliver addresses before the high
school, the commercial - club, end the
Parent-Teacher Association.
French Universities Found to
Have no Residence Halls,
no Social Life.
Mins Elizabeth F. Fox, dean of women
of the University, now on leave of ab
sence for Y. W. A. war work in
France, in a letter to Miss Tirza Itins
dule, secretary of the campus Y. W. C. A.
written February I, tells something of
the University life in France. Extracts
from her letter follows:
"I am at this moment out on n student
tri|i visiting the Universities in the prov
inces to see whether it will be possible
for the student movement to establish
residence for students. It is tremendu
nusly interesting. The French universi
ties have nothing which resembles a hall
of residence and there is no ‘social lifV
Student Movement Helps.
“Something has been done in Paris by
the student movement. There are six
apartments in a nice now apartment
house near Norbonno and there is an
other small apartment still nearer the
University of Franee and the Sorbonne
which is used as a club room by about
IK) girls. Twice I have gone there to
meet a group of students who are study- ,
ing English.
“Of course some of the Y. W. U. A.
work is closing, for instance the foyer
work for the women munitions workers,
ltul just now the association is working
with the French to establish permanent
policies for France. We have just had in
Purls a Provincial ('mined meeting, com
posed of representatives from each of (he
several organizations. Between now and
Easter it is hoped that permanent poli
cies for all organisations can be an
Saw DeWItt Gilbert.
“One evening while in Paris, DeWItt
Gilbert had dinner with me. On the oc
casion of a farewell party in Tours, Hob
Atkinson ended, looking fine and tall in
his officer’s uniform. Many of our men
arc of eoure expecting to go home
soon. Hut there are hosts of Americans
here and it is a big task to get them all
across the sea.
"My plan Is to stay here until summer
at least, then resume my duties at the
good old I', of O. in the fall."
Military Science Teachers in 22 High
Schools Given Commissions.
Instructors of military science in the
.’0 high schools hi the state which are
giving courses in military training under
the direction of Colonel ,lohn Leader
iviII tx> commissioned in the Oregon mili
tia, Colonel Leader announced, on re
eipt of authority from the adjutant gen
rial of the state. The colonel has ad
vise,! the instructors in the high schools
to ask the approval of their local school
boninls before applying for their commis
sions to Superintendent Chur,•hill. The
•ommisi ions Vlll be issued from the of
fice of the adjutant general, after be
ing countersigned by the governor.
Tin' Oregon collection In Hip library,
'f books tiy Oregon authors, has received
Mother addition. fh K. S. Wood, a
Portland attorney who once spoke at
the I'nUprsity, has donated l book of
,meats, written by himself, to the ITniver
«ity. which is (saili\l “Main.” a sonnet
iPilUence. In addition to this book, a
•optical index. “An Index to Poetry and
1 ''citations," has been received from
New York, which contains a title index,
ml tn Index to the first lines of all
sell known poems written.
PTIOTiWIRAPnS! Satisfaction guar
i»‘«ed. navvies' STL’nTO
Bureau Asked to Supply More
Teachers than Available
During Year.
According to the report for the past
year the University Employment Bureau
j of the School of Education has obtained
j positions for 140 teachers during the j
| year 1018. Of this number 52 were T'ni
j versify graduates of the class of 1918.
four were former graduates who register
ed with the Unreal) during the year 1018.
00 were graduates whose names were on
the active list of candidates again during
the yenr. and 21 of the number were
University students, not yet graduated,
who are teaching.
360 Positions Open.
The Bureau was asked to make recom
mendations for 300 positions during the
year, but was unable to make reborn -
mendations for 05. As no one could be
found to fill the places. Many of these
positions which the Bureau was unable to
fill were for subjects which are usually
taught by men, anil which bad to he dis
continued for this year because so many
teachers had entered the service. These
positions included some of the following
subjects: Commerce, manual training,
athletic coaching, science, physiology,
agriculture, mathematics. English, his
tory, foreign languages and donv'stie art.
Of these positions 22 were prineipalships,
assistant prineipalships, or superintend -
eludes of small high schools.
92 Positions in State.
I Ninety-two of the positions obtained
through tile Bureau during the year were
within the state. The number of gradu
ates of 1018 taking up teaching'was one
third less than usual, according to Dr.
II. D. Sheldon, dean of the School of Ed
ucation. This was due to the fact that
so many of the men entered the service,
while the women took other pos;t!ons
which were open to them because of the
war conditions.
Canoeing, Swimming, Basket
ball, Tennis, Dancing Make
Up Outdoor Activities.
With tho beginning of next term, wo
men’s outdoor sports will he curried on in
renllty, since every girl in the physical
department will he required to register
for some outdoor activity. The following
schedule has been arranged by the de
partment and every girl is ash'd to reg
ister for the sport which she wants: Ten
nis classes under Miss Gladys Gorman,
Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 8, 0,
2, and d o’clock; Tuesday, Thursday and
Friday at 10 o’clock. Monday at 5 and
Tuesday and Thursday at 4 o’clock.
