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About Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1918)
Emerald VOL. 20. EUGENE, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, DEC. 10. 1918. NO. 27. i en Returning From Camps Eager to Shell Out Hard Cash for Book. TUDEIMTS ARE EXPECTED TO 60 OVER TOP AGAIN acuity to Name Committee; “8QG by Friday” to be Slogan. ^11 is in readiness for the beginning the Oregana campaign tomorrow o’-niug. Most of the class committees ,ve been appointed and with an extra i0d boost at the student body meeting morrow morning, the campaign is to sent over the top. With the returning of some of the old en from the training camps, campus tivities are again resuming their old ne pep. lien told that the Oiegana as to have a campaign for subscriptions me of the men vvno had just returned arted to dig into their pockets for the cessaiy cash, saying ^hey certainly uited to have the old hook. Herald White said yesterday when caking of the Oregana, “Everyone on ie campus should be a subscriber. This the students’ opportunity, and by the ay the students have supported the nerald campaign and the United War ork drive, I'm not afraid for the Ore na, for the Oregon students will make a success,” Da adore Is Optimistic Jack Dundore as general chairman, very optimistic for the end of the mpaign- “The students have support I us in the past and there is little doubt lat we will not go over the top again, ut we must have those 800 subscrip ting by Friday night, or no Oregana.” At the senior class meeting, Caroline loxnnder, Mellie Parker and Tracy By r* were appointed as the committee to e that the seniors subscribed for 100 ir cent or more. Margaret Mansfield, Marjorie Kay, ermnn Lind and Elmo Madden will take ire of the juniors, while Eddie Durno s sophomore chairman appointed How rd Kelly, John Gamble, Oliu Nicholson, Earns Ellsworth, Lyle Bryson, Kathleen 'orrester, Dorothy Wootton and Kate ■hatburn as assistants. Faculty to Have Committee The freshmen held a class meeting iis afternoon and at that time appoint (1 their committees. The faculty folk fill also have a committee from among heir own number, with perhaps a few Indent helpers. Eight hundred Oreganas by Friday” * to be the slogan of all the committees, aery student might avoid delay to his *"n class committee by bringing his or w dollar tomorrow morning and of their ^rn accord take it to a member of the ommittee. Match for the percentage reports finch will be posted on a bulletin board utsido the library. BARRON TO G!VE RECITAL. tofessor of Violin to Appear at Esta te, December 13. . Louis Barron, professor of vio iD ln School of Music, will give a vio la recital in Estacada next Friday eve December 13, under the manage se-u of the Fniversity extension division. 6 program will be as follows: . I. sonata m A Major.Handel David II. -uncerto No. 1 in “G” minor. . .Max Bruch I"1 Chant Negra_A. ' *-!:"! regque. Mel, ]y.G1 (d) Polish Dance. Walter Kramer Do1: -: B iroroslE iaides G. L'avres Earle E. Drake IV. ‘1 Rottfanee . Ori tala i*-’) Hejre Kati.*........ Aurora Potter at the ..Svends-n .Cesar Cui Jens liubay piano Dean Walker Helps Extra Eats Fund; Others Get the Eats Doan Walker was out of luck in be ing assigned to a new battery at Camp lay!or. It seems that the mess ser geauts of the batteries since the open ing of the camp had been economizing as much as possible and laying up a re serve fund for good eats. AH of them had planned on the war lasting for at least a year more. One of the batteries, Walker says, had saved up $0,000 for an eats fund. Then the armistice was s igned and the men start ed to cat up the $0,000. Turkey, fried chicken, waffles, pigs’ feet, steaks of all kinds, iec cream, candy, cakes, formed the breakfast menu the first day. When Dean loft the men were still consuming that $6,000, but he didn’t get even a taste himself, for, you see, he was in a new battery which had no re serve fund. ----- I Local Chapter Found Guilty of Pledging Men not Yet Registered. Local chapter of Beta Theta Pi was found guilty of violating the rules of the fraternity council by the decision rendered yesterday by the tribunal, Dr. John F- Bovard, Dr. James D. Barnett and Dean D. Walter Morton. Contrary to the rules of the council, the Betas pledged Sterling Patterson, Clifford Manerud and