Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, February 01, 1919, Image 1

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VOL. 20.
NO. 41.
first Series Scheduled for Feb
ruary 6; Ten Teams to
Represent Men.
Unusual Interest Displayed in
Forensics on Campus
This Year.
The Inst team is chosen, nearly all
life coaches selected and working with
their teams and the places -ire being ar
ranged for the twenty debates of the
BJinghnut debate league by the men and
Women of the University on next Thurs
day evening, February (5. The only thing
lucking in the advance program is the se
lection of the faculty members for judges
|>4t these will be asked to help right
away, according to Herman Lind, head of
lite men’s league.
February G will seee the first of the
fteries and others wiT follow later since
both the men and women are following a
IxUpercentage and elimination plan. This
gills for tureo debates by both the men s
and women’s leagues and after a process
of elimination a final debate between the
Winning teams from the two leagues.
The men will debate the question, Ite
golved, “That the allies should hot admit.
Germany to their league of nations until
Germany shall have made restitution and
reparation as provided in the terms of
peace.” The firs/ question for the wo
men for that same evening will be Re
solved: “That Germany should not be
stripped of her colonies.” For each of
the series the questions wul be changed
making a total of seven questions which
will have been debated at the end of the
Men's Teams Chosen.
Teams to represent each of the organ
izations on the campus have been picked
end are hard at work on their speeches.
A complete list of these teams with their
roaches are as follows:
Phi Delta Theta—Ed Durno, Siiverton,
fjeorge Black, Ben Ivey, Portland. Ros
Kie. Roberts, The Dalles, coach, TV: F.
G. Timelier: Sigma Chi — Charles Lamb,
BSUamook, Douglas Tlullarky, Bond. Nel
son Dezendorf and Lewis L (Nick) Gar
ter, Portland, couch, Dr. E. TV. Hope;
Sigma Nu — Barton Shirk, Kennewick,
R'ash., TVillard Hollenbeck. Battle
Ground. Wash., Steve Matthieu and
Sprague Carter. Portland: Friendly Hall
—Remy Cox, Stanley Eisman, Portland,
Sales French. George Shirley, McMinn
gVille, William Rebee, Eugene, coach,
Carlton Savage: Phi Gamma Delta —
Lyle McCroskoy, Bellingham, Wash.,
George LaRoche, William Bolger, Port
land, Sam Lehman. Eugene, coach, Dr.
J. II. Gilbert; Beta Theta Pi — Curtiss
Peterson, Eugene; Eugene rveity. eorest
Watson. Richard Martin, all of Portland,
coach. Walter Myers; DeltaTau Delta —
Karl Weigel. The Dalles. Raymond Koes
sell, Portland. Raymond Lawrence,
Wnodhurn, coach. L. L. Ray; Alpha Tau
Omega — Lackey Bonney.,Prineville, Or
rnand Hildebrand, Wasco, Charles Hug
ging. Hood River, Donald Gxman. Jame
son. coach. Peter Crockatt; Kappa Sig
ma — Lloyd Still. Milton, Jack Dundore,
Portland, Henry Koepke, Athena. John
Masterson, Port Orford; Elen’s Oregon
Club, Arthur Hicks. Day Bayly, Len
f’ishback, Dewey Probst. all of Eugene,
roach Kenneth Armstrong.
19 Teams Represent Women.
Alpha PH — Gladys Bowen, Eugene,
Elizabeth Hadley. The Dalles, Dorothy
Reed. Portland. Ruth Young. Seattle,
<y»ach. Miss Mary Perkins; Chi Omega—
Gladys Hollingsworth. Portland, Louise
fthehan. West Linn; Pi Beta Phi—Alice
Thurston, Roseburg. Evelyn Smith. Red
mond. Pearl Craine, Bandon. Laura Ran i
Portland, coach, Peter Crockatt; Delta
pamma — Clem Cameron. Portland. Ruth
Cowan. Marshfield, Lois Hall and Era
Godfrey, Eugene; Kappa Kappa Gamma
—Alice Evans, Mary Evans, Doris Pit
tenger, all of Portland. Norma Medler,
Wasco, coach. W. F. G. Thacher; Ore
gon Club, Helen Flint. Junction City.
