Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, February 11, 1919, Image 1

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NO. 45.
','r __
' f ‘ J ^ 4
'Work is Divided Into Many De
partments tor Rapid
j _
iRoom in Library Wow Ready
for Trophies; Scrap Books
to be Kept.
Ella Dews, University historian, has
"appointed committees to handle the de
tails of gathering and compiling the data
for the University records. The commit
tee members will meet Wednesday eve
ning in room 32 in the library to discuss
the best methods of handling the project
and will begin work immediately after.
The departmental system has been
used in dividing the work among the stu
dents. Miss Dews said. Members of the
committees and the departments which
are to handle follows:
List of Committees.
Adelaide Lake, Forest Watson, and
£yle McCroskey, general committee;
English, Lucile Redmond; physical train
ing (men) Bill Morrison, chairman, Her
man Lind and Alexander Brown; physical
training (women) Maud Lombard, chair
man, Virginia Hales; science, Jerry Back
strand; history, Charles Huggins; exten
sion division, Mozelle Hair; foreign lan
guage, Lois Grey; economics, Helen
Brenton; public speaking, Ruth Graham
and Abe Rosenberg; dramatics, Frances
Frater; University library, Stella Sulli
ran; philosophy, William Rebec.
The history of the part played by the
University in the world war will be hand
led by Charles Comfort, chairman; Rich
ard Martin, Wayne Laird, Warren Gil
bert and Bernice Spencer; Oregon tra
ditions, Leith Abbott, chairman, Bill
Cummings, Marion Coffey, Kenneth
Laneefield and Tracy Byers; organiza
tions, Helen McDonald, chairman, Betty
Aumiller, Nish Chapman, Merle Marga
gon and Helen Manning; student index,
Frances Bluroek; buildings and campus,
Nlellie Parker.
Library Room Ready.
Tlie room in the library which has been
donated by the University for the use
of the University historian and her com
mittees is now ready for use. “All tro
phies, pictures and interesting things of
former years will be kept on display in
this room,” said Ella Dews, “and it will
always he open to the students. The file
index system and scrap books will aid in
keeping the material in order.
Hurt fn Spirit When 91st Sails and
Leaves Him at Camp Lewis.
Robert James Cosgriff, second lieu
tenant in the United States army, who
left the University last year as a fresh
man, has been “wounded,” has been “dec
orated,” is not married, nor engaged
tor likely to be. nor ever has been ac
cording bo Ute answers he made to the
nuestionnairc sent him for information
publication in the Alumni magazine.
“I was wounded in spirit on the day
the flet division left for the show and
I wag stuck in the depot brigade,” he
writes. He explains his decorationss
by saving “the deep furrows on my brow
are due to worrying because I couldn't
get to the war.”
Witb regard to experiences, he writes
fkat he had two salient experiences, one
when he experienced hope to get to the
fight when it was on and the second
when he experienced an uncontrollable
longing to return to the school he loves,
now that the “parade is over.”
“My sole ambition,” he says, “is to
turn to the University in the fall and,
stay until I am ready to graduate. I
get a little funny feeling when I think
about it like I wanted to cry or fight
or something. I don’t know what.
“I have had a lot of hard things hap
p. ■ since i came into the service but in
spite of them I hope to return to col- :
lege next foil” J
Here’s One Dance
Which Basketeers
Won’t Need to Miss
The basketball team is happy. Six
girls in college are correspondingly hap
py. Why? Because the team will be
back for the Freshman Glee Saturday
The team has been in hard luck as
far as dances go, for the entire winter.
The schedule has been so arranged that
the team has been away for nearly all
the dances. They have had to be ab
sent from most of the house dances be
cause of basketball, and they even had
to miss the Sophomore Informal.
When the dates for the O. A. C.
games at Corvallis and the Freshman
Glee were announced, the team moaned
in despair. It seemed ns though all
luck was against them. They could not
even go to the Freshman Glee.
