Nurses Are Wearing Them and S. A. T. C. Men Will if Necessary. Gauze masks for use by nurses and attendants of University influenza pa tients have been made by tbe dozen during the past week by a group of fac ulty wives and other interested women under tbe direction of Mrs. brie AN. Alien. The masks consist of a double or quadruple thickness of gauze made to cover the nose and mouth and sup plied with four strings at tbe back to secure the mask in place. A noticeable spread of the disease among the young women caring for those afflicted with influenza lias per haps been due to lack of the simple pre caution of keeping the mouth and nose covered, according to Mrs. Alien, lids precaution is thought so 'necessary that in some cities all persons going out upon the street, are compelled to wear their masks and are liable to !>•■ accosted by n policeman if the masks are lacking. San Francisco is using the gauze mask scheme ns are a number of eastern l il ies, whose health officers believe tins to be an effective move in the control of the influenza germ which is curried by the breath through the nose-and the throat. 16 Dozen IViasKS mano. About 1(5 dozen musks have already been made by the women who have worked for several afternoons, and more will he made if the need arises. Dr. John F. Hovard, head of the student health committee, has charge of the dis tribution of the masks, and if is 'the present plan to use those for I Diversity nurses and attendants, although the wo men working under the direction of Mrs. Allen have expressed their willingness to make any number of the masks as they are needed. Following are the names of some of the women who have given their time to making the masks: Mrs. l’ercy Adams, Mrs. A. F. Cas well, Mrs. Warren I!. Smith, Mrs. ('. II. Edmondson, Mrs. ltrown, Mrs. Andrew Fish, Mrs. A. 15. Sweetser. Mrs. F. L. Shinn, Miss Helen Shinn, Mrs. E. I.. Knapp, Mrs. 15. ('lark. Mrs. .1. II (iilbert, Mrs. E. 1*. I,.vans, Mrs. I’aek ard, Mrs. Hitler. Mrs. West, Mrs. Ilub bell and Mrs. Allen. S. A. T. C. Men May Wear Thom Members of the S. A. T. here were ordered to wear gauze masks during the influenza epidemic if the situation seem etl to warrant it, in a telegram receiv ed yesterday morning from S. A. T. C. headtjuarters at Sau Kraneiseo. Colonel W. H. C. Howen, after consultation with Dr. W. it. Neal, contract army sur geon, in charge of the influenza eases among S. A. T. C. men, decided that such steps were not necessary at the I’uiversity at this time. “The epidemic is practically over ns far as the Students’ Army Training Corps men are concerned,’’ said the t "1 ouel this morning. The telegram read in part: “Members of this command at station where in fluenza exists in epidemic form will wear suitably constructed gauze masks while in close contact with comrades «>v other persons. Organization command ers will sec that each member of his command is provided with three masks and that they are kept in proper sunk tary condition. The existence of in flu - puzu in epidemic form and the termina tion of such epidemic are to he deter mined by local commanding officers in consultation with medical officers. PHI BETA KAPPA WANTED University Applies for Chapter of f Scholarship Society. The University has applied for n chap ter of Phi Beta Kappa to the senate of the fraternity which will meet and give Its decision in March, PH9. If the sen ate's recommendation is favorable, and the grand council, which meets in Oeto 1 er, 1919. upholds the senate’s decision, the Pnlversity will bo granted the chap ter. Men of the faculty who are members of Pld Beta Kappa met yesterday with President P. 1 . Campbell to fill out blanks giving the requirements of the University r< gar.ling entrance, number of credits required for graduation and details of the courses here as well as of the different dep; rttuents and schools. Five endorsements are necessary for each chapter applying. The University pf Oregon has the endorsements of the Universities of U.iUforn \V hinston. Colored), Kansas, Colorado College. Colgate University, New York, and ('.tin Bell, Iowa. The University sent in its first ap plication in 1910. hut it r< a. hed the senate too late for consideration. The senate and council meet once every three renrs, Announcement has been made of the coming marriage of Paula Linnt0 Charles Dundore, Saturday, October *.6. The ceremony is to be held in • liss Ratlin’s School in Portland, where Miss Linn was a student two years ago. Both were students at the T mversity ]ast Vpar Miss Linn was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta and Mu Phi Epsilon. Mr. Dundore of Portland, and a member of the Kappa Sigma fraternity, He is a flying cadet in the Mather I ield School. Sacramento, Cal. ♦ * * Mr. and Mrs. It. U. Steel,,uist and children, of Albany, motored to Lugene ... * *> "“i <5 ; ; ter’s mother, Mrs. M. M. ^ tb city. Mrs. Steclquist is a graduate of the University and a member of Chi Omega sorority. * * * Mr and Mrs. Dean Walker were din „ *« «|» ih nc n, i.