Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, October 29, 1918, Image 1

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VOL. 20.
NO. 11.
Fourteen Players to Get Cali
fornia Trip Must Fight
For Chance.
JSecond String Men Show Up
Very Well at Daily
With the influenza on the wane and
interest renewed in football since the
JUinouricem*'nt of the California game
things are beginning to move on the
gridiron. There are now about forty or
fifty men out and several others have
raits which will be called iu soon if not
From now on it is fight and fight to
tile finish for from all of the candidates
that are out a team will be picked to
Journey to the southland to meet the
l*alifornia crew. Owing to the war condi
tions it will be impossible to take a flock
q>: players south and so if a candidate
|hs any class at all this is the time for
him to show it. ••Bill” Hayward has said
that probably about 14 men will be all
that will be taken to 8an Francisco
(ad from this it looks as though there
flfould be about two line subs and one
«2tra backfiehl man.
Class Will Tell.
These fourteen players to journey tnto
tthe land of Andy Smith and the Golden
Bear will be the ones who show the
Stost class in the Multnomah game next
Saturday and the two contests with O.
A. C. Several changes will probably be
Biade in the personnel of the first team
Shat played the second string men last
With “Nish” Chapman, Brandenburg,
ftad Blake back in harness to fight it out
Roth the two Jacobbergers. Howard and
IVatson for the four baekfield positions
there should be a great battle on the
held every night. Durno, Tuerek and
Stanerud must also be taken into con
sideration iu the baekfield argument.
“Sheet” showed up well in Saturday’s
fame as did Johnny Tuerek and Eddie
Durno. If some cf the present first team
men go to sleep or forget to get into
the fight one of the last mentioned three
!i liable to swing aboard a south bound
6. P. bound for the sunny south.
Army Out for Line.
On the line there is almost a regiment
t£ candidates. At the end positions Wil
ton and Hauser are proving to be in a
class with the two flank guardians of
the team of 1910. Mitchell and Tegart.
Johnny Brock, who reported again last
night after a week of sickness, Duus
dore. Sntiderleaf and Vi few others must
■else be considered in the game and Wil
ton and Hauser are going to have plenty
of opposition
There are more candidates for guard
positions than there are cooties in a
ilench. Mautz, O’Rourke, McArthur,
Sharp, Dresser, and Gilbert are a few
rho answer “present” every night for
tractive. When this gang get fighting for
Sie two positions there are going to be
tome good prospects for the morticians.
(Continued on page four)
Dr. Straub Does His
Bit; Chips in for
Emerald in Crisis
Dean John Straub, because be feels
that The Emerald is most important this
year and at the same time in greater
need of financial support, has paid his
subscription to The Emerald although
he is not ordinarily supposed to do so.
'With t'he former editors and managers
of The Emerald who are to receive ihe
paper for life is Dean Straub because
of his service to the University since
1876 and The Emerald since it has been
founded. Bn Dean S tuib believes 'Jhc
Emerald si n:ld live ani bis motif f*.
the first time has been accepted.
! Can’t Live Happily
Without Emerald,
Says Claire Gazley
If you are reading The Emerald over
someone's shoulder you can be fair in
supporting The Emerald by sending the
paper home or to someone off the cam
pus and they appreciate it.
Witness a letter from Claire Gazley,
junior in the University last year and
prominent in dramatics, -who is now at
tending the U. of C. at Berkeley. After
telling Lyle Bryson, circulation man
ager, that; a check was enclosed, she
“Please forward back numbers for this
term. I simply must have news of the
dear old campus. Although I’m trying
hard to be a loyal Californian and the
University is wonderful, my heart is still
in Oregon.”
Sophomore Is Victim of Pneumonia
Following Influenza.
John H. Creech, 23 years old, of
Springfield, a sophomore in the Univer
sity, died yesterday afternoon at 5:15
at the I’hi Delta Theta infirmary, of
pneumonia, following an attack of in
fluenza. His parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John S. Creech, of Aberdeen. Washing
ton, were at his bedside at the time of
his death.
Mr. Creech was taken to the infirmary
October 18. Pneumonia developed Sat
urday, but his condition had not been
considered dangerous. He was not a
member of the Students’ Army Training
Corps or the Oregon state officers’ train
ing camp. The body was taken to
Springfield last night and will be shipped
I to Aberdeen, where the funeral ser
| vices will he held. Mr. Creech leaves
a sister, Mrs. Jim Evans, of Springfield,
with whom he had been living while at
tending the University.
