VOL. 20. EGON EUGENE, OREGON, NO. 26. EORMAL REVIEW OF 8. 11. C. 10 FIT OF YEAR president and Colonel Bowen Look Over Corps on Drill Field. COMMANDING OFFICER PLEASED WITH SHOWi.'G ■ """ ■* Oemobilization Begins; Most of Men to Remain Until End ^ of Term. * t rS _, _ t Colonel W. H. C. Bowen, commanding officer, end President P. L. Campbell, reviewed the S. A. T. C. and naval units this morning at ten o’clock on the parade grounds in the first formal review since the organization of the S. A. T. C. here. The corps then marched down town to the Southern Pacific station and back, with the band leading the parade. The review was also in^h^ nature of an inspection. The men were completely equipped, even to gloves, and the im maculate blue and khaki uniforms made splendid contrast. Colonel Bowen passed up and down the lines inspecting each man’s equipment. lie was very much pleased with the showing of the men, lie laid. Another review is planned for next Saturday morning, said the colonel today. The University hopes at that time to have several guests of honor, Governor Withycombe will be asked to be present. Demobilization is Begun. Demobilization of tne men of the S. A. T. C. ’'cgan today with the making out of tl." pre-discharge papers. Lieu tenant II. S. Zimmerman, assistant per sonnel officer, who returned yesterday from Helena, Montana, where he has been attending the school for discharge paper work, is in charge. About thirty men who have applied for Immediate discharge in order to be able to return to business life, will be dis charged at once, probably Monday, if their papers are completed by that time. The army surgeon, who was to have reported here December 2. to have charge of the physical examinations for the men, has not arrived. Colonel Bowen received word from the war department this morning that the regular army con tract surgeons of the S. A. T. C. here could proceed with the examinations until the army surgeon came. The telegram did not state when the colonel could ex pect him. Physical Examinations On. Dr. W. B. Neal and Dr. S. M. Kerron, the contract surgeons, started the exam inations of some of the men this morn ing. All physical examinations will prob ably be completed by the end of next week. The majority of the men will not be discharged until December 21, so that a small number will not he leaving daily, but the corps will he kept praetically in tact until final demobilization is in effect. All the forms for the making out of the discharge papers have not arrived ns yet. but Colonel Bowen expects them by Monday, so that a few of the men. who must return to their hotrms at once, may do so. These are chiefly married men, who entered the S. A. T. C. for the military training alone. They do not in tend to return to college next term. DOUGHBOY TO 3E STUDENT Oregon Man Writes for Correspondence Work at University. Albert V. Benedict, an Oreg n boy with the 25th platoon. Company F, 50th engineers, stationed somewhere in France i-3 one of the recent applicants for corre spondence work with the University ex tension division. Ilis application was re ceived here the first of thi9 week, but was sent from overseas the first day of November, before the signing of the ar mistice. He has to his credit one year of work at the Hermiston high school, according to his application. The subjects he has signed up for are all entrance require ments for admission to the Cnivergity. The supposition is that he has intentions af becoming a full-fledged Oregon stu dent some day. “Mighty Oregon” Is Slogan Adopted by Committee of Upper Classmen Mew Students Will Be Told Advantages of Completing College Education; Work to Be Found for Those Need ing Funds to Stay in School. A mighty Oregon is predieted for the remainder of the school year, beginning with next term, if the plans of the Great er Oregon committee do not miscarry. '“A big organization is being arranged for, and everybody is enthusiastic,* Herald White, president ci the student body said yesterday. An upper classmen will be chosen from each platoon ol' rhe S. A. T. C., as a member of ihe committee. They will in terest themselves in the fellows who want to corncob ok to pregon next term, but aT>«„iutt at present in a position financially to do so. They will help the men to find work that will enable them to continue their college work, according to statements made by Herald 'White. During the