Grace Knopp, Marie Ridings. Je;/ ie Todd
all of Eugene, coach, George Turnbull;
Kappa Alpha Theta — Mildred Garland,
Lebanon, Margaret Thompson, Bend,
1Con turned, .jon page-three)
Six of Seven Oregon Men in Legislature
With Party Today.
Six of the seven members of the legis
lature this year who are graduates or for
! m%r students of the University of Oregon
are on the campus today with the state
legislative party. William Gore, repre
sentative from Jackson county and a
member of the University hoard of re
gents. found it impossible to make the
trip this week-end.
The former Oregon men. in addition to
Mr. Gore, are: Senator F. H. Porter of
Linn county, and representative C. E.
Woodson of Morrow and Umatilla coun
ties, David M. Graham of Lane county,
K. K. Kubli of Multnomah county, L. E.
Bean of Lane county and Herbert Gor
don of Multnomah county.
According to Dean John Straub, fifty
per cent of the visitors on the campus
today are here for the first time, mak
ing this visit of particular value to the
University in that it gives to the state
through these leaders a closer contact
with Oregon.
! 150 Names on Waiting List for
Odd Jobs; Plenty of Work
Expected Soon.
| Between 00 and 70 per cent of the
! men registered in the University are
wholly or partially self-supporting, ac
cording to the estimate made by A. R.
Tiffany, University registrar today.
The labor situation has been greatly
| affected by the return of so many men
! from the army and the big demand for
student assistance which was encounter
ed last fall no longer exists at the pres
ent time. It is thought, however, that
' this competition will be gradually elim
j inatod and that with the coming of spring
i there will be plenty of odd jobs in the
line of gardening and planting.
The men’s employment bureau which is
operated by William P. Vance, student Y.
M. C. A., secretary on the campus, has
obtained much work for the men.
Through the efforts of this organiaztion,
29 men are almost entirely self-support
ing have received employment, while in
the neighborhood of 50 have been able
to get part time jobs. At present. Mr.
Vance says there are about 150 names
on the waiting list for odd jobs that may
come along at any time.
Joint Concert with Eugene Players at
Armory Planned.
Jack Dimdore was elected president of
the Men's Band at a meeting held Thurs
day night, and the following other offi
cers were chosen: Secretary, Lloyd Still,
manager, Earl Voorhies, and librarian,
Walter Wegner.
Plans for the near future are being
furthered to invite all players of Eu
gene to give a combined concert in the
armory with the University band, and
thereby giving the largest band concert
ever held in Eugene. Miss Eleanor Lee
of the School of Music has consented to
be the soloist at this occasion and there
will probably be others invited to take
part in the program.
The highest type of music is to be
studied, according to Mr. Albert Perfect,
director of the band.
Former Instructor in Designing May
Return to University.
Louis C. "Rosenberg. formerly assis
tant professor of design in the School
of Architecture, landed in New York
last week, after a year’s service at the
front, was the word received on the
campus yesterday. Mr. Rosenberg ex
pects to be ordered to Camp Lewis for
demobilization. “'He may return to the
University, although the school hasn’t
gotten in touch with him yet,” said Dean
E. F. Lawrence of the school.
Almack in Portland.
John C. Almack, director of the Uni
versity extension division, went to Port
land Thursday afternoon where he will
hold a conference with Dr. George Kebec
resident director of the Portland branch
of the University extension division, re
garding the University extension work
which is -being.carried'On-in-Portland. I
Oregonian Editor Recently Back
From France to Talk
on War.
Edgar B. Piper, managing editor of
The Oregonian, will speak to the student
body some time in the winter term. It is
expected that he will be here one week
from next Wednesday but this has not
yet been definitely decided. Mr. Piper
will probably speak on some phase of
the war.
Mr. Piper returned about six weeks
ago from France, to take up his work
ns managing editor of The Oregonian,
which position he has held since the
death of IIarve;f M. Scott about nine
years ago.