Freshman Recommended for West Point
Slater Marcellus Miller, 18 years old,
of Roseburg, Oregon, was today recom
mended by President P. L. Campbell to
Senator Chamberlain as a candidate for
the U. S. military academy at West Point.
Mr. Miller was chosen from 25 in com
petitive examination yesterday after
noon at the Universitj. If the recom
mendation is accepted, Mr. Miller will
leave for West Point at once.
The alternates chosen were John A.
Gamble, 18 years, son of John Gamble,
of Portland, and Marwin Beverly 'Wool
folk. 18 years, son of William B. Wool
folk, of Oregon City.
Loss of the Emerald to the University,
h rough failure of the student body to
ifford it the support necessary for its
»ntinuanee throughout the year, would
<e one of the most disasterous things
rhieh could occur in connection with
be University at this time. With j
ampus life and campus tradition dis
cpted as it is bv the changes incident ‘
lo tht> military work being carried on
this year, there is every reason why
the Emerald should be maintained. It
alone can perpetuate and keep alike the
“Old Spirit of Oregon,'' without which,
when normal conditions return, the Uni
versity cannot hope to sustain the char
acteristics which have made it the “one
school for us ”
Amount of Noise Candidates
Draw from Rooters Will
Decide Victor
Fiunl yell leader tryouts will be held
at University yell practice on Kincaid i
field Wednesday atternoon at 4 o’clock.
“Nick" Carter, Johnnie Gamble, Lyle
McCroskey, R. Waggoner, C. A. Phipps,
“Jig-gs” Leslie and Johnnie Houston, all
of whom were in the tryouts at Satur
day’s game, will compete.
The support of the student body, the
amount of noise the candidates can get
out of the rooters, will determine who
will be this year’s yell king. Following
the tryouts tomorrow Don Orput, for- j
mer yell leader, will make his recom
mendation to the student council accord
ing to the authorization given him at
the last meeting of the council.
Orput Wants Women On Rooters Side.
Orput has asked that more support to
the football men this year be given from
tlie women of the University, and in or
der that they can be directed in sing
ing Oregon songs by the Varsity yell
leaders he has suggested that the wo
men sit on the same side of the field
with the boys hereafter.
‘It is not my idea that, the women
should get too boisterous this year just
because it is up to them to support the
team more than in previous years,” said
Orput, “but they can improve in show
ing in a more demonstrative way the loy
al support they have given lemon-yellow
teams in the past. It is my idea, that
with 'the women assisting side by side
with the men in the Oregon songs and
applause, and with the men going good
behind a good yell leader, the team can
feci the old Oregon fight behind them
this year ns well as any other.”
The showing made at yell practice
Saturday afternoon at the game between
the two Oregon squads was disappoint
ing. Forty six supporters in grand stand
and bleachers was tin showing offered
by tlie 450 women of the University.
Loyal Women Supporters Listed.
Are your friends among the loyal
ones? Here they are: Caroline Cannon,
Helen Buckley, Marion Holcomb, Mar
garet Phelps, Lueile Evans, Mae Bnl
lack, Margaret Thompson, Lyle Bryson,
Anna Mae Bronaugh, Marian Coffey,
Donna Spencer, Charlie Fenton, Anne
Shea, Mary Hegardt, Barbara Shep
pard, Gladys Smith, Jeannette Moss,
Mary Irving, Alice Evans, Emma Gnr
bnde, Virginia Peterson, Marjorie Kay,
Helen Houghton, Vivian Hopson, Ver
nice Bobbins, Bula Smith, Iris Bryant,
Beta Hough, Hazel Rankin, Jennie Vo
der, Mabel Rankin, Laura Rand. Elsie
Lawrence, Helen Lougharv, Pauline
Coad. Betty Epping, Ruth Xasli, Vivian
Chandler, Reba Mac-klin, Dorothy Low
ry, Madeline Klotbooni, Mildred Huntley,
Florence Riddle, Marjorie Edsell, Dor
ris Churchill.
Associates Are Examining Applicants
for Officers’ School.
