y£ EIGHTEENTH CENTURY MAIDS RETURN FEB, 2210 At Hendricks Hail Ye May Waltz; at the Hut See Graceful Minuets. CHARMING PLAYS OF AGE GONE BY AT GUILD HALL Mistress Marian Gilstrap will Sing, “Who’ll Buy My Lavender?” So successful are the plans for the Colonial Assembly on Washington’s birthday that the committee has found it necessary to run, ns it were, a three ring affair, having Johnson hall as the center of attractions and Hendricks hall and the Y. M. C. A- as the other points of interest. While one audience is sit ting comfortably in Guild hall witness ing the two charming play£, "Council Retained’’ and “(Prince of Court Paint ers,” a similar crowd will be seated in the Y. M. C. A., but viewing the Eighteenth Century beauties that would have thrilled the soul of Gainsborough, while Beethoven’s minuet charms the tar. At the same time the graceful lancers will give animation and move ment to the scene in the hut. While these two performances are go ing on, campus men and women will be wending their way to Hendricks hall for steps, waltzes and fox trots. All performances Given Twice The beauty of the program is that jne ticket admits to all the attractions ind the program committee has seen to it that the performances will be repeat ed so that one may rest assured” that he is missing nothing while he is seeing each attraction. The committee on decorations is bend ing its energies so that the monastic effice of Dean John Straiuib will put on the luxurious appearance of a colonial reception room, and Dean Louise Ehr mann's austere retreat will blossom forth with arm chairs and coft rugs. Here the reception committee, made up t>f the executive board of Women’s league, as powdered belles of long ago, will make its bow. “Every man on the campus is urged to come and every girl is expected,” taid Helen Anderson, general chairman. “If possible, we want every girl to wear a colonial costume, but lack of a costume is no bar to admission.” Lavender Bags Will be Given Delta Gamma is adding a fragrant contribution to the party in the shape of little lavender bags. These charm ing little favors are to be presented to the audience by Marion Gilstrap after singing the old-fashioned song called '‘Who’ll Buy My Lavender?” Acceptances are coming in from Port land guests all the time, according to the committee- “Let the whole campus show that Oregon knows a good thing and be there in whole force.” said Dean Ehrmann. “See Mellie Parker and her committee and get your ticket today.” PLUNGING RECORD BROKEN Loeta Rogers Makes Distance of 46 Feet; Two Year Record Broken With a plunge foT distance of 46 feet, the longest distance any girl has plunged in swimming in the last two years in the University, and with 25 points to her :redit, Loeta Rogers was high point win aer for the sophomores in. the swimming meet held, in the pool in the men’s gyrn aasium Tuesday evening at 7:30. As Jut one senior and four sophomores en tered, there was little room for compe tition- This meet, however, was a con test between the members of the two classes, senior and sophomore, within their own ranis. Ollie Stoltenherg took second place for the sophomores with 16 points, Xa ami Robbins third and Mildred Dodds fourth. Catherine Pobie. a senior, gained 13 joints. She entered all events and won joints in three. The interclass meet, in which teams ihosen from these preliminary meets will >articipate, will be held next Tuesday. February 25, in the pool in the men's rymnasium. Alpha Beta Arrives; What and Why It Is, Is Still a Mystery A new mystic order has joined the list of fraternities on the campus. This fra ternity is, however, a little different. We vile suspicious of it. Six pledges were an nounced Tuesday evening. But how can an organization pledge members if there has been no organization before? Where did the thing start, anyway? Reading over the list of pledges, and noticing the variety of talent there dis played, students are suggesting that per haps these men formed the society them selves—and pledged themselves. Anyway, they are a bunch of cronies, for we fiud the best of old friends in the list of elected men. Just what Alpha Beta is going to do or just what it is for, of course, few people know. On being (luestioned, the newly elected admit calm ly that they themselves don’t know. The general impression among gossipy circles is that the society is not to be one for intellectual achievements at least. It is in fact an inter-class organization of some sort and numbers in addition to men of prominence .and athletes, those about whom many students know nothing at all. So there it is. The name alone is enough to quicken suspicion. EX-PRESIBENT TAFT GREETS COL BOWEN _ * i Smiles in Memory of Days in Philippines; Takes 10 Years Off Officer’s Age. Colonel W. II. C. Bowen, professor of military science and tactics, returned from Portland Tuesday, where he was a University representative at the north western congress for a league of nations. He declares that he felt at least 10 years younger when Ex-President AVil liam Howard Taft shook his hand and with his famous irresistible smile greet ed him Monday morning by saying, “Oh, my boy, I'm glad to see yon.” Colonel Bowen knew Mr. Taft inti mately in the Philippines, -where he en tertained Mrs. Taft on one occasion for about a week while he was serving as military governor of