Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, January 30, 1919, Image 1

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VOL. 20.
JAN. SO, 1919.
JtfO. 40,
Score at End of Game Tied:
Visitors Won by Foul
Mclvor and Hollman loss 12
Points Each for
The Washington State College bas
ketball team won the second game of the
series from the Oregon five on the local
floor last night by the close score of
36 to 33, after a five minute overtime
period had been played. The game itself
ended with the count 34 to 34 and in
the overtime, which was allowed, Ore
gon scored only one point during the ex.
tra session while Washington State
gathered two.
The game was a fight from begin
ning to end, and Eddie Durno was again
the high point man of the day, get
ting 19 points to his credit, 12 on field
baskets and 7 on converted fouls. For
the visitors Mclvor and Hollman both
turned in 12 on their card. Herm Find,
at center for Oregon, played an excep
tionally clever game and scored S points
during the encounter.
Many Fouls Called on Oregon
Referee George A. Anderson, of (Port
land, called fourteen personal fouls
against members of the Oregon team
and five on Washington State.
Durno was unable to trail his man
down the floor, even when he was drib
bling the ball, without having the ref
eree calling him for tripping- Durno is
so small that he has- to guard his man
closely in order to do any good.
The audience, perhaps, the largest bas
ket-ball crowd at Oregon in years, was
loud in its disapproval of refere^George
A. Anderson’s work, which was consid
ered unfair in regard to the calling of
several personal fouls which lost the
game for Oregon iu the added period.
In the last minute of play, in the reg
ular game, Oregon was leading 34 to
32 when Anderson called the fourth per
sonal fowl on Durno. This automatically
gave W. S. C. one point and a free shot,
which they failed to make. In the last
minute of the overtime period Oregon
was again in the lead 35 to 34 when the
fourth personal foul was called on Bran
Son. W -S. C. this time converted their
free shott, which with one point awarded
on the fourth personal fonl. gave them
the game by the score of 36 to 33.
Teams Seesaw Throughout
The count during the game seesawed
(jack and forth with first one team go
ing into the lead and then the other. In
the last half the play was especially
fast and it was during this period that
the Oregon team suffered personal fouls,
which the referee could not see. Every
move that was at all questionable on the
part of Oregon men was called.
The IV. S. C. team left after the game
for O. A- C., where they will clash with
the Orange and Black quintet this week
The line-up:
W. S. C. (36) Oregon (33)
Mclvor (12)... F.Durno (19)
Rockev (S)..'.F. Jacobberger (2)
Hollman (12).C. Lind (S)
4£otula (2).u.-G. ... Chapman (4)
(Btergess.G. ... Brandon (2)
(Washington State College awarded
one point e:xh on fourth personal foul
on Durno and Brandon.)
Referee: George A. Anderson of Port
Revolving Stand in Library Contains
All Material On Subject.
To meet the great demand for infor
mation. upon the coming debate subjects,
a new sectijp lias been formed in the
library which contains all the latest book
and periodicals relating to the subjects
under debate, also briefs and books of
instruction concerning the construction
of arguments.
This s•. *tion is upon a revolving stand
just behind the circulation desk in the
stack room. TV bate literature caai be
taken Oil* for hut one »ight.
Barbers’ Inharmony
Over S-Cent Shave
Basis of Court Case
I he fate of 10-cent haircuts and 5
c^nt shaves will be decided tonight in the
case of Barber Smith vs. Biltmore Hotel
company, the trial of which will be heard
in court at 7:30.
The status of the case is as follows:
The Biltmore Hotel company bought the
entire block of land and buildings, on the
east side of Willamette street between
Ninth and Tenth for its hotel. Smith
is the lessee of a barber shop in one of
the buildings that the hotel company has
bought. His lease has still five years to
run. The hotel company offered Smith
a better shop in a building across the
street free from rent if he would move.