Christmas holidays one or two Oregon representatives will carry on a sort of campaign in every town in the state. The high schools will be vis ited and the Greater Oregon men will tell prospective freshmen about Oregon, and the many advantages and opportunities that n University education offers. Aside from the superior educational advantages, the young men and women will be told something of the normal col lege Activities that will be resumed next term, as a result of the demobilization of the S. A. T. C. “Not only during the holidays,” said White, “but all through the year the committee will make au effort to carry this information into the towns and vil lages of the state.” Kddie Durno was appointed temporary chairman of the committee by Herald White, and Ella Dews secretary. The complete p<’r6fmTiel 0f the committee will be ready the first of the week, so White announced this morning. 018 OREGON MED WILL GIVE TALKS Experiences to Be Told to Stu dents; Oregana Drive Will Be Explained. The Assembly hour Werdnesday. De cember 11. will be beroted to a student body meeting in Villard hall, according to Herald AVhite, president of the stu dent body. The Oregana campaign will be ex plained in details at this time, according to Mr. White, and an explanation made of the part which, in the opinion of older Oregon students it holds in the life of the University. An appeal for the sup port of the student body in the campaign 1 will be given also. Their announcements will be made, the nature of which is not definitely known at this time, said Mr. AVhite, and several resolutions will he drawn up and presented to the students to offer condolences to the families of the University students who have died during the influenza epidemic. Several of the 14 old Oregon students who have returned to the campus within the past few weeks will be asked to J speak to the students, probably upon their experiences since leaving the Uni versity in the country’s service. This will probably be the last student body assembly of, the term, and all stu dents are urged to attend. The University band may give a con cert at this time, although it has not yet been decided. PLAYS SCORE SUCCESS Dramatics Classes Stage First Shows This Year. The plays "Little Women” and ‘‘Ask No Questions and You Will Hear No Stories,” given Thursday afternoon, and ‘‘Six Oups of Sugar” and “The Goal Gate,” by Lady Gregory, on Friday af ternoon in Guild Ilall by the dramatic department, were very successful, ac cording to Miss Dorsey, of the depart ment. Margaret Nelson portrayed Jo's part in ‘‘Little Women” exceptionally well. AH the other parts were equally well given.. ‘‘Ask No Questions" was met with hearty applause on account of its extreme cleverness, in plot »as well as in the playing Monday two more playlets will be given in Guild Hall at 4 o’clock, “The Truth About Jane” (cast all girls) and "The Travelling Man,” by I.ady Greg ory. The cast of characters for the lat ter is: The Mother .Frances Cardwell The Child .. Norma Medler The Travelling Man, ...Linden Leavitt Between the plays liilliau Brock will sing Gounod’s “Come Unto Me.” MEN MAY BUY SHOES The 8. A. T. C. unit here was author ized this morning by the Committee on Education and Special Training to sell to any of the men who wish them, the shoes and underclothing recently issued them. The uniforms must be returned in four morlhs Beginning Class Wil! Present Rest of Series Friday and Monday. The remainder of a series of one act plays which are being presented by the beginning class in dramatic interpreta tion will be given Friday and Monday afternoons in Guild hall between the hours of 4:30 and 6 o’clock. The play to be presented Friday fol lows: “Six Cups of Chocolate.” Mias Adeline von Lindau. .Lillian Brock Miss Marion Lee.Ruth Griffin Miss Dorothy Green.Irene Stewart Miss Hester Hester Beacon. .Maurine Elrod Miss Beatrix van Kortlandt. .Elva May Thomson Miss Jeannette Durand. .Mamie Carlock Directed by the Misses Hartley and Hill. Song— “Mother o’ Mine”. . .Raymond Osborne .