Oregon Emerald VOL. 20. EUGENE, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 13, 1919. NO. 58. * * HENDRICKS HALL , AID BETA TEAMS DEBATE VICTORS Winners will Meet Next Term to Decide the Campus Championship. CLEAR THINKING BASIS FOR FINAL DECISIONS Prof. R. W. Prescott Enthusi astic; Asks Further Work of Students. The Hendricks Hall and Beta Theta Pi teams won with a score of seven points each in the third round of intra mural debates Thursday evening which concluded the series of doughnut debates in the men and women’s league this sea son. This means that Hendricks Hall will be the first house to have its name en graved on the new women’s debate shield and that Beta Theta Pi will take the men’s shield from the Phi Gamma Delta house which has won the trophy in the two preceding years. The winning teams were made up as follows: Hendricks hall—Affirmative, Wanda Daggett and Elaine Cooper; neg ative, Ethel Wakefield and Alys Sutton. Beta Theta Pi—Affirmative, Itichard Martin and Forest Watson; negative, Eugene Kelty and Curtiss Peterson. Scores By Teams. The scores for the six debates were ns follows, the first team named upholding the affirmative and the second the nega tive: Pi Beta Phi versus Oregon club women, affirmative, 4-0; Oregon club wo men versus Hendricks Hall, negative, 1-3; Hendricks Hall versus Pi Beta Phi, affirmative, 4-0; Beta Theta Pi versus Sigma Nu, affirmative, 4-0; Sigma Xu versus Oregon club men, affirmative 3-1; Oregon club men versus Beta Theta Pi, negative, 1-3. List of Judges. The judges for the debates were as follows: Oregon Club-Hendricks Hall aud Beta Theta Pi-Sigma Nu debates in Pro fessor Howe’s room in Villard hall, Miss Julia Burgess, Peter Crockatt and F. L. Stetson; Pi Beta Phi-Oregon club and Sigma Nu-Oregon Club debates in Pro fessor Gilbert’s room in the library, Miss Mabel L. Dorsey, Mr. McClain and An drew Fish; Hendricks Hall-Pi Beta Phi and Oregon Club-Beta Theta Pi debates, in Professor Gilbert’s room in the li brary, Karl W. Outhank, George Turn bull and J. H. Gilbert. It has been decided that the two win ning teams will meet at an assembly hour some time next term, the date of which has not as yet been scheduled. The ques tion will be based on some issue arising between the progressive and conservative classes in America in regard to the lea gue of nations. Quick Thinking Necessary. In talking of the recent doughnut de bates. II. W. Prescott, professor of pub fir speaking in the University said: ‘’This has been a splendid season in my estima tion. It has revealed that the debater is one who can speak on his feet under fire, and that if he can’t do this against one who can, he is hopelessly handicap ped by a set speech no matter how good that speech may be. The conclusion is for those who have hem handicapped by this inability, to speak extemporaneously, to go on and get that attribute by prac tice heaped on practice. “Another conclusion derived from the past series is that the technic of debate is not to be overlooked. Several have won not because of the superiority of their personality or delivery but by the superiority of debating technic. That is, that they have derived one hundred per cent value from the facts and arguments which they did advance . Professor Prescott Enthusiastic. “In some instances, personality and platform manner \eero the deciding fac tors, but the greatest factor in tbp really stiff contests just closed was an analysis which went straight to the heart of the question and a complete grasp of the evidence for and against the corn lining central argument. “I wish to take this occasion for ex pressing to houses that have made such splendid efforts to perpetuate this work. 'Continued on Dage 3.JI Prineville Preppers Wire They’re Coming to Grab That Cup “We’re on our way,” rends a telegram •received this morning by Dean Walker, graduate manager, who is managing the first annual state championship basket ball meet, giving first intimation of Prineville high school’s entry into the contest. Now Walker, with the new central Oregon aspirants on his hands, has more than he expected and just about all that can be handled. Prineville was not expected- Trying to pick a central Oregon high school champion aggregation is like trying to pick the largest grain of sand on the beach. Every team has beaten and been beaten by every other