Smith has been in his present location
for twenty years and for sentimental
reasons declines to move. To force him
to do so, so the company can put up its
new building, the hotel company em
ployed two expert barbers, whom it in
stalled in a shop on either side of
Smith’s. These barbers charge ten cents
for a haircut and five cents for a shave.
They got all Smith’s patrons away from
him. Unable to pay his rent, he was
ejected. The hotel company then closed
the two barbershops and tore down the
building. Smith is now suing the hotel
company for ruining his business.
To those who object that there lias
never been a place in Eugene where you
could get a tcn-ccnt haircut and a five
ccnt shave, and that no hotel owned by
the Biltmore Hotel company is located in
Eugene, it may be explained that the
case is to bo heard in the Moot Court
in the law library, where Marvin K.
Holland will appear for the plaintiff and
Gordon Wells for the defendant. S. B.
Warner, professor of law, wHl act as
Chief Justice, and Ben C. Ivey as clerk
of (lie court.
The length of the arguments will bo
j 20 minutes, 30 minutes and 10 minutes,
; with time out for questions not to exceed
15 minutes. All regular law students
must attend and others are cordially in
vited. The law students will vote on the
1 verdict.
To Represent Oregon; Norris
Jones and Ralph Holzman
Also Compete.
Ralph C. Hoeber, a sophomore from
Portland, won a unanimous, decision
over Norris R. Jones and Ralph Holz
man in the oratorical tryouts held Wed
nesday afternoon. Mr. Hoeber will rep
resent the University in the annual in
tercollegiate oratorical contest to be
held at the University Friday, March 14.
Mr. Iloeber’s subject was “Bolshev
ism,” which he treated in a masterful
way. showing the danger of its spread to
the. United States. Mr. Hoeber in his
oration appealed for immediate action on
the part of every American citizen to
stamp out this ‘‘snake in the grass. ’
Norris R. Jones, a Junior and the
second speaker, chose as his subject,
“The Conservation of our Greatest Na
tional Resources, the physical, mental
and moral character of Young America.
Mr. Jones treated his subject in a man
ner which pleased the judges both from
the standpoint of insight into his sub
ject matter and of delivery and pres
Ralph Holzman, a sophomore, was the
third speaker. He also chose the sub
ject of “Bolshevism,” making an appeal
for a “new industrial system” as the
preventive of the spread of Bolshevism
to ,his country. Mr. Holzman treated
his subject very well, in the opinion of
the judges, but lacked the finish of the
Mr Hoeber attended and graduated
from Lincoln High School of Portland
in 1010 and represented that school in
inter-scholastic debate in 1915 and 101C.
He also studied oratory at Re«d College,
Portland, in 1918. Mr. Hoeber is par
ticularly qualified for oratory not only
by his keen insight into affairs but be
cause of his excellent speaking voice,
presence and poise.
Professor Robert W. Prescott. Profes
sor Peter C. Crockatt and Walter Myers
acted as judges.
Students of University Hear
Frank Branch Riley
at Assembly.
Frank Branch Riley, Portland lawyer
and a Mazama, thanked Dean Straub for
his “extravagant kick-off which was even
better than we had agreed upon” termed
himself “hopelessly demented on Oregon
scenery” and asisted by Homer Rogers,
“mountaineer, wholesale grocer, and ho
tel owner,” gave the students of the Uni
versity a most unique entertainment at
Wednesday’s assembly in Villnrd hall.
Mr. Riley is traveling under the aus
pices of the Northwest Tourist associa
tion made up of the legislatures of the
Province of British Columbia, Wash
ington and Oregon. lie claims not. to be
a speaker and remarked tlint he always
hesitates at turning off the lights to
show his pictures for fear the audience
will slip out. “It. is embarrassing to turn
the light on and find a house of empty
The Tourists’ association sent Mr. Ri
ley east to show the people that there
is scenery in the west. The collection of
slides used was very exceptional and
one of rare beauty and value.
Must See Mount Hood.
Mr. Riley believes that one isn't a
good American until he has seen Mt.