Dean Walker sympathized with the
players, and told them that he would
try to arrange it so that they could both
play at Corvallis and attend the dance
at Eugene- And it has been done. The
second game will be played Saturdny
afternoon, and the team will have ample
time to catch the 5 o'clock train for
home. They may be a little late for the
dance, but no difficulty is expected in
filling out their programs.
Ten Teams Will Play In Two
Leagues on Schedule
Just Out.
League A League B
❖ Delta Tau Delta Alpha Tail Omega
❖ Oregon Club Sigma Chi
❖ Friendly Hall Kappa Sigma
❖ Sigma Nu Phi Gamma Delta
❖ Beta Theta Pi Phi Delta Theta
Doughnut handball is tho nest intra
mural sport on the calendar. The cam
pus organizations have been divided into
two leagues and play will start Tues
day, February IS.
i'he schedule is as follows:
Tuesday, Feb. IS—Delta Tau Delta
vs- Alpha Tau Omega; Oregon Club vs.
Sigma Chi.
Wednesday, Feb. 19.—Friendly Hall
vs. Kappa Sigma; Sigma Nu vs. I’hi
Gamma Delta.
Thursday, Feb. 20.—Beta Theta Fi
vs- Phi Delta Theta; Delta Tau Delta
vs. Alpha Tau Omega.
Friday, Febi 21.—Oregon Club vs.
Sigma Chi; Friendly Hall vs. Kappa
Saturday, Feb. 22-—Sigma Nu vs. Phi
Gamma Delta; Beta Theta Pi vs. Phi
Delta Theta.
Monday, Feh. 24.—Delta Tau Del
ta vs. Alpha Tau Omega; Friendly Hall
vs. Kappa Sigma
Tuesday, Feb. 25.—Oregon Club vs.
Sigma Chi; Sigma Nu vs. Phi Gamma
Wednesday, Feb. 2G.—Beta Theta Pi
vs- Phi Delta Theta; Friendly Hall vs.
Kappa Sigma.
Thursday. Feb. 27.—Delta Tau Delta
vs. Alpha Tau Omega; Sigma Nu vs.
Phi Gamma Delta.
Friday, Feb. 2S.-—Oregon Club vs
Sigma Chi; Beta Theta F*i vs. I’hi Del
ta Theta.
GO Women Turn Out; Half are Fresh
men; Miss Gorman is Coach.
About sixty girls turned out for the
first indoor baseball practice held in the
gymnasium Monday at 5 o’clock. More
than half of this number were freshmen.
I>ast night's practice consisted of pre
liminary training in the art of playing
baseball, ns to how to throw and catch
the ball, how to handle the bat and how
to stand while using it.
Practice will probably continue for the
rest of this term before teams are chos
'en, according to Miss Gladys Gorman,
coach. More upperclass girls are needed,
Miss Gorman said, before upperclass
teams can be chosen. The practice for
freshmen will be held Tuesdays and
Thursdays at 5 o’clock. Upperclassmen
will practice at 4 o’clock on Tuesdays
and Thursdays and practice for all will ;
be held at 4 o’clock, on Me rid ax.
*» i
Women may Choose same Date;
Two Tentative Questions
Twelve Teams are Left After
Elimination of Winners
According to Points.
The second round of the men’s dough
nut debates has been scheduled for the
evening of March (> and it is probable
that the women will accept this date
when the house representatives meet to
morrow afternoon.
The men have chosen for their ques
tion, “Resolved, that the United States
should cancel the French government's
money debt to the United States gov
ernment.” This question follows the de
cision laid down by members of the
league when they first organized to use
for subject matter just that material
which might involve timely problems of
the league of nations
Six Men’s Teams Left
Following the elimination of three of
the house teams according to points
wou in the last debate, there remain in
the men’s league only six teams and their
program for competing at the next time
has been arranged as follows:
Affirmative vs. Negative.
Friendly Hall vs. Delta Tan Delta.
