! FORJLOIC DRILL Naval Reserve Men Will not be Required to Work With Corps. About 100 men answered “here" yes ’terday afternoon when the roll was eall .ed at the It. O. T. C. drill hour. Ibis 'figure included men in the naval reserve who are on the inactive list, some of whom have been turning out although no instructions had been received from the headquarters of the 12th district at Helena, Montana, in regard to the re quirements. A message was received this morning at. the 'military department, how ver, stating that the naval reserve men will not be required to drill. “A selection of acting officers can not be made,” said Colonel AV. JI. C. Bowen, “until all the men turn out.” The mili tary department is ver/desirous of get ting the organization in shape before the inspector visitR the University. About half of the men have as yet failed to appear. , Colonel Bowen stated yesterday morn ’ing that all S. A. T. C equipment at the University including blankets, cots, mat tresses and surplus clothing was being shipped to the deputy zone supply offi cer at Portland. “There will be more than n carload of stuff,” said Colonpl Bowen. INTERFRATERNITY DEBATE SCHEDULED FOR FEB. 6TH (Continued from page one.) they are going to take in the matter of question und schedule. It is thought, however, that the co-ed committee will probably adopt a similar schedule and the same question. Both Professor Prescott and Helen Brenton, head of the women’s dehate, consider that it would be a most novel plan to have the women debate on the same question as the men. This plan will probably he accepted by the women. By doing this, debate would be absolutely an all-round student activ ity, and it would be the reason for a turning out of the entire student body. Competition to ho Lively The objection to thin plan has been raised that it would take too many judg es and too much time. These weak points are remedied by the fact that the name jnidges can he used for the men und women, if the schedules do unt con get. By doing this, only thirty judges Would be necessary and those can be readily obtained front the faculty. The tinte problem is also eliminated by the fact that each debate is to last but for half an hour. Kadi debate is arranged to consist of four six minute speeches and two three-minute rebuttals. Tills will make the competition lively and will give everyone attending tin' debates an op portunity to attend both a men’s and a women’s debate, thereby getting lor themselves a good understanding o! the question and an idea as to who will bent in the ultimate debate when tno vic torious sorority and fraternity ;«*iuis clash during an assembly hour. Representatives Sliosan 'Hie women representatives, in whose hands the plans for co-ed debate rests, are: Helen Hair. Delta Helta delta; Mit^ rie Bndurn. Hendricks Hall; Helen Me Donald, (innitna l“hi Bda; Kuth tlraiiam, Alpha Phi; Ruth Montgomery, Kappa Al pha Theta; Oace Uugg, Phi Omega; ‘Madeline Slotboom, Delta (lainma; Helen Anderson, Kappa Kappa (bimnia; Alice Thurston, Pi Beta Phi; and Marie Hid ings, Oregon Club. FLOOD OCCURS !l\l DEADY A few mornings ago when the repre sentatives of the zoology i!<■ i>tirtmout reached their offices they found that their peaceful domain was peaceful no longer. A billowing main greeted them, on which sailed venturesome blotters and staid records. The stuffed owl in the corner cast a reproachful glances at them. But the professors breathed a sigh of relief that the store room had not been visited, for if the flood had gained that sanctum it would have taken all of the electric light wires uud telephone wires on the campus to have dried the in firms r.\ linen stored there. One little water faucet had caused about enough trouble for that day and •was promptly and without father delay Very effectively stpiolohed by a worthy professor. The only real damage that ha 1 been done, it was found, was when a lot t? water whieh came rushing down from the cracks above bad been < aught v a ret of books which happened to be in the way. It is saiil that while no fish were dis covered playing in the new lake, yet i'ven the pickled frogs ware given n chance to croak. Wallace’s (Obak) Cigar Store, SOI Will. Complete line Cigars and Cigar ettes. tf CAMPUS ACTIVITIES Although all entertainment on a large scale has been suspended for a time, va rious committees are still at work com pleting arrangements for college, class and organization dances which are plan ned to be- held as soon as the faculty an nounce the possibility of social gather ings. Never were such