Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, December 07, 1918, Page Three, Image 3

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    'ormer Oregon Student Writes
Saying Armistice Pleased
Soldiers at Front.
That the old Oregon men are looking
nvard to the time when they may re
“ to the good old U. S .A .and espe
. ,]T t0 Oregon, is shown in a letter
eceived this week l>y Ned Fowler from
. gartlftt, former Oregon football
^yer and a member of the Beta Theta
1 fraternity.
The letter, which was under the head
l “Somewhere in Belgium,” was dated
be day after the signing of the armis
ite and conveys some of the first infor
mation that has been received on the
jnipus, as to the attitude of the men on
be front to the close of the war.
Bartlett is a member of the Marine
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v?rps '™8 on« of the men who made
, are island famous iu the football world
last year "Honty- Monteith is Bartlett’s
bunk mate. Monteith was a member of
the Oregon team of 1916, together with
Bartlett and they both played on the
..Mare island eleven last year.
Extracts from the letter follow:
“You Can bet we are glad there is an
armistice signed. I think I can safely eav
that every U. S. soldier in France is glad
of it Me were in action three times;
the last time we were following ttm
doughboys who could not find the Ger
mans. Cessation of hostilities ended the
I hear a good old U. S. band playing
an clfl piece they played at college. Does
it sound good? Well, I guess sol This has
been some experience for us boys, but I
know we have all changed. You can see
how some of us have aged when we
come back.”
Every day emphasizes more and more
the military aspect of the Oregon cam
pus so soon to be entirely released from
army bondage. S. A. T. C. uniforms
have been arriving during the week mak
ing the appearance of men in civilian
clothes a curiosity on the campus while
men in khaki and blue sport about in
all of fits and misfits. Dances now are
! strikingly attractive affairs with their
fiist and last semblage of war time re
galia. The opening of the new Y. M. C.
A. hut yesterday afternoon was cf a
decided military nature and the dance
for which the men of the Naval unit
were hosts last night savored in
every detail of navv life.
Much entertainment this week has cen
tered around Miss Louise Fitch, national
president of Delta Delta Delta who came
to Eugene Monday to be the house guest
of Miss Mary Perkins. Miss Fitch spent
last winter in France doing active Y. M.
I C. A. work there. Thursday afternoon
members of Delta Delta Delta entertain
ed with a delightful tea honoring their
national president and Wednesday eve
ning Gamma Phi Beta asked dinner
guests to meet Miss Fitch. She is spend
ing this week-end in Corvallis as the
guest of the Delta Delta Delta chapter
* * *
Unique in every detail was the dance
for which the men of the naval reserve
were hosts last night at the Oshurn ho
tel honoring their commanding officer,
Ensign William C. Ileppenheimer. Deco
rations suggesting navy life were effect
ively used in the tea room where the
''Chow Dance” or refreshments were
served. Informality marked the entire
evening. Clever programs designed by
Max Wilkins were given out by a com
mittee in charge, which was composed of
George Van Waters, Flarold F. Connolly,
Max M. Wilkins, Leith F. Abbott, Abe
Rosenberg and Donald Van Boskirk. Pa
trons and patronesses for the affair were
President and Mrs. P. L. Campbell, Col
onel and Mrs. W, II. C. Bowen and Dean
and Mrs. John Straub. The guest list fol
Attending the affair were Elizabeth
Hadley, Margaret Kubli, Louise Shehan,
Margaret Phelps, Kathleen Forrester,
Barbara Shepard, Kathleen Kem, Adah
McMurphey, Patricia Ball, Eve Hutchi
son, Agnes Driseol, Mafjorie Delzell,
Lucile McCorkle, Betty Epping, Anne
Shea, Ila Nichols, Vivian Hopson, Letli
ea Driscoll, Bernice Craig, Mary Ann
Dunham, Nell Warwick, Lois Macy,
Pearl Craine, Audrey Roberts, Frances
Tait, Ruth TVash, Dorothy Lowry, Nor
ma Medley, Clara Calkins, Myrtle Ross,
Alice Evans, Emma Garbade, Iris Blew
ett, Vernice Robbins, Reba Macklin, El
vira Thurlow, Lois Barnett, Helen de
Buy, Ensign William Heppenheimer,
Donald VonBoskirk, Walter Bauman,
Harold Connelly, Arthur Ritter, J. W.
Mott, Max Wilkins, A. P. McDonald,
Julian Leslie, Abe Rosenberg, M. R.
Hempey, Don Oxman, George Van Wat
ers, Silas Starr, John Tuerke, A. B.