Delta Tau Delta vs. Beta Theta Pi.
Beta Theta Pi vs. Sigma Nu.
Sigma Nu vs- Phi Delta Theta.
Phi Delta Theta vs. Oregon Club.
• Oregon Club vs. Friendly Ilall.
The coaches for the next series of
debates will probably be the same as
before. i
lo unoose uuesuun
Thus far the women have two tenta
tive questions up for consideration which
they will choose between fiuurly tomor
row after due consideration of the mer
its of both. These questions are, first,
“Resolved, that the league of nations
should rule that all non-governiug colo
nies should be placed under the juris
diction of the league”; or second,ly, “Re
solved, that a Germany embittered by
letot and loss of colonies is more to be
feared inside the league of nations than
outside of it.”
The women’s houses still in the race
are Alpha Phi, Oregon Club, Gamma Phi
Beta, Hendricks Hall, Pi BeBta Phi,
and Kappa Kappa Gamma. These hous
es will be scheduled for the second meet
tomorrow according to the dual plan in
Building Will Have Largest Floor Space
on Campus.
The old drill shed is fast being trans
formed into a huge new gymnasium, and
it is hoped by Dean Walker, iu charge
of athletics, that the end of the present
week will seee th work completed. This
new building will overcome the present
handicap of insufficient floor space.
There will be three double tennis courts,
five handball, volleyball and squash
courts. The students will have two bas
ketball sections and the faculty will have
A doughnut league for indoor baseball
will more than likely be formed in the
near future, as there is plenty of room
for such games that was lacking before.
Many University functions other than
athletic games may be held here, as this
building will constitute the largest amount
of floor space on the campus. The var
sity and freshman teams have been ham
pered by having only one gymnasium,
as doughnut games interfered, but I)onn
Walker hopes the new gymnasium will
accommodate all
All naval reserve men are urged by
Colonel W. H- C. Bowen to procure
their papers from the registrar's office
and, after filling them out, to bring
them to his office in Friendly hall, in
order that he may sign them before they
are returned to the registrar, Mr. Tif
fanjv > ‘
Many Campus Favorites to Trip
From Wings Next Friday Evening
Rehearsal Shows Johnnie Houston Posing in Same Old Way,
Cres Maddock as Policema and Marian
Gilstrap as Swedish Maid.
By Bess Coleman
Dropping in at a rehearsal of “What
Happened to Jones,” lust evening at the
Eugene theatre to get a glimpse of
what is to be expected next Friday night
an Emerald reporter saw an array of tal
ent which will he almost sure to be
enough to suit all varieties of campus
First there appeared Johnnie Houston.
Johnnie will be Johnnie, the same old
“Prince of Liars” who made us laugh i
last year in Guild hull. He has the same
graceful poses! Next Marion Gil
strap tripped from the wings, but
as a Swedish servant girl. Then there
was Cres Ataddock, a policeman, and not
a hit rusty after his long vacation from
the stage. He policed all over the place,
while Hester Hurd and Norvell Thomp
son flirted outrageously at the side.
David Lloyd Stearns did am Indian war
dance too, while Bill Bolger registered
pleading distress. Several of our former
stars were there and a few new ones
who hope to twinkle. And all the time
Miss Charlotte Bnnfield presided, watch
ing, guiding, stopping the action, starting
it again.
Especially noted was the old pink set
no longer pink hut painted a cool blue.
Whether it was Ella Dews or Marion
Coffey, or ed Fowler or whoever it
was that thought of it, everyone will be
thankful, that's almost sure.
So plans are almost ready for St. Val
entine's evening. Lines uro learned, seats
are selling like proverbial hotcakes and
plans look favorable for the early dimin
ishing of the student body debt. It is ru
mored that the event will be "dressy”,
and it is whispered that the chaperons
adorning the boxes will wear evening
dress. At all events it seems that cam
pus folk are responding and all eager to
see our actors cavorting on the boards.