Ilood; until he has ceased resisting the
impulse to go west. “The thought of the
first white man and white woman west
ward, old unrest made mnn cross the
ocean, ever going toward the scnrlet em
pire of the west, until he drove the
prairie schooner into the sunset.”
The way the pioneer climbed one moun
tain after another until he finally came
down into the little valley of the Wil
lamette was described by Mr. Riley.
“The people of the east need your
spirit, the first question heard in New
England,” said Mr. Riley, “is, ‘What do
you know?’ In the south it was* What is
your pedigTee?’ The family trees still
flourish although they do need spraying.
The people of Chicago say. ‘How much
have you got?’ We of the west ask.
‘What can you do?’”
How to Fill Empire.
The question to be answered now, ac
cording to Mr. Riley is, “What can be
(Continued on page two)
Those Having Cartooning Ability Asked
to Hand in Samples.
There is an eminent need for car
toonists and artists for the Oregana, ac
cording to Leith Abbott, feature editor,
who has issued a call for contributions
from the campus pen and pencil wield
ers who desire to try out for a position
on the art staff of the book. Mr. Ab
bott desires anyone who has cartooning
ability even to the slightest degree to
hand in a sample of their work to him
before Monday. The artists can choose
their own subjects for these contribu
tions, selecting something as far as pos
sible, that would 'be Oregana material.
Appointments to the art staff of the
book will be made by Editor Adelaide
Lake after the contributions have been
The art staff will consist of at least
two people and will be enlarged if suf
ficient good material warrants such a
move. The staff is open to men and wo
men alike. Art contributions can be
handed o Leith Abbott personally or left
at the Journalism annex.
Two From Each House and Oregon Club
to Aid in Work.
A final drive to collect the pledges
made during the United war work cam
paign on the campus will begin Monday.
February 3. The work for the boys will
be done through the Friendship council
which takes the place the Y. M. C. A
cabinet occupied in other years on the
campus. Two representatives from each
house on the campus and two from the
Oregon club make up the council and
these representatives will see the boys
in the houses. The girls will be seen
through the Y. W. C. A- A number of
the pledges have not been paid ns yet
and it is hoped to clear this matter up
■by the and of Pic -wesik.
Undergraduates to Cooperate
in Filling Afternoon
With Interest.
General plans anil arrangements of
tiie student body for the entertainment
of the members of the legislature who
will visit the campus on .Saturday are
moving, under the direction of the stu
dent president, Herald White, assisted
■ by a main committee of Ella Hews, Es
sie Maguire and Charles Comfort.
At a meeting of this committee on
Monday afternoon with a committee from
the faculty the entertainment for the vis
itors was briefly outlined, and further
plans were to be completed at a meet
ing this afternoon at three o’clock in
Or. J. II. Gilbert’s lecture room. The
individual committees were to be ap
pointed at that. time.
The schedule for the visit ns now
stands will be an afternoon brim full of
interest, for everyone, according to Her
ald White. At the train they will be
met by the University battalion honor
guard. At the noon luncheon in Hen
dricks Ilall a feature will be selections
by the University orchestra.
Students to Give Program
An nil-student assembly will be held
in Villarcl Hall at 2:.'!() at which time
the visitors and the faculty will occupy
a. reserved section. An interesting pro
gram is tiring prepared for this occasion,
the committee states, including music by
the men's glee club and possibly by the
girls’ glee olnab
After the assembly, which will last un
til about 4, the upperclassmen, friends
and acquaintances of the legislators will
meet them and act. as guides in a tour
of the campus. Tlio visitors will leave
on the 5.05 train in the evening.
The committee in charge is urging ev
ery student in the University to be
o,m -the campus Saturday afternoon and
make the best possible showing for ihe
University. The students of the college
are What the lawmakers want to see,
they say.