Alma D. Katz, representing the Na
tional Military Camps Association, who
was to have been at the University to
day to examine applicants for Central
Officers' Training Schools, has been ill
with influenza in Portland, but will he
able to come to Eugene today. The
other members of his party, .7. A. Crans
ton and E. B. MacNaughton and their
aides, are in Eugene to help conduct ex
aminations. The applicants of the Ore
gon State Officers’ Training Camp
were given their physical examinations
last week by Captain George Wilson,
army surgeon.
Company A has issued a challenge to
Company li of the S. A. T. C. to a game
of football, date to be arranged. All
men who are out for practice under
Coach Huntington will Le barred.
Get your receipt early tomorrow.
Student Council Members All
Working Hard to Save Emerald
Emphasis Placed on Necessity That Every One Support Paper
—Cooperation Conside red Test of Loyalty
to Oregon.
Aroused over the prospect of losing
for Oregon its chief factor in perpetuat
ing the University li-s and Oregon Spirit
through the forced tusnensiou of The
Emerald because of lack of subscrip
tion support, every member of the stu
dent council hits become identified with
the campaign to save The Emerald.
Every member will take an active part
in making known to the now students
that The Emerald is the paper of the As
sociated Students and not run by nor
for any individual or group. Enthusiasm
and loyalty for The Emerald as the big
gest thing in the University life and
faith in the Oregon Spirit to put the
paper on a safe basis wore expressed
in statements issued this morning by
I'aul Spangler, president of the student
body; Elia Dews, vice-president, and
Members of the student counted.
Emerald is ;lie organ of the student body
and as such, it must have the whole
hearted support of the students. It is
the sole means of getting the campus
issues and activities before the students
and no student is an Oregon man or wo
man until he gets behind The Emerald.
The Emerald is always behind the issues
which are best for the University and
unselfishly devotes its columns for a
‘Greater Oregon.’ The Emerald is one of
the chief iustillers of the Oregon Siyirit
the Oregon fight for which we are
known all over the country. I am sure
thaj every person on the campus wants
to he a real Oregon student and share
in the glory of the college. The greatest
step toward this end is to subscribe for
The Emerald. Every Oregon student a
ELLA DEWS: “Every loyal Oregon
student should subscribe for The Emer
ald and do all they can to support it.
Since it will he the only official publi
cation. it will be the only means by which
we can keep in touch with all the stu
dent activities of the campus and with
the main announcements of the faculty,
which are of vital importance to every
one. Oregon Spirit is embodied in The
Emerald and by reading it all new stu
dents may use this means of backing this
HERALD WHITE: “We are going
to give every Oregon student the oppor
tunity to do his bit in making the big
gest instrument of the Oregon spirit,
Till' Emerald, safe for a year, in order
that it will not be forced to discontinue
HAROLD GREY: “In The Emerald
lives the life, the spirit, and the interests
of our school. What could be of more
value to the real (Jregon student?”
is the center of campus activities and
the agent through which they are all
carried out. It has always maintained
the Oregon spirit and all that Oregon
holds highest. It is and always has been
under the best of management and af
fords the best channel for Oregon ideals
to reach the new students.”
pus is in danger of losing The Emerald
before the year is over. Think of what
the Oregon campus would be without a
paper and remember that The Emerald
s self-supporting and must get its sup
port from the students. Then be one
of the 400."
TRACY BYERS: “It would be the
greatest calamity possible not to have
The Emerald. It is an organ that needs
support. This is an important year in
student activities, in fact the crisis, and
without 'Tlie Emerald we cannot get the
old spirit.”
is the one means of keeping in touch
with the college activities, and any stu
dent who wants to get the Oregon spirit
should be a subscriber and a reader.
Phis year of all years, The Emerald
needs your financial support and it is
up to every student to push and send
this campaign ‘over the top.’ ”
LYLE McCROSKEY: “The Associat
'd Students of the University of Ore
gon can only comp out even this year,
through a program of strictest economy.
The Emerald must he self-supporting
uid this means every Oregon student n
ELMO MADDEN: “The Emerald is
naif the University, without it no one
would know what has happened or what
s going to happen. It is the only sure,
widespread means of advertising any
student activity. It is the one sure
source of Oregon news for the hoys in
service scattered over the world that is
sure and authentic. l!y all means we
should have The Emerald with every
student a subscriber.”
m 11 ILiCE
Decision Rests With War Work
Council; Financial Aid Is
Whether I ho 1'njversity of Oregon is
to have a hostess house or not awaits
the decision of the Y- W. C- A. war
work council, according to an announce
ment made yesterday by Miss Dorothy
Collier, acting general secretary of the
association. Miss Alice Brown, North
west student secretary, is making an at
tempt to obtain all necessary informa
tion for the local association and at the
same time is finding whether financial
aid would be possible.