team in the sage brush domains, so that it would require seventeen lawyers and a mathematics professor to figure out the percentage and championship rights. But Prineville has as good or possibly a little better right to entry than any of the other sagebrush squads, and evidently have just a little edge on the “pep.” It now means more tickets to be sold to help defray transportation costs. The Prineville boys have to come 20 miles on the city owned railroad behind the brand new engine, “The City of Prineville,” then on down the. Desechutes branch to the Columbia, and then about as far as any of the other entrants in the meet. iililn 01 LID EXPU1EQ Dr. Ida Ogilvie of Columbia Urges Farm Unit from Oregon. — “The government is behind the Wo men's Land Army of America,” said Dr. Ida II. Ogilvie, professor of geology in Columbia University, when she spoke before the members of Women’s League at the hut Tuesday afternoon. “It wants the work to go on, and it wants the army of farmerettes to increase.” The Women’s Land Army of America originated as a war emergency said Dr.. - Ogilvie, and there were 500 girls en listed in it in the spring of 1017. The girls lived under unit plan in abandoned houses, barns, and tents and a supervisor had charge of enc-h unit. “The girls were taught how to plant j gardens, milk, hoe, weed and hay,” said Dr. Ogilvie. “At the end of the summer they could do all the work that farmers require of hired help.” In the middle west they have handled the big tractors and the heavy farm machinery. Tlie work has been good for the girls, making them stronger and healthier, ac cording to Dr. Ogilvie. \(any have gone on with the work through the entire year. “The unit plan spread through 21 states iu 1918 and there were 20,000 wo men workers in the units. A camp for the training of unit supervisors was started at Wellesley. “The questions for the future,” said Dr. Ogilvie. “are the questions of food production and the questions of the use of women for food production. This is a ne wopportunity for women, a new field for the working girl.” Dr. Ogilvie expressed her hope that a unit from the University of Oregon will be organized next year. $213 GIVEN ARMENIANS Pledges in Relief Drivo Still Come in on Campus. Pledges for the Armenian and Syr ian relief drive, which has been con ducted among the University faculty for the last week, have been coming in all the time, according to Dr. A. E. Caswell, chairman of the committee in charge of the drive, and up to this morning a total of $213 has been paid. A number of the pledges have not been paid as yet and they will bring up the total amount from the University. The drive is being conducted in con nection with the town campaign. TRE-NU ELECTS OFFICERS Tre-Nu held its annual election of of ficer* on Tuesday evening. These girls chosen are Ella Rawlings, president; Alice Thurston, vice-president; Madeline Slotboom. secretary: Ollie Stoltenberg, Eleanor Spall, reporter, CMS SPECKLED WITH PUS, AND TICKETS CO FAST Afonost Everybody is Going to Musical Event Given by Girls’ Glee. With the arrival on the campus Wed- ! nesday morning of striking blue post ers announcing the appearance of the University Girls' Glee club at the Eu gene theater Saturday night, the cam pus has taken on the appearance of a New York box office ami tickets are seen emerging from the vest pockets of every University man, while the girls go about with their admittance slips suspended from their notebooks or bags. The fashion has been set—The biggest musical event of the season approaches. “All plans for ■Saturday night are com plete,” said Margaret Mansfield, man ager, “and if the sale of tickets con tinues as it started yesterday, standing room will be sold by the square inch-” Committees were appointed from each house to assist in the. sale of seats and the downtown sections have been can vassed by the club members. Boxes for the concert have been secured by the University for the voting basketball teams, which will then be on the cam pus. Skit to be Interesting The unique part of the program prom ises to he the one-act skit written for the club by Mrs. Anna U. Beck, of the University chool of Music, under the ti tle of “The Debating Society of Skinner Center Meets.” The entire club takes part in the performance, while the “de bating” will be done, by Eliny Feidelia