Every Student Wantod Here
“From one to five on Saturday after
noon we want every single Oregon stu
dent on tlie campus,” said Herald White,
president, today, “and we want the girls
to make a special effort to be nut, as
we wsjnt them for guides. Everyone
should lie art the assembly ami after that
we want to see the library full of peo
ple and ns many as possible in the lab
oratories working. Part of the time
may drag for some of the students, hut
every one should he willing to make that
sacrifice. Such a sacrifice will not be
i» any proportion to the heenfits they
will receive if we make the proper, •im
pression. There are absolutely no ex
cuses for not turning out on that, after
noon, and we want, to see every stu
dent on the campus from 1 until 5.
May Be More Candidates as Notices are
Sent Out to High Schools.
Five written applications have been
made so far for the West Point exam
inations to be held Monday, February
3, according to the report from the pres
ident’s office. The applicants are: Ralph
It. Tudor, of Sutherlin: William Biddle, I
of Milwaukee; Henry Dalrymple, of Port
land: George Riddle, of Grants Pass;
and Reginald Allen Baddosmun, of Cor
vallis. At the last minute there may
he more applications, according to a
statement made at the president's of
fice, as notices have been sent out to
the high schools throughout the state.
Candidates for appointment must be
between the ages of 17 and 22, not less
than 5 feet 4 'inches in height, and able
to pass a physical and mental examina
tion. Examinations will he given in his
tory, algebra, plane geometry, arithme
tic, English grammar, composition and
literature. It has not been definitely de
ride,] when the physical examinations will
be given.
The examination committee will be the
same that had charge of the Annapolis
examinations. The members are Pro
fessor E. E. DeCon. chairman, of the
mathematics department: Colonel W- H.
O. Bowen, professor of military science
and tactics; Eric W. Allen, dean of the
School of .Tournalism: E. IT. McAlister,
professor of mechanics; and W. P. Rorn
tar„ head of the physics departieeut.
Campus Is Speckled
With Question Marks;
What Is the Answer?
Mysterious posters have appeared on
the campus overnight. What they are has
puzzled the whole college. A large ques
tion mark, with the date February 14
beneath, are the only marks on the
February 1-1 is St. Valentine’s Day and
is two weeks from this Friday. Evidently
according to the posters, something big is
to come off on that Friday, but what is
Is it a new war loan, or a drive for
subscriptions to the new women's build
ing. or a drive for the extermination of
cats or the upbuilding of the R. O. T.
C? 'lire posters give no hint. It may not
be a drive at all. Can it be a dance?
That is unlikely, for the Freshman Glee
comes the following night. Then what is
It could hardly ho the underclass mix,
because this is held ou Saturdays invar
iably. It must he something that takes
place at night. But what is there, that
can take place on the night of February
14? The college is waiting expectantly
for further developments.
Oregon Hoopers Appear to have
Slight Edge Over U. of
W. Team.
After having broken even with the
Washington State College quintet in the
series of two games here this week the
Fniversity of Oregon basket ball five will
leave lOugene tonight for Seattle to take
on the University of Washington team on
Tlnttay and Saturday evenings.
The Oregon team showed tiij advantage
in the first two conference games, and
their playing was, taken as a whole, very
good. In team work the Oregon five
showed better than did the visitors.
Dean Walker is getting fine results from
his form of advancing the hall, by short,
snappy pusses that use all of the men
on the floor. Its advantage over the long
sliot method was clearly shown in the
first of the two games with the Wash
ington Staters.
Lind’s Work Surprises.
Eddie Durno and Francis Jncohherger
proved to be a couple of good scorers
and rang up a nice total of points for
the Lemon Yellow. Ilerm land surpris
ed the natives by his work at center and
bids fair to be one of the sensations
of the league. Brandon and Chapman
hnndled themselves well at the guard
positions and also broke into tile scoring
columns. Brandon allowed himself to
get called on too ninny personal fouls.
After playing the two games in Se
attle this week-end the varsity will play
Washington five two return games on
the local floor next Friday and Saturday
evenings. The Washington State College
team left, this afternoon for Corvallis
where they will meet the O. A. C. quintet
this week-end.