complete and pre tentious details worked out in decora tions and features and if all plans ma ture the period after the final lifting of the ban will he the gaiost in the social history of the University- In the mean time dinner gatherings make up the week-end schedule in which Greek let ter initiates hold a prominent place. Several alumni members have returned to the campus for the week-end and will come in for their due share of attention. * * * Alpha Phi is initiating today for the following pledges: Aulis Andertton, Lau rel Canning, Gwladys Bowen, Helen Carson, Lucile Elrod, Maurine Elrod, Austrid lUork, Isabelle Kidd, Ua Nich ols, Dorothy Heed and Dorothy Stine. After the initiation a banquet in being given by the members of the fraternity at the Hotel Osburn. Dark red roses will le used on the table and wine and silver tulle will form a part of the decorations. * * * l Ruth Ann Wilson, ’18, who is an in structor in the Itoseburg high school, and Marion Bowen, will be dinner guests this evening at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house. * * * Professor and Airs. Herbert Crombie Howe will he dinner guests this evening of Erma Laird at Hendricks hull. * * * Dinner guests at Hendricks hall I* ri day evening were: George Walker, Alex ander Brown, William Rebec, Virgil and Lyman Meatier, Rudolph Thompson, Harold Ellis and Miles McKey. * * * Roberta Schuobol of Oregon City and Helen Case of Tillamook are visiting at the Alpha Phi house this week-end. Miss Sobuebel has been acting as her father’s secretary during the session of the state legislature at Salem. * * * Miss Eleanor Lee, of the school of music, is leaving for Seattle Wednesday night to sing at a reception at the Uni versity of Washington. * # * Miss Elizabeth Bridges, national vis iting delegate of (lamina I’hi Beta, ar rived in Eugene last night and will he the guest of the local chapter of that organization until next Friday. Miss Bridges is a member of the Eta chap ter of (lamina I ‘hi Beta at Berkeley, Calif. Many delightful affairs are be ing planned by University people in her honor while she is in Eugene. * * * Miss Celia Gavin, city attorney of The Dalles, who is attending th estate leg islature as secretary■ to Mrs. Alexander Thompson, representative from Hood Uiver, is in Eugene for the week-end as tlie house guest of Charlie Fenton. Both Miss Fenton and Miss flavin were Fri day evening dinner guests of Kappa Al pha Theta. * • » Miss Lois Gray and Mrs. E. 1,. Flet Electric Electric Vibrator. Clippers. Don’t Forget Hob’s Barber Shop Just around the corner on East 7th. FOX TROT vour way to ALEXANDER’S Dancing School Over the Oregon Theater. I Learn the Tickle Toe, National ! Jazz and Pershing Trots. AY the new one-step; Stars and i Stripes Waltz and the Camou ! i'lage. Tuesday nights. Lesson and Dancing, 60c. Good music; class for begin m rs every Thursday, 8:30 P. M Private lessons any time. Cal at School or Phone Hotel Os i burn. Now is your opportunity. Be j come a real dancer through Al t.amcU’r''s method of teaching |—SuccfHx is easily attained. Be i gin on Monday and be a finishec I Dancer by Saturday. cher were Friday evening dinner guests at Hendricks Hall. * * * Pi Beta Plii is holding initiation to day for Lee Fortmiller, Genevieve Hav en, Narcissa Jewett, Velma Ilosa, Mar vel Skeels, Marjorie Delzell, Clare Cal kins, Laura Rand, Audrey Roberts, i Margaret Winbiglcr, Elsie Lawrence, ■ 11 a/,el Shattuck and Margaret Fell. Fol ; lowing the ceremonies in the chapter house a banquet will be servew at the Osborn Hotel honoring the initiates. The. fable will be attractively decorated with red carnations forming a huge center piece and wine and blue tulle, the fra ternity colors, will be used effectively in the decorations. Alumni returning for the initiation of Pi Beta Thi are Miss Miriam Tinker ot Oakland, Oregon and Miss Gertrude Blackman of Portland. * * * Delta Delta Delta were hostesses at a dinner Thursday evening honoring the chapter patrons and patronesses, Dr. and Mrs. James Gilbert and Professor and Mrs. A. R. Sweetser. * * * Interesting to University folk is the announcement of the wedding of John Stark Evans, instructor in the University school of music, to Miss Marjorie Greig, of Tacoma, which will take place Tues day at the home of the bride’s parents. Several faculty members will attend the affair. Miss Greig attended school in California and has been prominent in war work in Tacoma for the past two years. Mr. Evans came to the University two years ago. He returned this term from Camp Lewis where he