Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, March 11, 1919, Image 1

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VOL. 20.
i§ Emerald
Response Made by Classmates
as President Campbell
Calls Roll.
Dr. Parkinson Speaks; Music
by Miss Lee, Curtiss
Peterson, Choir.
Scores of townspeople, guests from t’ue
outside, students and faculty were pres
ent at the beautiful and impressive me
•morial vesper services in honor of the
men of the University of Oregon who
gave their lives in' the service cf their
country during the war. held in A illard
hall on Sunday afternoon, March 0
The assembly hall was decorated in
the allied flags, the large University
service flag and the new service flag
of gold stars, together with banks of
■greens and large ja.rs of Scotch broom
and Oregon grape on the platform. The
decoration was done by a committee con
sisting of Dora Stoppenbach and Forest
rWlatsaa, under the direction of Miss
jllelen lthodes.
Preseidont Campbell, who gave the
Iroll call of the honored dead, also made
ia short talk in behalf of the Univer
'“The University pauses this after
noon,” he said,, “in emraory of the men
who gave their lives for the sake of
humanity and civilization. When the call
came, quietly and not ostentatiously, stu
dents and alumni responded to the call
,of the country. [More than 2,000 enrolled
as soldiers of this great commonwealth.
Of these 37 made the supreme sacri
Gratitude Owed to All
“It was not given to all to serve in
Prance. Borne lost their lives in prep
aration here. But equally to them all
we owe a debt of gratitude. And not
only to them, but to the parents and rel
atives, do we owe an everlasting debt
of gratitude. The names and memory of
these men will live forever in the his
tory of the University.”
In response to the roll call by classes
the following responded for their class
mates, giving the names, rank, service
record and cause of the death:
Faculty, Dean John Straub, for Ros
well Holt Dosch; class of 190S, Robert
W. Prescott, for John Eberle Kuyken
dall; 1900, Sprague Carter, for AValter
McCrrum Eaton and Thomas Townsend;
1911, Leon Ray, for Louis Pinkham Jr.;
1912; Leon Ray. for John George Kel
ly; 1913. Dean Walker, for Ivan E. Bel
linger; 1914, Peter Croekatt, for Irwin
G. Brooks, Richard Riddell Sleight, Earl
Samuel Cobb, Robert Claude Still; 1915,
Lloyd Tegart, for Roy Johnson; 1910,
Miss Charlie Fenton, for Leslie O.
Tooze, Robert II. Sherwood; 1917, Mau
rice Hyde, for Malcolm McLaren John
stone; 191cS, Emma Wootton Hall, for
Turner Neil, Earl S. Powell, Harold A.
Sexton. Douglas 11. Warner; 1019, Wil
liam Morrison, for George Cook, Dale
Melrose, Kenneth Farley; 1929, Harry
(Continued on Tage 2.)
Ualverslty Commerce Department In
Portland Commodiously Situated.
The University extension classes of
the .School of Commerce in Portland have
forsaken theiir limited quarters in the
court house and are now commodiously
situated in room 421, Oregon building.
“We have more students in our exten
sion courses,” said Dean D- W. Morton,
“than in the classes on the campus.”
Mrs. Etta C. Holbrook is in charge of
the office in Portland.
The students in the extension depart
ment are mature, practical people, who
are working every day at the thing they
are studying, according to Dean Morton.
Dean Morton teaches three classes there
and is in Portland both Tuesday and
Wednesday evenings. <tne of his courses
is a class in banking, in which only wo
men are allowed. The extension school
will run through the summer and possi
bly have a day s -ho d added to it, ac
cording to Dean .Morton
Tale of Two Dances
Involves Oregon Nan
And Dean of Women
Near the close of the college year m
1017, Roy Farley, ex-’19, attended a
dance given by To-Ko-Lo at the country
club- It was just before many Univer
sity men were to leave for service, and
the dance was running just a little
over time.
Doan Elizabeth Fox came, and Far
ley, among others, was seen at the law
breaking dance—and went home.