Swimming classes under Miss Cathar
ine Winslow, Monday morning from 10
to 12 and Tuesday and Thursday after
noons from 2 to 5:d0. Canoeing classes
with Migs Harriet Thomson as instruct
or will meet Monday, Wednesday and
Friday at d and 4 o’clock. These two
classes will only he open to twelve girls
and upperclassmen will he given the pref
erence because a thorough knowledge of
swimming is required.
Classes in baseball will be held Mon
day. Wednesday and Friday afternoons
at 4 o’clock. The rules of the regular
national game will he used hut the girls
will play on a smaller diamond and with
smaller halls.
Miss Mabel Cummings, head of the de
partment announced that if there were a
sufficient demand, a class in organized
games would he held.
Water sports will he introduced on the
ampus next term for the first time. Miss
\\ iuslow will be the instructor and tho
department has sent for balls to play
water polo.
Preparations for the annual outdoor
dancing program to be given June (>, will
begin with the spring term also. Girls
who would rather take dancing than an
outdoor sport may do so. Miss Cum
mings said, since many girls will appear
in this program, it is desired by the de
partment that a large number register.
There will he solo and chorus dances and
dancing patitomiues.
PHOTOGRAPHS— Satisfaction guar
POST ON CAM PI'S—O. A. C. signet
vine. Please return to Business Office.
Mrs. E. Erie l ane.
♦ Meeting of Greater Oregon coni ♦
♦ rnittee. Friday, 1 p. m.. Guild hall ♦
♦ Every member must be present, ♦
■**♦**♦♦***♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ J
Put Off from March 13 Owing
to Date Conflict; Time
to be Set Later.
The men's band will appear in concert
early in the third term. Because of con
flicting dates it was impossible to have ,
the concert and dance on March 13 as j
originally planned. The new da{e will he
announced Inter.
With four practices a week the band
has progressed rapidly during the past
two months and is preparing to give the
students a real treat When the organiza
tion appears in the armory according to
•Tack Duncjore, president. The program
lias not been changed.
“The Kilties”.R. E. Morris
“Raymond”.Ambrose Thomas
“Lucia di Laminertnoor”.
G. Donizetti
I he Hohemiftn Girl.Balfe
Morris Morgan, Retiel Moore,
Jack Dundore, Earl Voorhios,
Robert Hays. Stanley Fargber.
Cornet Solo—
The Surf Polka.Steinhnuser
Miss Ruth Ann Trezise.
Five Minutes Intermission.
“Colonel Leader” .A. Perfect
Featuring cornet and trombone selections
Wedding of the Winds”_J. T. Hall
Vocal Solo—
“A Song of the Road” (Lyric—.Tames
Whitcomb Riley; music, Albert Per
fect . *
Miss Eleanor Lee.
“Landjending” .E. Grieg
Duet. Flute and Cornet. .Titl’s Serenade
French Moore and Morris Morgan
Selections.“Songs of Our Oregon”
(new—arranged by Albert Perfect)
Finale.... “The Star Soangled Banner”
Students at the University of Utah
will have to pay six cents for all soft !
drinks after May 1. Salt Lake soft drink
dealers have voted to raise the price be
cause of new federal tax.
When in need of HEATS think of ■
East Ninth street, j
The Best Meals Served. Most Central Location.
Telephones in All Rooms.
Hotel Smeed
Eugene, Oregon.
Rooms Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water
LUNCH 25^.
Is Just Right.
We Make Our Own Candies.
The Oregana Confectionery
llth Near Alder.
All sorts of Pastry, Fountain Drinks and Ice Cream.
“Get an Oregon Short—Thick.”
im I iiinai— bwiww—mi—■! m
How About Those Films
We Sell ’Em—We Print ’Em.
Prompt Developing of Films and Packs.
Work left one day ready at 5:00 P. M. the next.
University Pharmacy
This Spring Showing of
Good Clothes
Now in Full Swing
COINCIDENT with Spring’s first approach the
McMorran & Washburne men’s shop is ready with
^ outstanding examples of good clothes from every
•tyle and fabric point.
This early season display clearly emphasizes this
store’s merchandising capabilities.
Men who know the value of good grooming will
agree this is a clothes event of importance. It pro
vides an authentic “look in” on the season’s ad
vanced clothes ideas.
Extra Interest Focuses on
High Valued SUITS at
$25 and $35
Coming as they do from this shop and from the country’s best makers, you’ve
a right to expect good things and your money’s worth. There's the widest sort of
model variety from subdued, dignified types to extreme novelties for younger men.
In these $25.00 and $35.00 suits, there’s a good extra percentage to the buying
power of your clothes money. The kind of values that will meet with great response