Harding, Paul Hamilton, Martin Sichel,
Manford Englehart, Lieth Abbott, W. E.
Burven, W. R. Barren, C. C. Newton, P.
O’Rourke, John Brock, Lyle Bain, Ken
neth Moore, C. Mortimer Brown, Wal
ter Schade, Barney Kropp, George Mayo,
Olive Humphrey, K. A. McGilvary, John
Houstan, Fred Lorenze, Luckey Bonney,
Sanford Gehr, Chester Adams, Bernard
Montgomery, Adrian Yancey, Rollin
Woodruff, Boyd Hayes, W. J. Hempey,
Helen Anderson.
* • •
Members of Chi Omega are entertain
ing this evening with an informal dance
in their chapter house, which has been
attractively decorated with Christmas
ornaments. Patrons and patronesses will
be Mr. and Mrs. Snodgrass, Mrs. L.
Moore, Miss Julia Burgess, Dean Louise
Ehrmann, and Miss Julia Powell. The
guest list includes: Lucile McClung and
Lenore Blaesing, of Portland, Ned Fow
ler, Nish Chapman. Jack Dundore, Ros
coe Hememvny, Morris Mann. Bill Bol
ger, Arthur Ritter, Sam Lehman, Charles
Bluett. Mr. Haynes, Phil Owens, Jeff
Harbke, Harold Connelly, Roy Moores,
Lyle Bain, George Black, Roger Plumb
er Eddie Durno, Francis Jacobberger,.
Herman Lind, Vincent Jacobberger, and
Lieutenant Walter Krupke.
* * *
The opening of the new Y. M. C. A.
hut- on the oamDUS yesterday was attend-_
oil by nearly everyone on the campus and
many townspeople, at the house-warming
and reception from o to 5.
The hut was veTy attractive in its
decorations of gay autumn leaves, plants
and hanging baskets. The new clean, un
stained walls were good backgrounds for
bright cretonne draperies and davenports
and deep chairs were grouped at one end
of the large room around the big fire
place where a bright fire burned. At the
other end of the room is a stage for the
stunts which will be put on at the hut.
The receiving line represented the
faculty, students and board of regents,
as well ns the local Y. M. C. A. repre
sentatives. In line were President and
Mrs. Campbell, Denn and Mrs. John
Straub. Dean Louise Ehrmann, Miss
Gertrude Talbot, Mrs. Edna Datson,
Mrs. W. H. C. Bowen. Mrs. A. C. Dixon,
Miss Tirza Diusdale, Mr. and Mrs. .Wil
liam F. Vance, Essie Maguire. Herald
White and Mellie Parker. The Y. W. C.
A. cabinet acted as hostesses. Punch and
wafers were served by a group of girls
from a decorated corner of the hall. A
musical program was given by Miss Ele
anor Lee, aud Kate Chatburn.
The hut is a one-story building with
a large main room which may he used
for an auditorium and smaller rooms
which will house the association office
and reading rooms. The Y. M. C. A. owns
a piano and has been given a large army
enclosed Edison phonograph by David
L. Stearns, of Portland.
Members of Gamma Phi Beta are en
tertaining this evening in their chapter
house with an informal dancing party.
The Christmas idea will be carried out
in the decorations. Included in the guest
list are: Nora Manerud, Jennie Parelius,
Helma Imholtz, Alvin Holmes and Jean
Amesbury, Bernard Montgomery, Luckey
I Bouncy, Chaffer Newton, Sheet Mane
rud, Henry Foster, Ensign W. C. Hep
penheimer, Lieutenant C. G. Willis, Her
ald White, Eugene Boylen, Bill Cum
mings, Mearle Blake, Paul Downard,
Lyle McCroskey, Richard Martin, A1
Jensen, Herbert Darbey, Bill Holmes,
George Doust, Elston Ireland, Ray Law
rence, Nelson Dezendorf, Walcott Bu
ren, Jack Holden and Wayne Acres.
e * *
Kappa Kappa Gamma is holding ini
tiation this afternoon for Brownell and
Janet Frasier and Lela Marsh.
* * *
Dean Louise Ehrmann entertained a
small group of University folk with an
informal dance at the Country Club Fri
day night. Red geraniums arranged in
window boxes bordered the hall and were
artistically grouped in one corner where
punch was served. Guests of the evening
were: Beatrice Weatherby, Gladys Hol
lingsworth, Noil Reidt, Ella Dews, Dor
othy Flegel, Theodora Stoppenbach, Phi
lena King, Gladys Bowen, Pauline Por
teous. Frances Frater, Helen Peterson,
Herald White, Jack Dundore, Lieuten
ant F. Snratlen, Lieutenant B. H. Por
tridge, Don Portwood, Clyde Mason,
Tracy Byers, Irwin Smith, Dwight Wil
son, Charles Comfort and Wayne Laird.