“The Goal Gate” . By Lady Gregory. Mary C'ahel .Miss Badura Mary Cushin .Miss Nichols Gate Keeper .Harold Baker Under the direction of Tracy Byers. EVA HANSEN MAY GO OVER Stationed at General Hosiptal in Boston to Await New Orders. Miss Eva Hansen, who left the Uni versity this week to take up war work in Boston, according to latest word heard from her, will be stationed at the U. S. A. general hospital number 10, Parker Hill in Boston, there to await further appointment, which she thinks will be for overseas. She will do recon struction work consisting of massage and remedial exercise. Miss Ilnnsen left her home in Marsh field on December 5 and expects to nr rivp in Boston December 10. She spent twenty minutes in Eugene on her way waiting for trains to change. Many of her University friends were down at the station to give her a last farewell. She expects to return to the University, when released from the service. CHOICE PERMITTED MEN Those Remaining in Service May Pick Desirod Branch. All men of the S. A. T. O. who d'-sire to remain in the service permanently will be permitted to select the branch of the service in which they wish to enroll, according to telegraphic instructions re ceived this morning by Colonel \V. II. C. Bowen, commanding officer, from the adjutant general’s office. The men will be assigned or attached in their present grades to the nearest appropriate' unit of the 8th to 20th di visions or to the nearest appropriate unit of the regular army in the United States. They will not be transferred to the unit until such time as their re-en listment has been authorized by congress. Teaching Force to Be Much Strengthened When Next Term Starts. COMMERCE SCHOOL HAS TWO MEN COMING BACK Hopkins and Jeremiah Soon to Be Released: List of Others Long. Many members of the faculty now ab sent on war work, are expected to return soon, and every effort is made to strengthen the teaching force for the students of the University now that the war is over, and the S. A. T. O. being demobilized, Ivnrl Out hank, secretary to President Campbell, said today. Several new men may be added, he said. Assurances have been received from members of the faculty away on leave of absence, that they are making every en deavor to return ns soon ns possible, ac cording to Mr. Onthank. Some instruct - ors engaged in war work in the north west are trying to obtain their discharge so that they may be at the University in time for the opening of the winter term in January. Secretary Gives List. It is expected by Mr. Onthank that the following members of the faculty will re turn, most of them in time to take up their work at the opening of the winter term,. AV. F. O. Thaeher, professor of rhet oric, who is now a lieutenant attached to the personnel department of the K. A. T. C., in this University. Professor Thacher’s work will keep him at Eugene until his discharge, which he expects soon. C. C. Jeremiah, professor of commerce, who had charge of the classes in ord nance held at the University of Oregon last year. Professor Jeremiah is now a lieutenant at, a government arsenal at Raritan, New Jersey. Allan O. Hopkins, instructor in com merce a year ago, a second lieutenant with the 01st division in France at pres ent. The school of commerce is badly in need of instructors, Dean Morton says, and he is in touch with the war depart ment now trying to obtain the release of All'. Hopkins, so that he may be here next term. Evans to Return Soon. John Stark Evans, professor of organ in the school of music, now awaiting dis charge ns a lieutenant of infantry at Camp Lewis. Professor Evans visited the Oregon campus recently and expressed his hope of returning for the next term. Orin F. Stafford, Professor of chemis try, who is now working out a new wo distillate in process in Boston. Although not actually in government service, Pro fessor Stafford’s work is along a line calculated to have greatly helped the government had the war continued. Dr. Raymond K. Wheeler, professor - r psychology, at present, doing psychd'v gical work in the army at Fort Worth, Texas. Mr. Wheeler’s leave of absence was for the duration of the war, and his tr.rl.v return is expected. I)r. Joseph Schafer, professor of his tory, now in Washington, D. C., work ing with the bureau of historical re search, under the committee of pub information. Professor Schafer was given absence for the year, to may he hero by next semester. Some in Europe. Besides the members of the faculty named above, there are several who are outside the United States engaged in wnr work. Among these are Miss Elizabeth F. Fox, dean of women, now in France in Y. W. (.’