Battle Front Visited.
While in France, Mr. Piper was one of
a party of editors who were the guests
of the British government.
They left the United States some time
in September and arrived in Europe a
day or so after the close of the war.
During their trip they visited the battle
front, the British navy and Ireland.
Before holding the position he now has
on The Oregonian Mr. Piper was man-/
aging editor of the Post-Iutelligeucer, of
Seattle. He is a man of wide experience
and is an interesting writer as proven by
the articles he has written of his travels.
Since his return to the states he has
given several talks on the war.
Woman Legislator Coming.
Mrs. Alexander Thompson, represent
ative in the state legislature, is to speak
at assembly some time during the- term
but a definite date has not yet been ar
ranged. Mrs. Thompson is the only wo
man representative in the legislature.
She is an interesting and able speaker, ;
according to Karl Onthank, secretary to
President Campbell.
The assembly program for next
week has not been planned yet.
Rank as High as Colonel, with
Many Captains and
The number o£ Oregon men in sehviee
has now climbed to 1055, according to
Mrs. Emma Wootton Hall, secretary in
charge of the Military Records for the
In this number are the following
army officers: Colonels, 1; lieutenant
colonels, 2; majors, 7; captains, 24;
first lienlenauts, 00; second lieutenants.
100; rank unknown, 21; privates, 504
To the Navy the University has given
IS officers and 85 bluejackets. In other
branches of service are 32 marines; 4
Y. M. C. A. secretaries; 3 in Red Cross
service; 1 woman in military service
and 1 in special civil service. There are
0 whose service is not known.
Besides these there are (50 in service
from the medical school and 43 from the
law school, in addition to those 455 men
in the Student Army Training Corps.
Mrs. Hall is sending out cireulra let
ters to the parents of all Oregon men in
service enclosing a questionnaire of their
military record which they are filling
out and sending in. These hear the fol
lowign questions: Name, status, year in
college1 or year of graduation, when en
listed and in what branch of service;
military training, where and how long;
transfers; changes in rank; overseas
service, how long, engagements, wounds,
decorations, experiences, discharge,
plans for future—including whether you
intend to return to the University, gen
eral remarks, f marrier or engaged,
please give name.
“It will be some time before the grand
tally will be made and classification
completed," said Mrs. Hall, “as there
are so many men who cannot he heard
from -directlv.’' ,
Robert Prosser, Ex-’16, to Re
turn to States in
Robert Prosser, ex-'l(>, who is a ser
geant in the United States ambulance
service with the Italian army, has re
ceived the Italian Pros de Ouerrea for
service of merit while on the Piave, ac
cording to a letter received from him by
his mother. Mrs. W. C. Prosser, of Eu
gene. Prosser is also wearing the gold
chovre for six months’ overseas duty,
the Italian service bar, the A. E. F. ser
vice bar and another bar given to ah
those in the third Italian army, the vic
torious army.
Prosser took part in the main drive on
the Piave. “We were'attached to the
third Italian army and started to work
at once," says his letter, “Many of the
machines were out 00 and 70 hours with
out a stop. No sleep and very little
chance to eat. Two more days followed
and we heard that the Italians and Eng
lish had succeeded in getting pontoons
across the Piave and had gone over. The
Italians lost 25 soldiers per foot on the
Piave and the English lost .“10 to every
25 feet.”
Cigarettes Bribe Colonel.
Prosser tells interestingly of a trip
across the Piave when he obtained per
mission to enter the forbidden territory
by giving the Italian colonel some United
States cigarettes. “I started out and
drove across the pontoon bridge. We
were the first Americans in this sector
and the American uniform stands ace
high and as far as the soldiers could
see us they yelled ‘Americano vivo 1’
Americano.’ Wo drove down the trench
es and started to return only to find
that we had crossed a one-way bridge.
I turned around, drove down the I’iave
about 10 miles, passed many villages all
wrecked. The roads were almost impos
sible to drive over because of shell holes.
I finally found a pontoon bridge and
crossed back to our side.”
