FACULTY RECEIVE C1MITEEE PUCES President Campbell Makes An nouncements of Names Through Office. Faculty committee assignments have been made by President Campbell, ac cording to an announcement from the of fice today. The appointments are a# fol lows: Advisory Council: (Elective) Penns Straub, Morton and Allen and Professors Gilbert, Povard and K. II. McAlister. Advisers for Lower Division: Profes sor Ibiynton and representatives from each department. Absences: Deans Straub and Ehrmann. Administration of Honors: Professors ,.1o\vo, Cloran and Sheldon. Advanced Standing: Professors Staf ford, McAlister. Adams and the Registrar Appointments: Professors Sheldon, Bates, Dunn, PeCou, Schafer, Schmidt, Boynton and Morton. Athletics: Professors Ilowe, Hayward ana juorton. Catalog: Professors Boynton and Thacher and th<‘ Registrar. Class Advisors: Deans Straub and Fhrir.nnn. and Professors Sweetser, Per kins, Hayward and Walker, and Mrs. Timelier and Miss (Jornian. Colloquium*. Professors Sheldon, Ed mondson and Mr. Onthnnk. Commencement and Assembly: The President and Professors Strnnh, Hilbert, Allen, Lnndsbnry, Burgess and Warner. Educational Publications: Professors Smith, Turnbull, DeBusk, Sehroff, Pack ard, A1 mack, Thacher, Edmundson, Tin *;,e and Crockntt. (iraduatc Council: Professors Young, Schmidt, Howe, Sheldon, Boynton, Smith und (’onklin. Library: (Regents) lion. It. S. Bean ind the Librarian, Itevlslon of Student Courses: I’rofes Bors Hilbert, Thnrstenherg and Prescott. Schedule: Professors Boynton, Allen ami (be Registrar. Special Students: Professors DeClou, R, C, Clark, Sblnn and II. A. Clark. Slndent Advisory: The President and Professors Straub, Morton and Ehrmann. Student Affairs: Professors Strnnh, Ehrmann, Perkins, Thacher und Walker. Student Intellectual Activities: l’rofes sors Smith, Bates, Howe, Stafford, Allen, Parsons and Schroff. Student Health: Professors Bovard. Cummings, Sweetser, Conklin and Wal ker. Student Religious and Moral Activities: Professors Caswell. Cummings, DeCou, DeBusk and Sweetser. University Publications: Professors Al len, Thacher, Young, Sweetser and Shel don. Vespers: Professors Landsbnry, Mor ton, DeCou, Douglass and Mr. Onthank. HIGH SCHOOL FIVES State Basketball Title will be Decided March 15; Pro gram Arranged. The University will hold a basketball tournament on March 14 and 15 for the high schools of the state, to decide the interscholastic championship. In the past there has not been any definite rlmiiiipion umoinig the high school teams (and the University has taken this means of deciding t it** championship. The state is is divided into eight districts and the waning team of each district is to come to tlie tournament to try for the chum ponabip. The districts are as follows: Ka tern Oregon, Central Oregon, Port land Lower Columbia,, Willamette Val ley, < '(his Itny, Southern Oregon*. It is thought that probably LuOrnnde will represent the Eastern Oregon division, while probably Itend or Ilood Itivcr will play for Central Oregon. Lincoln has a good chance to win the championship of Portland high schools, which means they will have a place in the tournament. There are several teams who claim the Willamette valley championship, so it may be necessary to have more than one team from this division. According to the results of recent games, Milverton and Eugene will place in the tourna ment. Marshfield will probably play for the Coos bay section- In Southern Or egon 1lt(' (hampions'hip seems to lie be tween Ashland and Itoseburg. To Entortain Teams All tin' high schools are enthusiastic about the tournament. The University will furnish entertainment for the vis iting teams and will also handle the finances of the tournament. All the money above expenses that is made from the games will be dividide among the teams. Dean Walker has charge of the plans for the tournament, and student body committees are busy working out the plans. It is a big job, but the committees are determined to do everything possi ble to make the tournament a huge suc cess. The advertising committee com posed of Pierce Cummings, George Black, Johnny Houston, Sprague Car ter, Roscoe Roberts, Harry Jamieson, Bill Bolger, “Pink1’ Boylen, Arnold Koepke and Carl Newberry, have divid ed the city into districts and plan to advertise each district thoroughly. Al exander Brown, Iveith Abbott, Kstle Hansen, Dorothy Duuiway and Pawl Farrington have been appointed as the publicity committee. A large cup is to be given to the champions of the state and an individual prie to each member, of the team Prizes for Team Members Individual prizes will also be given to the members of the all-star team, which will be selected after the tournament. Joe Trowbridge, “Dick” Avison, and “Hank” Foster will have charge of the trophies. Jack Dundore, Ores Maddock, and Bill Hollenbeck, who are on the en tertainment committee, have planned a good time for the visitors. They will be given an automobile triip, a theater party, and will be taken to the girls’ glee clu'b concert. A committee com posed of Carl Weigel, Lay Carlisle, “Fat” O’Rowrke, Nick Carter, Merle Morgun son, Les Sell weeing, George Boggs and Forest Watson will sell tickets. The towrn is to he carefully canvassed- Each ginme will cost 50 cents, but a ticket which includes all the games may be pmrhcased for one dollar. All University and Eugene high school students will be sold this ticket