~»» Wednesday evening. ^ Elmo Madden is spending the week at hi, home in Seattle while recovering horn the influenza. * * * Helen Nelson returned Wednesday from Pendleton. Emma Wootton Hall, -ho has been ill with the influenza, is reported to be nineli better. » * * Wile Evans has returned to the cam pus from her home in Portland. * * * Monde Carloek and Eva Hutchison left for their homes in Portland, where they will spend the week. * * * Dinar guests at the Kappa Alpha Tho house Wednesday evening won Miss Spnfford and Muss ^ Mildred Brown. Margaret Kubli has returned from Portland, where she spent the week end recovering from the influenza. * * * Mrs. Tom Campbell Jr. and Myrtle Boss have returned from Portland, where they spent the week. * * * ITlen Case has returned to her home in Tillamook. She will not return this Margaret Jones has left for her home iri oVofino. Idaho, where she will spend sM'vornl ivooks. ♦ * * Mnrgnrt Mansfield returned this morning to her home in Portland for u short visit. Bntli Nash has been discharged from the Infirmary and is back at the Delta (lamina house. * * * Helen' "Wells. ’17. who is teaching nvn them a ties in the Oakland high school, is spending the week with her mint, Miss Mary MeOornnek. * * * Ray Dunn, who enlisted in the na vy Inst veiir and is now stationed in Bremerton, was in Eugene Monday and Tuesday on business. * * * Captain 11, T.. TSussell was a dinner guest of Kappa Kappa Gamma last night. Elsie Bain. ex't.T is on the campus today en route to Astoria, where she will lie this winter in the First National Bank. She lias been teaching school in Montana. She is a member of Kappa Alpha Theta and a sister of Lyle Bain, n junior. PRAYER WEEK NOV. 10 to 16 Y. W. C. A. World Over to Unite In Movement. \ world fellowship week of prayer under the direction o the missionary committee is to lie observed by the \. \\\ \. from November 10 to Iti. This is a nation-wide movement among the women and a calendar has been issued hr the Foreign department of the Na tional Hoard of Young Women's Chris tian Associations with a definite out line for united prayer. This calendar says: "Prayer accom plishes more than work. It is the great est force in the world today, and the least used." Sunday, November It', the women take up a discussion of the World's Young Women's Christian Association, and are asked to pray for 1 a deeper sympathy between women of all classes and lands, " all women that they may know their best friend, Jesus Christ, o the World’s Hxeoutivo Committee and the secret*- : ries. Monday the subject of "Afrioa" and prayers are asked for all women in all forms of work; women in the fields, w men in professions, industries, schools and Collettes, busiu -s. homes. Christian work, and for u uner who are tempted, sad, unfortunate and lonely and for the i Uttle sisters. Tuesday the subject is "The Ameri cas." Wednesday "Asm,” Thursday "Aus- j tralasia,” Friday “Europe,” and Satur day the women are asked to pray for all men in battle, men in hospitals, men convalescing, men who are tempted, men who are lonely, and men who do not know the Great Friend. No definite plans have yet been for mulatd by the missionary committee with Ami Lagos as chairman, but lenders for each day will be appointed and announced later. UNIVERSITY TO HELP EIYTERT1 SOLDIERS Slides, Lectures and Concerts Will Amuse Spruce Division Men. Major T. A. Mills, who is in charge of the Lyceum section of the spruce divi sion in the Northwest has requested the Extension Division of the University of Oregon to provide film and slide service for the .