The people of Italy are without ambi
tion, Prosser writes. ‘‘If they would
take some of the money in this country
that they spend on churches and put it
into' schools and playgrounds it might
be possible to imbue some ambition into
them. I would sum up the Italian people
by this: On entering one of the finest
cafes in Home you wijl see a sign on
the wall bearing the words, ‘Non Sputan’
-—‘Don’t spit on the flop.’ This tells the
Famous Cathedral Visited.
Prosser has visited St. Peters cathe
dral. visited’ the forum, saw the ruins
where Caesar was killed and where Cic
ero made bis famous speeches. lie has
also soon the coliseum where the Chris
tians were fed to the beasts. In Venice
he saw St. Marks cathedral, walked
along the canals and fed the pigeons.
He expects to sail for the United States
early in February. Prosser was a student
in the University in 1013-1014 and is a
member of the Phi Delta Theta frater
Bill in House Provides for Bureau of
Research at University.
A bureau of legislative service and
reference will be established in the 1. ui
versity of Oregon if it bill introduced
in the lower house at Salem on Friday
by Representative Graham of Lane coun
ty should be passed. Under this bill the
governor would name five members of
the University faculty to head the bu
reau, including the heads of the law,
economics, history and commerce depart
ments, and all other members of the fac
ulty would be expected to give volun
tary aid when called upon to assist in
research work.
The legislature would call upon the bu
reau for all data available in connection
with any line of investigation, and the
bureau would make the necessary re
The general purpose of the bill is to
turn over the entire powers and facili
ties of the University to the legislature
for the purpose bettering conditions
Legislators and Friends
Guests of University
♦ 8- ♦
♦ 12:25—Arrival at. O. E. station. ♦
I:'>()—Luncheon at Hendricks ♦
♦ hall. ♦
♦ 2:110—Assembly at Villnrd Hall. ♦
♦ 3:30 to 4:45—Visit to depart- ♦
♦ meats and schools on campus with ♦
♦ faculty and students as guides. ♦
♦ 4:45—Tour of city. ♦
♦ 5:25—Departure. ♦
Visiting Members Tell of In
terest in Progress of
Interest in education in general and
the University in particular was ex
pressed by members of the delegation
from the Oregon state legislature at the
special assembly in Villard hull this af
The hall was filled with students, fac
ulty members, legislators and friends.
President Campbell of the Universi
ty presided, and the speakers were Sen
ators John K. Gill of Multnomah, Alex
M. La Collett, of Muriou, Dr. J, U. Smith
of Josephine, and Representatives Sey
mour Jones of Muriou. speaker of the
house; 1>. C. Lewis of Marion, and L. E.
Beau of Laue.
For the University, welcoming ad
dresses were made by 1‘resident Camp
bell, Dean John Straub and lleruld
AVhite, president of the student body.
Music for the occasion was supplied
by the Men’s Glee dub, directed by John
Stark Evans, and the University band,
conducted by Albert Perfect.
Philogians to be Reorganized and Com
petitive Club Formed.
Two debating elulis are to lie organized
in the University as soon as the present
doughnut league debuting contests are
completed. This is the plan of Robert
\Y. l’rescott, professor of public speak
ing. The old Philogiau society, reorgan
ized last term, is to be built up to its
old-time standard and a competitive so
ciety will be organized. The idea is for
the two societies to hold joint debate in
order that their members will become
used to public speaking.
There are about forty teams at pres
ent on the campus in the doughnut league,
besides the regular students of public
speaking. These societies will give those
who will be interested by the doughnut
debates a chance to develop this interest,
and will also be of great assistance in
developing inter-collegiate talent, says
Professor Prescott,
Bible Study Plans Here are Best, Says
Word that the Y. W. U. A. of the 1 ui
vorsity of Oregon is leading all univer
sities and colleges in the United /States
with its plan for organized Bible study
and other class work was received yes
terduy by Miss Tirza Dinsdule, general
secretary of the association, from Miss
Alice Brown, executive in student work
for the Northwest. “L like your plan
for the whole campaign,” Miss Brown
wrote. “Whether you know it <>r not,
you have done the thing we wanted to
do ns part of the national plain.”
in a :"t‘rn to the plan of organized
[Bible study classes for each University
group of women which has been carried
i out in detail and is now im full work
ing order, the Y. W. A. is formulat
ing plans for vocational work to be un
dertaken in the spring term. It is hoped
that thi.s work can tie carried out la
conjunction with the Association of Col
legiate Alumnae, which is planning a vo
cational conference for the spring.