Dope Looks Like Oregon.
Tile Washington State College team
defeated the University of Washington
five in two games before coming to Eu
gene and from comparative scores and
interviews the dope looks to lean toward
Oregon to beat the Seattle five. How
ever, the varsity will have a hard fight
tins week and if able to beat tile U. of
W. on their floor, should have it much
easier on the home court.
Y. W. C. A. AT HOME FEB. 6
Trc "y r>nrf Town Women to be Guests;
Program Is Arranged.
An at-home for the friends of the V.
W. C. A. is being planned by the advis
ory hoard of the association, to he held
on Thursday afternoon, February <!, at
the Rungalow. About 150 invitations
are being issued to subscribers to the
association and friends who Include both
town people and faculty folk. A pro
gram is being arranged for the occasion
—one phase of which is to be talks by
the members of the cabinet for the pur
pose of describing the work the organ
ization Is doing.
Julian F.ltinge was the dinner guest
of the Beta Theta Pi’s Wednesday even
75 Guests Expected on 12 25 0.
E.; to be Met at Station
by Home Guard.
Visitors 4o See Classes at Work
in Laboratories and
Stationts and faculty of the Univer
sity "’in bp hosts to the members of the
state legislature who will visit the Uni
'eisil.v Saturday afternoou to become
more intimately nctitmintod with the
students and the University in general.
Kail \V. On thank secretary to President
Compbell, urges the students to make
(lie afternoon one full of interest to the
University guests.
I lie visitors, about 75 in number are
expected on the 12:25 Oregon Electric.
I>(,n11 John Strain; will meet tin.1 party
at Junction City and they will be re
ceived at the station liy an honor guard
of the University men and a committee
of faculty and students who will eou
<hici them to the campus in machines
I nrmshed by the t humber of Commerce*
Here they will be presented with but
tons bearing their names and home
littneheon will be servel for them at
1:00 o’clock in Hendricks Hall.
Assembly to Follow
After luncheon, assembly will be held
in Yiilhird llall at 2:30 where a reserved
section wil bo arranged for the visitors
and faculty. The students art* urged to
turn out in full force, for this assembly,
said Mr.' Onthnnk, and fill the ball to
capacity. It is expected that the as
sembly will not Inst much more than an
The visitors will be shown about the
campus after I lie assembly by student
and faculty guides. The guests are to
visit the laboratories, library and other
departments of special interest to them
mid at tills time are to meet the students
and personal friends on (lie campus.
They will leave Kugeno on the 5:25 Ore
gon Electric.
In a special faculty bulletin issued
Thursday the faculty has been requested
to make arrangements in their depart
ments in order to give an honest show
ing of (he work the University is actu
ally doing. Since the day will he Satur
day the students and faculty have been
especially requested to he on the cam
pus from 2 to 4:30 at least.
li Is particularly desired, according to
the announcement of the reception com
mittee, dial the laboratories lie open and
busy with students occupied with their
regular experiments for tlie current
week except in instances where other
(Continued on psge three)
hirst Appearance will be at Colonial
Fete February 22
The first, appearance of the women’s
band will be on February 22, when it will
appear at the colonial fete to be held
on that day in Guild hall. Special music
is being prepared for the fete, part ol
which has been written by Prof Albert
Perfect, director of the band.
practice is held every Tuesday evening,
and more regular attendance is expected,
said Mr. Perfect, in order to make the
work of the organization a success. A
special practice will be held at 1 o’clock
Saturday afternoon in Yillard hall.
The organization is planning a concert
to be given some time soon, but no de
nils have not yet been arranged.
Physical Training Needed.
An increasing demand is being made
for teachers in physical training, accord
ing to Dr. Ii. D. Sheldon, dean of the
School of Education. This Is due to the
fact that so much attention is now be
ing paid to the establishment of physical
training in the high schools. As yet it
lias been impossible to obtain teachers
for the positions.