one of the prov inces, under Taft’s administration as governor-general of the islands. “He is a wonderful man,” said Colonel Bowen, “and greatly beloved by those who know him-” Mr. Taft assured Colo nel Bowen that if be is reminded before lie makes his next trip west, he will stop off iu Eugene between trains and visit the University. He would have done so this time had not his San Francisco en gagements prevented. Colonel Bowen said there was a great overflow at the conference. The audito rium accommodates but 5,000 people, and there were 12,000 all told, so that several overflow meetings were held. H. L. Corbett, who attended the third officers’ training camp at the Univer sity last fall, was chairman of the con gress, and later, as president of the Portland Chamber of Commerce, he in troduced Mr. Taft at the luncheon given, by that organization. About 600 people heard Mr. Taft on that occasion and there his address was more intimate and his characteristic chuckle frequent, according to Colonel Bowen. COLIN DYMENT TO RETURN i Has Been On All Battlefields of North ern France and Belgium. Colin V- Dyment, formerly professor of journalism in the University, and head of the department at the University of Washington, expects to return to the United States with the 91st division about March 1, according to word received by friends here. Mr. Dyment, who is a lieutenant in the Red Cross service in France, has been on every battlefield in northern France and Belgium. Lieutenant Dyment’s work was with the Red Cross' unit which searched for missing men. "When on the famous Hindenbuvg line, he picked up a Ger man helmet and mailed it from Paris to Miss Mjrrha Hepburn. Lieutenant Dyment said that the in fluenza was very bad in Paris and that he was more afraid of it than of the bat tlefield. —~~ in LISTS 31 IN DRAFT FOR WORK ON TRACK Coach Makes Second Call for Future-Greats Among Among Freshmen. “Bill" Haywards today gave out Ids first list of men who will be drafted for Varsity track. The list includes thirty one men, of varied experience. A second call for freshmen track aspirants was also given and “Bill” reports that the first draft of freshmen for track was well received, and so far, no names will 'go on the “black list.” The Varsity men will occupy Kincaid field on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, according to the present plans of Hayward. The freshmen will be asked to turn out on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, as Bill wants to keep the two classes separated as far as possible, so he can have more time for each class. The hour for R. O. T. C. drill conflicts with the hours formerly arranged for track, and Bill is having trouble arrang ing suitable hours. More men will be drafted ns the sea son progresses, both for Varsity and Freshmen teams. The first call for Var sity track is as follows: “Nish” Chapman, “Mort” Brown, “Newt” Estes, William Hollenbeck, Carl Mnutz, Dwight Parr, Ralph Dresser, Ev erett Brandenburg, doe Trowbridge, “Brick” Leslie, Leith Abbott, II. Thomp son, “Hank” Foster, Warren Gilbert, Eddie Durno, Thomas Strachan. Merle Margason, Harry Jamieson, John Mn.< terson, Ben Breed, “Si” Starr, Lloyd Still. Albert Runipiist, Donald Feenaugh ty, S. Anderson, W. Jay Mulkey, Carter Brandon, Don Bolding, Guy Armentrout, I. Brown, Lyle JBain,. The second Freshman draft contains: George Doust. Elston Ireland, Phil Ow ens, Percival Lasselle, Frank DePue, Plarold Connolly, George Goldstein. TELLS OF U BOAT ATTACKS Sophus Blohm, Oregon Man, has Four Different Experiences. Sophus Blohm who atended the Uni versity in 1911 and 1912 and who enlist ted in the United States navy in Octo ber, 1917, has been under fire during submarine attacks four times since his enlistment, accoring to the record of his service sent to Emma Wootton Hall, sec retary of Military Records in the Uni versity. During one of these attacks the U. S. S Tippicanoe was torpedo d and sank in twenty minutes with a loss of 15 of the crew. At another time on board the I'. S. S. Rondo a lifeboat with 21 men was picked up. They were survivors of transport Dwinsk which was torpedoed off the coast of New York in July. These men wore 10 days and nights without food and water. Mr. Blohm writes that he found the Eroneh people very enter taining and hospitable. Mr. Blohm received the overseas chevron and served transport duty for one year. He received his training at Goat Island and Mare Island on the U. S. S. Kearsage and was transferrd to th U. S. S. Rondo. He received his dis charge January 18, 1919. He is now a salesman for the Pacific Wholesale Fruit company for Salem and the sur rounding territory. MRS. BECK TO LECTURE Silver Collection Will be Taken to Be gin Talking Machine Fund. Mrs Anna Landsbirry Beck, instructor in the school of music, will lecture to the parents and friends of students in the University high school Friday after noon at 3 o’clock, in the assembly room of Oregon hall. “•The talking machine as a medium of developing the art of listening intelligently to and appreciating music,” is to be the subject of the lec ture. Mrs. Beck will use the phonograph to illustrate her talk. IIow to recog nize the different orchestral instruments when heard in concert and what to lis ten for will be particularly emphasized in this talk. A silver collection will he taken, which will