Seattle, Wash, Jan. 111.— (Special.) —
The University of Washington basket
ball team defeated the University of
Oregon quintet here last night by the
score of 20 to 2-1. The Washington team
overcame a lead of five points run up by
(he Oregon team in the first half. The
game was fast and well played
88 Visit Campus on Tour of In
spection; Luncheon at
Hendricks Hall.
Forty-two morabrrs of the state legis
lature, together with their families a net
clerks, tanking a total of eighty-eight in
the party, are guests of the University
today. The legislative party is making a
tour of inspection of the University this
afternoon with faculty members and
students as guides.
The visitors were met at the 12:25
Oregon Electric train by students and
faculty. The men of the It. O. T. C. in
uniform formed two long lines beside
the train, and stood at present arms
while the guests passed by on their way
to the automobiles which took them to
the campus. The band led by Albert Per
fect, director, played “Mighty Oregon”
as soon as the train pulled in.
The party was then taken to lTcn
drieks hall, where luncheon was served
at 1 The guests included in addition
to the legislative party, members of the
Eugene Chamber of Commerce nnd the
faculty id1 the University. The visitors
were greeted at the hall of residence by
a reception committee of one member
from each id’ the sororities and four wo
men from Hendricks hall.
President Campbell and Airs. George
'1'. Gerlinger, regent of the University,
Jed the way to the dining room where
tables were arranged to seat groups of
ten. President Campbell and Mrs. Ger
linger made brief talks. The orchestra
played Mozart's overture, Grieg’s Nor
wegian Dance nnd the Heothovon Minuet.
After the assembly in Villard hall, the
guests, with faculty and students as
guides, inspected the buildings and
grounds. Laboratories were filled with
busy students and the visitors were
given an opportunity to see the Univer
sity at work. Gymnasium classes for wo
men won- hold and Miss Lilian Tingle’s
olassos in household arts and cookery
demonstrated the making of biscuits and
The forty-two senators and represent
atives who came to the University to
day wore:
Bahlwiu, tieo. T., Deschutes, Crool*
Jefferson, Klamath, Lake.
Hell, John, Lane, Linn,
Farrell, Robert S., Multnomah.
dill, John, .Multnomah.
Huston, S. B., Multnomah.
Jones, Walter R, Lane.
LnFollctt:, Alex M., Marion.
Porter, F II, Linn
Shanks, .M. D., .Gilliam. .Sherman,
Smith, J. t\, Josephine.
Bean, Louis E., Lane.
Bolton, W. C., Iiood River, M asco
Brand. Charles, Douglas.
Brownell, Cyril (J., Umatilla.
Edwards, C. Tillamook, Yamhill.
Fuller, W. B„ Polk.
Gordon, Herbert, Multnomah
Graham, David M., Lane.
Haines, H. IV., Washington.
Hughes, S. A , Marion.
Hunter, A. P., Union.
Hurd, 10. N., Clatsop.
Mli-man, II. 1.-, Multnomah.
Jones, Seymour, Marion.
Kulili. K. K., Multnomah.
I.afferty, W- I’., Benton.
Lewis, 1). <>., Multnomah,
i liiehards, Oren It., Multnomah.
Homan, .1. E., Clatsop.
Sehuebel, C„ Clackamas,
f-idler, C. A., Josephine.
Smith. A. A., Baker.
Stewart, Jas. S., Gilliam, Sherman
Thoms, I)- O., I.inn.
Thrift, T. J., Coos.
Weeks, George W., Marion.
Westerlund, J. A., Jackson.
Wheeler, H. C., Lane.
Woodson, C .K., Morrow, Umatilla,
Wright, A. X., Gilliam, Sherman,