Wyndham Buren before the completion of registration in October. Charges were brought against Beta fllheta Pi early in the year and the ca^e was investigated and then referred ’to the tribunal. The penalty given is pub lication in three issues of the Emerald of the full statement of the case. The first publication appears in another col umn of this issue. CHRISTMAS VESPER PLAN Special Music Program Prepared by Y. W. for Wednesday. A Christmas vesper service ns the last Y. W. C. A- meeting before the holidays has been planned by the association for Wednesday afternoon. William Vance is one of the speakers for the afternoon. He will tell of “Christmas in Syria” as be saw it. A special musical program has been prepared for the afternoon and will in clude the following numbers: Violin solo by Robert Louis Barron, of the school of music; duet by Mrs. Minnie Johnson and Beulah Keagy; solo by Laura Rand; and a Finnish song by Ami Lagus. Mabyl Weller will be the leader and will preside over the meeting. TODAY PAY DAY ON DRIVE Pledge Money Received in Booth for United War Work Fund. Today was pay day. Money on pledg es for the United War Work drive was received all day at the booth in front of the library by representatives from teams 1 and 2 of the women. The men of the S. A. T. C. were not included in the pay-day, however, unless they had a source of funds other than their regular government pay. for as yet no one has received the pay due him and will probably not receive it until he is discharged. The men are expected to pay as soon as possible. VESPER SERVICE PUT OFF First of Series Not to Be Held Until Aftor Holidays. The first vesper service, which was to have been held on Sunday, December 15, has been postponed until after Christ inas, according to William F. Vance, sec retary of the Y. M. C. A.. As David It. Fort, national secretary of the Y. M. C. A., is to be here for the opening service, and the date of his coming is somewhat uncertain, no announcement of the date can be made at this time. The renewal of the vesper services is another indication of the return of nor m -.1 conditi ns on the campus, as it is an old custom of the University, and one that the students want to keep alive. 611 TO BE HOME Tired of Camp Life After End of War; To Push intra mural Sports. Graduate Manager Dean IT. Walker, who hag been for the past month attend ing the artillery officers’ school at Camp Zachary Taylor, returned to Eugene yes terday and is hack on the job ready to take up his work in the athletic depart ment. Tne return of Walker gives the athletic department three directors to handle the work during the coming year. They are “Bill” Hayward, who will han dlethc basketball team; “Shy” Hunting ton, who had charge of football this fall, and Walker. Walker is not certain just what branch of the work will be given him, but he has some fine plans stored up that he wants to work, getting everyone out for some athletic work. Intramural work has been Walker’s hobby since he en tered the athletic department, and from the “pep” shown in the interfraternity meeting yesterday afternoon, he has a fine chance to get his plans into work ing order. Kentucky Climate Bad. “I certaintly was glad to get back to Oregon,” he said this morning. “You , couldn’t have hired me to stay in Ken tucky. I don’t think much of their cli mate.” Walker enjoyed the camp life while the war was on, but as soon as the ar mistice was signed, he began to lose in terest. The camp, he says, is remarkably well organized and very efficient. It Is the largest artillery training school in the world. “The work is systematically and thor oughly done,” he said. “There is hard physical ns well as mental work and a man has to be in fine condition to stand (he grind.” The army life agreed with Walker, however, for he says that in spite of the all-day work he gained weight. One of the things that impressed him most at the camp were the negro sol diers, cf whom there were many. “The negro,” he says, “is a rotten soldier, until lie begins to sing when he is marching. There was one division of 200 men, all negroes, who certainly could sing. We could have negro opera of all kinds any day we wanted free of charge.” Returns With Mr. Piper. Walker’s traveling companion on the way back from Chicago was Edgar B. Piper, editor of the Oregonian, who has just