* * *
A eleved Christmas dance is bein'
given this evening at the Eugene Conn
try Club, for the members of Delt
Gamma by Mrs. C. C. Page and Mis:
Amy Dunn. A Santa Claus laden with
unique toys is to be a feature of the eve
ning and tinsel and fur boughs will form
the decorations. Guests are: Mrs. M. S.
Chatfield. Walter Shade, Mr. Hamilton,
Fred Test, Bryan Neet Sgt. Major An
derson, Clyde Humphrey, Arian Yancey,
Roscoe Roberts, Wilbur Hulin, Arthur
Coekrum, Don Portwood, Ray Hempy.
Walter Hempy, Ralph Walters, Bill
Grout, William Bowman, Sanford Gehr,
Ray Myers, Prince Callison, William
Walker, Leo O’Rourke, 'JVarren Kays,
Ed Lindsey, Dougias Mullarky, Louis
Bailey, Harris Ellsworth, Donald Dal
gleish and Bill Purdy.
* * *
Louena Waters and Jen Laughlin, of
Portland, are week-end guests of Alpha
* * *
Caroline Cannon is spending the week
end in Albany.
* * *
Lois Pixley was a dinner guest of Pi
Phi Friday night.
* * *
Brilliant orange shaded, greens and
yellow streamers form the back ground
for a delightful dancing party this eve
ning for which the. members of Alpha
Phi are hostesses in their chapter house.
Simple refreshments will he served later
in the evening. The patrons and patron
esses are: Dean and Mrs. John Straub,
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. G. Thaclier, Miss
Mary Perkins, Mrs. Barker and Denm
Louise Ehrmann. The guest, list includes
Lieutenant and Mrs. Edmund Register,
Lieutenants C. G. Willis, A. B. Barney,
R. S. Zimmerman, Id. Radclifr, FVank
Spratlin Jr., R. H. Partridge, Ensign W.
C. Heppenheimer, Hugh Thompson,
Chuck Comfort, Don Von Boskirk,
Chuck Huggins. Sidney Tewksbury, Vir
gil Cameron, Dan Patterson, Dow Wil
son, Jim Smith, Nick Carter, Jim O’Don
nell, Jerry Backstrand, George Van
Waters. Kelly Branstetter, Jack Dun
dore* Forest Littlefield, Allard Heit
Miss Eleanor Lee, instructor in voice
of the school of music faculty, will give
her first public recital in Eugene Tues
l day evening. December 10, at the First
Methodist church. The Dublic is invited.
Triple A Girls Making Christmas Gifts
for Eugene’s Needy.
Triple A, an organization of freshmen
women on the campus, is busily at work
preparing a number of Christmas pack
ages to be distributed as Christmas gifts
by Mrs. Ad.v, Eugene’s police matron,
among the city’s needy children. The
packages are for the most part to con
sist of scrap books, pink tarlatin Christ
mas stockings full of eaudy and other
Christmas goodies and warm flannelette
Three committees have been appoint
ed by Helen Clarke, president, of the or
ganization, to superintend the work.
These committees will confer with Miss
Clarke at a special meeting to be held
Saturday at 1 o’clock at Hendrick's hall.
A tax of ten cents per member was de
cided on by the girls at the second meet
ing of Triple A held last Tuesday at 3
o’clock at the Kappa Alpha Theta house.
This tax was made to cover all expenses
made in preparing the Christmas pack
| “This is the first concrete evidence,”
said Dean Louise Ehrmann, “of the
Christmas spirit on the campus, but who
can doubt that Oregon will more than
ever feel the meaning of this deep
Christmas-tide and realize that it is
more blessed to give than to receive.”
The committees appointed by Miss
Clnrke are as follows:
Scrap book committee: Emma Gar
bade, chairman; Phebe Gage, Mary Mc
Arthur, Patty French, and Margaret
Stocking Committee: Helen Carson,
chairman; Wanda Daggett, Glen Frank.
Eleanor Colman, Vivian Hobson, and
Ruby Carlson.
Sewing Committee: Betty. Epping.
chairman; Elizabeth McHaly; Esther
Dennis; Siama Wouri; Ann Shea; Gladys
Farrell and Laura Rand.
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The most appropriate of all gifts—a Military Watch
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