Infants will Go with Varsity
for Two-Game Series
at Corvallis.
Tlio Freshman basketball squad will
journey to Corvallis with tbe varsity
team Friday to play tbe O. A. C. rooks.
The Frosh will play two games on the \
same nights as the varsity. The team is 1
in good condition for the contest, and the
frosh are capable of playing a fast fight
ing game.
No definite lineup has been announced,
but probably Ventch and Manerud will
play forwards, Jacobberger and Heller
guards, , J Latham center. There may be j
some changes but t.h«4*e men seem to have
the best chances of making the regular j
frosh team.
Manuerud and Ventch are a mighty
clever pair of basket shooters and will
cause considerable trouble for the Aggie
rooks. They have played together for
the past two years in high school and
their combination is hard to beat. Latham
at center has been doing some ifne work
for the frosh and looks like the best bet
for the pivot position. Marc plays a clean
fjf game and tosses the ball in the hoop
with considerable regularity. Boiler and
Jacobberger are doing some tall work
at the guard positions. Boiler is an ac
curate passer and seldom allows his man
to slip over a shot.
The freshman team is determined to
clear the record of last year’s quintet,
which lost three out of four games to the
Aggies. The same number of {/ ines will
be played this yenr, ns the O, A. C. rooks
will come to Eugene when the Aggies
play their return game with the varsity.
At yet tbe freshman team is not sched
uled to play any more games, but Dean
Walker says they will play some Port
land team if the game can bn arranged.
Extension Division and Rod Cross will
Gather Statistics of State.
The University division will co-oper
ate with the Red Cross, according to
John C. Almack, director, in conducting
a health survey of the state of Oregon.
Material to be collected for the survi.
will consist of health statistics, health
legislation, and general information re
garding agencies concerned with the pro
motion and protection of health. Most of
the material will be secured at local Red
Cross chapters, then prepared and re
ported to tbe northwestern division of
the Red Cross.
The Y. W. C. A. Advisory Board
met Monday afternoon in the bungalow.
The nominating committee hag appoint
ed the following new advigerg. Mrs. Al
bert R- Sweetser, Mrs. Donald Young,
and Miss Mary Perkins. Miss Amy Dunn
was appointed to assist Miss Cornelia
Heess in writing to the alumnae inform
ing them of the work of the campua
v. W
Miss Branda Franklyn, Artist,
Painter of Joffre. Will Be
at Assembly.
Miss Brenda Francklyn, daughter of
flip commissary gmornl of the British
army in India and official speaker for
the committee for the devastated children
of France, will speak at assembly" ■JVed
nesday morning on the work done by this
committee during the war.
Miss Frnneklyn in addition to being a
f|'aker of note is a painter of minia
tures, according to Karl Onthank, secre
tary to President Campbell. While in
France she painted a picture of General
Joffre, and received for it a large sum
of money which she gave to charity,
$2,000 of which was used to help the
children of devastated France.
It was at the suggestion of ex-Presi
dent Garfield’s family, of whom she is a
friend, that she took np this work in
France. She luid been twice at tin* front
and 1ms been in Belgium. She and the
other workers of this society give their
time and services free of charge. Miss
Franeklyn comes to the University from
Portland and Seattle where she has been
speaking on the work done by this so
George Hopkins, (he new instructor in
the school of music, will give a piano se
Will be Chairman of Homo Economics
Section at Spokano Meeting.
Miss Lillian Tingle, head of the de
partment of household arts, who has been
appointed chairman of the home eco
nomics section of the Inland Empire Ed
ucation %’ association, will attend the con
vention which will be held Gy the asso
ciation at Spokane, April 2.
“Teachers of home economics in Ore
gon,” said Miss Tingle, "are urged to be
present at this meeting, at which the
many problems of readjustment for peace
find coming developments in the field of
economies will be discussed by spe
'ciahsi... .. > are most closely in touch
with this great eduactionnl movement.”