It is thought by Miss Collier that any
necessary financial aid would be gladly
given, as the rule is that such help
should be given associations maintain
ing a hostess house m encampments of
more than (500 men.
A new member would be added to the
'S'. W. C. A- cabinet if the hostess house
plan is carried out, and her duties
would be those of an active member of
the general hostess house committee.
Townswomen to Head Committee.
An interested towns woman would be
chosen as chairman of the hostess house
committee, and other women from town
a well as the members of the advisory
hoard would be asked to give aid to tile
(Continued on page three'
Auditorium to Have Seating
Capacity 300; Will Install
Movie Aparatus.
The Univcrsty will have a two-story,
regulation Y. M. ('. A. hunt, fifty ijy
ninety feet, containing on auditorium,
g.une room, reading room, social room,
showers and bath rooms, in thirty days.
Ibis was decided al a o .‘e'ing in Presi
dent' (lampboll’s office Saturday at 1 :.'!()
fi. m. 'I lie hut was staked out yesterday
between the Library and the Oregon
Building cn Thirteenth street.
'J l e auditorium will have a seating
capacity of 200, equipped with a stage
movie apparatus.
The game room, reading room and social
room will be so arranged that they can
lie thrown into the auditorium when
necessary, increasing its seating eapac
(Co.ntinued on page three)
Bulletin Board and Booth in
Front of Library to Be'
Working Committees Larger;
Faculty Members Are in
While no assurance for the success,
of the drive for 4(X> new subscribers
and the future of The Emerald can be
niveil until tln> work of actually taking
the subscriptions begins tomorrow morn
ing, enthusiasm for the work of saving
The Emerald shown by sophomores, jun
iors and seniors indicates that every obi
student will wear the “I lave subscrib
ed" card.
With the same enthusiasm the old
students of the University have organ
ized the campaign so that every new
student will have the ehance of aiding
the University and the paper through
his or her support. Final arrangements
for the details t<f the canvass to begin
early tomorrow morning will be com
pleted at it meeting of the fifty-five
members of The Emerald subscription
committee in the journalism annex at
(i:.‘!0 tins evening.
Faculty Behind Emerald.
The manner in which the faculty of
the University values The Emerald ns
a part of the University was manifested
today by statements issued by President
Campbell, Dean D. Walter Morton, and
by the support assured by numerous
Dean Morton started the hnii rolling
in the class room campaign this morn
ing with an enthusiastic appeal that the
students get behind The Emerald that it
not be force 1 to quit. After tdlhig of the
value of The Ein»rnld on the campus
and its further service to the Univer
sity and Oregon Spirit in keeping the
alumni in touch with the student activi
ties, Dean Morton pointed out the sac
rifices being made by the stuff to put
(Continued on page tour)
May Be Eligible for Coast Civilians'
Artillory School.
The University will send ten more
coast artillery officer candidates to Fort
Monroe, Virginia, by November ft, Colo
nel W. 11. C. Ilowen announced yester
day ujhm receipt of a telegram from the
Committee on education and Special
Training in Washington, D. C. The tel
egram applied only to men of the S. A.
T. C., but Colonel Bowen has wired ask
ing if civilians are eligible.
Ensign Hoppenheimer, Fresh From
Overseas, to Command Unit.
The University has been assigned a
naval officer to have charge of the work
of the men in the naval unit. Ensign
William C. Ueppenheimcr, who has just
returned from u year’s overseas duty,
arrived in Eugene last night and today
started his duties as commanding offi
cer of the naval men. Ensign Heppen
heimer will assist in instructing the men.
Announcements of changes in the courses
for naval unit men will be made soon.
Mr. II< ppenfieimer is a Harvard student.
A student does not set the best of col
lege life witliout coming into intimate
contact with all the student activities.
Ihs best way to keep informed and build
up University enthusiasm is through the
Emerald. Every student on the campus
should he a subscriber.