Oregon emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1909-1920, October 26, 1918, Page Three, Image 3

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    fill] US SIS!
Holds to Command Such Fine
Men Is Honor For Any
Lieutenant John Clark Burgard, mem
ber of the class of 1916. now Hmrenant
in the 362nd Infantry. 91st division, sti
tionod “Somewhere in France.” has
written of his experiences to University
"I have had a very pleasant trip
across the states and the Atlantic and
across Europe. It was very interesting
with the ir.cn and I have seen and had
many interesting sights and oxpenonvs
as well as pathetic and proviking ones.
It is all to be expected in this game of
‘Swat the Hun.’ That would be a good
title for a Hodge or Sweetser course.
France Seems Quaint.
“IVe are billeted in a very beautiful
village in a very pretty and interesting
section of France. The peasants’ dress,
customs, houses, etc., are all very quaint.
They are about 200 years behind the
times and. believe me. 1 will be glad to
get away from here, which will be soon,
and look for doings of the 91st for if
they don’t make a name for themselves.
I’ll miss my guess.
“We have sure worked like thunder
since arriving. It makes our work at
Lewis seem like play and now the cur
tain is drawing and the finishing touches
are being put ou our sixteen months of
preparation and I can hardly wait to get
in the game. We have as fine a lot of
men as any officers could wish for and
I personally consider it an honor to fight
with them.
Fred Kiddle Near.
I received a letter the other day from
Fred Kiddle. He is sergeant in the Ord
nance Corps not very far away, but we
can't make connections. Everett May is
in my regiment and we are the best of
friends. I had supper with him last eve
Lieutenant Burgard has been bunking
with Ben Dorris, a college friend- of
his, since their arrival in France.
Miss Gr^ce Edgington. a graduate in
the dags of ’17, has a long article on
“Women in Journalism” in a recent is
sue of a publication issued by the Uni
versity of Washington. Miss Edgington
is a member of the faculty of the school
of Journalism, at that University.
I Girls Imagination
Plus Error Creates
Physics Phenomenon
Have you an imagination? Would i
lead you to mistake some other sub
stance for hypo and then to draw an on
tirely erroneous conclusion as to it:
properties? Or, do you know whai
hypo is?
Y\ bother you do or not. here is the
story: it happened in the physics lab
oratory and the victims were girls. Th<
syllabus said to measure temperature ol
hypo crystals and aho of some plain
I water in a test tube; it said also, next
! to mix the hypo and the water and take
its temperature. There was no instruet
i or around, but surely that white stuff
! *u the beaker was hypo—no, they didn’t
j taste it, it might have killed them.
temperature of water and crystals
was taken and then reading recorded
and then the two substances were mixed
"See the mercury fall," exclaimed one
of the girls. " 1'liat's the conclusion" re
joined tlie other. ‘‘Hypo makes the
temperature; fall."
Hut there entered a doubt; that hypo
looked uncannily like plain table salt,
it did indeed. One girl ventured the
tiniest speck on the tip of her tongue
‘It tastes like table salt."
"Why, it is table salt." was the ver
dict. Then the girls took another look
at the thermometer. The mercury had
not budged.
Ana Monday’s 8 O’Clocks Will Be
After Daylight.
All clocks and watches must be turned
back one hour Sunday morning. The
“daylight saving" law, which was en
acted by congress last spring will be
void after “ o clock Sunday morning, and
Time will be normal again.
The overworked O. T. C-, the ambi
tious S. A. T. C-, the much tried though
ever patient professor, and, of course, the
busy college women—all may have an
extra hour s rest Sunday morning.
Eleven o'clock will be 11 o’clock.
And then, on Monday, the students
will not have to get up before, daylight
to make their S o’clock on time
iiiuEB r
War Department Opposed t<
Ceremonial Functions Till
Peace Comes.
Suspension of the activities of the fra
| ternities among members of the Sti
j dents Army Training Corps in the col
i leges for the period of the presen
j emergency 1ms been ordered by the \va
| department through the committee o
| education and special training. Th
| communication states that “fraternit,
activities” and "the operation of frater
nitics" as used means the social side o
fraternity life—the living of the mem
hers together in fraternity houses am
the functions and meetings of a socia
j or ceremonial nature,
i The War department, realizing, how
i ever, that fraternity organizations ntus
j be kept intact to insure the resumptioi
of their activities after the war inter
[loses no objections to the holding o
such meetings as are of a purely busi
ness nature.
The department lias made this ruliti;
as a protection to the fraternities them
! solves on account of the rapidly cluing
| ing personnel of tile student body whiel
j is the result of the present plan o
| keeping the men here three, six and nin
months, and if men were taken in ti
I fill the gaps of the constantly ehangin
membership the standard for member
ship would necessasrily have to be lower
Fraternity life, the communicatioi
states, is incompatible with military dis
cipline in the very nature of things, am
for that reason the war departmen
; feels that it is for the best interests o
both, to suspend further operations o
i fraternities until the present emergcnc;
has passed.