Miss Ava B. Milam, dean of home
economies at O. A. will speak on
“JIow to make Home Economics Work
Functional." A discussion regarding this
work will he given by .Miss Effie Itnitt,
head of the home economic* department
of the University of Washington. Miss
Anne Richardson, federal agent for voca
tional education for women, from Wash
ington, I). C., will address the conven
tion. Her topic is not yet announced.
A discussion of “The Development of Vo
cational Itome Economics” will be made
by Miss Louise Stanley from Washing
ton, D. C.
After the program, a business meeting
will be held followed by a home economics
Campaign to Bring Total Up tc
1,000 to be Launched at
Students Urged to Hand in All
Photographs for Book
Before Feb. 15.
A cnmpnign to hrlng Oregann sub
scriptions on the campus up to 1,000 will
be launched tomorrow at. assembly hour
by Curtiss Peterson, manager, and n com
mittee working with him. "Every student
and faculty member a subscriber,” is the
slogan adopted and unless you can pro
duce your receipt tomorrow, winsome
wiles or some other method will be em
ployed to relieve you of a dollar and give
Jou in its place a slip of paper. Tho
remaining two dollars of the subscrip
tion price is to be paid upon receipt o*f
the book.
About 000 Oreganas have already been
sold. Mr. Peterson said yesterday, and it
is hoped that the remaining 100 sub
script ions can lie obtained by giving tho
opportunity for subscription at assem
bly hour tomorrow. As you enter the up
per hall of Yillard you will he met by
Helen Manning, Grace Tlammerstrom or
Nell Warwick and it is to one of these
that you must give your dollar. Other
members of the committee are Dorothy
Duniway. Petty Aumiller, Grace llugg,
Pueile MoCorkle, Margaret Mansfield.
Louise Davis, Frances Stiles, Herman
Lind, Fluid Madden, Jack Dundore, Lind
say McArthur, Virgil Meador, Harry
Jamieson. Everyone on the campus is to
be solicited, say those in charge,
Motinn On Tonight.
A meeting of t!io editorial stnff of
(ho Oregnna is being hold tonight, mid
ii report of progress is to bo mode hy
each of (ho department editors. All pic
tures for the Orcgnnn must ho taken hy
h'oh. ir>. it its stated, This is positively
the final date, and any pictures taken In
ter will probably be too Into. Tf the
book is to be out. by Junior Week-end
all schedules must he f- llowed regardless
of pictures or articles that came in late,”
said Adelaide Lake, editor.
Students who are to appear in various
organization groups in the year book
must la1 careful to have a solio made for
each appearance, warn those in charge
of orgunizationss classes and fraternities.
The number of solios desired should bo
indicated to the photographer at the
time the proofs are returned. Photog
raphers report that this important detail
inis been neglected in many cases.
Contribution Box Ready.
A box for contributions to any depart
ment of the Oregnna has been placed in
the library, but no contributions have
been receded. Jokes and good pictures
for the feature section are desired, de
clares Leith Abbott, feature editor,
i • ravings and poetry represented stu
! dent talent would also be welcomed. All
I contributions should he made before
March 1.
1 Program Wednesday to ho Helpful to
Women Debaters.
i Election of officers for the remain
• ing portion of the college year will he
! held at the meeting of the Forum, the
! women’s debating nization, Wed
nesday evening at 7 o’clock in Professor
Prescott’s room frt the basement of
Johnson Flail. A program which will
i be pnrtcularlly helpful to those women
entering the second round of the inter
sorority doughnut debates has been
planned by Helen Hair, present chair*
man of the program committee.
Dr. W. I’. Boynton, professor of phys>
ics, filled the pulpit of the Baptist church
in Junction City last Sunday morning,
owing to the fact that the regular min
ister, Rev. E. T. Smith, had undergone
ri operation on his throat. Dr. Boyn
ton was dean of California College, n
Baptist school in oast Oakland, before
coming to the University of Oregon.