Scroggins, Hester Hurd: Susanna Oxcit able Periwinkle, Laura Rand; Sara Jane Roxana Foozle, Joy Judkins; and Dian tha Never Silent Jenkins, Helen Man ning; Kuphemia Pussy-Foot Pike, pres ident of the society, Dorothy Wootton. According to Miss Eleanor Lee, direc tor, the girls have been working ear nestly and she belieevs they are pre pared to offer a concert. “The club does splendid work,” said Professor John ,T. Landsbury, of the School of Mu sic, who sat through a rehearsal re (Continued from page three) DOES $60 INTEREST YOU? Then Read How to Apply for Bonus Due Discrarged Men. Any of the men of the University of Oregon who have been in the service and are at all interested in the little matter of $00 are invited by W. F. G. Timelier, former lieutenant in the S. A. T. C„ to read the following form of application for the bonus due all men discharged from the United States army, as a guide to filling out their own npplieations. From: John Smith, Hud Lieut. Inf., U. S. A. To: Zone Finance Officer, Washing ton, D. C. Subject: Remittance of Bonus. I enlisted at the Presidio of San Francisco, July 17, 1918. I was com missioned 2nd Lieutenant, Infantry, U. S. A., September 10, 1918. 1 was dis charged from the service December 31, 1919. Enclosed find copy of Special Orders 304, Western Department, by which I was discharged; also Special Order No. 36, S. A. T. C\, University of Oregon, by which I was relieved from duty. Remit the bonus of $60 due me at the above address. JOHN SMITH. Men who were in the naval unit should see the Red Cross down town about seeuriug their $60 bonus. Colonel Bowen does not handle these cases. OREGON MAN TO BE PILOT Russell Collins, Former Student, in Ohio Studying Dirigibles. Word has been received by Charlie Fenton, alumni secretary to the effect that Captain Russell K. Collins, a for mer University student is at present studying the construction of dirigibles for the army at the Goodyear Tire and Rub ber company at Akron, Ohio. lie writes: ‘Tn the course of a month or six weeks I will start training to become a dirigi ble pilot. The work here is interesting but I cannot say much for the town. Would like to be back in good old Ore gon. again..” INSURANCE PLAN Office of Historian to be Voted on; Basketball Men Get Letters. Wednesday’s assembly hour was given to the student body of the University fof its regular meeting. Mrs. Ben 0. Ely. chairman of the home producers’ league, spoke briefly to the students urging their co-operation in the support of home in dustries. She told of the various mills and factories in Oregon and of the bene fits that may be derived from “buying at home.” Following the reading of the minutes. Ilerahl White, president of the associated students, asked for the reports of the va rious standing committees. Nish Chap man. chairman of the student body dance committee, said that next term it will be the pole.v of the student body to have one dance each month. Ed Durno called a meeting of the greater Oregon com mittee for Friday. Ella Dews reported the student body play to have been a de cided success from the standpoint of finances as well as production. Three -hundred dollars and ninety-five cents was put in the student body treasury as a re sult of the play. Final Debate to Bo Decided. A committee to arrange for the final debate to determine the champions of the campus was appointed, Herman Find, chairman, Helen Brent on and I'reston Maddock. The debate will he between the teams of Beta Theta Pi and Hendricks Hall. Charles Dundore corrected the mistake that was made in the receipt books for the subscription for the Ore gana. The price will he three dollars in stead of two as the receipts indicate. Forest Watson presented an additional article for the constitution of the asso ciated students to lie article 17. in the event of its adoption. It provides for the office of historian to he filled by election by the student council. The measure will be voted on by the students one week from Wednesday, March 12. Dr. Bovard presented a plan for health insurance which met the approval of the students. His idea is that each student shall pay $2.50 extra entrance fee each term and this will insure medical atten tion and care in case of illness during the school year. A doctor who will he a member of the faculty will lie secured. Dr. Bovard will present the proposition