The following day—(he had planned
it before)—Farley left for Dallas to pre
pare to leave with a company of the old
Third Oregon infantry. Later in the
summer he crossed to France.
The next time Farley met Miss Fox
was at a dance at Tours, given by the
Y. M. C. A. Dean Fox, who had ob
tained leave of absence from her duties
at the University, was also there—and
came over and recognized Farley.
But she has done the same thing to
many other Oregon men, Farley says.
Farley left the University in the
spring of 1017, crossed to France, and
transferred to the aviation corps. He
was placed with the French army on the
front later and flew there until last
summer, when he was transferred bRC'k
to the American army, commissioned a
second lieutenant, and placed in charge
of a. machine from October until the
time of the signing of the armistice
For his service with the French, Far
ley was presented with the insignia of
the French aviation coups. He will not
return to the University until next fall,
accordingto his present plans.
Farley spent the week-end visiting
at the Sigma Chi house, leaving for his
home in Dallas yesterday afternoon.
Resigns as Campus Secretary
to do Y. W. Work Overseas;
Leaves This Term.
Miss Tirza Hinsdale resigned last night
ns general secretary of the University Y.
AV. C. A. to accept the postion recently
offered her for Y. AV. work in France
by the national association board. Her
resignations was accepted hy the advis
ory board and she will leave the campus
at the end of the term. She lias applied
for a passport and expects t> sail the
latter part of April or the first of May.
She will first visit her parents and her
sisteT at La Grande.
A committee appointed hy the advisory
board will meet with Miss Alice Brown,
national student secretary for the North
west field of the Y. AAr. C'. A. tomorrow
to make arrangements for her successor.
Miss Hinsdale will report first to Bor
deaux and then to Taris, where her as
signments to duty will be made. She does
not know exactly what her work will be
but expects that she will take up re crea
tion work for the nurses.
Miss Hinsdale came to the campus Y.
AA\ in February, 1917. succeeding Miss
Mary Gillies. Before coming hero, she
was secretary of the city association
work at La Crosse. AA’isconsin, where she
did post graduate work and was secre
tary of city association work at Ke ikuk.
Towa. She is a graduate of Lawrence
college, Appleton, AA'iseonsin.
First of Three Served by Food and
Nutrition Class.
Three* practice luncheons are being
given this week in the household arts
department. One was given today by
the food and nutrition class under the
l direction if Miss Lilian Tingle. Maude
Lombard and Virginia Hales were re
sponsible for the preparing and serv
ing of the meal. They had no guests.
On Wednesday noon Miss Antoin
ette Shumway's class in food prepara
tion will also give a practice luncheon.
The girls in charge of this one will
be Myrtle Ross and Mrs. Helen Camp
On Friday the two classes in food
i economics and food economy will give
a joint luncheon. No guests are be
ing asked by the classes for these oc
casions. according to Miss Tingje, so
that the girls may have instructions
| and talks right along with the serving
of the meals.
- I
Idaho Tries to Figure Itself
Above Oregon Five in
The University of Oregon basketball
team is the undisputed champion of the
Pacific coast as a result of the two wins
scored over the University of California
last week at Berkeley. The team return
ed from south land Monday morning and
a dance was given in their honor yester
day afternoon. The Oregon team won the
championship of the Northern Division
of the Pacific coast conference before
going to California to play the state Uni
versity there.
Oregon was not a member of the
Northwest conference this year and the
contention that the University of Idaho
has advanced that they are champions
of a mythical conference in the northwest
is unfounded. Oregon. O. A. C., Washing
ton State College and the University of
Washington made up the northern divis
ion of the Pacific Coast conference and
the University of Idaho was not included.
In supporting their claim for the north
fest. title. Idaho has included Whitman
college which has not been played by the
local team this year.
Oregon's Superiority Shown.
Oregon showed that she was superior
to the Idaho team in the game played at
Moscow, which the varsity won LIT to 2(1.