. A. work; Frederick S. Dunn, professor of latin, now in Italy on Y. M. C. A. work, and Thomas II. Annett, in structor in piano, now in the 3t!lst am bulance corps at the front Professor A. F. Ileddie, head of the department of public speaking, who is now in Australia, is expected back for the spring term. Dean Walker, who acted as graduate manager of the student body and assist ant athletic director until recently, will he back within the next few days from the artillery school at Gamp Tsrlor. S. A. T. C. Men Retire Civilian Garb on Eve of Demobilization Did you notice thnt continuous flock of uniformed men hitting it up across the campus yesterday morning—nnd did you notice the bundle under their arm and the not infrequent suitcase in the hand of many of them? Did you wonder if Christmas vacation had already ar rived and think that you had been play ing a little Itip Van Winkle stunt dur ing the past two weeks? Or, did you ■ think the fellows had packed up their | S. A. T. C. troubles in. their old kit bags, and were carrying said miseries over to the Willamette river to be dashed int*> thnt whirling pool, never to rea^> pour again? If you hnd a glimmering of any one of these ideas you were suffering tinder a sad hallucination, for the men were in reality only obeying the recent mili tary order to do away with all civilian clothing in their bnrrncks on or before Saturday morning For some, the leave taking was sor rowful, for others, glorious. The fel low with the large wardrobe, consisting of: two suits of good edothes and a con scientious conscience, had a hard time sellatg his wordly embellishments of a pnst age to the second hand dealer, whose shop was already over-stocked with suits, sized from 18 to -1JV On the other hand the fellow who obeyed the order with a happy heart was he who had ruined his only good stilt of wear ing apparel while drilling In the rain; and who. itt eonseqquenee, had been re duced to a single pair of trousers and n dingy looking sweater that he had won in the good old days a! the prep school, •before he had learned tlmt he didn’t know enough about football to trawl with the scrub team at the University. After all, the wearing of the uniform parts every man on an equal with the ! next. So, here’s hats off to equality and the military order. HANGING BASKETS GIVEN Y Sororities and Townspeople Help Adorn New Hut. Hanging baskets have been presented ■by a number of townspeople and soror ity bouses to help make the new Y. M. ‘C. A.'h.ut more homelSke, according to Marian Oilstrap, chairman of the com mittee appointed to look into the matter by Bernice Spencer, head of the Red ■Cross committee for Women’s Longue, On a recent trip to Camp Merritt, Mrs. P. L. Campbell noticed how attrac tive the hanging baskets used there made the lmt, and upon her return to the campus alto trade the suggestion to Miss Spence'' fatflt it. miight he nice for the Oregojt #wi eo have them too. fThtts, thrWAA **** efforts of the committee an« ’ of the townspeople and Wsro-'T*'"-.' i eO baskets have been placed ^ ^,» •*; T‘j» are to he kept in the hut V'' ~ », when they wall he returned iw - | "v- * ’wr.v.ing the baskets are: Mrs. IP. the University of Washington, receives the quarterback position according to Huntington. Eckmaun's work against Oregon was of the first magnitude. Sprott, of California and Branden herg, of Oregon, are without a doubt the best half backs on the coast. The work of botli has been little short of sensa tional, and they are both great line buck-' era. I*owell of O. A. C., gets the fullback position ns ho is oup of the best men In this department seen in the Northwest for several moons. He is the only Aggie given a first-team berth by Hunt ington. Other players that deserve honorable mention are F. Jacobberger, Pat O’ Rourke and Albert IlardlngV of Ore gon ; Walker of Washington, Barley and Hodler of O. A. C. and Watson of Cali fornia. ALL GOBS TO BE RELEASED Men In Naval Unit Will Apply For Ois. charge From Servloe. All the men in the nnval unit will ap ply for discharge nud will probably enter the University in January, stated En sign W. C. Iloppenheimber, this morning. The men in the naval units are permit ted, under recent ruling of the S. A. T. 0., to apply for release to be placed on active duty, but, although some of the men had at first intended to do this, all those here plan now to ask for release. Ensign Ilopppnhelmer has received no instructions regarding the disposition to he made of men who may have desired to remain on active duty.