for 50 cents. Marion Coffee, A'irginin Smith, Howard Kelley and Henry English will sell these tick ets on the campus. “Chuck Comfort, “Billy” Morrison and “Sheet” Manorial have been appointed to get the co-opera tion of Eugene high school in making this tournament a success. First Two Games March 14. The first two games of the tournament will he played Friday afternoon, March 14, at 4 o’clock and the next games nt 7 o’clock Friday evening. Two teams will piny Saturday morning, March 15, at ton. This leaves the two last teams to piny the championship game Saturday night at 7 o’clock. All of the committees are hard at work and it is the duty of every student of the University to give his whole hearted co operation to an enterprise which means so much to the University. men school to hold SPECnUSSEMBLY A special assembly to which all men j who were members of any branch of the army or navy who have returned, will be held at the Eugene high school Wednes day afternoon at 3:30 o’clock, C. A. How ard, principal, announced this afternoon. Special music by the boys’ and girls’ glee clubs will be offered, and Dr. Carl G. Doney, president of Willamette uni versity will make an address. Dr. Doney has recently returned from France and is said to be a notable speaker. “We are anxious to have all students and former students of the school pres ent,” Mr. Howard explained, “as the assembly is especially for them. Towns people are also invited to attend.” INCOME SCALE FOR FUND Armenian-Syrian .Relief .Campaign .to Start Monday. A gift scale based upon the income has been suggested for the campaign for the Armenian-Syrian relief fund which starts next Monday, March 10, and this system will probably be carried out among the University people as well as the townspeople. This plan is thought better than the assessment basis. An agreement has been made between the University people and the Lane coilnty chairman and the downtown com mittees to solicit all the people oif the same basis. If the scale is strictly ad hered to the amount subscribed should exceed the minimum quota by about S per cent. An appeal is being made to give as generously as possible since the need is very great. The scale will work out to about $2 on a $1000 income, $4 on a 1500 in come, $0 on $2000. $10 on $3000 and others in propoortion. The faculty members are the only ones who are to be asked to contribute for this fund, but it has been decided to place a box in the bungalow, the hut, and at the assembly hall Wednesday where volunteer student contributions wii! be received. According to Dr. A. E. Caswell, chairman of the committee in charge of tthis work, the faculty hope to raise at least $500. Students desiring to work an hour or more a day can make wages of more than $1 per hour selling America’s War for Humanity and Life of Roosevelt. Send at once for free outfit. F. B. Dick erson Co., Detroit, Mich., enclosing 20c in stamps for mailing outfits. The CLCB for pool and billiards. S14 Willamette St. 4 4 4 0♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ Y. M. C. A. NOMINATIONS 4 ♦ - « 4 President—Elmo Madden and 4 4 Lyle Bain. 4 4 Vice-President—John Gamble, ♦ ♦ Lindsay McArthur, Richard Thomp- 4 4 son. 4 4 Secretary—Alexander Brown. 4 4 Treasuerr—Wayne Laird and 4 ♦ Warren Gilbert. ♦ ♦ Further nominations can be m: le 4 4 by a petition from five Y. M. C. A. ♦ ^ ♦ members. 4 4 The election is set for Thursday. 44444444444444444 Wallace's Cigar Store, S04 Willamette, Complete line Cigars and Cigarettes, ti EMERALD CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS G. S. BEARDSLEY, M. D. 410-415 Cockerline and Wethcrbee Bldg Office phone 90 Res. Phone 350 DRS. BARTLE and NEAL Physicians and Surgeons 217 I. O. O. F. Bldg. Phone 3. F. W. COMINGS, M. D. 410-415 C.and W. Bldg. Office Phone 90 Res. Phone 744 OSTEOPATHS AND CHIROPRACTOR DR. H. L. STUDLTY Osteopathic Physician Eugene. Oregon. Office 322 I. O. O. F. Bidg. Phone 5S9-J DR. JOHN L. LYNCH Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon. STUDENTS RATES 49 7th Avenue East. Phone 16S HAIRDRESSERS MME. SHAFFER Hairdressing Parlors Over Trice Shoe Store Thone SS8 MILLINERY. MRS. RUTH McCALLUM CARTER Room 1, First National Bang Building Phone 052 BARBERS. The Club. Homo of the Students. S14 Willamette street. DENTISTS DR. S. D. READ Dentist. Phone 397 I. O. O. F. Binding. PAINLESS PARKER, Dentist. 701 Willamette St- Phone 28S Dr. Robert M. Graves DENTIST. Returned from Army, Office over Varsity. Phone 65. OLIVE C. WALLER ORVILLE WALLER Kirkville Graduates. 41S C. and W. Bldg. Eugene, Oregon Thone 531. Res. phone 29S-Y DR. W. E. MOXLEY DENTIST Phone 10S Oregon Theatre Bldg. Eugene Or. CAFETERIAS The Monarch Cafeteria For those Sunday Chicken Dinners. Good Home Cooked Meals. 956 Willamette MESSENGER SERVICE. Merchants Dispatch Service. Messengers, Parcels, Jitneys, all hours, at your service. Phone 141. CSC Willamette setreet. WHITE STAR FLOUR / * I f I > Made in Eugene for Oregon Students I QUALITY * t ) ) Quality is the prime requisite for any flour WHITE STAR FLOUR excells in Quality. In Fact, that is our Motto. i How students can help a worthy Eugene Industry: Demand from your dealer our flour, whole wheat, graham and wheat grits mush. They will be glad to supply it and you will get the best of results. ELMER D. PAINE, Mgr., “An Oregon Graduate” Mills at Eugene and Springfield, Oregon. Daily Capacity 250 Barrels.