The lemon yellow aggregation of basket
tossers were the best in the northwest,
and also the coast, and any attempt on
the part of any of the other colleges
of the northwest to claim the title
is unfounded. In order to lay claim
to the title Idaho would have
to play Oregon a regular series of four
conference games, which was not done.
An.v attempt, to figure this out by per
cenatge is impossible as Oregon did not
enter the conference.
The Oregon quintet had quite a time
■while in California. The basketball court
at Berkeley is laid crossways in the gym
there and in length it is only six foot
longer than the Oregon gymnasium Is
wide. In such a box car affair the var
sity had trouble getting going hut were
able to grab the first, two games by a
close maTgin. The California team, ac
cording to the Oregon players, were a
husky hunch and they numbered several
good basketball players among their ag
gregation. .T. Byrnes was the best bet of
the California team and gathered 21 of
the Cm points scored by the southern
Durno Leads Scoring.
Eddie Durno again led the Oregon
team in number of points with 22 out of
(Continued on Page 2.)
Charlie Fenton to Honor Editing Stu
dents for Work on Magazine.
The members of the editing class in
the School of Journalism and Eric W.
Allen., dean of the School of Journalism,
areto be entertained at a dinner to he
given at. the Osburn Hotel Thursday ev
ening by Miss Charlie Fenton, alumni
secretary of the University. Miss Fen
ton is giving her dinner in honor of the
class because of the service they ren
dered the University in helping her get
out the alumni magazine.
The members of the class are Ade
laide T.*ke, Douglas Mullarky, Tracy By
ers, Erma Zimmerman. Frances Blu
rock, Helen McDonald, Bess Col man and
Betty Aumiller.
Miss Ehrmann's Affairs in Hands of
Dr. Straub and President's Office.
Dean Louise Ehrmann announced to
day that all matters arising during her
absence which may need adjustment will
be referred to the President’s office or
to Dean Straub.
Miss Ehrmann is leaving the campus
Tuesday for a short tour in the south
ern part of the state where she expects
to lecture before University alumni meet
ings in behoLf of the interests of the
women's building fund. She will talk
to the high school students fh Ashland.
Medford and Grants Pass, to strength
.ea, their interests in the University.
Plans Nearly Finished; Better
Support Urged; Tickets
Selling Slowly.
With Penn Walker's return from the
south, plans for the intersvholnstie bas
ketball tournament to be held there this
week-end have practically been complet
ed. Downtown merchants are whole
heartedly backing the meet, and students
of the Eugene high school are taking up
the plani with enthusiasm.
The teams which will represent the
various sections in the tournament have
been fairly well determined in most sec
tions. Ashland has won the right to
represent Southern Oregon in the tour
nament. and has wired Dean Walker
that her team will be here for the meet.
Jdneoln high school will represent
Portland in the tournament, as she leads
the Portland interscholastic league by
a safe margin. Prom the Coos Ray dis
trict, Marshfield seetns the likely rep
resentative, while Astoria is the team
which will represent the lower Colum
bia high schools.
Hood River to bo Candidate
In Pastern Oregon Hood River seems
the most likely candidate, but she is
{'playing a game tonight that, will decide
[ whether or not her team will represent
that section.
In the Willamette valley, three teams
will he allowed to enter the tournament.
Silvcrton, Salem and Pugcne have played
such close games that a decisive win
ner from the three oomld «ot. be deter
mined. All three teams are good, thinks
Dean Walker, and have earned the right
to compete in the tournament.
The committee on trophies lias decid
ed on the awards which will be made
to the winming teams and the all-star
team which will lie picked. The tro
phies will be small gold basketballs, one
to be awarded each man given a place
on the all-star team. 'Che winning team
will also be presented with a cup.
Merchants Bar,king Meet
The money for these has bbeen solic
ited from the Rugene merchants, who
are hacking the meet with true spirit.