to th(> board of regents on Friday. Dean Walker Speaks For Moot. Dean Walker urged the co-operation of tho students in the entertainment of the basketball teams from the various high schools of the state that will play here Friday and Saturday. It is a matter of utmost importance that these games lie made a paying proposition so that they will roine again and in this way adver tise the University. Ucsolutions of condolence were read by Tracy Byers and Dorothy Flegal honor ing Governor Withycombe and an addi tional list of students who gave their lives in the war. Basketball letters were presented by Mr. White to Ned Fowler, Herman Lind. Carter Brandon, Ed Durno, Franz Ja cobborger and Nish Chapman. The University hand and men’s glee chili furnished music for the occasion. DOUGHNUT ATHLETICS END Games Discontinued for Term Owing to Examinations. Due to the fact that the examinations will be held next week there will not he any more doughnut athletics this term. There has been some talk among the ten nis enthusiasts of starting the tennis doughnut games this term and finishing the schedule next quarter, hut this plan has been dropped by the doughnut league officials. There is considerable interest in tennis on the campus this year, and the tennis schedule will undoubtedly prove one of the most interesting doughnut league ac tivities. Beginning with the new term, the schedule of tennis games will begin. Competition for the championship will be keen this year as nearly every organiza tion on the campus has several star play ers. ALMACK GIVES LECTURE John C. Almaek, director of the T’ni versity extension division, lectured before the Goshen grange meeting Wednesday afla moon. If Mule Is Entitled to One Kick Nay dare Have One Bite at Pup If a presumably ordinary Belgian hare burrows under his wire coop and goes calling on a kennel of neighboring pups either from mere friendly curiosity or with vicious intent and in the course of the visit three pups are killed in action and the others bitten and dbadl.v clawed, should the owner of the puppies recover damages from the owner of the rabbit? There was a decided difference of opinion and a peppy little contest of ar guments when file case was tried in moot court in the law library Tuesday night before Chief Justice .1. B. Pfouts. But Lyle McCroskey, counsel for the de fendant carriecV his point on the merits of law by a vote of f! to 5 against the opposing attorney, TI. II. Becker, for the plaintiff, and also scored a victory for merit of argument by n majority of mv votes. McCroskey admitted that if the rabbit had gone into the neighboring yard and destroyed a tulip bed, eaten up the let tuee and otherwise despoiled the garden, the owner of the hare would he liable for the damage done as that is the expected thing for a rabbit, to do and flic owner is under obligations to take measures to prevent such possible ruthlcssness. “But it is not the custom for a rabbit to kill dogs,” said McCroskey, “and the owner is under no such obligation to guard against tin- unknown vicious pro pensity of the hare.” It was suggested by a member of the law school that the hare might have been muzzled. After presenting his argument as to why he voted for the defendant, M. K. ' Holland, acting as clerk of the court said, “every dog is entitled to one bite, every cow to one hook and every mule to one kick; the question then arose, is every rabbit entitled to the life of one pup? A laugh went around the law library when McCroskey in citing eases to sub stantiate his point, read a ease which was overruled in ISIS. 1 Y. W. C. A. PRESIDENT Jeannette Moss Made Vice president, Leta Kiddle Secretary. Mabyl Weller, a junior in the Uni versity, was elected president of the Y. W. C. A. at 111e annual election held In the bungalow yesterday. Miss Weller lias taken an active part In the work of the association on the campus, leannette Moss, also a Junior was chosen vice president at the same elec tion, Leta Kiddle, secretary and Mary Moore treasurer. The cabinet, composed of the heads of the various committees, will be chosen by the president, and she, with the chairman will select the members to serve on these committees. It is tdanned to eboose the entire cabinet before spring vacation and the officers will begin their work next term. BOTANY LAB IS OUTDOORS rield Course to be Given