‘10,000 men n the spruce camps of Die Northwest. I here are about 120 sets of slide*? and films available at the Extension Di vision and they have asked the National Bureau of Economics at Washington, D. to furnish more slides and films for the entertainment of the men in the spruce divisins. '1 he school of music and department of dramatic interpretation have been asked by the Extension Division to co operate in providing entertaining pro grams of music and speaking. Accord ing to Dr. J. .T, Landsbury of the School of Music no definite plans have yet been made as to what the School of Music will do but they expect to send out a ladies trio under the ckaperonnge of Mrs. Beck or the Woman’s (Her Club. She will also lead the men in commu nity singing during one-linlf of the pro gram. The Extension Division also plans to send out lecturers from the University whose expenses will be borne by the Y. M. C. A. A complete list has not .vet been compiled but the following pro fessors of the University will probably be nsked to go, according to .T. C. Almack, acting head of tin' Extension Division: Dr. ,T. II. Gilbert. Dr. IT. D. Sheldon, Dr. E. S. Conklin. Dr. B. W. DeBusk, Dr. E. S. Bates and Professor Peter Croekatt. COLLINS IS TO INSTRUCT Bussell E. Collins, ex-’lG, student in structor in the school of architecture in 1914, has recently received a captain’s commission in the balloon observation corps at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, where he has been an instructor in aviation. He expects to be assigned to a camp in Cal ifornia soon. Mr. Collins is a member uf the Sigma Nu fraternity. Leslie Slade’s first novel, “Claire.” was begun in serial form in the Octo ber 4 number of the All-Story Week ly. It wiJI he published in lunik form by Doran A- Company this spring. Blades graduated from the University in the class of ’10 and took his M. A. in ’17. CATHARl HEILIG First Fatality Among Women; Military Guard Escorts Body to Train. Catherine Heilig. 20 years old, of Portland, sophomore in the University, died of pneumonia, following an attack of influenza, Tuesday evening at the Mercy hospital, making the first fatal ity among the girls at the University. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James €. Hei lig, w-ere at her bedside, having fome from Portland Monday, when Miss l4ei lig’s condition became serious. She had been ill only a wek, and her condition Tuesday afternoon was thought to be improving, but she soon relapsed. Miss Ileilig was popular with her classmates, prominent in campus and social activities. She was a member of the Chi Omega sorority. Her father is auditor of the Heilig [Theater in Portland. She leaves two brothers, .John, now in the service in France, and James, who i is at home in Portland. The body was escorted to the Oregon Electric train for Portland at 1:40 o’clock yesterday afternoon by a mili tary guard of S. A. T. C. officers and men. Funeral services will be held in Portland. ARAHAM ROSENBERG BACK 1 Abraham Rosenberg returned yester [ day from a week’s furlough spent in Portland following his release from hospital where he was confined with the Spanish influenza. The Architectural Department is in peed of young men who will pose for the Life Class on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7 to 10 p. m. Will pay fifty cents an hour. Apply Professor Schroff’s studio. I i Favorite Resort of Student Dinner Dances Teas and Banquets a Specialty OLD EYES Are a Serious Handicap to Young People. E y e s are prematurely aged when drugs are used in testing them. Besides, a drugged eye does not see naturally. The muscles are paralyzed, the optical ad justment destroyed. Moody’s T>oep Curra Kn ptok. Looses Art Bttw WATCH AND EYE ADJUSTMENTS Suppose your watch required regulating. Would any jeweler take out the main-spring and balance in order to test its timekeeping qualities? It is equally absurd and doubly harmful to paralyze the eye mechanism in testing the sight. WE DO NOT HARM EYES TO HELP THEM—WE JUST HELP THEM. Ten thousand pleased patrons certify to our success. SHERMAN W. MOODY Brin£ Your Prescriptions Here. EYE SIGHT SPECIALIST AND OPTICIAN 881 Willamette Street Factory on Premises. Rex Floral Co. Phone 962. Rex Theater Building. LKA DISC, FLORISTS All kinds of Cut Flowers and Plants. IMPERIAL CLEANERS Phone 392. 47 Seventh Ave. E. Try the Varsity Barber Shop Eleventh Ave. and Alder St. Near the Campus. Ultra Styles—Maximum of Values in Women's and Misses Dresses The newest New York creations shown in different styles for various occasions and for almost every kind of figure—for the young miss or her mother; for the slender ■woman or stout. Included you’ll see smart Jerseys, serviceable serges and attractive silks and satin dresses. All economically priced—all guar anteed to be honestly fnade of excel lent materials that will give you ser vice. Come in and see them and try them on. You will never appreciate them until you see yourself in one before a mirror. Priced SI8.59 to 845,00 WEISS Grocery"* Co. If il is Good to Eat, we have it. We make a specialty of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. Our Phone Is 183. Everything Electrical LAMPS FLASH LIGHTS HEATERS CHAFFING DISHES TOASTERS And dozens of other useful things. Come in and see them The Electric Store “Across from the Rex.” i i