serve as a beginning of a fund to be used for the purchase of a talking ma chine for the University high. A course in the appreciation of mu sic will then be offered to all those who .wish to avail themselves of it, , w. sjya to 28 Durno Helps Put Varsity One Game Wearer Title: 28 Points His Total. The University of Oregon basketball five defeated the Washington State col lege team in the first game of the two game series at Pullman last night by the score of ,'!S to 2S. Durno received i-’S points during the evening. The varsity seemed to get away well and arc now cue game nearer the Northwest champion ship. The Pullman team is the strongest op ponent the Oregon team has to face, and they are as determined to win .he cham pionship as are the members of the Ore gon team. If Oregon wins the contest tonight they will have the N mthwest championship almost cinched as it is hardly conceivable that the Aggies can take both games from the var-ity here on the fllowing week-end. The news of Oregon’s victory over the W. S. C crew was received on the campus this morning in a telegram from Dean II. Walker, coach of the varsity team, Durno was obviously the star of the game as he was the only one men tioned in press reports this morning. After playing the second game at Pull man tonight the varsity will journey t.. Moscow where they will meet the Uni versity of Idaho five on their floor Fri day evening, inasmuch as the Multnomah club announced that they will meet the Seattle Y. M. 0. A. five in Portland Sat urday night the Oregon team will prob ably stop in Walla Walla for the Satur day game. $235,000 Measure Introduced in House; $250,000 Bonds May be Issued. Appropriation of $100,000 for tho Wo man’s building, and $135,0(H) for mainte nance of the University for two years took a further step toward reality yes terday when tho joint ways and means committee of the state legislature re ported to the house the hill making such provision. Friends of the University re gard the passage of the bill in its present form as a virtual certainty; Further support for the University may come from the $3,000,000 bond is sue proposed to be submitted to the peo ple ns a part of an extensive public-im provement scheme for the state. The joint committee of the legislature on re construction has the matter before it to day after a conference last night with representatives of the farmers, the busi ness men and the working men of tlm state. In case of the passage of the bill and the voting of the bonds at the elec tion. the University would receive a total of $230,000 for new buildings. WILL TRY FOR WEST POINT John Ganibe, Sophomore, will be Ex amined March 18. Representative McArthur announces the appointment of John A. (Jumble, a sophomore in the University and a mem ber of Phi Delta Theta fraternity, '■> compete in the official United States military academy examinations at Van couver barracks, March 18. Mr. Gamble is prominent in athletics and is well known on the campus. Acting upon the recommei. lation of President Campbell, Representative Hawley has nominated as principal to the military academy William Shepard Biddle III; as first al^fmate, Ralph Ar nold Tudor as second alternate, and Reg inald Allen Daddysman. Representative Hawley has also rec ommended John Dierdorf for one vacan cy in the naval academy, Merrill Rarger Twining for the second vacancy and lias submitted the names of three other young men to a competitive examination to be held by the Bureau of Navigation through the civil service commission for filling the third i-a/jancy. Life in Australia Is | Just One Eat After Another Says Reddie l'ating is quite the national pastime and means of unfailing entertainment, I in Australia, according to Professor Fer gus Reddie, who has just returned from a three months’ sojourn in that land. At 7 in the morning, he says, a ser vant brings to your room, without knock ing, for one simply learns in time not to get up before 7, a steaming hot cup of tea. At 10 one appears at a regular break fast, nothing dainty or unassuming, but altogether plentiful and nourishing, con sisting of fish and eggs and rolls and marmalade and hotcnkes and more eggs and always of course, tea. Then at 11 there is tea again. Hoys are to be seen Tunning buck and forth out of banks and public buildings carry ing little servers of ten at this time and business is temporarily stopped while the tea drinking ceremony is gone through with. At 1 o’clock luncheon occurs. At 4:30 afternoon ten is to be had once more. At 7 the dinner hour is announced and a sumptuous repast is set before the perhaps rather reluctant American, for he thinks of war and the talk of conser vation. At 1) n slight cold luncheon of sand wiches and tea is served to those who are now hungry again. After the theatre more tea, of course, is consumed by the elite who feel the need of one last draught bfore the long seven-hour wait begins before it is again time for another cup. No wonder Mr. Reddie looked with such a familiar eye on a cup of the bev erage which was offered him the other afternoon since his return. Some Expected to be Back in College at Opening of Spring Term. The returning Goth coast artillery brought back to this country a number of former University students who have spent at least a year in France. It is expected that a number of the men will return to