returned from his trip to the battle front in France. Mr. Piper told Dean Walker that he saw John Clark Eurgard, graduate i' the class of 1910 in a Lon don hospital and that he was improving Walker also saw Boy Andrews, as sistant in the botany department here last year, at Gamp Taylor. Andrews will complete his course at the camp and get his commission in about six weeks. He has not decided what he will do after that Walker will probably go to Portland this week-end with Professor II. C. Howe, although this has not been decid el upon as yet. to attend a meeting of the Northwest conference. It is prob nble that at this meeting the freshman rule will again be put into effect and that steps will be taken towards draw ing up a basketball schedule. The resi dence rule and other matters of impor tance will be taken up bv the powers that be and the Veturn to old intercollegiate rules will be arranged for the year. GOVERNOR TO REVIEW MEN Public Invited to Parade of S. A. T. C. Men Saturday Morning. The first formal review of the men of the S. A. T. O. and naval units open to the public will be staged r u the parade grounds Saturday morning. Governor James Withycombe has been invited to be present as the guest of honor. Together with Colonel W. H. C. Bowen, command ing offictr. President P. L. Campbell and Colonel John Leader, former command ant of the Oregon state officers’ training camp, ho will review the. corps. Colonel Bowen will read during the ceremony the genera! orders of the day, issued by Brigadier General R. I. Rees, commanding officer of the H. A. 1'. O. in the United States, in which General Rees commends the men and the colleges for their co-operation in carrying out the war program. All students and faculty of the Unive • i sitv as well as Eugene residents are ii. Uped to the review on Saturday morning. STUMS TO H TOPICS OF HOUR IT FilL ASSEMBLY President Campbeii, Graduate Manager and Others to Speak. The speakers for student body meet ing to bo held Wednesday during the as sembly hour at Villain! Hall, according to Herald "White, student body president, will be President Campbell, Dean "Walk er, graduate manager of the student body., Edward Dtirno, Jack Dundore, Ella Dews and Ruth Graham. President Campbell will speak on reg istration; Dean "Walker, upon the stu i dents returning to the University in January; TJd Durno for the greater Ore gon committee; Jack Dundore on the Or egana campaign; Ella Dews on the Greater Oregon movement; and Rnth Graham on the subject of the women re turning to the University for the next term The full details concerning the Ore gana campaign will be given by Dundore, together with an explanation of the part I the book holds in student body life. The University band will play at the meet ing. Several resolutions will be drawn up and presented, offering condolences to the families of University students who have died during the influenza epidemic. This will be the last student body meet ing of the term, and year as well, and all students are urged to attend. “SHY” NOT TO COACH CAMP Oregon Man Fails to Roach Agreement With Soldiers. Coach “Shy” Huntington, of the Uni versity of Oregon, will not take up the | reins at Camp T* ir as was intimated in ; the Portland papers Sunday. “Shy” had a little talk with Captain Cook, of Camp Lewis, via long distance telephone yes terday, and from the general tone of the conversation the popular Oregon coach will not journey north. It would appear from Captain Cook’s statement that things athletic arc not running very smoothly at the cantonment. Huntington would make a good man to handle the Camp Lewis team. The camp team is to meet the Mare Island marines in San Francisco on Christmas day, and on New Year’s will tangle with the Camp Pike eleven. Huntington was in Portland Saturday and saw the Camp Lewis-Vancouver game. According to “Shy,” the Vancou ver team was swept off its feet during the first few minutes of play, but after the fihst quarter played the better game o the two. GIFT SENT PROF. ADAMS Blit Wife Sees Possibility of Necklace in Silver Watch Chain. | A sterling silver combination vest I pocket knife and pencil with a harmon izing watch chain attached came recent! v to P. I’. Adams, professor of graphics in the school of architecture. The niueh prized article was presented by a stu dent at last summer’s