The Rugene high scho ««l«»ils lieSrpv
The Eugene high school is holding a spe
cial assembly tomorrow to arouse en
thusiasm for the meet, and tickets will
lie sold after the assembly. A big at
tendaciee from the high school seems cer
The committee on entertainment of
the guests has completed its plans. The
teams will all be met at the station, and
taken to the house where they will stay
during (heir visit. They will them he
assigned lockers in the gymnasium, after
which they will lie shown around (he
campus and entertained by the houses.
Rex Thoator to ho Host
Saturday afternoon they will bo given
an automobile ride through the eit.v and
the country near Eugene. At 2 o’clock
the Hey theater will be host to the play
ers, and Saturday evening, after the
game, they will be taken the Oirls’
Olee Club concert.
“In order to put this thing over,”
said Walker, “it is necessary to make
it a financial success. If the tourna
ment. is a success this year, it is likely
that it will be held every year, and if
the students want that, it is up to them
to back this meet.”
Tickets for students are selling at 50
cents, while fit least $2 worth of games
may -be seen. Seven games are sched
uled, each of them promising to he real
thrillers. Although students have paid
for several things, it is very likely that
everyone ran squeeze the necessary 50
cents from somewhere in order to show
the visitors well-filled seats.
Students Not Buying Tickets
The general chairman on tho sale of
tickets on the campus, Marian Coffey,
reports that the students do not seem
to be hacking the meet as they should.
AN'iih the meet only a few days away,
tickets are still selling very slowly. This
is regrettable, for if the T'nivarsity
wants this tournament to be an annual
event, it must show whole hearted sup
port this time, or, according to Dean
Walker, tin* tournament cannot be held
Accepts Position in Commercial Depart
ment of Salem High.
Ihou:se Clausen left Sunday to accept,
* a. nositiou in the high sdiool at Salem.
Victorious Quintet
Near Starvation on
Return from South
The Basketball Team arrived in Eu
vene late Sunday night, or rather, early
Monday morning, famished and in a pre
carious financial condition. Why? Be
cause they spent three whole nights and
all their money in San Francisco.
Vfter tramping on the California Bear
twice in succession, the team decided to
celebrate. There was a diversiey of '
opinion as to the proper way to do it.
Every metnper of the team is a strong
teetotaler, and most of them are upright
pillars in the Prohibition dub. The
Torehers on the team were strong advo
cates of an exciting game of tiddled
winks, while the Tokos as strongly up
held checkers. After a lengthty argu
ment, a startling proposal was made.
It was no other than to visit the famous
resorts of San Francisco so that, they
could warn the othre students against
them, and could have first hand material
to argue for prohibition.
No sooner said than done. Ooffe
Dan’s, the Bucket of Blood, Spider Kel
ley’s, and othre places that helped to
make San Francisco famous, were ull
investigated in turn by the horrified
Oregonians. They pooled their available
funds, and made them stretch as far as
Finally Saturday night, tired, but hap
py in their research work, they hoarded
the train for Eugene. All day Sunday
they looked out of the car windows at
the wonderful scenery, and reminisced.
The stinging mountain air gave them
intense appetites, which they satisfied
with conservatively eaten fingernails.
For their money hnd all been left behind.
Dr. Bovard to Present Case
Before Students at
A student body mooting will be held
during assembly hour in \ ilfard hull
Wednesday. .Mrs. Hen Ely, chairman i
of the home producers’ league, will
speak briefly to (.he students concerning
her work.
At this time I>:\ John F. Ilovavd,
head of the student health committee,
will lay before the students .the plan
for student insurance which, it is in
tended, shall provide a. fixed sum for
maintenance at the University infirmary
through a student tax. 'Hie payment
of this tax at the time of registration
will entitle the student to a certain pe
riod of time in the infirmary in ease of
illness, free of charge. The student
body will vote on this plan.
The progress of the University his
tory museum will be reported by I.lla
Dews, historian. The student body will
also decide whether or not this office
of historian will be an elective office
voted on by the student council.
Dean Walker,1 graduate manager of
the student body, will speak to the stu
dents concerning the high school Ins
kctball tournament which is to ho held
on the campus Friday and Saturday of
this week.