college for the spring term al though it id not known definitely when they will be discharged at Camp Lewis. Of the number of University students who left in the old coast artillery a number have been transferred to other commands or to officers’ schools. Captain Martin W. Ilnwkius, com manding the third battalion, is an Ore gon graduate and track star. lie is the highest in rank of the old Oregon men still with the (15th. Other Oregon men returning are Second Lieutenant James C. Koepke, Eugene ; Corporal Henjnmin G. Fleiscliman, Portland, Private Arthur E. Gray, Portland, Sergeant Francis A. Finneran, Portland ; Sergeant Jtodney F. Smith; Corporals Virgil F. Alexander, «ohu II. .Madden, wagoners, Elmer Hrenton, Aflred J!. Cluhli, Kenneth W. Cockerine, privates, Richard Seen roe, Harold 15. Say, Walter J>. Schmeding, Wayne L. Wells and Paul W. Foster, all of Eugene, Clifford Sevits of Kla math Falls. LIBRARY FILES CLIPPED Mutilation of Magazines and Nowspapers Brings Complaint. Complaints have come from the library according to Miss Cora Ltien, reference librarian, that students have been clip ping articles out of newspapers and mag azines, which articles happen to meet their requirements. In some eases they have taken away the entire periodical. This is a pretty small trick for a col lege student to be doing, Miss Bien points out. “These periodicals were placed in the library,” she says, “for the conveni ence of all the students, not for the ben efit of a few. T'nless tiiis petty stealing stops the library cannot furnish complete date upon desired subjects to the st» dents. This isn't showing the right Ore gon spirit and unless it stops it is going to put a blot upon Oregon’s name. It's ub-Ia the students.” Desolation of French Cities> Tells of Things We Know Nothing of, He Says. PAYS TRIBUTE TO CORPS OF AMERICAN HOSPITALS Officers Praise Spirit of Yan kees in Answer to “Let’s Go.” “We don’t know anything about war,’’/ said Edgar It. l’iper, managing editor] of the Oregonian, in his address before the assembly yesterday morning when1 lie gave a series of intimate glimpsesj of the war as seen and felt by him when' he visited England and France last fall.* “If you want to know anything about, the excruciating agony of war that comes^ to innocent women, go ask the mothers and sisters of Lille. It was in that city of 200,000 people, held by the Ger-j mans for fi.ur years and five days, that thousands of women came to the public; square when the party of 12 editors. invited by the British government, of which Mr. I'iper was a member, stopped,' It was there, according to Mr. PiperJ that mothers told them they wanted, the American people to find out if pos-! sihle what had become of the 5,000 young! girls of Lille, their daughters, who ha<| horn taken away by the Germans (The American editors left New York on September 2(>, “and,” said Mr. (Piper,! "we saw England, Scotland and France,' and we saw and hoard Ireland.” Presented to English King While in England, the party was invit ed to spend the day ut Sandringham to see the king and queen, and they were', all greatly concerned over their apparel.1 According t; Mr. Piper, they were tre mendously relieved when King George sent word for them to come, .just ns they were. They found the king dressed like] any American, wearing a check suit, red] tie, gray spats and an ordinary hnt.j “And the q'uoen was wearing—well a, very nice dress,” said Mr, Piper, “and wo had a bully day.” On Hu1 day of their memorable visiti rumors were afloat that Emperor AVil-‘ helm would abdicate ami Mr. Piper said, he told the king that if by any chance, he shuld lose ids crown, lie invited him] to come to America and run for pres ident on the republican ticket, "for good ness knows,” he said “we need n can didate.” “I understood when I saw the British grand fleet, comprising about 1,000 ves sels, why Germany kept hgr fleet in the channel. It was an amazing demon stration of the power of Great Britain. It was marvelous! Superb!” Airplanes Are Valuablo The party was due to go across tliii channel to France in an airplane, and although they were a Lit on edge about] it wbn they saw the plane, according to Mr. I’iper, they concluded to go. “How! high will we go?” asked Mr. Piper of the pilot. ! “Twe lty thousand feet,” was the re ply. "Couldn’t you go a few thousand feet lower?” ; “No, ve have to go as high as we can] so if the engine stops wn can volplane and land either in France or England. If we fell on water the machine would be! lost.” * When the fog prevented the party’s] going in the air and they were obliged to make the trip in automobiles, there were no jeep regrets from the editors] according to Mr. I’iper. Lens All Desolation “At Lens not one single* wall was standing u single foot above its foun dations. All was weary desolation. T don't kuw what can be done with a place like that,” said Mr. Piper. 1 At Viniy ltidge the party saw 19 air-, planes flying overhead in perfect for-' niation. They had been over the Ger-J man lines and one plane was flying alone! in the rear, a sentinel, an utpost- “It; was a beautiful sight,” said Mr. Piper^ “but it was nt so much the beauty of the spectacle that impressed me as was, the fact that at last man is master of the air.” In Arras, Mr. Piper was laid up fori a time in a hospital as a result of in-i (Continued on page 4.)