An interesting textile exhibit has beei
received this week at the departmen
of Home Economics, according to Mis;
Shumway, the instructor in textiles am
design. It will be kept here a montl
before it is sent on to the next collegi
on its itinerary. In this manner, Mis;
Shumway says, the classes here an
able to see and examine many new am
valuable materials to which, otherwise
they would not have access.
F or The
Per Year
Bungalow May Become Hostess
House I s Present
A membership campaign to make every
woman in the University a member of
the V- W. C. A. started today and will
continue until Wednesday night when
all reports of workers are to he in. “I’m
a member of the V W. U. A., are you?"
is the slogan of the campaign and eon
tains the question that will he asked
every University woman in the next few I
Organization for the drive for mem
hership includes one girl from every wo
man's fraternity who will enroll all of
her sisters iu the Y. W- C A., one girl
for each unit of Hendricks Hall, where
there is to be an active contest for the
highest percentage of membership, and
six girls who will have charge of cam
paigning among girls who live in town.
Should Belong to Y. W. C- A.
"The Y. W. C A. is the one organ
ization ou the campus that every Univer
sity woman should belong to", declared
Miss Dorothy Collier, general secretary
of the association in the absence of Miss
Tirza Hinsdale, "because, it brings them
together socially and in Christian en
Following is the purpose of the or
organization as stated iu the student
constitution iu loyalty to Jesus Christ,
to lead them to accept him ns their per
sonal Savior, to build them up iu knowl
edge of Christ especially through Ilible
study and Christian service that their
character and conduct may be consonant
with their belief. It shall associate them
with the students of the world for ad
vancement of the kingdom of God. It
shall further seek to enlist their devo
tion to the Christian church and to the
religious work of tho institution."
Contest In Hondricks Hall
Mrs. Kathryn Johnson is in charge of
the contest in IlendricKs Hall, and the
captains in the sororities arc: Kappa
Alpha Theta, Mildred Garland: Gam
ma Phi Beta, Lota Kiddle; Kappa Kap
pa Gamma. Cln.ru Corrigan; Delta
Gamma, Madeline Slotboom : Delta Del
ta Delta. Florence Riddle; Pi Beta Phi,
Elvira Thurlow; Alpha Phi, Lois Mney;
Chi Omega, Josephine Connors.
The final report of all workers will
be given Wednesday night at a fireside
supper in the Bungalow, following
which a complete report will be printed
in the Emerald- Miss Amy Dunn, ad
visory board member in the interest of
membership, will be present at the final
May Have Hostess House
Plans to turn the Y. W. C- A- Bun
galow into a student hostess house are
being made. If they are carried out ac
cording to present expectation, accord
ing tf> a statement1 made yesterday, a
party will he given there for the soldiers
every Saturday night, and on Sunday
afternoons “open house” will be observ
ed and tea will he served by different
girls of the membership.
: -
Another Call for Material Comes From
Red Cross Office.
Whore are those handles of old ma
terial that you were going to put on the
Bungalow front' porch for use in mak
ing sandbags for the. trenches? If you
just forgot them, there is still time, ac
cording to Bernice Spencer, Red Cross
chairman, who believes that because of
influenza actual work on the making of
the bags cannot start for at least a
“All material for the bags must, be
ready for use by the time meetings are
allowed,” stated Miss Spencer. “If this
Is not the case much valuable time will
be lost.” Pieces of old material is
wanted most, and it matters not what
kind of old material this is. Anything
from gunny Racks, flour sacks, which
really are the most desirable to the
pieces of any size in your scrap bag are
exactly what Is wanted
Girls who have time to knit and could
complete a sweater in a short time would
gladly be given yarn at the Red Cross
headquarters down town, Miss Spencer
stated yesterday. A shipment of yarn
has been received and more people are
needed to complete the knitting in a
minimum Cme
Mrs. Mae Sage Dalzell Pneumonia Vic
tim in Chicago.
One hundred and thirty-seven men of
the S. A. T.t. have applied to Colonel
W. II. C. Bowen, commanding officer,
for admission to Camp Fremont, which
opens December 1. An unlimited number
of men will be recommended to the camp, t
according to a telegram from Washing
ton, D. C., to Colonel Bowen. The men j
who have applied will be examined here
by Dr. W. B. Neal and Dr. S. M. Ker- l
ron, army contract surgeons. The larg- j
cst number of applications is for infan- ,
try. Seventy-two men chose this branch
of the service. The other three groups
are aeronautics. 32; field artillery, ,'50;
machine gun. Inspecting officers for
aeronautics and artillery will visit the
l Diversity soon to examine the men per
sonally. Tlie location of the aeronau
tics school has not been definitely an
nounced. The other men, according to
present instructions, will go to Camp
Hubert Schenk, recently detailed from
the O. T. C. here, to Fort Monroe, is
now an instructor with the rank of sec
ond lieutenant.
- --— ___
SHAVE .15c
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Favorite Resort
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Compare our prices on standard merchandise with those
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J. C. Penney Co., Inc.
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