The students are to be asked to give
a standing vote of appreciation to ail
the persons who helped make the stu
dent body play a success.
Dean Walker will probably give a
financial report as graduate manager.
Helen McDonald will probably give
the report, on the new constitution. Tt.
has been revised because many of the
. ■ e.r,endments were not included in
the present .me, and the revised copy is
to be submitted at this meeting.
The basketball letters will probably
be given out at this assembly. This is
the last assembly and student body
meeting for the seemster. Herald White,
president of the student body, will be
back to take charge of the meeting, ac
cording to Ella Dews, vice president,
and all students are urged to turn out.
The University band will (;iry at the
She will teach typewriting and spelling
iri the commercial department. She has
been a student in the civil service course
in the School of Commerce and would
have finished at the end of the term.
She obtained her position through the
. school. Miss Clausen is r junior and a
* member of I’i Beta i’hi.
Army Inspector to Send in Re^
commendation to War
Attitude of Men Toward Work
will Decide; System of
Demerits Adopted.
lieutenant Colonel S. A. Howard,
district Inspector of tHe twelfth dis
trict of the It. O. T C. who visited the
campus yesterday, will recommend to
the war department, he told Colonel
Powen, that tho University have an
aviation corps next fall and posslhlv
later an artillery corps.
“The establishment of the corps
will depend entirely on the attitude
the men In the it. O. T. C. take toward
tlnlr work next term," Colon 1 Bowen
sahl this morning. “If they continue
in their present Indifferent attitude,
tho chances for the corps here are not
pood. Tho whole thing is far in tho
future, hut T ahnu' ! very much like to
see an aviation or artillery corps here
or both If possible.”
Colonel Howard and Colonel Bowen
looked over the new football field lo
■ alien as a 'possible site for the avia
tion .school. Colonel Howard was well
pleased with the favorable prospects
for tho establishment of such a corps
on the campus, but nothing definite
can he done until next fall.
Colonel 1 lispcctn Barracks.
Colonel Howard inspected the S. A.
T. C. barracks, the mess lmll and
spoke favorably of conditions here. He
Is anxious to see tho R. O. T. C. attain
Its full development in tho states of
which he Is the Inspector, Washing
ton, Idaho, Montana and Oregon
He returned last October from eight
months’ service overseas. He was with
the 28th division in the Intelligence
service of the general staff and wont
through the Ohs loan-Thierry drive and
the first Argor-.no.
Ho left tills morning to? Corvallis
to Investigate the It. O. T. C. at the
Oregon Agricultural College. From
there, ho will go to Portland, Salem,
and Walla Walla and other towns of
the state to Interest Iho high schools
in the establishment of tho Junior R.
(). T. C. His headquarters aro lu
Demerit System Started.
In summing up the activities of tho
it. O. T. Colonel W. H. C. Bowen,
professor of military sclenco and tac
tics, said yesterday that the organ
(Continued on page 3.)
Georfle White, in France, Desires L’st
of Alumni Killed In War.
George McDonald White, n formei
University man, writing to Karl Ont
hnnk, secretary to il’.resident Uiimpbell,
concerning some of his experiences with
the 168th aero squadron, A. E. F.,
France, says:
“I haven't heard a whisper from the
University or any of the old bunch for
seevral months and a long time as tima
“I ran across Walter McClure’s sig
nature up at the av,u! V. M. O. A, offi
cers’ chii> while the war was on, but his
regiment had been in some hot fight
ing since lie signed and I am wondering
if the liooho got him.
“If there is any kind of a list pub
lished o fthe alumni killed in the war,
I would appreciate your sending it.
“1 was not on the front long and was
not even killed. Didn’t get anv Him
planes either, so I might as well have
stayed at home, but I am glad uow I
didn’t miss it.
“Now my job’s gone and I have no
idea what awaits around the corner, If
T keep on taking up fool ideas I’ll see
soipe excitement some of these days,
but can’t say there is any prospect of
laying any foundation for a couifortablci
.old age.”