Officers’ Training camp to whom Professor Adams guv special work in trigonometry. This iua» probably never realized what a bone of contention the chain was going to be come. Professor Adams says lie is in constant fear of losing it, ns Mrs. Adams ! continually tries to wrest it front him: i insisting that it would make a far better I necklace than a watch chain. i_ :17S. A. T.C. MEN-TO LEAVE l i , Special Discharges Given to Return to Business Duties. ! Seventeen men of the S. A. T. C. were ! discharged yesterday. They were dis charged on special recommendation of the adjutant since they need to return to business life at once. Seven of them are from Portland. Those discharged are If. E. Baker, W. II. Daughtrey, I). W. Henney, J. It. Laidlaw. Donald T. Orpnt. j'Arthur C'. Lundberg, and It. I/. Riley, all I of Portland; ('. .1. Bellarts, of Eugene; | .1. M. Dobyns, of lone; \Y. E. Freyer, of I Molalla; R. D. Monroe, of Houlton; E. ! K. Rowland, of Salem; E. E. Voorhies, j of (irunts I'ass; George R. Aker, of Co l quille; James F. Blanchard,, of I’rine rille; Clyde N. Compton, of Broadmead; I and M. A. Tuulson, of Silverton. Members of Faculty Enjoy Afternoon of Hockey in Thick Mud Hockey its an out-door sport for mem bers of the faculty had its beginning Sat urday afternoon on the baseball diamond. The spectators were few until near the end of the game, when a group of small boys, wearied with the football game go ing on in the adjoining field crawled back through the fence to see what was going on in the other field where men and wo men were running to and fro in great ex citement and knocking at something with ! sticks. "Why. it’s shinny!” one little boy exclaimed, and watched the game with live interest. Colonel Leader, once he got the ball in front of his stick, would drive it down the field at a great rate and the goal keepers could rarely save the ball front (. rossiug the line but too often the ball went on the wrong side of the goal posts to cause the score to mount up very rap idly. Miss Hazel Rankin, cnee she got the ball in front of her stick would by short strikes keep it near and away she would go toward the south goal and Lieutenant Zimmerman would in spite of great effort often fail to stop her until the hall was landed behind the line safely between the| goal posts. Lieutenant Thaoher played a good game, his long strides after the hall pre venting scores. Ensign \V. C. Heppen hehner. rather more used to the billowing waves than the mushy ground, persisted in falling down when in it great hurry to get his whack at the ball. Members of the faculty and their wives who played last Saturday are en thusiastic about ihe sport and were all planning on being there again this after noon fur another game. Durno, Brown, Hollenbeck Are Other Officers; Doughnut Rules Adopted Inter-fraternity basketball plans are going forward with a great deal of “pep” and the men are showing their joy of get ting back co the old order of things by making plans for a great “Doughnut” season next year. At a meeting held yes terday afternoon in “Shy” Huntington's office, over wlr'ch "Shy” presided as tem porary ehninnm, officers for the year were select si. Jack Dundore was elected president, Kddio D rno, vice-president, Alexander G. Brew, secretary and “Bill” Ilollen 'beek, (••■•usurer. Two men from each club mak • up the inter-fraternity ath eliib m.'.ke up the inter-fa rternity ath letic council and in this way nil of the m i1 i ; the c ampus nre represented. Besides the election of officers at the meeting Monday night, a set of rules and a a aiiutinn was drawn up which prn • vidi a for the management of the “Dough nut” league. The agreement upon these i ;••:•< s ill do away with any dispute be : weer. teams and will provide authority • ver ail play. The “Doughnut” league will be under •be supervision of the athlet:e depart . . ‘'IV1 ]” Hayward, Dean Walker and “Shy" Huntington are honorary mem bers o' the eouneil and will be looked up on to . imply fatherly advice when needed. The working out of a schedule is now in t'.'