at Friday Harbor by Professor Sweetser. Professor A. It. Sweetser, head of the botany department of the University will xive ti course in “Field Hotany" at the Puget Sound Marine station at Friday Harbor this summer. This course will he a part of the University of Washington poor school. "The beauty of the laboratory in which the work will lie done,” said Professor Sweetser, “is that it will all he outdoors and the specimens can be studied as they are growing in their natural habitats.” Provision is also to be made for a course in beginning botany to be given at the University of Oregon. WAR WORK PLEDGES UNPAID. United War Work pledges amounting to $100 have been collected since Monday noon, aecoring to Dr. A. K. Caswell, chairman of the committee in charge of the drive on the campus. The subscrip tions amounted to $fif)G8 and up to Mon day noon a total of $1150,'{.115 had been turned in. Many of the unpaid pledges were made by members of the S. A. T. C who have since left the University, oud thine cannot he cdWuid, BE Of! TEH TEWS TO EM FOB SUITE BISKETJLL TITLE District Champion Quintets to Start Arriving Tonight; Others on Way. GAMES ll\i TOURNAMENT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Dean Walker Asks for Support of Students; Committee Wants Autos. * V ♦ <* * A ♦* WHERE TEAMS WILL STAY # ♦ As a result of the drawing for ♦ ♦ high school teams this morning the ♦ ♦ following allotments to the various ♦ ♦ houses for entertainment this week- ♦ ♦ end: 4, ♦ Sigma Xu—Astoria. + Friendly Hall Lincoln (l'ortl’d). ♦ ♦ I’elta Tan Delta —Hood River. < ♦ Phi Delta Theta—tPrineville. ♦ ♦ Sigma Chi—Silverton. «. ♦ Iteta Theta l’i Marshfield. * ♦ Alpha Tau Omega Salem. ♦ ♦ Kappa Sigma Ashland. ♦ ♦ "Phi (lamina Delta- . ^ ■#' "Phi (lamina Delta drew the ♦ ♦ blank and will get a team if any ♦ ♦ others are entered. a Everythin* is in readiness for the hi* st:it<> basketball tournament here this week-end. nnd at latest reports there will* probably be nine or ten teams in Ihe race. Marshfield wired in last night that they would be present and Astoria has promised an answer today, l'rine ville seat in the news that they would be here which is more than Walker ex pected. ihe champions of southern Oregon will arrive in Eugene tonight, and from then on the teams will be flocking to the campus. The various fraternities and the dormitory will have drawn for the team they will entertain, and the play ers will all be met at the train. Ihe games will start tomorrow after noon, and from then until the champion ship is decided Saturday night there will be one round of basketball. Lincoln High will be here from Portland, and the Sdverton team any show up tonight. Eugene High will be in the meet, and Hood Uivcr will send its quintet. Hean Walker and the entertainment committee want to got a lino on all of the automobiles that students of the Eni versity have, so that the members of the visiting aggregations may June a chance to see tne city Saturday afternoon. Anv one wishing to offer the use of ;l .nit chine should get in touch with Wniket or Jack Dundore. Following the trip around town the teams will be the gues!> of A. H. McDonald at the Hex theater The paramount thing that remains fot Ihe students of the I'niversity to do is to get out and attend tin4 games and show the high school boys that wo are behind the plan, according to Doan Walker. The event should be made an annual one, lie says, and the only wav this enh be done js to get the teams so interested in the affair that they will want to come back, and to give the men themselves a chance to view the I'ni versity and to interest them in it. LIEUT. BEEBE. EX-20, CITED Oi'ugon Man Koeps Communication Wires Repaired During Fight. lieutenant i.ewis O. lienbe, ©x-*2C now with tlie 30th Infantry, has been cited for "extraordinary heroism, la action near Creisancu, France.” The order reads In part: "During the ter rific artillery bombardment of the Ger man offensive of July 13, 191S, lieu tenant Beebe carried wounded mar. 3«o yards to a dressing station. In order to maintain the liaison, lieutenant Beebe made repeated trips through tho heavy shelling, repairing wires and re establishing communication.” ^ Beebe attended tho University two yearsj entering In 1914. Ha was a stu dent In the school of journalism and a varsity debat or. His horns Is In Cottage Qrww*