won a com mission as second lieutenant of infantry. Dr. .T. .1. Landsbnry will be best man. The couple will make their home in Eu-1 gone after a brief wedding trip. PRESIDENT A GRANDFATHER Baby Girl at Henderson Home; Parents are University Graduates. President P. L. Campbell became a grandfather on Thursday, Jan. 11!, when bis daughter, Mrs. Sidney ]<). Henderson, formerly Lucia Campbell T2, announced the arrival of a 12-pound baby girl. The child has been named Susan Campbell Henderson. Mrs. Henderson was a mem ber of Kappa Alpha Theta, and her hus band who also graduated in 1912, was a member of Sigma Nu. BOYS START BIBLE STUDY Organized Bible study classes for the men of the- University under the gen eral direction of the T. M. C. A. will begin Monday evening, January 27. Th« was decided at a meeting of the friendly council in the Y. M. C- A. hut Thurs day evening. The leaders and instruc tors in the work will be members of the University faculty and townspeople. Two men from each house will have general supervision of the work and will see that it is carried through as planned. The classes for the men in the Ore gon club will be held in the “Y” hut and the other classes in the houses and dormitory where the men live. The na ture and scope of the work was re cently explained by the national secre tary and it is expected that this year will be one of the most successful in the history of the Y. M. C. A- on the cam pus. Wita the added advantage of the hut and a strong organization, more can be undertaken thi3 year than ever be fore, says Herald White, president. The billiard table loaned the “Y” during the S. A. T. C. days by the Club cigar store is being returned and a unan imous vote of thanks and appreciation w-ns given for the use of the table dur ing the past three months. Wallace’s (Obak) Cigar Store, 804 Will. Complete line Cigars and Cigar ettes. tf The Best Coffee Good Chili Concarne Sandwiches and Pie. Or a GOOD SQUARE MEAL. At the JITNEY EATS 984 Willamette Street Opposite the Rex theatre Phone—ONE—TWO—THREE. Satisfactory service—Sanitary conditions. West Eighth Street. Eugene. JIM SAYS: Wear Neolin Soles and Wingfoot Heels. Waterproof and Noiseless. JIM, THE SHOE DOCTOR. 986 WILLAMETTE STREET. ! Sunshine Fresh air and many other pood things of this world are free to all, rich and poor alike, yet they are not always enjoyed. "Mood:) oody'» Ooap-CMn* byntokUm ^L»»W. Defective Eyes Rob many people of their pleasure—more’s the pity— for a pair of right glasses would make the whole world seem bright and cheerful. Tell us of your eye troubles and let us show you what we can do to relieve them at— SHERMAN W. MOODY Bring Your Prescriptions Here. EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST AND OPTICIAN 881 Willamette Street factory on Premise*. Latest Popular Song Hits Beautiful Ohio, Valse Song. Where the Poppies Bloom, One-step. Home-Coming Week In France. I’ll Say She Does, fox-trot. ’Till We Meet Again, Valse Song. A Little Birch Canoe and You. I’m Sorry I Made You Cry. I’ve Got The Blue Ridge Blues. The Music Shop PAINT, WALL PAPER Phone 312 59 East 9th Aye. Phone 749. FRED LUDFORD PICTURES FRAMED. ART STORE and 922 Willamette Street. University Infirmary 1191 University Avenue. Phone 604. An institution for the benefit of every member of the University, students, faculty and employees. FEES:—Iincluding bed, meals and physician’s fee, $3.00 per day. Infirmary open day and night. Graduate nurse always present. FREE DISPENSARY AND CLINIC at the Infirmary. University physician and graduate nurse in attendance. HOURS:—Daily 1:30 to 2:30 P. M. Other times if necessary. If not feeling well, go to the Infirmary for treatment. ADVICE and ORDINARY MEDICINE FREE. Early attention to COLDS, SORE THROATS, ETC., may prevent serious trouble later. Help us keep out the in fluenza. STUDENT HEALTH COMMITTEE, University Health Office, Deady Hall, Room 34. Phone 1019 or 901. The M. & W. Men’s Shop THE BOYS ARE COMING HOME Knojt n Hut* $5 and up. Thousands of ’em daily. It’s great to greet them and let them know how happy we all are that they’re back again. Down in our “Men’s Shop” we’re fitting men out daily, these REGU LARS who are changing back to civ We are particularly proud of our new, full chested, narrow waisted suit models for these fine, strapping husky trained-to-the-minute chaps. We can give you that look in your new Spring Togs if you say the word. If saving means anything to you— M. and W. Clothes will mean much. OUR TAILORS? Kuppenheimer, of course. Priced $30 and up. Quaker City Shirts.