.e hands of a committee and every thin;, will be ready to shove off by the , of next term. It has not been de ■ . .as yet, whether there will be two leagues or one. It is probable that two leagues will be formed as there is hardly time to play 45 games, which .would be ntcessary if only one league was running, "'lie games will probably be played in the evening, as they were last year, and there is a great deal of interest being shown in the organization already. SALEM TO HEAR PROFESSORS The Salem library has arranged with the University extension division for a series of four lectures for next year. The first will he given January 8, by l)r. J. II. Gilbert, professor of economies, on “League to Enforce Peace.” The secondo lecture is to be given by Dr. George Re bec, director of the extension work in Portland, On “Art and Architecture in France.” No arrangements for the speak ers or the dates have been decided for the last two lectures of this series. GREATER OH WORKERS TO RALLY FOR MIL WORK Meeting to Be Held in Guild Hall Wednesday to Elect Next Term’s Leaders 113 STUDENTS TO AID. IN STATE CAMPAIGN Activity to Be Carried On All . Over Commonwealth During. Christmas Holidays. The meeting of the Greater Oregon committee will be held Wednesday eve ning at 7 o'clock in Guild hall to elect heads of the various committees, for the'’ work to be done on the campus and alk over the state for the promotion of a ('greater Oregon for nest term. Herald White, president of the student body, an nounced yesterday. At this session, according to Eddie Durno, temporary chairman of the com mittee, final and complete plans and ar rangements will be made for the conduct of tho campaign during the holidays and in fact throughout the entire year. There are 113 Oregon men and women on the Greater Oregon committee. The complete personnel is as follows: Ash-' land, Leith Abbott; Alsea, C. V. Seitz;. Albany, Lee Fortmiller; Amity, Lindsey Campbell; Astoria, Dorothy Wootton,; Grace Ilammerstrom; Aurora. Emma R. Knapp; Athena, Glenn Dudley; Bend, Douglas Mullorky, Everett II. Branden berg and Arthur 0. Vandervert; Bandon, Denny (Moore and John S. Moore; Bly, ] Marjorie Edsall; Baker, Albert Harding, and Norris R. .Tones; Broadmead, Clyde I N. Compton; Brownsville, Ruth Bailey; Burns, Annette Leonard; Coquille, Jul ian Leslie; Caldwell (Idaho), David N. Leslie and Fred Lorenz; Canby, Emily B. Spulnk; Canyon City, Charles Byram and Lewis H. Niven; Carlton, Lois Laughlin; Cascade Locks, M. Harris Ells worth; Dufur, “Scotty” Strachan; Derby, James F. Bfophy; Eugene, W. H. Mor rison, Clifford Maneruu, Claire Kennty; Echo, Elna Thompson; Florence, Hester Hurd; Forest Grove, Irwin G. Thomas; Clatskanie, Kenneth A. McGillivary; Co burg, Anna Vogel; Condon, Marion Rine hart; Copperfield, Royal G. Porter; Cot tage Grove, Herald White and Frank Wallace; Creswcll, William Sedgwick; Elgin, Elaine Leighton; Elmira, Jim Y. Maxwell; Enterprise, Harry C. Lindiey; Estacnda, John F. Schenk; Fall City, Maurine N. Selig; Freewater, Francis Beller; Gardiner, Nareissa Jewett; Gold Ilill, Earl Cook; Grants Pass, Jeannette Moss; Halsey, Eldon Cross; Harrisburg, Lynn Holt; Helix, Ray L. Davidson; Ileppner, Arthur Campbell; Ilermistnn, (Continued on page 2.) SENIORS ELECT OFFICERS Two Vacancies are Filled; $149 in Class Treasury. At the first mooting of the senior clnss hold in r)o:in John Straub’s room in the Administration building at 4 o’clock yes terday afternoon, Mrs. Kathryn Johnson of Portland, was elected secretary of the senior (lass to fill the place left vacant by Helen Downing who did not return to college this fall. Tracy Byers was unanimously elected sergeant at arms to fill his fourth term, since entering as a freshman. After a much-heated political race lust year be tween Byers, Paul Spangler and Marian Coffey, Spangler was elected by about one vote over Tracy Byers. Spangler’s call to the University School of Medicine in Portland loft the position of sergeant at-arms vacant. William Morrison, president, appointed Caroline Alexander, Mellie Parker and Tracy Byers to send the Oregana cam paign over the top in the senior class and suggested that they might help the freshmen if they did not make it over the tup soon enough. Henry English, treasurer, reported $149.29 in the treasury. It was voted to pay a few outstanding bills, one of them a hill of 49 cents forgotten by last year’s graduating class.. The class was asked to be thinking of speakers for the commencement and bae caluim ate addresses. President Morrisou also urged the members of the class to go out for the Failiog-Bgekmun. oration s